Photoshop :: Create Text Along A Curved Path In 6.0 (Windows)?

Aug 29, 2013

I am using a very old version of Photoshop (i.e. Photoshop 6.0).If it is possible to create text along a curved path in Photoshop 6.0 (Windows)? If so, how?Note that I do not want to create wraped text (using Arc etc.).
Specifically, I want to type text along the lower half of a circular image.checked various blogs that show how to do that for more recent versions (or MAC version) of Photoshop.

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Xara :: Unable To Create Text To Follow Curved Path

Mar 14, 2012

For some reason I am unable to create text to follow a curved path. For example, I created a simple curved line using the shape editor tool. After selecting the completed line I select the main text tool (the other text tool, fit text to curve, is grayed out and not selectable). However, wherever I insert the cursor along the curved line I still end up with a straight line of text. After much experimentation I still cannot figure it out. I know I am leaving out a simple step.

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Photoshop :: Text On The INSIDE Of A Curved Path

Jan 16, 2005

text "wrapped" around paths, but they were all along the outside. How can I get text to curve along the "inside" of a closed path (like a Circle)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Surface Coil Along Curved Path

Aug 16, 2012

I've read the posts pertaining to coil features along curved paths. The existing solutions are limited in that they must rely on a solid with the addition of a bend feature. How can I create a helical surface structure including multiple bends like the one shown?

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GIMP :: How To Put Text On A Curved Path

May 15, 2012

I'm an occasional Gimp user and am having a problem tryingto create some CD/DVD labels. I want to put text on a curved path but haven't beenable to get a persistent path.

I've followed instructions in the help manual and from the "Beginning GIMP" bookabout creating a path but the path won't display after switching to a differenttool.

These screenshot links show:1) Using brush selected for path

[URL].... Using line selected for path
[URL]...Resulting path (same for both types)

As soon as I select the text tool, the path disappears. Obviously I'm missing somestep that would make the path persistent or I'm misunderstanding how paths work.Shouldn't the path remain visible?

The Gimp version is 2.6.12 on a KDE desktop under openSuSE 12.1 & 12.2.

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Illustrator :: Created Text On Curved Path Using Pen Tool And Type On Path Tool

Feb 13, 2014

I created text on a curved path using the pen tool and the the type on a path tool. However, there are portions of the text that I want to taper. For example, my text begins horizontally, continues to the right, and gradually curves downward. As the text curves downward I would like it to taper smoothly into a narrower and narrower text.

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Illustrator :: How To Create A Non Bended / Curved Dashed Line Stroke On A Path

Jun 5, 2012

Usually, when you check the 'dashed line' option on the stroke pallete, you will instantly create a dashed-line stroke on the selected path. What I don't know how to do is retaining the straight property of a dash on curve parts of the path.
(Improvised image for illustrating my problem)

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Illustrator :: Aligning Objects Or Text Along A Curved Path

Aug 11, 2012

I have a variable number of text lines I would like to arrange along the path of half a circle. I would like the text to look like each text-string is radiating from the circle (the path I have as half a circle).
I would like to do this in adobe illustrator
I would like the text to be evenly spaced along the path dependent on how many lines of text I have.

I have seen other discussions suggesting either the blend-tool or the brush-tool. But no luck. The blend-tool would make distorted shapes in between, and would twist and distort the text. The brush tool would make each text a little bit 'cone-shaped', and I would prefer having the text without such a 'cone-shape'.
I am attaching a picture that halfway shows my intentions. In this diagram I have started rotating the first 4-5 text-lines. I have more text-strings (just above the half-circle) that I also would like to include along the path the half-circle is indicating.
The final goal is to get each of these locality-names raditing from the tips in the little red tree.
Is it possible in illustrator to align the text along a path like this? It is almost similar to the normal align objects and distribute objects.
I am working on a Mac OSX 10.5 Adobe Illustrator CS3.

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GIMP :: Fill A Shape With Texts Or Have Text Follow Curved Path?

Dec 29, 2013

Is it possible to fill a shape with texts or have text follow a curved path?

I know you can do these things in photoshop and illustrator but am not sure if they can be done in GIMP!

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Illustrator :: Extending Curved Drawn Path To Include Text Hidden On It

Feb 20, 2014

How can i extend a curved drawn path to include the text thatis hidden on it? I have extended the drawn path (pencil tool) but a red cross in a box symbol stops the text from showing.

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GIMP :: How To Create Curved Text

Aug 7, 2012

I am attempting to create curved text in GIMP. Here are the steps which I complete:

1. Create a curved path
2. Type the text
3. Click text to path

This all works fine, except that it doesn't give me all of the text along the path. For example, if the text is supposed to read "Church-wide Picnic," it will only give me "Church-wide Pi."

I have created the path all the way across the screen and made the text as small as possible, and it still does this.

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Paint.NET :: How To Create Text In Curved Line

Aug 1, 2011

My question is how do I create text in a curved line? I have a circular logo which I want to have a curved line of text above and below. I can create the text OK but I can't see how to make it curved.

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Photoshop :: Create Text Along A Path (or Even A Elipse)

Jun 26, 2004

I want to create text along a path (or even a elipse) - quite similar to the "the photoshop guru's handbook" logo at the top right of this page. I have numerous books/ bibles for photoshop -

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Photoshop :: Create Text Inside A Path Or Shape In CS6

Feb 7, 2013

Is there a new way to fill a shape or path with text in CS6.
When I create the path I can put my text tool "over" the path & my cursor switches to a curved line through the cursor, but when I place the cursor "inside" the path it just goes back to regular cursor & if I click inside it just starts a new (regular) text layer.
In older versions as soon as I placed my text cursor inside the path it would switch to the text cursor inside parenthesis. And thus type inside the path. That doesn't happen anymore. 

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Photoshop :: Create Extension Of Text Using Path But Colors Mismatches

Jun 27, 2013

I want to create an extension of the text using a path but the colors mismatches even though I selected the same color. i guess something's wrong with the brush settings but the opacity and flow is 100% but still it seems to be transparent?

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Photoshop :: Curved Path

Oct 11, 2005

I need to figure out how to get a nice curved line. Just like the one below (in the label/middle area). A different designer made the bottle.

I know it has to eb the pen tool,

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Paint.NET :: How To Create Text Along A Path

May 6, 2013

Is there a plugin for creating text that follows a path created by the user? I understand how to arch text. That isn't working for my project. I need to plot a path and let the text follow it.

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Illustrator :: Create Centre Path Of Text

May 28, 2013

How would you create a path which traces the central path of text. Not an outline path..Or the fill when you create outlines
If you imagine a single line following the middle of text. This would then allow me to place circles on the path to allow me to use for making rhinestone tshirts.

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Illustrator :: Create Path Or Outline Just Like Text?

Sep 3, 2013

For text i can easily use TYPE / Create Outlines
but what about Create Path Around Object or PNG with Transparancy ?
i know about using Pen Tool and create Path , but it takes much time and my final work not perfect as i want
is there any tips to create path around and image object ?

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GIMP :: Create Path From Text Option Missing?

Jun 24, 2012

I'd like to outline some text, so I went to the Text tool, entered the words, highlighted them and then looked for the button that would let me create an outline path. It's not there. Plain and simple. There's an empty space between "language: English" and the tool pre-set buttons. I checked under the paths dialog, but the option isn't there, either.

I've never used the text menu before - actually, I've just never used GIMP before. Perhaps I'm missing something obvious? I read a couple of tutorials, but none of them said that you had to do anything other than highlight the text to make the "create path from text" option appear.

I'm using 2.8 and Windows XP.

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Photoshop :: Any Way To Change Path / Selectors And Curved Lines Color

Feb 11, 2013

I'm doing a photo trace in Photoshop using the pen tool. The lines, they are gray. Some of the photo is gray. This makes it a little hard to see the adjustments when using the direction points to adjust the curves. Is there a way to change their color? I'm working in a work path in the paths box.

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Revit :: Create Text Parameter For Windows

Jun 12, 2013

I am using Revit 2013 and I am trying to create a text parameter for my windows that will tell you what grid is installed in the window according to which grids you choose (from my parameters above) I have included a picture to better show what I am trying to do.  So far the parameters i have tried to use don't seem to work.

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GIMP :: Use Path Tool To Create Shape Of Text Line

Mar 19, 2013

I use the path tool to create the shape of the text line I want to curve. I enter the text I want with the font, colour, etc, and select text along path. The text goes where I want it, but no matter what I have tried, the text colour along the path (my curved text) is always red and it doesnot look like the font in my text area. I can change the font / colour of the original text which works great, but the text along the path doesn't seem to change.

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Extrude 2D Drawing Along A Curved Path

Dec 28, 2011

I need creating a 3D autocad drawing of an embankment. I want to extrude the 2D drawing along a curved path. I can create this drawing , when the slope of the embankment is the same. But when the slope of the embankment will vary.

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Illustrator :: Making Straight Path Curved - CS5.5

Nov 15, 2012

Is there a fast and simple way to make a straight path curved? I'm a FreeHand convert, and with it you could hold down the option key, click and drag the straight path (line) into a curve and control it fairly well.

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Illustrator :: Create Compound Path The Result Appears Lighter Than Originally Outlined Text

Jun 24, 2013

I placed text on a shape and outlined it. As soon as I create a compound path, the result appears lighter than the originally outlined text (on screen and printed), although the paths seem to be identical when I overlay them. Same happens when I divide the paths.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Coil Or Spring Along A Curved Path

Dec 3, 2010

I have a unique part that needs to be generated in IV. It is a sping that follows a curved path (see attachment). I do have complete information, just need to draw it in.

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Illustrator :: Getting Crisp / Sharp Sphere Or Curved Path In AI?

Jan 14, 2014

I have created a sphere shaped logo for a client in AI.  I've used the 3D revolve function and mapped clouds over the top of it (the clouds were drawn initially as a shape). 
The client is suggesting that the sphere is not perfectly crisp and that you can see some slight stepping in the curve around the sphere and the curve around the clouds mapped to the sphere.  I've not come across this before (not sure if she's just being really picky, blowing the logo up too large for scale, or I'm just missing something really stupid!).

Anything to tighten the curve of the sphere so that it is crisper? 
I can definately see her point in the clouds mapped on top of it - perhaps if I try more anchor points on the clouds path, that may tighten the curve on the clouds?  Is this something I can do automatically? 
Also, what are the best settings to export out for the crispest format (ie, Progressive Compression + 300 dpi resolution + Art Optimised sampling?).....

Sample above -

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Photoshop :: Why Can't Create A Path And Then Drag Nodes On That Path

Mar 22, 2012

I want to be able to transpose the perspective of the existing image to my new 3D prism shape.Why can't I create a path.. and then drag nodes on that path.. and warp the pixels at the same time???

It shouldn't apply to just 3d.. because I should be able to draw a rigid path around anything and warp / stretch the image from those points.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Making Roller Follow A Curved Path

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to assemble a roller to follow the path as shown in the attached file. I am able to make it follow one path, i.e. around the bend, but then how do I make it continue along the straight section and not continue around the circular path? 

I eventually intend to use the dynamic simulator tool to animate my full model. Is there a way to use the connection parameters in this environment to enable the roller to follow the correct path. 

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Illustrator :: Block Text To Path -> Text Flow Along Resulting Path

Nov 5, 2013

I'm trying to create an effect of small text following the outline of very large bold block text (see picture).  The idea I had was to first create the 'ME' in very large font as text.  Then convert that text to an object / path using "Object -> Flatten Transparency... -> "Convert all text to outline"".  Then, select that path and use the "Type along path" tool. 

However, when I use that process, the resulting path is a compound path that therefore the Type Along Path tool doesn't work.  Any pointers on how to achieve this?  The image below I just used the pencil to trace the letters (quick and dirty) but the result is choppy, etc.

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