I have difficulties opening tif and jpg files in camera raw. I can not access Camera Raw. With CR2 files i have no problem. So far I know all is correct in the preference dialogue box. I bought lightroom 5 also. Can this be the cause?2
I made a picture in HRD Pro, and i want to work on it. I saved it as a .psd and also as a .tif, but I cannot open nor the .psd, nor the .tif in Camera Raw? If I save it as a .Jpg I already lose quality..?
Due to size concerns, I began to convert my orijinal raw files taken by 7D as 5184*3456 pixels to 3000*2000 pixel by Canon Digital Photo Professional to TIFF files . ( gaining almost %50 of the original size)
Then I'll use bridge to open them as raw files in Camera raw for editing ...
Do you think that, there will be some quality issues after then ?
I have been following tutorials on creating HDR images in photoshop using the 32 bit function.
Once I have created the 32 bit image, and saved it as a Tiff file. I then go into bridge and made sure the preferences for camera raw are set to enable suppoprted TIFFs. However I cannot open this image through camera raw, it just opens up in photoshop...
In the turorials I have seen this does not seem to be a problem for others.
Can't open file from Nikon D7100 in Camera RAW Plug-In,i have Photoshop CS5 and plugin is upgraded.Format NEF from Nikon D 7100 is not in this plug-in photoshop.
My normal workflow consists of opening RAW files in ACR, making adjustments, then moving on to Photoshop where I apply retouching and build clipping paths. I then save the file as an 8bit TIFF. I rarely reopen these 8bit TIFFs again, but when I did so recently what I encountered was not what I expected.
My Photoshop (CS6) is opening 8bit TIFF files as Camera Raw when selected by "right click" followed by "Open with Photoshop CS6". I remember being able to open 8bit TIFF files directly in Photoshop, but I think this change has occurred since installing CS6.
Again, files in question began as 16bit Raw files, but were worked on in Photoshop CS6 (retouching) and saved with clipping paths. This would reduce them to 8bit files. When placed in page layout, clipping paths work properly, confirming that paths are intact.
When I want to open the files again - say from Bridge or a Finder window - by the method "right click - Open with Photoshop CS6", the file is opened first in Camera Raw, and then in Photoshop, and the path(s) is missing.I can open these TIFF files and access Paths but only if I locate and select the file from within Photoshop (File/ Open.../). The Open window gives "Format" as Camera Raw (which it isn't, having been saved as 8bit file). If I override format to "TIFF", the file opens with clipping path shown.
I recently did a photoshoot with a car. It was the first time that I planned to professionally use 32 bit HDR merging. I shot 4 exposures of the front of the car from the side, and shot another 4 at the same brackets of the back of the car while mounted on the tripod.
Here's exactly what I'm trying to do;
Take 2 different 32 bit TIFFsAlign them to be a panoramaExport to a single, true 32 bit TIFFAdjust & tone that 32 bit panorama TIFF in Camera Raw
I've worked with panoramas plenty of times, but when I take the 32 bit TIFF files into photoshop, I pass through CR without doing anything. Once the TIFFs are in PS, they are converted to an 8 bit mode automatically. I also tried to take those 8 bit TIFFs, auto-align, switch back to 32 bit mode, and then export as a 32 bit TIFF. I then took the panorama 32 bit TIFF into Camera Raw, but obviously, the damage had already been done and it was not true 32 bit.
Camera Raw takes almost 2 seconds to save 103MB tiff file. (I use Photoshop CS6)When i save a bunch of tiff files, camera raw uses only half of my CPU and half of my RAM. In addition, I use SSD that writes 530MB/s outside Photoshop. According to these specifications it should save 5 images within one second. But it doesnt.
I have a camera not (really) supported directly by LR - so i use .tiff files created by the camera bundled software.This works fine,
Now i would like to be able to use my own camera profiles with LR with my .tiff files - when i open the RAW files (an old version is supported, so they can be opened) the profiles are availiable as expected, but when i change to the .tiff version of the file, the profiles are gone.
I have a camera not (really) supported directly by LR - so i use .tiff files created by the camera bundled software.This works fine, and i have earlier had support from this forum regarding lens-profiles using .tiff files, with great success.
Now i would like to be able to use my own camera profiles with LR with my .tiff files - when i open the RAW files (an old version is supported, so they can be opened) the profiles are availiable as expected, but when i change to the .tiff version of the file, the profiles are gone.
I am cleaning up the Hard Drive on my Mac G4. My scanned images are taking a great portion of the 80 Gig drive. I finished clearing my external drive by removing nearly 60 gigs of images by storing them on DVD. I will do the same for the Mac drive.
My trouble is that all my images are stored in TIFF format which takes up enormous space no matter the storage. Since I output images in various sizes, mainly prints, to 30 x 40 inches, I need a master image archived in the best format for such. However, I do not want to fill my drives, or DVD, with large files. Code:
I have a folder of tiffs that were recovered from an sd card out of a Canon T3i. The only recovery software that worked saved them as Tiff files. I can view the thumbnail, I can even view the full res version in Windows Picture Viewer, but the files cannot be opened by Lightroom, Photoshop, Infranview or Gimp. The all spit out a message to the tune of "unsupported tiff format".
I'd be happy to just get these things into jpeg format so that I can edit them,.
I have tried changing file type associations in Windows, changing file type associations in Bridge, changing the registry, right clicking and selecting open with, and nothing works. The only way I can do it is to drag my file to the 32 bit PS icon. How do I make 32 bit the default version that opens?
I have PS CS3 and am running a Dell precision workstation 690 with 4GB ram, 1.6GHz Xeon duo core processor, NVIDIA Quadoro FX 3450 video card. I have a tiff that is 705.4 MB and when I try to open it an error message pops up and reads: could not compelte your request because there is not enought memory (RAM).
I have gone into preferences/performance and moved the memory usage up to 70%. Do I really need to purchase more RAM for the computer?
I am trying to continue an assignment that I started at school today, but the Photoshop CS6 (64 bit) that I have on my laptop will not let me open any files. Not, JPEG, TIFF, PSD, PNG, nary a one of the photo types can be opened. It doesn't give me any signs of trouble or error messages. It just wont let me open a file or make a new file. I just sits there in all its power staring me down. why must Photoshop all of a sudden despise me so?
Earlier this year, I was still using CS3. I created a bunch of original TIFF files, and modified files which had been created in CS1. When I am having to go back and reference these CS3 TIFFs, some of them are giving me an error message and refusing to open. Evidently, they are not compatible with CS6?
I have since uninstalled CS3, but the box is sitting on the shelf if I need it (which I am hoping I don't). Any workaround - preferably one which will not destroy my layers.
An associate is trying to open a 60,000 x 60,000 tiff file using PS CS5.1-Extended on a windows 7 platform with 6G RAM.
He gets the error message "Photoshop can only decode JPEG encoded images up to 32767 pixels wide of tall."
I suggested that he might have a jpeg whose extension got changed to tiff. He says no, it's a tiff, and besides how would one generate a jpeg that size.
I saved a file as a .tif and it saved as normal then I shut down Photoshop and then the PC. The next day when I try to open the file it doesn't open correctly it opens but the right hand side of the photo is on the left and the left hand side of the image is now on the right, its like its been cut in half and put back the wrong way.
It also didn't open with the layers only as a locked background. When I view the file in the icon it looks fine until I open it.
I was trying to open an image that had already been processed by me in CS6 on this laptop.
When i select the image that i want to open CS6 launches but then i recieve an error message saying that CS6 is unable to open the image. Frustatlingly this does not happen with every image.
One person has said to reinstall the software but i downloaded it from the Adobe site and don't wnt to end up paying twice.
System info Processor Intel(R)Core(TM)i3-2350M @2.30Hz 2.30GHz Installed memory Ram 8.00 (7.89 usable) System type 64 bit
Plug ins Alien Skin - Exposure 4 Anthropics -Portrait Proffesional
I have a job to do. It requieres me to open around 40.000 tiff files. Each file i around 1-2 GB. Some of them have to be rotated and saved, but mostly I just have to check that they looks ok and close them without saving them. Code:
When opening existing tiff files in Photoshop 6 they are opening very tiny in top left corner(memory can be anything from 1 mb up to 1 gb. I have to magnify each one seperately right up to see them. Never had this problem in CS 4, tried everything in preferences, view etc etc