Photoshop :: How To Resize A Logo Saves As PNG

Mar 1, 2013

I've got an all type logo saved as a PNG and need it in different sizes. How can keep the spacing and type customization from the original logo and generate versions with a smaller (or bigger) type size?

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Photoshop :: How To Resize JPG Logo

May 3, 2012

I've been given a rather large jpg file containing a client's logo.  The dimensions are huge - 6299 x 1890.  I need to resize the image without losing clarity.  What steps must I take to do this?  Is Photoshop the best place to handle this task, or is Illustrator a better fit?

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Resize And Change Transparency Of Logo

Mar 6, 2014

Just had a logo designed and would like to add it to my existing photos.  How do I resize and change the transparency of the logo when applying it to an existing photo.  Everything I have tried so far the logo just covers the picture and I can't move it or resize it much less change the transparency.  I am an amatuer and really don't want to put out the big bucks for photoshop itself.

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Illustrator :: How To Resize Logo In AI File For Use On Webpage

Sep 5, 2013

I got my logo and the online company  sent it in low resolution, I asked for the proper resolution for my web page and the company sent me this :
The AI (Vector) file(s) in the zip file are to be utilized for all high-res. And commercial printing applications.  It is an Adobe Illustrator file and can only be opened and/or utilized if you have this professional design software.  All commercial printers will have access to utilize these files.
I got the adobe illustrator and I am trying to fix the logo and just can not get the size.

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InDesign :: How To Resize A Logo To Place On A Business Card

Apr 1, 2014

I am trying to resize a logo to place on a business card. When I insert the logo and hit ctrl+shift to resize with the cornerbox I shrink it and the box becomes smaller but the image stays the same size. So pretty much it is merely just zooming into the logo and cutting off the picture. It is a jpeg. file. Beginner at InDesign here.

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Illustrator :: How To Resize Using A Logo Made With Extrude And Bevel Effect

Feb 4, 2014

I design flags for people and have worked with Illustrator for just over a year. Most logo's I've worked are 2D and I've never had any issues that I could overcome ( I learn as I go along) however  I have been given a logo which has the Extrude & Bevel effect on (which I haven't worked with before) (see first image). I have to make this logo much bigger but when i do it stretches and reshapes the logo. (see 2nd image).
The  scale stroke & effect box, is checked. I am working in CS6. So how do I resize this logo proportionately?

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Illustrator :: Resize Rotate And Reposition Logo Within Object Using Warp / Vanishing Point

Aug 21, 2013

How do I resize, rotate and reposition a logo within a Photoshop object using Warp and/or Vanishing Point? This may be a Photoshop question.

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Photoshop :: Drag Resize Doesn't Resize Dual Brushes

Dec 18, 2008

It has come to my attention that the new drag-resize feature only changes the master diameter of the brush but leaves the dual-brush diameter intact. It is the only shortcut that does this resizing improperly.

I would like to know if everyone else experiences the same problem. Is it a bug or is this way of resizing intended?

I mainly do digital paintings and this small bug makes the feature useless for me. I hope that it will be fixed at least in cs5.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Only Saves PSB?

May 31, 2009

I thought id try out the new cs4 trial, now ive designed a design that is RGB8, 10,000 pixels x 8000 and 600 dpi and the only thing I can save as is PSB, TIFF and RAW. I need this to be EPS for my printer,

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Photoshop :: GIF Only Saves 3 Frames?

Jun 7, 2013

This is my second time making a gif and the last time it worked wonderfully... this time I'm having trouble saving it; it only saves 3 frames.

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Photoshop :: Plugin For JPG / PNG Saves For CC

Jun 4, 2013

I'm looking for plugins for Photoshop CC, I have a full license and need a plugin for jpg / png saves, Super PNG is installed in my plugins folder but it still doesn't give me the option to save. I'm just trying to type a font and save it .

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Photoshop :: Why CS6 Crashes When It Saves

Nov 10, 2012

I'm not sure why Photoshop CS6 crashes when it saves. Here is the debugging info. 
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:          APPCRASH
  Application Name:          Photoshop.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:          4f61c045
  Fault Module Name:          aticfx64.dll
  Fault Module Version:
  Fault Module Timestamp:          50525d73


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Photoshop :: CC Saves PNG Files Too Big

Jul 27, 2013

as a web-developer i'm working with PNG files alot. Since the release of Photoshop CC i always need to go back to CS6 for saving what i did in CC. I thought maybe it's just an early bug which will be fixed soon but still nothing and annoying. Maybe i missed something and there is a benefit in this bigger files? So here is a short discription...
When saving a PNG file ( file > save as > PNG > Compression: Smallest/Slow and Interlaced: None )

the files saved in Photoshop CC are about 17kb bigger compared to the saving in Photoshop CS6
A former 0,3kb PNG file gets saved with 17kb in Photoshop CC.
I use the English Windows 64bit Version of Photoshop CS6 and CC.

Screenshot of both files:

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Photoshop :: JPG Saves As TIFF?

May 9, 2013

Whenever I try and Save As a jpeg PS saves the image as a tiff. I have to Save As a jpg200 to get a regular jpg file. Why this suddenly started happening and more importantly how to rectify it?

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Photoshop :: Saves It To Dark...

Aug 19, 2003

When I make a picture it looks how I want it to but when I save it and open it up in my browser it looks WAY darker than when I was working on it! How can I stop Photoshop from doing this?

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Photoshop :: Always Saves As .PSD, Even When I Select JPG/PNG

Apr 18, 2004

My Photoshop CS always saves as .PSD. Even Jpeg/PNG files. The thing is, when I re-open them it says it's in an invalid PSD format. I change the extension .PSD to .PNG and it works fine (if it was saved as PNG).

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Photoshop :: Netscape Logo Replaces PS Logo

Jun 10, 2008

when I browse image files I find that the Photoshop/Adobe logo has been replaced by the Netscape logo. When I attach a file in email the N-scape logo is there by file name/number not Photoshop logo. Anyone know why or have this issue?

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Photoshop :: Image Resize After Canvas Resize In CS6

Jun 11, 2012

In previous versions I have been able to resize the canvas and then resize the image.  For example resize the canvas to 250px x 250 px.  Then resize the image to the same.
Here is the process I am using:
Duplicate the layer and then hide it.  Resize the canvas (Image > Canvas Size) to 250px x 250 px.  Un-hide the layer and then resize the image (Image > Image Size).  When I go into Image>Image Size it says that the image is already 250px x 250px.  However if I try to transform the scale the image is the original size and not 250px x 250px
The reason for needing this is I resize image size (in bulk) and the canvas size using the batch process (file>automate>batch) and actions.   I loaded the actions file I used in previous versions, but that did not work correctly.  I then went in to do this manually and got the same results.

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Photoshop :: CS6 No Longer Saves JPEGs As JPG

Jun 11, 2012

Every time I attempt to save output as JPEG, CS6 is substitutes the .eps format and puts up the EPS options dialog.

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Photoshop :: Can't Save As JPEG - Saves As EPS Instead CS6?

Nov 5, 2012

I have Photoshop CS6 installed on my Macbook pro, os x lion, I read the other threads saying to delete plug ins from older versions of PS or third party softwares and I'm pretty sure I got them all but the problem persists.

I ran the system info option and the last 2 lines are this Plug-ins that failed to load:

   Lighting Effects NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Lighting Effects.plugin”
   Variations NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Variations.plugin”

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Saves JPG Much Sharper Than It Displayed?

Jun 19, 2013

I finished my work on an image but when I save it and view it in windows photo viewer the image is much much sharper than inside photoshop( at 100%). (using CS6 on windows 7)

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Photoshop :: CS6 Saves File That Is Just Opened?

May 16, 2013

When someone opens a file on our server just to look at the image and then closes it without making any edits and does not save, the file has a new modification date and act like it was saved. How can I keep this from happening?

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Photoshop :: How To Record An Action That Saves In...

Feb 2, 2009

I made an action that I have to use for many images. The action creates an image, saves it, then closes it. The problem is when I try to run the action, it saves over the previous image. Instead of making new files, it just saves over the same one over and over. Is there a way to make it automatically save in succession?? (image001, image002, image003, etc.).

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Photoshop :: When Save As JPEG It Saves As TIFF

Oct 14, 2013

When I save as jepg it saves as Tiff

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Photoshop :: CS6 Saves Slices As JPGs Rather Than GIFs

Mar 7, 2013

I have a psd image that is ~7000x7000 pixels and divided into ~800 slices.
I then:

Choose File | Save for Web | GIF 128 No Dither (and leave the other options, like 128 olors, Transparency, etc at the defaults). Click Save (in the Save for Web dialog).Specify a file name (e.g., myfilename.gif)..Leave "Images Only", "Background Image", and "All Slices" selected.Click Save. 

>>>The first file, myfilename_01.gif is saved as a gif. All of the remaining 800 slices are saved as jpgs (e.g., myfilename_02.jpg). This happens every time.

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Photoshop :: PS7, Batch Processing And Jpeg Saves

Sep 27, 2002

I'm sure this question would have been asked before but i couldnt find it anywhere here, so:

Upgraded to PS7 and found that when doing batch resizes of jpegs the jpeg option save window pops up after every jpeg is resized. The list of actions includes only the resize of the image. Is there a setting that I do not know about?

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Photoshop :: Batch Saves As Wrong File Type?

Sep 18, 2012

I created an action that:
Opens a psd document

resizes to a specific height

Saves for web and devices as a jpeg high quality
When I run the batch on that action it seems to be simply opening the psd document and saving as psd in the output folder, without converting to jpg.

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Photoshop :: JPEG Files Saves To Wrong Folder?

Sep 7, 2013

When I want to save a jpeg file into the same folder I opened I click 'save as' and the wrong folderopens but with the correct file number I am working on ready to save.I have to search in pictures and re-open the correct folder to save into.

The photo also appears in the wrong folder and I have to delete it from there.I have been using PS3 for years and this has just started happening for no reason.

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Photoshop :: Save As PSD No Longer Saves In Compatibility Mode?

May 2, 2013

When saving a psd file I can no longer save in "compatibility mode". I'm using a Mac computer with OSX (version 10.8.3)  and Photoshop CS6 (version 13.1.2 x64). I just noticed this problem tonight when I tried to bring a psd file into a MUSE project. Now whenever I save a PSD file the menu that asks if I want to save in compatibility mode doesn't appear (it just saves the file). I've reset the preferences and restarted my computer but Photoshop still doesn't give me a compatibility mode option when saving a PSD file.

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Photoshop :: Retrieve Previous Saves After Files Are Closed?

Mar 16, 2013

I had 8 psd files open, all with many layers and wanted to make a copy of each one, change resolution to 72 and save as a jpeg. I accidentlly hit the wrong action and all the psd files were flattened, changed to 72 res and closed. Is there anyway to retrieve a previous save to get back the layered files? CS6 Extended and Windows 7

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Paint.NET :: Resize Images And Print Size Fields On Resize Dialogue

Mar 24, 2013

I have just been trying to resize some images on the latest version -  3.510.4297.28964 - and I have typed the measurements that I wanted into the print size fields on the resize dialogue. The actual sizes the program resizes the images to differ though - some look to be about right, whereas some come out much larger, but they all show the dimensions that I inserted in the canvas size box. 
I'm sure I've done this before and this hasn't happened?

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