Photoshop :: Retrieve Previous Saves After Files Are Closed?
Mar 16, 2013
I had 8 psd files open, all with many layers and wanted to make a copy of each one, change resolution to 72 and save as a jpeg. I accidentlly hit the wrong action and all the psd files were flattened, changed to 72 res and closed. Is there anyway to retrieve a previous save to get back the layered files? CS6 Extended and Windows 7
I'm always fighting memory problems with Photoshop CS6, which I work in for 5 to 8 hours every day. I have a 27" iMac with a 3.4GHz i7 processor, 32GB of RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6970M with 2GB Ram and over 1.5TB of available scratch disk space. After working thru a couple of large images I have to start monitoring RAM use via Activity Monitor and reclaiming RAM via Terminal very often in order to continue working.
I believe something strange is happening in the background because very often, when I start a new session, PS "recovers" a "large format document"... one that was properly closed in a previous session, and one that I have not asked PS to open. I feel like my whole memory usage issue is tied to the system somehow holding onto those "large format documents".
I cannot save my previous files created on a student version to an upgraded 2014 version. I tried changing the save as path in the options menu, but no luck. I am able to open the file in the upgraded version but it states that it will open as a student version. Also I cannot copy and paste anything from the student version to the upgraded one. Not sure why.
as a web-developer i'm working with PNG files alot. Since the release of Photoshop CC i always need to go back to CS6 for saving what i did in CC. I thought maybe it's just an early bug which will be fixed soon but still nothing and annoying. Maybe i missed something and there is a benefit in this bigger files? So here is a short discription...
When saving a PNG file ( file > save as > PNG > Compression: Smallest/Slow and Interlaced: None )
the files saved in Photoshop CC are about 17kb bigger compared to the saving in Photoshop CS6
A former 0,3kb PNG file gets saved with 17kb in Photoshop CC.
I use the English Windows 64bit Version of Photoshop CS6 and CC.
Resetting the User Setting with the the F8 key didn't solve the problem. Once the user gets caught up on a couple projects I'll try to update the version to SP3 and the hotfix.
When I want to save a jpeg file into the same folder I opened I click 'save as' and the wrong folderopens but with the correct file number I am working on ready to save.I have to search in pictures and re-open the correct folder to save into.
The photo also appears in the wrong folder and I have to delete it from there.I have been using PS3 for years and this has just started happening for no reason.
I am using Mac OS X 10.8.2, Lightroom 4.3 and Photoshop Elements 11.When I choose to edit an image with PSE from within Lightroom, it automatically saves a PSD image for in the directory that the raw file was in.
I have a defined directory structure for raw, psd, tiff, jpg etc.I would like Lightroom to give me the option of where this PSD file is saved but am unable to see how this can be done.Of course I can save the image in PSE in the directory that I choose, but then I have 2 psd images and I have to delete 1.
Is it possible to tell Lightroom where this initial PSD image should be placed.
I have a user in my group that is hesitant to upgrade to 2012 because , he has many lisp routines that are associated with the PREVIOUS selection feature. This selection is very useful in that when you are moving or selecting many objects you can enter P for previous and the object will be selected.
In 2009, when you select objects then hit escape, then try to execute a command requesting to use the Previous, AutoCAD will remember the last selected object and then highlight it.
In 2012, when you select objects then hit escape, then try to execute a command using P for previous, it will not highlight the previous object selected but will highlight the previous object where a command was executed on.
Hope I haven't lost you. It seems there should be a setting under SELECTION of how to manipulate the Previous selection feature.
I use an iMac, Lion OS and Lightroom3. I store all my photo files (approx. 50,000) on a Drobo RAID system. Apple replaced my iMac HD. I connected an external 750GB G-Drive for Time Machine back-up. Since there was not sufficient memory on the G-Drive, I set the Time Maching to ignore my Picures. After moving the pictures over to the Drobo and deleting the Pictures on the iMac HD, my Lightroom files went missing. I used the Locate File option to find one of the missing files. Before I initiated this, the folder in the library showed 640 files. After locating the missing file, the folder shows 0 files. The missing file is now showing and available.
Trying to redo a disc I did in 2006 on a previous program. When I go to capture and then import, it shows 2 files, title and chapter. They are both the exact same thing? Is there any particular reason for this?
Have new computer 64 bit with dual drives (C: 111GB, E:1.36 TB) . C. drive operates Win 7. Do I install CS 6 and LR4.1 program on E drive along with catalog including phtos? or put CS^ and LR on C: and catalog and pictures on E:
I have used PEDIT to join multiple polylines, which now appear as polylines. But when I use QSELECT to show all open (non-closed) section, one polyline still shows up as open.
I've attached the file I'm working on. The polyline in question is the green outline on the object on the right.
The memory the program is using balloons over time because it does not release memory after you close files. In the course of a day, the memory the program uses gets into the 8-10 GB range (we have very large files such as vehicle wraps and large full color signage). The program will start and occupy under 100mb of memory and then when you open a file it will allocate the memory for that file (say 1 GB). Then when you close that file, the memory isn't released or even re-addressed (it just seems to be in limbo at that point). So after 2 dozen or so files the memory the app is taking up gets into the multi-gigabyte range....even without a single file open (the app is running with no open documents).
Now the system I am running has 12GB of ram, so I am not running out of memory yet, but it is still quite alarming to look and see only 2 GB of ram free on a 12GB system with no open files...
I cannot imagine why the programmers wouldn't have the app release the memory it's using. That seems like really sloppy coding to me. (programming 101: when your app is done with memory, release it.).
The system configuration is as follows:
Core i7 980X 3.33Ghz (6 physical cores with hyperthreading), 12 GB RAM, 4-way RAID-0 SSD HDD array, Windows 7 64-bit, Corel Suite x6 (updated to 6.3).
I am trying to import a complex curve from autocad lt (in my case an airfoil), to create parts. I have drawn the curve in autocad lt as a polyline. Autocad lt treats the curve as a single object, and seems to understand it as a closed loop.
When I import the curve into Inventor lt, Inventor treats the curve as a series of unconnected line segments. What can I do in either Autocad lt or Inventor lt to get Inventor to treat the curve as a single object, so that I can then extrude it?
I transferred my LR3 files from my WD hard drive to my new Lacie Thunderbolt drive and now I can only get the preview and it says the file is missing. Is there a setting I need to change that I am not aware of?
I thought id try out the new cs4 trial, now ive designed a design that is RGB8, 10,000 pixels x 8000 and 600 dpi and the only thing I can save as is PSB, TIFF and RAW. I need this to be EPS for my printer,
I'm looking for plugins for Photoshop CC, I have a full license and need a plugin for jpg / png saves, Super PNG is installed in my plugins folder but it still doesn't give me the option to save. I'm just trying to type a font and save it .
Whenever I try and Save As a jpeg PS saves the image as a tiff. I have to Save As a jpg200 to get a regular jpg file. Why this suddenly started happening and more importantly how to rectify it?
When I make a picture it looks how I want it to but when I save it and open it up in my browser it looks WAY darker than when I was working on it! How can I stop Photoshop from doing this?
My Photoshop CS always saves as .PSD. Even Jpeg/PNG files. The thing is, when I re-open them it says it's in an invalid PSD format. I change the extension .PSD to .PNG and it works fine (if it was saved as PNG).
I've got an all type logo saved as a PNG and need it in different sizes. How can keep the spacing and type customization from the original logo and generate versions with a smaller (or bigger) type size?
I have Photoshop CS6 installed on my Macbook pro, os x lion, I read the other threads saying to delete plug ins from older versions of PS or third party softwares and I'm pretty sure I got them all but the problem persists.
I ran the system info option and the last 2 lines are this Plug-ins that failed to load:
Lighting Effects NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Lighting Effects.plugin” Variations NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Variations.plugin”
I finished my work on an image but when I save it and view it in windows photo viewer the image is much much sharper than inside photoshop( at 100%). (using CS6 on windows 7)