Photoshop :: Torn Paper
Nov 6, 2006When you tear a paper, you get that uneven thing at the edges of it. How do I do that?
View 1 RepliesWhen you tear a paper, you get that uneven thing at the edges of it. How do I do that?
View 1 RepliesThis is my first post here, and it looks like I have found a pretty good information exchange. Thanks to those that made it possible.
Ok, on to my question. I have been trying for week to make a background similar to the one on this site A torn paper background, with a repeating part of it, so it will expand as needed, and it all fits together.
Really I would like to have it have a bit more character like this or this, but we will get to that later.
i was trying to make an e-card for xmas and came out with the one attached, my problem was to find a torn paper image to make the brush to create the effect.
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow does one create an edge on a photograph that looks like it is torn?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI created the torn paper effect on a screen print using CS5.Â
How can I use this same modified image to create a mask that I can use on other screen prints?
I would like to get the torn paper effect in PS2.
Let me explain what I am trying to do. I have a photo of a large sunflower which I have completed post production on, sized, color corrected, retouched, and, ready to print 12" x 18" on my Epson printer.
Now, I want to make a more artistic version by "tearing" a dupe into several sections of various sizes and manipulate the colors in each section.
I want to then layer each section over corresponding area of the original photo and flattening the image into one.
The tears do not need to be "jagged." However, some will be squares, rectangular and other shapes.
when i do callouts for trial demonstratives i would like to use a torn edge look . . . can't figure out how to accomplish this. anyone?
View 4 Replies View Relatedcan you create a torn edged effect to an image easily? i am making a collage on photoshop that i want to look like it has been done with papaer and paste.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've seen a lot of design work such as the piece below using a rough "torn" border.
I'd also like to learn a bit about the ornamentation around the title and artist name. You know the gold foil looking stuff. I imagine they pulled it off of a belt buckle or something and then filled it accordingly.
I am trying to make a collage for a project and I need the pictures to have torn edges. Since I am using the original photos, I can't exactly tear them to pieces to get the look I am going for. So, please let me know if there is a good way to go about doing it in photoshop!
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I change image edges to look torn or have a different look to them, for instance, instead of being normally pointed, can I make a curve to them?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI seen this image and I want to do this could anyone tell me how this was done or if it's just a filter that does this. If so what filter.
View 7 Replies View Relatedhow to get the ripped up wrinkly graphics look displayed in movie graphics such as Pulp Fiction and Grindhouse?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have found torn paper, torn edges....etc,but I would like torn/ripped FABRIC i.e: a t shirt with tears in it...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was hoping you all could help me with a problem I am having. I am doing a layout for my wife, and I want to use the torn or ragged edge effect, but don’t really know how to create it. If anyone knows how, or better, can point me to a tutorial online that show you how to do it, it would be deeply appreciated.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create a circle that has torn, jagged looking edges but can't figure out how to do it. I thought I could apply a brush but they are greyed out. The brushed do work when I hit pen and draw a freeform circle but then the circle is not perfect.
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhen i open photoshop elements 11 my thumbnails are displayed but then they quickly turn into an hourglass and then disappear and turn into a torn/ripped/broken page/photo icon.. i have tried refreshing, updating thumbnail, repairing cache, erasing cache, unistalling and reinstalling.. even tried too import same folder of photos on tw different computers and had the same problem. also, i can see the humbnails in windows explorer so i know the files are not corrupt or damaged.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been learning elements 9 and when i save an edit lots of times the organizer shows it as a torn or broken photo. When i bring it back into full edit, the picture is there but sometime i get the wrong one as i can not see the photo.
The save or save as did not automaicly put in the suffix. Added that and it showed up. Maybe some one more advanced than i can collaborate that finding.
I am useing a Canon Pro 9000 MKII and when I try to print 11x14 paper, it will not alow custom paper size. The Canon printer driver does have custom size but it does not show up in printer settings.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get a certain effect like a photo I came across. You'll notice that around the edges of the photo it looks like it's crumbling away, or breaking away. That's the effect I am trying to get.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using version 7, I'm trying to create a curled paper effect then paste an image on the "paper". A couple of web sites suggested creating a rectangle then create a path or something like that and then using the pen tool and the "handles" manipulate the corners. I'm not sure if I have the terminology correct but the problem is that when I create the rectangle and go to add the path (the icon looks like a circle with handles on it) it's grayed out and can not be selected and manually creating a path with the pen tool doesn't work.
View 5 Replies View RelatedQÂ Â I am trying to set the paper size for a H 30cm x W 80cm image using roll paper on an Epson R3000 printer. Computer Dell I7 64b and using Elements 9.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to create the effect of ripped or torn metal. The effect is a piece of metal with a hole in the middle and very irregular curled up bits of metal around the edges of the irregular shaped hole.
My problem is I dont know how to start off. Should I start with a solid piece of metal (a very thin box) and then create the hole after that or should I create mesh that is similar to the end shape.
I dont have any plugins but I would buy if they could speed up this process. I looked at FumeFX but it appears to be for animation and i dont want any animation. The output is for graphic design.
I found this on Turbosquid [URL] ...
I'm using MaxDesign 2013 and 2014. Both have the same problem. When I work on something that is scaled for an architectural sized project with units set to Feet and the extents about 1000 Feet the display is difficult to work with. The objects, mostly simple boxes, are torn and missing faces. Intersections are sawtooth.
A few years ago I had the issue but I had mistakenly created a model that was miles wide instead of inches and Max had a hard time with it. Once I recreated it in the correct scale at about 10 inches all was well. But, Max is used a lot for architecture so a scale in feet that spans a few thousand feet should look good. The way it looks now there is no way to evaluate intersections, shadows and simple geometry relationships.
I can't seem to correct it. I went back to Direct3D from Nitrous and that didn't work. I've attached a view.
3ds Max Design (3D Studio thru Max 2014), ASUS P9X79 Motherboard,
Intel i7-3960x, Hydro H80 CPU Chiller, 32GB DDR3 Ram,
Quadro 4000 Display Adapter
When I print 11 x 17 paper on Epson R2880 in LR the image begins printing before the leading edge of the paper reaches the printerhead (not prininting borderless.) Only happens in LR and not PS. I am using the LR paper standards for borders.Â
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow i can insert a new paper size or edit a paper size in plotting
View 2 Replies View Relatedi've a problm with my cs5, i can't rotate the paper. i've already tried to ability OPENGL, but i can't do this cause I can't select it. it depends on my graphic card? I've a RADEON HD 6770M. I've tried to download the latest driver of the card, but nothing, it doesn't work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI was surfing the internet and found this picture. I really wonder how they bent the paper like that. If you guys could help me figure out, I would be able to bend other images to make cool stuff.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDoes anyone know how to make a paper clip in Photoshop or can anyone point me to a tutorial on how to make one?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhat im trying to find is a tutorial on how to create a lifted paper effect... where an image looks like it has a slight curl on it at one corner - but doesnt actually curl up and around.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI need a program on which I can create a mockup of commercial wrapping paper. By that I mean something that will accommodate the huge (like 23x40) size of the average sheet of wrapping paper.
Can Photoshop do this? I don't even have the program yet . . because I need to find out if Photoshop is the best program to do it in.