Photoshop Elements :: How To Change Photo Into Pastel Illustration
Mar 23, 2013
I am trying to find a nice effect which will create pastel illustrations from my photos. I think it is done in PS by turning the photo into black and white first then using Oil Paint filter to work towards the soft effect I am after. I can't find a way to get this effect in my PSE 11.
how to make this and ive been wondering if any of you guys can help me figure out how to do it. I want to get a picture of a persons face and then convert it into a metal mario looking thing, like a metallic face.
I would like to have all the photos on my site to be same size and square. However, a number of my original photos are rectangle. Is there a way to change the rectangle photos to square photos?
I need to change the background of 15 photos to 40% gray and cover the existing background.I am new to PS elements 7 and not skilled manipulating layers.I was told I can place a layer between the foreground and background and edit fill the middle layer to 40% gray.I tried that but it didn't work.
I am trying to make the background of a product image completely white and cannot figure out how to do so i would love a "beginner" step by step instruction
You know those romantic looking Black and white where you have a bit of pastel colouring on the cheeks or another part of the body or around...
How do you do it?
I tend to just to turn the pic in black and white and then create a duplicate background and add colour with my mouse and the paint brush. It does not give me the look I want.
The default sort for the Photo Downloader seems be by date and time. I recently purchased a camera the does up to 10 fps and the Downloader does not seems to have resolution to sort the micro-second or even second. I batch download the images and also do a rename of the files in this format yyyymmdd-###. I am finding my action sequences are all out of order. What I really just need the Downloader to do is sort by sequential camera number just like it comes out of the camera. Then all the images would be renamed in the right order. I tried modifying the XML settings file but that was no success.
After spending time in PS elements 11 making changes in color and applying frames etc. I noticed after saving the file my resolution went from 5.5Mb to 847kb. Why is this?
i want to color a picture but i was hoping i could color it with a pastel effect to suit the theme of the picture. i'm not sure how to describe it so here are a few links roughly how i want it to turn out : Code:
I'm new to PSE10 and can't figure out layers and/or color. I have a photo with a white background. I want to change the white to a color. I have 4 text layers on photo with no problem. How do I change the white?
I created a photobook in photoshop elements 9 and selected "print locally". Now I want to send it to a commercial printer and can't figure out how to do so. I have checked with both Shutterfly and Costco, and they want each page sent as a separate picture.... How do I do that?
I'm working with CorelDRAW 12 and am having trouble with a frustrating issue. If I create a logo from my work computer, using pantone colours and everything, the colours are really rich and vibrant. When I open that very same file in Corel at my house computer, however, all the colours display in a pastel, watered down way.
My home monitor is much better than my work one, and if I export the file from work into a .png it still displays as it should, rich and vibrant, when I open that on my home computer. However, if I leave the pantone colours as they are but export it from my house... it then keeps it as the pastel, watered down version on every single monitor. How do I fix this? Is this a monitor issue or a CorelDRAW problem - have I somehow not set up my Corel the same at home?
I have a volume surface that I want cut & fill displayed with elevation banding. I created a surface style and chose pastels for the color scheme. When I analyze the surface I chose elevations>> range interval with datum and I get 2d solids but they are not pastel even though the style assigned is the one I mentioned.
How do I get the colors to be pastel?
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How can i get such effects like in the attached image;
- first of all; the image has no background - the grapes are shown on a plain white background.Note; there is another nice little thing that we have to mention; the image of the grapes are somewhat with a kind of a overdose of light - i think that this is a nice effect - perhaps added with gimp!? The grapes look very interesting.
- the next effect that i like is the adding of the circles that are seen in the image. How did they add those pastel colored circles.
I am trying to change the background of a photo. Not just change the color but change the color AND make it keep it's original shading, etc. I have some family photos we had made recently and they used a beige color draping for the background. The ones we had made before had a black draping. I was wondering how I could go about using some sort of additive coloring to transform the varying shades of beige to the same varying shades of black.
I have already used the masking tool to separate the background from the rest of the photo.
When trying to place an image into a new document in photoshop elements 12, I select all-copy-paste the image (or even drag it) over to the new doc created. However, when I do this - the image does not paste in at the same size. It typically shrinks down in size. Do I have to save the file, close out and then open the new doc and PLACE it in the document in order for it to keep size? There must be a better way to do this. Basically, how can I drag a photo that is 4x6 over to a new doc while keeping the size at 4x6.