When I use the magnifying tool (PS CS3) to zoom in on a section of a file, all the other files which are open in CS3, also zoom. When I unzoom the file I am working on, the other files stay zoomed until I manually change them back. This doesn't happen if I use control + to magnify - but using control + does not magnify the file in the specific part of the file I need. This is driving me batty. I think this started happening when a co-worker uploaded a folder from her external drive to my desktop. I did a system restore and this annoying problem stopped. She uploaded more files later and the problem came back. I also notice my folder settings getting rearranged after she uploads her files. Could this have anything to do with her running on a 64 bit Vista machine, and me on a 32-bit XP? Could this be triggering a preference change that I can just undo?Â
I need to create a smooth border line the same shape of the inside of this cutting die which I have scanned......slightly small than the inside (White Part) How do I achieve this? I have tried power trace then created a boundary to make the shape but the line is uneven.
I am learning Revit on my own and I am a total beginner. I am trying to create dome roofs like these: URL....I'm trying to use massing, but am not able to apply a roof over it because theres an error something about being vertical.
We recently built our new company website which we're happy enough with. However one element we tried to capture was an interactive donught shaped pie chart, using javascript to click on each seperate section. Â The end result can be viewed at URL.... Â You'll notice imemdiately that the part that's a little off is the text which sits in each section. IS there an easier way to combine the graphic, text and javascript to achieve the effect we're looking for?
More and more often I come across exhibits where the text has a background mask shaped like the letters and numbers, used in the callout. Typically I see this in GIS software based exhibits. Looking for text that can be used in CAD that functions similiarly? Currently working in 2011 Civil 3d.
With Gimp 2.8 (Mac) I have made a 3D text with a YouTube tutorial. It looks like the Pulp Fiction logo. [URL]...........
How do I overlay a grungy texture, so the letters look 'older'?I tried making the texture image the top layer in the list on the right and then this: right click -> layer -> transparency -> color to alpha.But then, the 'see-through' texture covers the entire square transparent background! Not just the letters...So, how do I add a transparent texture layer over a shaped image that has a transparent background?
I'm looking to create my own version of wallpaper that resembles the aqua style default wallpapers for the Mac OS x. Does anyone have a tutorial or know how do do this? I've played around with making curves with the pen tool and applying effects, but I can't seem to make it look as convincing as the original (attached).
I'm wondering if there is a simple way to create a 1 pt. border on my transparent background. I want this as a "cutting guide", but my "inside edit/stroke" is not working on the transparent b/g.
I have a bunch of icons made for PC's that I'd like to use on the Mac. When I download the icons and unzip the file most come with two icons. An ico and a png image. Originally I could not get either to open in Photoshop so I got this little freeware prgm. (Icon Grabber) that converts icons to tiff files. Now I can drag it into PS and work on it. When I open it it shows up as having a transparent background. All is well. I then save it as a png so it will work on the Mac. All is well again and I can use the icon BUT it's showing up on the Mac as having a white background even though in PS it showed up ?as a transparent background. I have tried saving it to SuperPNG which supports and saves transparencies.
I've created a logo in photoshop 7. now it looks good and would like to save so I can use it in my webpage so it overlays over the background color. No I have a drop shadow on the image and when I save as a gif for one the image get's muddy and the drop shadow dose not overlay right. Is there a way to do this? I've played around with the options while saving and I haven't hit on the suloustion. Basically I'm looking to save this file for a website with the best quality posible with no background in the image.
Is there a way to create a desktop background from a small low-res. image? I didn't want it to tile and I wanted it to fit the entire screen. I've looked on the web and it just seems to offer trial software to do it and you have to be on a PC to use those software....I use a Mac
recently bought a copy of Elements 11. I have an image with a solid white background, which I want to change to a transparent background. I just can't seem to work out how to make the solid white background transparent. I have saved the image as a PSD, then used Magic Extractor hoping that I could highlight to retain the image and then 'highlight' the backround to become transparent, but it does not seem to work that way.
I have photoshop elements 7.0 and I am having difficulty making making a photo with a transparent background. According to the tutorials I watched, I am supposed to bring the desired photo which I do and can be seen on the right in the layers box dialogue. Then there I create a copy which is "unlocked" which shows up on my screen. Then, I select the brush tool and I select the areas of the photo which I wish to make transparent and then hit the letter "D" on my keyboard, or the delete button. Although the background is seen gone in the photo in my layers box, the background is still shown in my photo on my screen. The perforated lines are seen and although I keep pressing the D button it does not work.Â
I have a picture of a baseball player with grandstands and spectators in the background. To focus attention on the subject, I want to blur and slightly darken everything but the player (subject). Â So I duplicated the background layer and created a mask over the player. Then I selected the background layer, added lens blur, and darkened it. Â The problem is that this step blurs the image of the subject in the background, causing it to extend out beyond the masked image of the subject on the foreground layer, creating a ghostly "halo" effect. Â I've tried creating an inverted mask on the background layer, but that doesn't work. Â Photoshop PS6, Windows 7
I have created a background for a flyer I am making, but would like to add text that takes on the design of the background. So imagine that the background is a piece of cloth, if you placed you hand under the cloth the cloth would take on the impression of the hand. So the text would be poppin' out at the viewer from what would look like underneath the background. Something similar to this. I have seen it on other flyers and was just wondering how it is done.
Can someone please show me or point me to the right tutorial that will illustrate how to create a thin background image that has a drop shadow on both the left and right borders that run vertically down a centered web page?
The image has a white middle where content is placed and the left and right borders have a drop shadow. After the image is sliced to roughly 760 pixels wide by 1 pixel tall, it will repeat vertically down the page. It is typically placed in the container or wrapper div? It is similar to a faux column.
I created a .png file from our organization logo. I used the magic wand to select and "delete" the backgound, leaving it transparent. However, when placed on our web site, the logo edges have a slight line. What must I do to not have the lines (to make the background truly transparent)?
I have a hand drawn picture scanned as a jpeg file and I want to convert it to a vector image with a transparent background, but it keeps saving with the white background.
i am interested doing a galaxy background for one of my photos. i don'y know how to create another backorund for my pic but and i was wondering how to, and also i am wondering if it is possible to make is so like you can't see anything from the original background. This is the galaxy background i would like to use
For some reason my qleader settings will not retain as they once did. Â I have used them in the past with no issues, but can't seem to get AutoCAD to remember what I want. Â It's a real pain.
I've tried toying with mleaders. Â I like them for the most part, but I can't get my text to be background masked automatically (like I can with qleader). Â I also will need to change my text styles as my current style scales the text size. Â MLeader allows me to set the scale (MLEADERSCALE) for the different scales in my drawings which is nice, but without the background mask, I'd rather use QLeader.
Any way making the text with automatic background masking? Â I don't mind creating a text style with background mask.....if that is possible somehow.
I have seen photos where the background is black. Is it possible to do this with Photo Pro X3 Ultimate? If so, how? I'm retired (read as "older" and not as sharp as a younger person) and new at digital photography.
I want the top squares to fit around the odd shaped circle, at the same time be able to edit them as if they were in a straight row and have the edits pass down to the squares around the oddly shaped circle.
I've searched on "irregular" and "gradient" and a few other terms, but I did not find anything from the past to answer my question. If I am repeating an old topic, I'm sorry.
I am trying to find an easy way to create gradient fills that are not linear or circular. I want to create them in irregular shapes. So far, the only way I can think of is to draw my shape, select it, fill it, then go to Select>Modify>Contract then fill it with a slightly lighter color then repeat the process over and over and over again until I reach the center. I could certainly create an action to do the contraction of the selection so it would be a little easier, but I would still have to change the fill color each time and then fill the new shape. Is there an easier way?
I'll attach an image to show you what I am talking about. This one has banding since I do not have the patience to contract the selection one pixel at a time over and over. I am hoping that there is an automated way. Incidentally, I am using version 7. I am not completely opposed to upgrading if the feature exists in a newer version, but I am hopeful that there is some feature I am not aware of that will make it easy even in my version.