Photoshop :: Make Photo Look Like Its On 3D Box Canvas?
Jan 26, 2013
make a photo look like it's wrapped around a wooden frame, like on a box canvas. I'm not concerned with the canvas texture, I just want to know how I can apply an effect or an action to a single image to give it depth.
I have PSP x14 on win7 64b. I would like to make a photo look like it's on a canvas so that it would show a depth of border along the top and down the nearest side. I have tried altering the perspective and adding narrow selected lenght from the top and side of the original photo but am still not getting the effect I am after.
with a photograph i have taken, I am planning on having it printed it up into a canvas, but wonder if can be sharpened up a little bit first, ie, the bit of blur on the fairy lights if possible?
I have created a white canvas around a photo, and now I would like to import my logo, which is in a pdf file and place it on the white canvas that surrounds the photo. I know this must be easy, but after hours of experimenting I have not succeeded.
have a photo that was taken by a photographer so it is very large. I want it as a Facebook Cover for my business page but when i try to make it fit the required height and width is is either to small or if i change the image size or canvas size it doesn't look right...
When resizing the canvas for a photo in some but not all saved images the canvas extension color is greyed out. The particular photo is saved as a Tiff. Why is this and how can I solve the problem.
CS6. I have this logo, red circle w/white letters and superscript 2. It's going to be printed on light gray fabric. I assume that I need to make transparent canvas and transparent letters (lu) so that it takes the gray color of the fabric and not the white background and letters of my file but when I rasterize type, save and open it again I cannot edit.
I'm guessing that this is a super simple question, but evidently I'm not sharp enough to figure it out....I've imported a bitmap file [.tif] into PP, & it's MUCH larger than the letter-size canvas I'm using. So I'm wondering what the simple method is to fit that bitmap to the canvas. The thing that's driving me nuts is, I select this big bitmap [it's roughly 3300 px by 2800 px, FWIW], go into Image > Resample, & under "Image size" it's giving me 11.0 x 8.5! And why PP is saying that the image is already the same size as the canvas--well that's why I'm writing this post. Cause I don't know why.
I'm trying to clean up an image for a friend. He's a painter and his photo shows all the hatch marks of the canvas. I have tried noise removal but it doesn't remove enough. I have tried despeckle, destripe, deinterlace and antilais. The option that works the best is the oilfy filter but to achieve a good result I lose details in his painting.
I tried to do heal selection but it tells me Error: eval: unbound variable: plug-in-resynthesizer. When i go to the registry i find resynthesizer scripts URL.... I install the scripts but still get the message.
Any other tool or script that will be useful besides healing sections of the photo with the healing brush.
I have Photoshop Elements 10 which I work with sparingly. I would like to outline a section of the photo (a face) and somehow select it to be the whole photo - in other words to get rid of all background elements. I can outline the area with lasso, but do not know how to just save that area. When I save, the whole original photo is saved. I also tried the magic extractor, which really worked to make just the face and crop everthing else out, but it has a white background the same size as the original photo, which means it is essentially a reactangle with a face in it. I am trying to just get the face so I can paste it into a document, sort of like when people put heads on fake bodies. This is for a church newsletter. I have done this with my old Picture It software, but that was on my old computer. I think I should be able to do this with all the gadgets Photo Shop has, but I must be missing something.
Im not even sure if Illustrator is the program or if i should use Indesign but im trying to create a single folded wedding invitation and be able to print on both sides. i want the invitation to be 14cm x 14cm and like i mentioned open up like a card and print on the front and on in the inside. Can you pleasssseeee direct me to some instructions or tell me which program would be best to do this. Im guessing that since its smaller than an A4 page size then i will need to cut it down after printing. To be able to do this do i need to make the canvas the size of a A4 page and then put my size of the invitation on this??
I have Lightroom 4 and the plug-in LR2/Mogrify; which I purchased. I am trying to send my images at 300 dpi to a photo lab to produce 4x6 prints with a border at the bottom that is 10% of the short side, and the other 3 borders are 2% of the short side. I then add text for a size 25 pixel font. I am happy with this look when I export to the file folder on the desktop. When I upload to the photo lab, their software wants to resize my prints; where I loose my border or part of the image or the larger border with the words cut-off. I know I have to do something with the canvas, but I don’t understand what to do to get a fixed image size for a 4x6 print with borders and text. I need to know what the numbers are to imput in the Mogrify "background canvas" and how many KB to "compress to file size".
I have the "image sizing" at 6" longest edge, 300 dpi for resolution I have the canvas at 1280 x 1920 The compression size at 300kb
With this I am losing the top border and the other borders now look wierd.
When I place a .psd picture in INDD 5.5 and do a drop shadow, the resulting pdf shows the outline of the canvas as a thin line. It doesn't show when the picture has no shadow. How can I get rid of the lines?
I tried GIMP on Linux Mint and was delighted.A bit annoying, though, was that the on-canvas-text-editing parameters box can't be turned off, because it's in the way when I want a full view of my graphic while I'm typing and editing.
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
I'm a screen printer and I want to do something similar to this for shirts. I'm guessing them just take a picture and mess with the contrast and levels.
when you're deciding what size to make each photo, there starts to be a point where there is a noticeable lost of visual quality. what feature in any program (doesn't have to be adobe) can automatically enlarge the size up to a point where the visual quality is still good?
doing it manually for each photos is too inefficient.
I'm new to photoshop CS6 and I'm having some trouble. I'm trying to make cutout pictures like Melinda Gibson (see picture 1 and 2) but I can't manage to do this. I want to take a picture of the outline of a person (see picture 3) and cut out the center of the picture over another picture. That was I have the form of the person with the background of the second picture. But I can't figure it out. I tried to "select inverse" after using the magic lasso tool but I don't get the cut out, just a line
I am trying to do a reflection in photoshop. I can do a reflection in photoshop if the picture is a straight on shot of a car. I tried to do a shot of a car that is from a front angle, but when I flip it verticle I can not get the tires to all line up. I am wondering how to get all three tires to touch each other. I have tried distorting, skewing, perspective and can not get it to work. Here is the image I have been practicing on that I found on the internet.
I have a photo of wood flooring that I need help with. I tried to do it on my own but I haven't been successful so now I come to you guys asking for help. What I need the photo to do is fade from left to right so that the left side is natural and it gradually fades to white as it goes to the right? Photo is a grayscale tiff.