Photoshop :: Fluid Mask Plugin
Jun 19, 2006How do I load the fluid mask plugin?
I got it in the plugin folder and one is installed from their website.
How do I load the fluid mask plugin?
I got it in the plugin folder and one is installed from their website.
I downloaded the trial version and have been messing with it for a couple of days..I really wanted to like it but I'm not jazzed in the least. Sure it works as does knockout and the extraction tool, but you seem to need to spend more time cleaning it up..why bother with a $300+ program if it doesn't seem to simplify the operation?
I'd rather do it one time with the Quick Mask and know its going to be smooth...and as for flyaway hair...extract seems to work as well as any. Has anybody have an real success with this program?
Is Fluid Mask 3 the best Knockout Plug-ins for Photoshop,
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have one layer with some outlines, everything is colored WHITE now. How can I change the color of this? The outlines is too thin and detailed to use the CTRL+U and drag the things, nothing will change.
View 1 Replies View RelatedThe Fluid mask installer doesn't recognize Photoshop 6. I selected other and tried to put the “Vertus Fluid Mask 3” folder that contains the files dbghelper.dll & FluidMask3.8bf into the Photoshop 6’s plugins directory. It’s not available within Photoshop.
It does however function as a freestanding program so I know it works on the computer. It also worked very well under CS5.I’m sure Vertus will get around to upgrading, but I’d like to be able to use it with my current projects and not have to wait for them.
UPDATE: The above procedure works for the 32 Bit install of CS6... Not with the 64Bit.... would like it to work with 64bit since I edit some sizable files
How easy is it to migrate third-party plug-ins such as Vertus Fluid Mask to Photoshop CC?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes Perfect Mask 5.2 works as a plugin in PhotoPaint X6?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI've seen these all over but I'm not sure if they are created with Photoshop or some other graphics program. Any ideas?
View 4 Replies View Relatedi have started creating layouts in photoshop cs3 and i was wondering if there is an easy way to save my layouts as fluid width, as opppsed to fixed, so they resize according to the browser window. is css the only way to go?
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat is a good 3rd party application that can produce good fountain simulations? There are a variety of conditions, not just the kind that shoot straight up, but that flow in sheets and synchronize etc.
I have the need for right away and little time to deal with much of a learning curve. I've looked at Real Flow but too expensive, with a complex price scale.
How can I fix my LT so that I can draw fluid lines? At the moment the cursor jumps in increments across the screen as I move my cursor.
I can draw circles and rectangles fine (smooth, no lag) but straight lines are a nightmare. This also follows true with the "first line" of an elipse which is very jumpy.
Note: Brand new 3 day old HP 6550b ProBook, running windows 7.
I made an animation of a small prototype engine I am designing (attached as video 3) and I would like to be able to show fluid flowing in from the injector and into the cylinder, through the dumbbell valve and out the bottom, autodesk inventor does not seem to have this capability and its looking like my only option is to learn 3ds max and rebuild my animation in that.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI'm using Maya 2012 with thirty fluid containers and the scene takes over 45 minutes to load.
What is taking so long to open the file? How can I reduce the time it takes to open the scene without removing the fluid containers?
How do I do this in CS4?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy subject line pretty much sums up what I want to ask.
The thing is I've learned how to do both of them, but every textbook exercise I've done regarding one I found out that I can pull off with the other too.
Are they simply two different mechanisms for doing the same thing?
how to manipulate the size of the wipeout for a text mask.
Simply selecting the masked text in C3D 2011 provided pick boxes at the four corners of the wipeout, making it very easy to manipulate the size of the wipeout box. I'm hoping to do the same in C3D 2012, but the wipeout seems to be treated like a block and lacks the pick boxes.A system variable maybe?
While creating various circular masks with a radial gradient from white to black, whenever I change the blending mode of the mask path Ai will throw me out of mask mode into layer editing mode. Since this is on a large document of ~2Gb file with multiple artbords for large poster & UI refresh speed is slow, this has become quite frustrating. Is this normal Ai behaviour?
View 3 Replies View RelatedLevel: Newbie OS: Win7 64bit Ia: Cs6
Once I use a Clipping Mask on a layer is the entire document covered in a mask?
And/or is all the artwork from then on inside the mask?
I've read about how to add and how to remove art from a mask. I've read about how to make and release and lots of other things.
So, then I went and found a lesson that contained the use of a Clipping Mask.
I am suppose to Select the main shape and "just" copy it and move it down (doesn't say rather to Paste in front or back but I assumed in back ~ not that it has mattered thus far)
However, while making the main shape I used Gradient Mesh and used an Offset to create a "replica" and so when I go to Select the main shape the mesh is selected and so when I Paste (in back ~ seems most logical) and then move it down the details such as the colors of the Gradient and other such things are visible in front ~ ??
So, I have been trying to abate my problem in lots of different ways.
I have tried using the Pen tool to draw behind the main shape, I've tried making a New Layer and placing it above and below and inbetween the main shape layer, I've tried adding the artwork to the Mask ... I've tried everything I can think of and I've been through many an article in the manual and FAQ's to no avail.
I suppose, what I think I need to know ... is, how ... how on earth do I draw behind this main shape? Am I not able to do it because I am not getting behind the Mask?
I have been trying to and a layer mask to my image. When I go to unmask my image it wont work it shows it in the layer mask thumbnail but not in the real image.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCan I move smart layer mask to the smart filters on the same layer as a mask?
View 1 Replies View Relatedsome photoshop plugin can process a single image from multiple little image. A kind of mosaic. I'd really like to know the name of this plugin since making this kind of composition can ben very long.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a plugin that makes it so you can have your images that are open be in tabs like firefox's tabbed browsing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhenever I start Photoshop CS3 i get the following error:
"the procedure entry point PIZToUnicodeStringLen could not be located in the dynamic link liabrary PLUGIN.dll"
After I click OK 2-3 times the dialog box goes away and everything seems to wrk fine. But I want to get rid of this dialog box error for good.
I tried downloading 'plugins.dll' and 'msvcrt10.dll' from the internet. I put them in my windows/system32 folder and also in my Photoshop folder,
looking for an excellent plugin to extract objects from background.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI want to cut out an object from a picture.
As I understand it, this canbe done in Photoshop: but it takes time.
I've been told you can buy 3rd party plugins that will make he job easier.
Plugin* is a complete solution for all your problems concerning the management and use of plug-ins in your favorite application. Plugin*® technology is based on a patented, advanced hosting method. Plugin*® introduce you revolutionary approach to plug-in hosting. The application uses the latest file management making it easy to navigate through thousands of plug-ins with just a few clicks of a mouse.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm looking for plugins for Photoshop CC, I have a full license and need a plugin for jpg / png saves, Super PNG is installed in my plugins folder but it still doesn't give me the option to save. I'm just trying to type a font and save it .
View 6 Replies View RelatedA search indicates that Camera Raw 6.3 plugin and later will work, but it is apparently for CS5 only. Is it true that CS4 loses the ability to work with camera raw files of newer cameras? If not, where can I get a camera raw plugin for my new S95 that works with CS4? (The camera does ship with proprietary raw processing software, but I'd prefer the integration of Bridge and Photoshop.)
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there a TWAIN plug-in for Photoshop CC? (I saw the June 2013 query; any updates since then?) This is for a Windows 7, 64 bit installation, using an Epson Perfection 2400 scanner. If not, any work around beside buying Vuescan?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI used Paint Shop Pro for years and they had a great Kaleidoscope generator effect built in to the program.Switched to Pshop a couple years ago, and have been sorely missing the Kaleidoscope thing. I've searched high and low on the 'net and there seems to be nothing out there. Some freebies made for PC but nada for Mac.
Is it really a difficult programming feature to cook up one of these things? people are doing amazing stuff with fractal generators and computers, isn't about time someone coded a simple kaleidoscope plugin for Pshop on Macs?
I want to use PS CC exclusively for astro photography, for that , the file format use is FITS 16 or 32 or IEET , before with CS3 we used fits liberator and after downloading , it was easy to use it , in plugin/ file format. But now I have a lot of difficulties to open this file.
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