Photoshop :: Keep Getting Error Code 150:30 When Try To Start CS4?
Sep 13, 2013I keep getting error code 150:30 when I try to start Photoshop. I have system 10.8.4 and am running photoshop cs4.
View 1 RepliesI keep getting error code 150:30 when I try to start Photoshop. I have system 10.8.4 and am running photoshop cs4.
View 1 Repliesthe spacebar does not work to stop and start film when the time code is flashing (hours, min, seconds, frames any).
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a feature line, and a labels table created for it. The table has the following columns: Line or Curve #, Station, Segment Start X, Segment Start Y, Segment Start X, Bearing/Delta, Length, Radius, Grade Ahead.
what code I need for the table to display the station of the feature line at the start of the segment?
I also have an alignment with the same stationing over top of the feature line, but Im not sure how to code a reference text into the table either. I can create an end segment reference text for the plan view labels but even if I copy that code into the labels table it doesn't work.
I try to activate from Internet but it doesn't work. I get this message
Error 198:4
We are unable to activate photoshop cs3 extended...
I am getting an error message that a problem has occured with licensing. I have re-started and re-launched. I have unistalled and re-installed. The error code is 213:11.Â
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhy am I getting error code 150:30?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a message that comes up whenever I try to open Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended.
"Licensing for this product has stopped working.
This product has encountered a problem which requires that you restart your computer before it can be launched
If you continue to see this message after restarting your computer, please contact either your IT administrator or Adobe technical support for help, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
Error 148:3
I'm trying to download Photoshop CC. I keep getting error code 302...
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen trying to use the Nik Sharpener Pro plug-in on a large file of 100 mb or more, I ultimately get an Error Code 4 pop up window and Photo Shop freezes up. Photo Shop completely locks up and usually requires a forced end program or hard reboot of Windows.
The Nik GUI doesn't completely load, the video windows are black or snow. Nik works okay most of the time on files under approx 100 mb. Purging memory in edit>purge doesn't make any difference.
after installing elements 11 on my pc (hp laptop with xp (sp3) I get a dialogue box that says "a problem has occured the licensing of your product". code 213:11
I have tried to use the licfix 21319.exe but it will not run and I get a message that says "app failed to start because msvcp100.dll was not found".....
I have tried navigating to: C/docs and settings/all users/application data/adobe/ SLstore - - as I read in other posts, but I do not have this file.
when I have contacted the live agents - they ask for my serial # and email address - then tell me they are transferring me to an expert agent, but they don't show up... have tried this twice.Â
Every time i try and open an image i get this error code....says, Adobe Photoshop CC has stopped responding, then it closes the program..
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have tried updating Photoshop CS6 three times now and have gotten this message each time:
Of course there is no record of this error code online. I have installed and RE-installed CS6 and fussed with all of the font issues. My photoshop STILL will not update and STILL crashes on a whim whenever it feels like it.
I'm getting this code while updating my adobe products...specifically CS6Â Â U44M1I210....what I should do to make the download complete?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAuto Update gives me this error code after trying to update:
Photoshop 13.0.1 update for Photoshop CS6 and Photoshop CS6 Extended
Done with Errors. Error Code: U44M1P6
Upgraded my BIOS to the latest version and my mirrored raid freaked out. So, I have to resetup my raid, reformat my drives, and reinstall windows. During my "closing up" of my current windows install (backup any other data, deactivate software, etc), Photoshop's deactivation software is giving me: Deactivation denied.Click this link for help troubleshooting deactivation problem. Error code: 194:1 For the record I've only previously deactivated this particular piece of software once in the past, and this is the only machine that it's installed on. I can't do anything with my machine until I get this deactivated and after being on hold with adobe customer service for near a half an hour, I feel like I'm getting no where.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to access edit in PhotoElements 8 I get error code 150:30 and it will not open.
View 1 Replies View Relatedcannot start photoshop error 213.5
View 1 Replies View RelatedI cannot get photoshop to start. I get error 148:3. I have restarted my computer & still get the error.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm getting an error (U44M1|208) everytime I try and update Camera Raw from Application Manager. The error occurs after downloading and during installation. I've attempted several times in several different ways :
I'm also getting an error (U44M2P7) when I attempt to install from the manual installation DMG:
I've also tried updating from within Photoshop via Help > Updates... and get Error Code: U44M1P7.
My Photoshop Elements 11 won't update. It gives me an error code U41M1C212
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been trying for over a week to install Elements 12 for more than a week. I keep getting error code 1500. I will return Elements 12.
I have found Adobe products to be particularly sensitive to almost any anomoly that a computer, internet connection, or software conflict creates will cause their products (many versions of Elements and Adobe Acrobat) to hickup and not work.
I just got an HP pavilion d7 computer running Vista Home Premium (64) on a 2gb processor with 4gb RAM. I successfully installed CS3, entered the license code and activated the software, but when I try to run Photoshop CS3, I get the infamous Adobe Photoshop CS3 has stopped working properly error at the screen where it says it is building TWAIN menu items. I've tried the licensing update from Adobe with no success. I've tried running it as administrator, using the compatibility success. I'm at my wits end. Incidentally, I tried installing the PSE7 trial (because I was going to buy it next week) and that gives me the same error whenever I try to access the Editor.
View 9 Replies View RelatedEach time I start CS4 I get an error message "Could not load the Adjusted Refresh module because it does not work with this version of Photoshop". There is no option not to show the message in future, and I cannot find where to disable the module.
I am running a CS4 upgrade from CS. Installation failed / Error Code / U44M2P7 ?I need it to work.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to update Camera Raw in ellements i keep getting this message. I also have lightroom loaded.
Using a MAC.
i have just treid the trial version of photo 11 when i decided to unistall the trail version my old version 8 will not let me edit any photos with the error code 150:30
View 3 Replies View RelatedJust installed Adobe Master CS6 on new installation of OSX Mountain Lion. Installation is ok but when i start Photoshop the color profile of monitor change (become more "cold").
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to start the CC in 64 bit mode I get the error 0x0000005. (in 32 bit there is no problem)
I'm using Windows 7, 64 bit and have been using other Photoshop versions without any problem. My current version of Photoshop is CS6. I've updated the Nvidia driver and that didn't work.
Every time I start up photoshop I get the following dialog box showing up:
And the following comes up with any filter i try to use:
I have tried re-installing the softwear, unfortunately that didn't fix the issue.
I am having a problem with a new install of photoshop elements 10. It turns out this I now have this problem with elements 9 as well. I tried elements 9 in september and it worked great. I revieved elements 10 as a gift and tried to install it and got the following error. I went back and tried to re-run the trial of elements 9 and I am now getting the same error on 9.
Here is the error I get. After launching the editor, either from the welcome screen or directly from
C:Program Files (x86)AdobePhotoshop Elements 10PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe
I get the following pop up. As you can see the editor does start, but shortly after it starts I get the popup.
I am running on Windows 7 (Pro) 64bit. My video cards are an AMD Radeon HD 6770 and an integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200 with a driver version of 8.920.0, dated 11/9/2011
Here are the error messages from the event viewer
Launch of elements 10 editor:
Faulting application name: PhotoshopElementsEditor.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x4e70c16d
As I mentioned above, the trial of elements 9 had been working fine. I have made several updates to my system. I can't be 100% certain of the timeline, but I think most were done during the time that I was testing elements 9 and did not break elements 9. i am fairly sure there were a number of updated that were made after my last clean run of elements 9 and before I installed elements 10, namely windows 7 sp1, and various updates, but I was able to install the trial version on a laptop with the same os and same updates.
When I try to run Xara Designer Pro 7 I get a window popup that tell me "The program could not be started. It's possible that the installation folder is damaged." with the error code: -6
No matter what I try I get that error. I tried with a new doawnloaded file, with the file from the CD, after to have removed files on the Intel SSD or hard drives, and keys in the registry (but maybe i missed some!). I also tried with or without system protections/firewall/antivirus as well with or without administrator rights.
My system is Windows 7 64 bits with Xara designer pro 7.1.1.