for some reason i am unable to contract/expand my selection area when i highlight the entire area. I havent had any problem with this before. Does anybody have any idea what may fix this? perhaps i hit a wrong button or something.
I love the width tool but when I try to use it on a custom brush I am unable to isolate one side or the other to expand/contract. I'm assuming the behavior should be the same as when used on a basic stroke. Is this a bug?
What does it mean when Illustrator v.15.1.0 ceases to contract a shape using offset paths and will only expand a shape? Seems like only yesterday I could render both ways. Wait a minute, it was only yesterday! Why would it suddenly stop funtioning?
We have the following problem / bug and i was wondering if others can reproduce it.
(IV2013, SP1.1)
When adding a new sub-assembly to an existing ipn, the newly added assembly doesn't have the + sign to expand it. (see image)
1. create a part. (anything will do) - Part1 2. make an assembly and add Part1 a few times. - Assembly1 3. make another assembly and add Assembly1 a couple of times. - Assembly2 4. create a presentation file with Assembly2, add a tweak for good measure. - Assembly2.ipn 5. Save the ipn. (and any other unsaved files) 6. now go back to Assembly2 and add another instance of Assembly1. 7. look at the presentation again, if it's the same as our situation there shouldn't be a + next to the newly added instance.
The problem is that after using my select all, or using the marquee tool (tried both ways) to draw the selection my contract option is still grayed out it (like most everyone else has said). Only difference is, it was WORKING fine 30 min ago, I've used it many times while working on numerous documents and now all of the sudden it wont work on anything. I havn't made any changes to any prefs, but maybe I hit a hotkey and locked something? I remember when my define pattern was grayed out, I read a post where I clicked one simple option and voila it was back to normal...something with a spacebar shortcut I think?
I have Photoshop V7. When I open an image, then go to the image toolbar - 'adjustments' - auto colour/contract, my image goes white. Needless to say I have tried to correct this without success. I tried uninstalling the program and re-installed it but I still have the same problem.
I have a path that turned out to be a litt ethicker than it needs to be.
I see that I can expand a path with Offset Path. I have read online that you can contract a path by entering a negative number, but when I try that, it ignores the minus sign and expends the path instead.
How to create a work plane, say, in the middle of solid while editing, to use the extend and contract commands using IV2014? I'd like to avoid using Fusion as an option if possible. This should really be an easy thing to pull off as many STLs are now available for 3D printing but simply need a quick stretch here and there to print accurately.
way to expand portions of clothes in a picture. For example in this picture, I want to know if it is possible to make the uniform of the girl look like a long sleeve uniform.
is there any reason why if I use SELECT ALL, that when I goto SELECT, MODIFY, everything except BORDER is grayed out?
Using PS:CS on WinXP Pro. For the time being, I have to use the ARROW KEYS to move off the document border, and then CONTRACT (now available) and then use the ARROW KEYS to move it back where I want...
I'm creating a sign. I started from a font, then converted the text to a shape to provide the sign maker with vector art.
Some of the lettering is metal-like mounted on a dark acrylic backing that 's supposed to create a 3D stroke-like effect. In the original design I actually had a stroke on the lettering to mock up the effect. But now, in order to seperately cut the letters and the backing, the sign maker needs vector art for both the metal-like lettering AND the backing pieces, which extend another 1/8" beyond the metal-like in every direction.
I duplicated that shape to create the background. The background needs to be 1/8" bigger in EVERY direction, so that when the metal-like letter is mounted on top of it, the brown background will create a stroke effect:
I need to grow every border of this brown B by the same amount--the exterior as well as the 2 interior edges--so that when the yellow B (above) is placed on top of it, the brown shows a 1/8 "stroke" around the yellow B. I tried doing a straight transform, but that doesn't achieve the desired result. Another poster in the forum (answering a similar question) suggested using Modify > Expand, but I can't get that to work (the command is greyed out for some reason).
I have several *.jpg product drawings to which I want to add text (e.g., product name). I open the image and the image drawing fills the space (canvas?). I want to 'pull down' the bottom border to allow inclusion of text.
I'm using CS4 on the Mac. A feature that I use quite a bit is expand selection.
When I do an expand selection even on a simple shape like a square the selection expands but the new selection has chamfered corners, or angled corners. I don't want this I just want clean 90 degree corners.
I've tried everything I can think of to change this, I've even returned to the factory defaults and it still does it.
For some simple selections you can just modify it manually but for more complex ones you can't.
I am using Designer Pro 6 and suddenly my flyouts will not work. what might have been pressed . I have re started both the computer and xara to no avail.
For a number of documents I inherited from someone else, I'm having trouble expanding layers. The topmost layers appear, show proper thumbnails, and are named appropriately. However, there is no little "disclosure triangle" or whatever that thing is called that allows you to expand the layer and see sublayers and items. I've tried duplicating this behavior with other documents and with a new document, but the problem only occurs with these certain files.
The files were created in v13 of AI, and I'm using v17 (CC) to open them.
If this is some sort of bug? I tried using "Locate Object" to force the layer expansion, to no avail. I also tried "Release to Layers" commands, also to no avail.
I use Paint.NET for cut background from photos of Mask for this nice project: Masks In photoshop i can use expand selection for cutting 1 pixel more then i just selected. In Paint.Net i usualy skip this step and images has white/black thread around the mask.
Example: [URL]...
How to correct this problem, is there way to expand selection for 1-3 pixels ?
I'm using the 16.0.0 version of Illustrator CS6 and i'm really new to it. Under the Object menu, I cannot find any Expand-function that I've been told should be found there. Is this option only appearing in object menu during certain circumstances?
I have a question about expanding appearance and multiply. I work in print-on-demand, and one of the limitations is that we can not use multiply on artwork. In order to achieve a similar appearance, when I receive these kinds of files, I flatten transparency, and that will sear in the way the multiply effect is interacting with the other elements of the same art file. (in the example below there are no interacting elements) However, if it is intended to interact with the background, I have to fiddle with the cmyk values (adding k) and opacity level until it is as close as possible. It is time-consuming.
we use 'expand appearnce' instead, and I tried it once and it worked! It did all the legwork for me; it spit out a different cmyk value and opacity level that mimics the effect of multiply, so I don't have to calculate it manually. However, I can't get it to work again. Illustrator thinks it is already its simplest form of appearance and will not expand it further. I've tried adding another effect and expanding but it will only expand the effect and keep the multiply.
Maybe she and I were both tripping when we thought it worked once? how to expand the appearance of multiply? Here's a picture of the 3 methods I'm speaking to: on the left is multiply, the center is flattened transparency, and the right is achieving a similar effect of multiply with opacity & color build.
My lightroom WAS working perfectly - I have not been able to expand the export menu (to view the other options such as resizing and whatnot) I am completely NEW to lightroom so I am wondering if I did something to screw it up but i did a full reinstall and it still isn't working the arrows show up along the side to expand it - but it will not expand?
Im placing multiple instances of composition A into composition B. I've applied various filters to each instance of composition A. I would like to "expand" each instance of composition A within compoistion B so that I can alter each element seperately.