Photoshop :: Pen Tool In CC - Draw Path / Line Extremely Jagged And Rough
Oct 25, 2013
Did the programmers make the pen tool in CC worse or am I missing something. If I draw a path in cc and stroke it with a 2px hard brush the line is extremely jagged/rough. If I do it in CS6 that I own, the line is smooth and very fine. What gives?
I asked a question a couple days ago regarding the effects of old style print. Although, I know a lot of it is done manually, I was wondering if it could also be done digitally in either Illustrator or Photoshop.
In Illustrator I created 10 brush strokes from a jagged pattern found in a vintage element to represent the scratch board or printing effect. In Photoshop you can kind of create the effect from switching to a Bitmap mode.
However, Photoshop is a pain to bend the halftone lines to fit the curves and they are all evenly spaced. Illustrator works better for laying ou the lines based on the tonal value, but using a brush for the strokes becomes a little distorted.
How to achieve the jagged edge effect show in this very simple image? The edges and lines are not all the same so I don't want to use the ripple tool in PS and the wrinkle Tool makes them too ragged.
I find it hard to believe this style is only accomplished through scratch board or printing techniques. Even traditional pen and ink doesn't really work like this. I find way too many images, free ones too, like the one below to have it be only done with scratch board.
1. if i draw a line using the line tool.. can i curve it to say 40 degrees like i can with the text function?
2. So ya that one was easy.. hows bout when i want to cut something out ACCURATELY, the pen function, right? (according to a friend)when i make all those little boxes and select the area i want to cut, all that gets copied are the outer lines, which i presume is what ive just drawn.. how do i cut the area inside this?
3. and finally maybe a slightly less easy one- In Paint, when you cut out an object and paste it, you can select for the white of the image to become transparent so you can paste over what you have already.. is thee a feature in PS for this?
I want to draw a filled shape and edit it later during further design.
I used Path Tool to draw my shape with points. Then I used Selection from Path to create a closed shape, as I can fill it with solid color or patterns.
But how can I edit the shape after it has been filled with color? After using Selection from Path, the shape is independent of the controlling points of Bezier Curve.
In general, how can I draw a closed shape, which is filled with solid color or patterns, but still editable by moving controlling points of Bezier Curve on the border? In other words, when I move the points, the inner color/pattern should be extended.
I use Photoshop 7 & do a lot of cleanup of bitmap/tiff images, such a logos & symbols that need cleaning up around the edges etc. Holding the shift down while drawing with a brush in eraser, etc. mode creates a straight horizontal line & that makes cleaning a horizontal edge easy & quick.
Is there any keystroke combinations that will draw a perfectly straight vertical line?
is it possible maybe to draw with transparent line in Shape tool?
Currently if I draw a line, make it transparent, the next line as default the same color and width, but does not inherit the transparency. That means it is not possible or just at me
In Illustrator CS6, I would like to draw these trails for a map I'm making. Is there a way I can draw using the "Pencil" tool where when I draw, it draws a second line next to it? Is there a setting for that?
Here is an old map where you can see the double broken lines. I know how to set it so the line has gaps in it, but I need a line to be the same next to it.
I'm currently using Illustrator CS6 as a test version and when I use the pen tool to make a beaver (school assignment), it all end up in one layer. I want to have a new path-layer from every line with the pen tool, so I can remove lines in the layer panel too. At the moment it's one layer that have a picture of a beaver and I can't see the individual lines I've drawn. When I used CS5 recently I didn't have this problem. Is it a setting I can change or does it have something to do with the news in CS6?
I use the path tool to create the shape of the text line I want to curve. I enter the text I want with the font, colour, etc, and select text along path. The text goes where I want it, but no matter what I have tried, the text colour along the path (my curved text) is always red and it doesnot look like the font in my text area. I can change the font / colour of the original text which works great, but the text along the path doesn't seem to change.
How to make something like this logo: [URL]... (also attached below in case link d/n work)
I tried using the line selection tool to create a stroke path in the shape of the design I wanted, but I can't get it to emulate this brush (it always just fades to opaque instead of tapering to a point).
Basically whilst using a tablet to draw the outline, i want to fill in the space with a colour. however, this leaves a pixellated edge around the fill, resulting in the piece looking far from perfect. how can i get around this without having to hand fill each individual pixel? is there any way to turn the sensitivity on my tablet off on the tool so that i just draw thick black lines instead of ones that get lighter around the edges?
The psd processor spins not stop until I pick up the wacom mouse and click on an adjacent layer then back to the layer I was working on. Then the wacom pen work with the brush tool. This seems to happen when every time I pick up the pen and go back to the brush tool.
I own a copy of Photoshop CS6.Switching from Photoshop CS to CS6, I have found this version to be extremely slow and I can not find a reason why it is like this. It is impossible for me to work on it.
Problem: Slow performance, when using the brush tool there is a long delay - lag. The brush takes more than 8 seconds to catch up with my strokes.
Tried: - Memory usage allowed upgraded to 6GB, nothing changed. - Default selected "Scratch Disk" is the main SSD which has over 58GB of free space, I've tried selecting the secondary HDD as well but nothing changes. - Disabled the "Use Graphic Processor" square. nothing changed. - Disabled the "Use open CL" square in advanced Graphic Processor Settings. Nothing changed. - Changed power management settings in windows to "High Performance". nothing changed. - Disabling tablet pc service doesn't work.
Notes: - Graphic drivers are the latest release on AMD website - Windows is completely updated - SSD Firmware is the latest available. - The issue happens both with mouse and tablet. - 1px brush and 5000px brush lag just alike in zoomed and not zoomed canvas. - This happens on both x64 and x86 versions of the software.
I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.
I have a gif (as below) and I am trying to remove the strip of yellow you can see diagonally. the image was originally a fawn/yellow/brown colour, but using the 'Replace Colour' tool, I have managed to colour most of it in blue - apart from that yellow strip you can see.
When the image is magnified, the diagonal strip of yellow under the blue appears with the edges all jagged and it looks untidy. Is there a way to make them smoother, or should I begin by doing the whole thing in a different way? I am using Photoshop Version 8.
I've tried 2 create a pattern similar. But the edges are jagged. And I can't find a tutorial on this (even though i swear that I saw one on this before).
I've used AutoCAD 2013 on other machines and have no had this issue.
When pasting to the command line there is a huge delay from when I hit CTRL-V until the actual text is displayed in the command line. It takes roughly 4.5 seconds for the following to display after pasting: (command "-view" "D" "*"). The time it takes is roughly the same and does not depend on the size of the lisp that I'm pasting.
The command bar is docked to the bottom and there is no transparancy enabled.I have tried setting AUTOCOMPLETEDELAY to 0 and 10 with no change.I have completely disabled all Auto-Complete options and it still happens.
There is also a significant delay between Auto-Complete populating the list of suggestions and when I am able to use the arrow keys to move the selection box down to pick a command.
After designing a simple 3d model, I can only get it to print right with 2d wireframe. Unfortunately, I don't want all the lines showing up, just the ones on top. I tried all the views, but only 2d wireframe works. Need lines, not concept or realistic shades.
1. used the circle marquee and did a 8 point stroke. 2. Selected the circle with the magic marquee to get an active selection 3. Gradient tool
Doing the above results in jagged edges that alias badly once I fill the selection with the gradient. With a basic color the circle is perfeclty fine, only once I add the gradient the edges become jagged. How might I fix this?
I have a problem with a recently downloaded version of Inventor. When I start a new drawing all I get is a blank blue screen instead of one with a grid display. If I start a line I can see the cursor change to draw the line but a line does not appear. I don't know if it something with how I installed the program or just system settings.
I've tried every permutation of copy and paste; I renamed the path to path. It looks like a path when I add stroke, but it does not behave like one. I can't cut it or join it to any other path. It remembers it's text path status. I'm running OS X 10.7.5.
How can I draw a straight line without that protractor shaped dotted line following my cursor making it lag and also not snap correctly to the next line? Also, I have noticed that I can't set my user interface to auto cad classic settings. There seems to be no option for it in workspace settings.
I'm in the midst of making a type based logo right now and I sheared it to give it a bit of a diagonal edge. However, the diagonal lines are now noticeably pixelated and jagged. What I did was type out the name in the logo, then created outlines for it, then sheared it. I went over some of the lines with a pen tool stroke but it is still coming out the same. Here is my logos. The vertical diagonal lines in the E, K, R and I's are especially noticeable.
This is my own personal music producer logo and I am pretty green with illustrator. So how do I make it as clean as this [URL] or some of these [URL].
I was drawing a lot of lines with the pointer that stuck at the end of the line and after that it stuck at the beginning of the other line (i hope you understand what i mean). I don't know what i pressed but now this function is not active and is very difficult to draw the lines.
when I (try to ) use Pencil and Brush tools, (cross-hatching), some lines get erased/replaced by the lines drawn close to them. It must have something to do with the preferences, but I am not sure what to change/adjust.
In Illustrator CS6 and CC, when the stroke width tool is used on a curve, the curve is actually made up of a series of straight lines instead of smooth vector curves:
whereas in CS5 it looks perfect.These images may be too small to see the details, but the difference is there. Is there a workaround for this? Or is it recognized as a bug?