Photoshop :: How To Create Gradient Background With PMS Colors
Mar 13, 2013
The customer wants a gradient background with the PMS Colors 485 c & 1375 c.. This file is going to china and china only takes illustrator files.. So how can I do this in illustrator cs5?
I am trying to create a gradient background. I've created the gradient but when I open up the gradient editor to play with the slider the changes I make don't show-up in the gradient when I click ok.
I'm trying to create a high-res desktop background image (1680 x 1050) with a gradient-fill, but the "steps" between the color changes in the background are obvious and I'd like them to be smoothed out. I know that the fill steps are much smoother when a shape is smaller, but I want this to be high-quality and sharp at full size.
Can the "steps" be adjusted to be smaller, or is there a better way I could go about achieving a smoother fill?
Here's an illustration of what I'm talking about. Hopefully it's obvious enough up on this image (you may have to view it full size):
Is it possible to create a gradient similar to radial gradient, except that the shape is other than circular? This image would be the starting point, but I would like the white part fading to black to be another shape (say, a rectangle, a banana, etc.).
I'm using the gradient tool and want the foreground & background colours used as the gradient fill. (I've read in many manuals that the foreground & backgound colors are the default colours when using the Gradient tool) When I use it, it automatically uses one of the preset colours and I can't figure out how to use the two colours I've chosen.
I've got an object that I've filled with a circular fill/gradient. Is there a button that allows me to swap the start color and end colors in one click? If this was a linear gradient I could just position the start and end points to reverse it but since its circular I must swap the start and end to retain the circular effect.
I'm designing a banner for my gaming guild's forums. I have draw the logo/banner and textured it. After Desaturating the image im left with a nice B&W image.
I know of many ways to color the image but everytime that I do the color doesn't match the other colors we have on the forums.
What I want to do is color the image according to a color gradient that we use on the forums.
I would like to have the whitest pixels of the banner be the lightest color from the gradient(#c0a864) and the darkest pixels of the banner be the darkest color from the gradient(#917341). And have GIMP interpolate between those two colors for the other pixels in between the lighest/darkest.
Similar to how a Bumpmap works, only instead of simulating depth based on the range of colors from Black to White, I want it to colorize the banner.
I have a gradient mesh and I used a single pantone color to shade it, ie. with different tints of the one colour.
I want to see what it looks like in a different pantone color and wondered if there was a way to swap out the original color for a new one and keep the different percentages at the same time.
In Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) when I open a new file, the background shows a gradient. No matter what I do or try, there is a gradient from top to bottom in the file.
Even though I select to change to one even color. No matter what layer I place o top or change, it shows the gradient. Some settings somewhere must cause this but I am unable to find out where or how. How do I get it back to default settings?
How I can get a gradient something like the attached e.g. which gradient picker (I don't think it is foreground to background) and which gradient (I don't think it is linear).
I want a gradient background from almost white at bottom to light blue on top. i tried a very light blue solid background and then use the gradient tool to burn in the color on top. i can't seem to get the right blue, my blue is too greenish. also when i burn in more than twice lines appear.
Here is my problem. My foreground to background gradient too is broken it seems. It starts with black, then fades into a gold or bronze color and then to white... I'm attaching a screenshot so you can see what I mean. I'd like to reset whatever I did so that it's the normal gradient, not that gold color in there
I tried even uninstalling photoshop, deleting the settings file, resetting everything... after I re-install photoshop, it's the same thing!
I have created a gradient background in photoshop and positioned this on my webpage using css.
I thought it would be nice to create some page titles in photoshop instead of using regular fonts.
Something that has always stumped me, is whenever I have created text on top of a transparent background using photoshop, saved for web, gif @ 256 colours and applied to the webpage, no matter what I do the text always look frazzled around the edges. Is there a technique to creating transparent text that looks smooth?
Using PS CS4 on XP. I just got a job back from the printer company & I am noticing some lines that didn't appear on my print out here (on xerox color printer machine) to compare. I didn't really catch them on the proof either, but they used an epson proof and we printed on 100# gloss text stock for the final.
What I have going on is a gradient background (using shape layer and gradient layer style effect) from a white to a light tan. Top to bottom on a regular Letter size sheet. In the upper right hand corner I have a image of a face that had that same light tan in the background. I faded this image into the gradient background by using gaussian blur.
This is not very noticable in the file, but I can tell that it is have to really focus your eyes to see it, but it's there, a line going around the image where the gaussian blur is. I'll attach a photo of the edge. I guess what I'm saying is it is not smooth - the image edges being blurred into the gradient background, but printed off a regular printer, it looks smooth. Is there anything I can do to prevent this in the future?
I'm currently using photoshop CS6 and am trying to make a nice logo for my website. I used photoshop through high school so I know little basic things about the program. Anyways, I'm creating a logo from a tut on youtube, it says to hit "ctrl i" which makes the background black. After that I select a darkish grey as my foreground color, then I hit the gradient tool and set it to "radial gradient." Now I drag the mouse across the document and let go but nothing happens. I then tried it with a white background and it worked fine, but I want the background to be black. I made sure that it was on normal, the opacity is 100% and everything seems correct to what the tutorial was showing me. He uses a different photoshop than me so I don't know if that's what causes it.
Is it possible to change the background color of a completed image? I've created a minimal version of the Fire image for use on my jewelry site. The background color is clearly wrong. I still have the original PSD file that I created. How do I change the color so as to harmonize with the rest of the site?
I'm trying to apply 2 gradients on a single layer. When I applied the second gradient, it replaced with the 1st one. Is that possible to do so without having 2 separate layers?
I want to create a blur effect that starts from one edge of a photo and gets stronger (more blurred) as it goes away from that point. This specific effect only needs to travel in one direction, so it doesn't need to be circular.
I don't want to use the method of creating a second copy of the photo on a separate layer, blurring it, and using a gradient on a layer mask, because this doesn't achieve the effect I'm looking for, since you can still see some of the non-blurred image under the blurred one.
I want to create a gradient that only affects saturation, Example: I have an image that I want to hint at perspective in. I want the objects farther back in space (top) to be less saturated and those closer to the foreground (bottom) to be more saturated. I'm assuming I can do this with an adjustment layer and I've tried messing around with it, but it seems that I have to set colors to create a gradient but I don't want to affect the native colors at all, I just want to change their saturation. I'm not talking about going from B&W to color. I want to be able to set a particular level of desaturation grading to another level of saturation up to 100%.
i use photoshop CS2. i would like to know how to create a curved gradient or fill gradient in a curved shape. the gradient should take the shape of the curved geometry.
I am newbie in photoshop. I am using CS4. I have a picture with my daughter i just want to edit and replace new background but there some portion in the picture its hard for me to remove colors to the hair. i just want to retain tiny hair without erasing totally.I used pen tool to crop it.
I am running CS4 64 bit and since installing it, when you select a color either from an image or the swatches pallet using the eyedropper the selected colour automatically defaults to the background. It does the same when you are using the brush tool and alt click to select a new color when painting. I have checked Adobe help and it says you should alt/click to put the colour in the background, if I alt click with the eyedropper it places the new colour in the foreground, which is the opposite of what it is meant to be.
I am using the new Creative Cloud attempt from Adobe. In 6 months, the only consistent documented behavior from photoshop around transparency gradient adjustment layers is to deselect all layers and then select just one layer to use for the failed Photoshop transparency effect.
I have not found any tutorials that I can duplicate on my machine. Either the tools will not appear 99% of time, or when they do 1% of time they do not work as described, work erratically, or do not work at all. I have got the CC Photoshop to perform a linear gradient from layer to black background. That is all CC Photoshop can do consistently for me. For multi-step tutorials, the steps are consistent, but CC Photoshop popups and resutls literally change with each gradient attempt. Freaky application failures. 100% of time CC Photoshop fails, applying the gradient from an object in foreground to a black background.
Layer foreground to black background must be the default. Anything else fails and is highly erratic. It is as if this CC Photoshop is intended as a supplement to whatever they are using in the tutorials. For example, If I had the money for a full Photoshop CS6 box, everything would work fine? CC Photoshop is a total fail on this computer. Adobe telephone support results the same failure. I am always going to get a call back "with a resolution". but the callback never comes, or it comes with the excuse "we are working on this". All I want is a Foreground to Background transparency gradient for a selected layer... ever since the CC beta trial appeared a year ago. For example, how do I create a radial transparency gradient using CC Photoshop?
Im having a hard time making a pattern out of my psd file below. Ive searched online and cant find an exact tutorial on what I need, and after following other tutorials, I just cant get mine to work.