Photoshop :: Is This The Right Way To Make Gradient Background?
Aug 21, 2007
I want a gradient background from almost white at bottom to light blue on top. i tried a very light blue solid background and then use the gradient tool to burn in the color on top. i can't seem to get the right blue, my blue is too greenish. also when i burn in more than twice lines appear.
In Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) when I open a new file, the background shows a gradient. No matter what I do or try, there is a gradient from top to bottom in the file.
Even though I select to change to one even color. No matter what layer I place o top or change, it shows the gradient. Some settings somewhere must cause this but I am unable to find out where or how. How do I get it back to default settings?
I am trying to create a gradient background. I've created the gradient but when I open up the gradient editor to play with the slider the changes I make don't show-up in the gradient when I click ok.
How I can get a gradient something like the attached e.g. which gradient picker (I don't think it is foreground to background) and which gradient (I don't think it is linear).
Here is my problem. My foreground to background gradient too is broken it seems. It starts with black, then fades into a gold or bronze color and then to white... I'm attaching a screenshot so you can see what I mean. I'd like to reset whatever I did so that it's the normal gradient, not that gold color in there
I tried even uninstalling photoshop, deleting the settings file, resetting everything... after I re-install photoshop, it's the same thing!
The customer wants a gradient background with the PMS Colors 485 c & 1375 c.. This file is going to china and china only takes illustrator files.. So how can I do this in illustrator cs5?
I have created a gradient background in photoshop and positioned this on my webpage using css.
I thought it would be nice to create some page titles in photoshop instead of using regular fonts.
Something that has always stumped me, is whenever I have created text on top of a transparent background using photoshop, saved for web, gif @ 256 colours and applied to the webpage, no matter what I do the text always look frazzled around the edges. Is there a technique to creating transparent text that looks smooth?
Using PS CS4 on XP. I just got a job back from the printer company & I am noticing some lines that didn't appear on my print out here (on xerox color printer machine) to compare. I didn't really catch them on the proof either, but they used an epson proof and we printed on 100# gloss text stock for the final.
What I have going on is a gradient background (using shape layer and gradient layer style effect) from a white to a light tan. Top to bottom on a regular Letter size sheet. In the upper right hand corner I have a image of a face that had that same light tan in the background. I faded this image into the gradient background by using gaussian blur.
This is not very noticable in the file, but I can tell that it is have to really focus your eyes to see it, but it's there, a line going around the image where the gaussian blur is. I'll attach a photo of the edge. I guess what I'm saying is it is not smooth - the image edges being blurred into the gradient background, but printed off a regular printer, it looks smooth. Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?
I'm currently using photoshop CS6 and am trying to make a nice logo for my website. I used photoshop through high school so I know little basic things about the program. Anyways, I'm creating a logo from a tut on youtube, it says to hit "ctrl i" which makes the background black. After that I select a darkish grey as my foreground color, then I hit the gradient tool and set it to "radial gradient." Now I drag the mouse across the document and let go but nothing happens. I then tried it with a white background and it worked fine, but I want the background to be black. I made sure that it was on normal, the opacity is 100% and everything seems correct to what the tutorial was showing me. He uses a different photoshop than me so I don't know if that's what causes it.
I need to have a regular (linear) gradient but instead of going along a straight line, it should go along a custom made, freehand bezier path, observing all the turns or angles on that path.Is it possible in PS?
I just switched over from actually. Anyway, one of my favorite effects I made in was a gradient bars effect (as seen in this image):
Now, I really want to know how to make this in Photoshop .
Using CSS, I want to put a semi-transparent image over another image (by semi-transparent I mean a GIF in which alternating pixels are transparent - see attachment).
I drew this image basically pixel-by-pixel (via copy/paste), and it's ok as far as it goes, but what I REALLY want is for the density of opaque pixels to increase from left to right, so the effect when laid over an image is essentially that of a gradient. I DON'T want to have to draw this image pixel by pixel!
Whenever I try and accomplish this in Photoshop, it uses semi-transparent pixels which then become opaque when optimized. If I could figure out how to tell photoshop to build a gradient using only 1 color and no semi-transparent pixels (or barring that, white and another color and then I could delete the white...),
I'm completely new to Gimp, and have one task that I would like to complete. I'm a fiberartist and would like to replace the backgrounds in my photos with a gradient one.
I have managed to create a "gradient image", and have also tried to follow a PDF tutorial, and YouTube video. The dialog boxes didn't match and I wasn't successful. I tried finding "decompose" and "mask", but it may be the instructions weren't spot on.
I created a gradient using the gradient tool. If you look at the image I supplied, you can see a clear line between the white background and the -what is supposed to be- white bg color of the gradient. Why is this not smoother?
I wanna confirm this bug. I'm almost sure it's generalized but who knows. But in most systems I've tried I couldn't get Gradient Ramp to show as viewport background when using Nitrous.
System specs vary greatly from Mac Pros to Dells and ATI and Geforces and one QuadroFX 3700. Most with recent graphic drivers.
So, basically, I am DETERMINED to learn how to use gradient mesh in 5.1. I tried to do that well-known red pepper exercise (I'll provide the URL if somebody hasn't seen it.) Everything was going fine until I actually tried to use the background jpg of the pepper itself in outline mode as a template. The idea is to pick up the template colors of the pepper and then use them as gradient mesh colors. No matter how I tried to do it, that trick just would not work.
If you are working on a gradient mesh and are using image template as a guide you want to work in outline preview so you can see the underlying art to determine wht you are constructing and also it then allows you to use the eyedropper to sample the color of the actual photo so it can be translated tothe mesh and you can simply switch back to Preview mode to check your progress.
Very handy when working with gradient meshes if you are using and underlying template to translate into art.
That sounds great, but sampling the color of the photo and then actually using it on the gradent mesh points just did not seem to work for me.
AI 6. Here is what I have. A background shape that is a gradient. Type on top of the shape. Chiller font. I need to punch a hole into the background in the shape of the font. I created outline with the font. Ungrouped the outlines. I go to pathfinder and select exclude. My gradient which was red to black is now black only. It excluded the font, (punched the hole) but ruined my gradient because the gradient no longer exist. Just black.
The reason I need to exclude the font is because it does not print well. I'm using cmyk doc color mode. But the white font and the reddish background where the font is located kind of blend making the font kind of hard to read. I figured punching a hole in the shape of the fonts would solve that problem.
I have recently discovered that there is more to gradients in GIMP than I had previously thought: the different varieties of pre-sets, as well as the"off-set" tool. How to make a new gradient of your own? Any other cool stuff? (Being able to manipulate gradients would be cool.)
how to edit/make a gradient with Gimp. I have opened the gradient editor, but whenever i click anywhere nothing seems to do anything. i tried clicking the black arrow,s the white arrows, but i don't see anywhere i can do what i need exactly.
when i right click within the editor area also, most things are greyed out making it unclickable.
How can I make a stipple gradient in Illustrator CS4? In drawings for design patents, the US Patent office requires, where shading is needed for clarity, stippled gradients. (Note: line gradients can be used unless the design incorporates lines that would be obscured/confused by the use of line gradients.) Generally, the lighting is assumed to be from the top left and the shading is implemented accordingly.Other gradient effects are forbidden. Illustrator (version 8 -- yes, I've used it swimmingly for 10 years and only recently upgraded to CS4) has provided for stipple gradients. That is, you could make a 20% to 120% stipple for example. Now, with CS4, I can't see how to create a stippled gradient.
What I want to do is take a design and automatically filter it to divide it into four parts that are moved into the corners of the image for tiling, like the Make Seamless feature. But I don't want any image-changing effects other than that, like gradients, which can't be turned off when using Make Seamless. What can I do?
If I have to do it manually, how do I do this? I can't seem to understand how to use the grid or ruler to find the exact center or divide the image into four equal parts.
I have a question with hatching. I'm using AutoCAD 2006. Is there any way of having the hatching lines' spacing change gradually to create an illusion of depth? I'm thinking of something like this image:
If there's a way or if you know of any plug-ins that could work?