Photoshop Elements :: How To Take A Section Of Photo And Make It Whole Photo
Dec 10, 2012
I have Photoshop Elements 10 which I work with sparingly. I would like to outline a section of the photo (a face) and somehow select it to be the whole photo - in other words to get rid of all background elements. I can outline the area with lasso, but do not know how to just save that area. When I save, the whole original photo is saved. I also tried the magic extractor, which really worked to make just the face and crop everthing else out, but it has a white background the same size as the original photo, which means it is essentially a reactangle with a face in it. I am trying to just get the face so I can paste it into a document, sort of like when people put heads on fake bodies. This is for a church newsletter. I have done this with my old Picture It software, but that was on my old computer. I think I should be able to do this with all the gadgets Photo Shop has, but I must be missing something.
I want to cut a vertical section, top to bottom, and paste the two side sections together. The background is straight and conunuous, so that's not a problem.
Every time I try to move a section of a photo with the Rectangular Marquee Tool, I get an error message saying "Less than 50% of the pixels have been selected and they edges of the sections cannot be seen. What am I doing wrong?
I want to put 8 photos side by side and make one photo out of it. With Photoshop Elements "version 7" this could be accomplished by using the menu point "New" --> "Photomerge-Panorama" in the File menu. In the German Photoshop Elements "version 10" which I use now this does not work any more. I consulted already the related manual and the instruction videos in the internet, without success.
Need menu points which I have to choose for my request.
When trying to place an image into a new document in photoshop elements 12, I select all-copy-paste the image (or even drag it) over to the new doc created. However, when I do this - the image does not paste in at the same size. It typically shrinks down in size. Do I have to save the file, close out and then open the new doc and PLACE it in the document in order for it to keep size? There must be a better way to do this. Basically, how can I drag a photo that is 4x6 over to a new doc while keeping the size at 4x6.
Trying to enlarge a photo collage but it won't let me. Is it even possible to do this or have I got to use something else. I am quite new to this software.
in elements 11 how can I extract a person from one photo and insert that person into another photo? I'm totally new to this and my software booklet doesn't say and I'm lost.
I did use the scissors and eraser tool to cutout unwanted background, and now I have an image I want to save and copy to another photo. The problem is that Elements 11 won't let me open up another photo at the same time, or let me copy the selected image to clipboard to paste on a different photo.
I have PSE 11 and I am creating a Christmas theme with various pictures. I have my main photo with 6 layers including a tree and figures which I can move independantly and the background is the checkerboard as the main layers are turned off with only my selections showing. I also have another photo where I have selected part of it and also turned off the main layers leaving a small part with checkered background. When I have the main photo loaded and drag the other one from the photo bin with the move tool, nothing appears on the main picture. I have already dragged the Christmas tree in the same way and that worked. By the way, all the files are .PSD.
I took several pictures, seven to be exact of a rocket launch at night, thinking that one long exposure might make some sections of the photo too bright. The beach is a little underexposed, but that is OK. how to join them? I thought I would use the first one as the base and basically merge the others after I take out all of the content except the rocket plume/flare, but when I try this, it puts the rocket plume in the middle of the layer and I would have to manually align the rocket trail, but can't seem to do it very easily. I'm only trying to cut and paste, and obvious newbie to elements. I have just upgraded to 12 but still have 9 on my machine if one is any better than the other for doing this type of thing.
I am a beginner. I am looking at different progams to see which one suits me better and easy to work with. So far adobe isn't easy at all. Is there a way to take a black and white photo and make one thing in the photo in color? I have elements 11.
How can I blend a photo into another photo. In other words, when I load a picture into elements 9, and I load another picture on top of that one, How do I fade it in where it is seen but but is faded in?
I am unable to make a shape from a photo using the Cookie Cutter Tool. I duplicated the photo. Clicked on cookie cutter icon. Created shape. Clicked on green check mark. The new layer is transparent. I cannot make the shape appear.
I'm a screen printer and I want to do something similar to this for shirts. I'm guessing them just take a picture and mess with the contrast and levels.