how to make this and ive been wondering if any of you guys can help me figure out how to do it. I want to get a picture of a persons face and then convert it into a metal mario looking thing, like a metallic face.
In the above image, certain paths have some kind of brush effect or shading effect (as evident in the path above). I'm wondering, how can I remove whatever effect this is from all paths in the above shape, I don't want to have it.
I am trying to find a nice effect which will create pastel illustrations from my photos. I think it is done in PS by turning the photo into black and white first then using Oil Paint filter to work towards the soft effect I am after. I can't find a way to get this effect in my PSE 11.
I'd like to take a photo and slice it vertically at equal intervals to create gaps between the slices; and then add dropshadow to the slices. I know how to do the dropshadow but how do you create the slices at equal intervals?
I know on photoshop you can change such effects as brightness etc in adjustment settings but is it possible to change apply these effects to specific parts of a photo for example increase the contrast on 1 individuals face in a photo but not on anothers?
I have Elements 10. I have installed a number of photo effects. They have all been working and visible for a long time. Now all of a sudden they are no longer visible. They are still resident in the appropriate folder on the C drive. How do I get them back?
I cannot find my photo effects folder in PS Elements 10. All of my actions are missing. I have looked in spotlight, other folders and cannot find my folder.
I have a vector based illustration of 32 panels laid out, that make up the panels found on a football. I also have a 3d object of a 32 panel football. Is there a way of mapping the illustration onto the 3d object using Photoshop CC?
See this picture where you'll find a girl's picture on which I worked and tried to convert it in an illustration or vector-like.
You'll see the DOG & Man's picture under that, I wanted to do same like that picture but my result is different, actually mine is dirty. Dog's and Man's colors are visible but mine turned into completely black.
Do you know how they convert that picture into illustration or is it a real vector file?
I'm working on a picture book and I have a set of illustrations by two different artists. I want to put an initial on each illustration to indicate the artist, and I'd like the initial to end up looking like it was stamped on with a Chinese Chop I have the illustrations scanned as TIFFs and I have also scanned an initial "stamp" for each artist as TIFFs.
What is the easiest way to accomplish this? (I tried unsuccessfully to make a custom shape.) I have PS-CS5 and an iMacOS10.6.8. I'm eventually putting the book together in InDesign, with some pre work in Photoshop.
While I was trying to do some editing, I've just lost the selections in the layer styles and photo effects drop-down windows while in full edit. I'm using PSE 7 and up until now has been working fine for as long as I've had it. What should I do to get them back or do I have to reload the entire program?
I have a Windows user running Adobe Illustrator CS 5.1. SOMETIMES when she tries to save an Illustrator file over top of an existing Illustrator file, or over top of an existing PDF that she opened in Illustrator, she gets the "Can't save the illustration. The file may be read only, or the file is in use by another application, or you do not have the required permissions. . . ID = -54"
We are saving it to a network location, and to answer the obvious questions - she has rights, the file is not read-only and no one else has it open. If we save the file to her desktop, we can then overwrite the file back on the original network location. If she reboots her computer, this usually clears the issue up for a few days/hours.
All available updates are loaded, and it seems others have the same issue, but I've never seen a good fix, other than save it to your desktop, and then overwrite the file.
I know this problem is probably right in front of my face, but when i import a pic in photo-paint x5 i'm unable to use most of the "effects" filters as they are locked.
I just began editing a portrait shoot and realized that my paintbrush effects only work on about the bottom 1/3rd of my photo.
The little target with the plus sign in the middle shows up when I mouse over this photo from the mouth down, but when I mouse over the top part it turns back into the normal cursor. If I start using the brush at the bottom of the photo where the target/plus sign actually shows up and then drag it to the forehead, it works. But if i unclick at all it goes back to the original problem.
I am using InDesign CS5 and Photoshop CS5 and have scanned full color illustrations into Photoshop. I am preparing 7x10 saddle stitch and casebound books with the illustrations which need at a 1/8" bleed area. My problem is the illustrations have key elements right up to the edge of them. I need to add complementary colors to fill in the bleed area around them so I don't lose any of the originals. What is the best way to do this? Also, I need to copy colors from the illustrations and make separate pages of the colors to import into InDesign. What is the best method to do this? The colored pages will be the background with story text on them and reside opposite to the illustrations.
I've had this 'Can't Print the illustration' window - brand new CS5 suite, brand new computer - 4 days old (Dell, 36bit - would prefer a Mac but there you go).
History - large format packaging file - 600mm x 1200mm. Line drawings. Black and one spot (Pantone) color only. Job needed original English version converted to Chinese language. This had to be done on an older 'chinese' PC in Illustrator 4 with correct Chinese fonts. But after the translator did her job, I needed to return it to CS5 on the Dell to make alterations. Chinese fonts converted to outlines for transfer. Once alterations done, tried to print and got the silly can't print message.
prints fine from Dell in PDF format. prints fine from Dell in jpeg format. prints fine form old 'chinese' PC in Illustrator 4 format with either outlined fonts or fonts.
havent had any problems printing anything else in CS5, just this one job.
The only thing I can think of is that there was a problem when converting the Chinese font to outlines there were too many points created and either Illustrator or the printer cracked the irrites.
Although I have been using Macs/PC's and all Adobe programs for over 25 years I HATE trying to figure out this stuff and prefer to just be an end user without trying to figure out why a perfectly reasonable request goes odd.
Any way in X5 to save or copy the modifications/effects from one photo to another? I took photos of some old building drawings and used clarify, noise removal, contrast, etc. I wanted to apply the exact same modifications to all of the other photos of the drawings. Is there a simple way to do this? Can I save it as a preset or filter or something similar. It would sure save a lot of time.
Downloaded the trial - Installed fine, loads fine, everything seems to work fine except the effects menu.
As soon as I try to open the effects menu it crashes... this happens in both Win7 x64 AND Win8 x64 (tried for fun) Corel X5 works fine in both, BUT its the 32 bit version... wonder if i should try that
Knowing that X5 won't apply effects to 48bit images unless I convert them to 24bit first, If I apply a mask first over to the 48bit image, then apply an effect to that, will this work? or do I still need to convert my image to 24bit?
I have a bunch of images that look like and I want to 'restore' them like
Unfortunately that took an inordinate amount of pixel-fiddling to do and I have over 80 more of them.
Even more unfortunately, that was an 'easy' image compared to some of the others:
Another easier one
I know basically nothing about image processing and my current workflow looks like: irfanview: convert to grayscale ms photo editor: adjust contrast ms paint
I am trying create an illustration in that will later become a button in another program that an end user will click on. This button needs to be the shape of a circle. Unfortunately, when the circle button has a square transparent background, the user can also click on the background to trigger the action. I dont want that to be an option, so I am trying to delete the transparent background so that all I have is the circle image. Is this possible to do?
I have however come across a real doosey - with a meeting to show the work inside this corrupted file.. tomorrow morning! love it. I'm a junior and I'm afraid of the extent my balls are on the block with this hiccup.
Placing the file in a separate AI file wasn't a solution because I am such a messy worker (outside artboards) and could only obtain a small snippet of the overall file.
I also tried turning on file recovery in Preferences>Illustrator CS5.1 Settings and the file that was recovered was blank.
It may also be of use that I was working on this file on another computer before coming home, and spilling beer in shock, denial, and disgust that I had lost many many hours of work.
This error is reported when attempting to save an illustrator file over an existing file with the same name. Yes saving it to the desktop and then copying it over the file on the shared drive works. This is not a solution for us. Full access has been granted to the user on the network share being used.
I have done an artwork and hit save, when I reopened my file, my illustration has converted to image, the amazing thing is: just very few part of my illstration has covert to image. I didn't resterize any of my illustration and I have done all my illustration in one file, the rest of my illustrations are fine but two illustration which are in the clipping mask are now images....
I tried to open up my saved illustrator file, but this message box appeared on screen.
<Can't open the illustration. There is not enough room for the window; increase document area and try again.>
I do not understand what this means. The file that I tried to open wasn't a big file. I tried to make a new illustrator but it pop up same message by the way, my computer is not mac. I'm using windows 7
Illustrator tool menu still poped up looks like on mac computer and you know that windows7 should be like that!!
"Can't open illustration. File is locked or in use. ID = -54" shows up when I try to install the Ai2Canvas.aip plugin on my Macbook Pro. I'm using Illustrator CS5. What do I have to do to make this plugin work?