I have a jpg(not from camera) grey scale/8bits I save it out as a Photoshop RAW. I leave the raw options set at Header=0 and file type PRAW and file creater 8BIM.I think everything is ok. I then open a seperate converter program called Contenta RAW Converter. I get error "could not load raw image.Now the question is. Is my photoshop RAW file valid? Do I have to enter in a header number or something for my RAW image to be valid?Since my image is not from a digital camera it doest have a header so I am wondering if I have to add one in order for my RAW image to be valid to be opened in another program?I want to use this other converter to change my raw into a bitmap.I dont want to use photoshop as my converter program but thats another story.
I know you're going to probably tell me that BMPs don't have the ability to have transparent backgrounds.... I just bought Dynamic Toolbar 3, and in order to get the toolbar graphics to be transparent, they need to have the background #FF00FF, and do a Save As, and save them as 24 bit bitmaps.
I have an image, which can NOT be loaded in IE, but can in Photoshop. However, PS will not allow me to save the image in many formats such as BMP, GIF to name a few. The file was acquired through a bitstream over the internet, and in that process has perhaps lost / corrupted an amount of data?
Why does PS periodically bar saving of certain fiile types please? Does anyone have experience of this? Why is my image different to when I save the same image cut from a screen dump?
I have a Nikon D7000. Most of the pictures I make are RAWs (NEF). I work often with my own camera-profiles (landscape, vivid, portrait, etc.). One of these profiles is black & white with a touch of sepia. Now, when I open it with PS, the picture is coloured, not B/W. And I can´t find a way how to convert it exactly to the same JPG or TIF like the RAW picture. In the PS-RAW-menue there are only the standard profiles, not mine. Is there a possibility to load my profiles?
I'd like to combine two different RAW exposure settings into a single JPEG. I've done this in the past by importing two RAW files at different exposure values, then selecting from one photo, feathering, and copy/paste into the other photo. This proved to be very time consuming and no where near perfect.
I thought Photoshop CS2's "Merge to HDR" function would be ideal for automating this process, but it won't take the two different RAW imports as input because it knows they're from the same photo.
RAW and open edit all my RAW files in Bridge (CS5). All goes well here until I send the images over to PS5, where upon opening there, they all seem to have a much warmer, yellowish cast.Have I possibly gotten something set wrong in Photoshop that causes this wierd off-color cast?
it took some effort, and i dont remember all of what i did, but i finally got bridge to stop making auto adjustments on my raw images--though it still does if i zoom in when im full screened. Â regardless, when i open a raw image in photoshop, it makes auto adjustments (and they are always hooorriblee).
-all the boxes under default settings are unchecked - i select 'as shot' for white balance,
and so on; but without fail, every time it makes these ugly over saturated over contrasty or otherwise hideous versions of my images. Â im not buying the whole 'digital negative' deal. i can see a full view images of my nondestroyed raw image, and seriously there needs to be a point to all the work i do on set to to get the right light and colors, and so on... im about to reinstall photoshop. Â if i dedicate a lot of time, effort, and frustration, i can get them close to what they were, but its so impractical and frustrated to input this additional time for work.
Perhaps a bug? raw files from sony rx100 all come in cropped in LR 4.2 beta . When I select all and batch "uncrop" them, I get an " internal error " I use 5 mb raws.
how to change the default settings in Camera Calibration (ALT changes the Reset to Set Default) and from what I can find, any newly imported RAWs will have these defaults applied. how do I apply these defaults to images already imported?  Also, what I specifically want to change is the Profile: Adobe Standard to Profile:Camera Landscape (for example) and apply that to all the images I already have shot with this specific camera body.  So, two questions: Does setting the defaults include the Profile or is it only the "Shadows, Primary Red, Green, Blue" that gets saved as a new default and can these changes only be applied to newly imported RAWs?
I'm running OSX 10.8.4 with LR5.0 and CamRAW 8.1 installed. My LR Catalog is on local Disk but the corresponding images are on a mounted NAS filer. I need to import (copy) a large amount of RAWs, but LR hangs unperiodically durring import. While trying to kill LR (or reboot) my iMac freezes such, that I need to power off!
I'm running on LR 5.3, but this problem persisted in LR 5.2. Working in PS CS6 and Camera Raw 8.3. RAWs are NEFs from a Nikon D600.  I can't figure out what happened but suddenly I am not getting prompts when moving from LR to PS to "Edit Original" or "Edit a Copy".  I reset all dialog warnings and nothing. The prompt will appear for TIFFs but not for NEFs.  It's kind of pointless to not be able to choose to edit an original or copy with LR adjustments for a RAW when they are the file types that retain my RAW editing information.  Plus, when I do click on a NEF and choose to edit in PS without the prompt (it will appear with lightroom adjustments, not as original), it will open a second icon for photoshop on my dock, and prompt me to continue trial? I have a version of PS installed with the serial plugged in, and in LR "edit in PS" for a TIFF will open this primary version.
Whenever I want an image that I have edited in Photoshop to look good in a browser, I have to convert the image to my monitor's profile for it to look the way it did in Photoshop. So, the workflow is 1) finish editing 2) convert to profile for my monitor's profile 3) Save for web...  Color mgmt makes my head swim but I sort of see why this is. But my question is, most places on the web, I see people are just converting to SRGB for the web and I will say that that does not work for me at all. Does that mean they are talking about converting the color space and not the profile?  I admit that my monitor in its uncorrected stated is way off. That is to say, after I run the Spyder software my monitor colors look a LOT different. I shouldn't think this would matter but I'm just throwing it out there. I am a Windows user.  The reason I am asking this is because when I try converting images on export in LIGHTROOM to my monitor profile it does no good. The image looks terrible in the browser.  Am I missing something? Do I have a setting set wrong somewhere or does everybody have to convert to the monitor profile to get stuff to look right in a browser.
I have a milti picture file on photoshop that is too big to copy to a single cd. Is there a way that I can convert this to a pdf slideshow that will fit?
Where you convert to B & W on Version CS2. I had elements 8 for a while until I went into the big leagues and there was a nice area there where I had several 'programmed' options for different variations of B & W for the same photo to choose from. Where is that on CS2?
i drew and sliced a layout in ps then put save to web or whatever and set to png then loaded in dreamweaver but whenevr i view it in dreamweaver it is too small like white on the isdes and whenever i size it to be right for half screen ufllscreen doesnt work and vice versa.
so many tools and option here, and yet I can't seem to figure out how to convert old PCD files! Do I really have to buy something like Graphic covnerter to open these, and then move them into PS?
The web gallery function in CS5 seems to be completely different in CC. Â Original system was Windows XP 32 bit with CS5 PS, that crashed and setup a new system with Windows 7 Pro 64 bit and Adobe CC. Â The AOM was installed (Adobe Output Module), which apparently is the new web gallery function. Â My question is, can the previous data from the CS5 Web Gallery be migrated to the AOM in CC ?
So... I am a bit of an amateur and have been shooting all of pictures in jpeg format. I use Lightroom 4 and Photoshop Cs6 for editing them. I am finally making the switch to raw format. I would like all of my pictures to be in raw or dng to work better with lightroom, so here is my question. Is it possible to convert jpeg fies to raw or dng? Would it be a stupid idea to batch convert all of my jpegs into raw format? Is it even possible?Â
I just downloaded a St. Patrick's day background from i Stock Photo. Nice vibrant green. We all know when converting to CMYK from RGB, there is a color shift but this is pretty dang dramatic. Any basic tips on getting some of that vibrant color back after converting?
I am trying to create a header for my e newsletter in Photoshop. I want to put the logo on top of a background of the same color as my logo. I have the CMYK ref for the logo, and this looks fine when I print it out. However, when viewed online or just on the computer - the background red is slightly brighter than in print.
I have tried using an RGB converter to change CMYK to RGB but this hasn't done anything.
I am trying to create a card, using a standard layout size of 4.25 x 8.25. I have the resolution set to 300 PPI. Â While adding layers, I am also adding in some images to the card for a newborn. The image res is 300 DPI, but once I open the image in PS, then pull it down into the new project, it auto commits to a 72 DPI. I can't for the life of me figure out why it is doing this. Â I have tried going into the image>image size and changing it to 300 DPI, but even after I change it, when I go to the file information page, it tells me that the image is still set to 72 DPI.
After creating two adjustment layers and then selecting the background layer, i attempt to convert from RGB color to LAB color but get the following warning: "Changing modes will discard an adjustment layer; change mode anyway?" and if i click on "OK," an adjustment layer disappears. Why does this happen and how can i prevent losing an adjustment layer. i am using CS2 and have a 16 bit image file. (i am converting to LAB in order to sharpen and will subsequently convert back to RGB ).
I have a problem with converting a .psd document that has 8 layers of buttons on them to individual .gif imagesI need to use the buttons on a website i am doing but need them seperating from the .psd into the seperated .gif images to achieve this.I managed to do it sort of but the images come out with a big box round it I have attached an image so you can see what i mean.Thank You so much in advance if anyone can help me with this.This is how the button comes out when saved turning the other 7 layers off using the eye.
I have a high resolution (300 dpi) JPG image, but my printer wants me to supply him with TIFF images. If I saved this high-res JPG image as a TIFF would that be sufficient to convert it, or is there something else I have to do?
I'm about to purchase some scale models I want to photograph, then turn the photos into line art so I can make alterations to them. Is it easier to turn a picture that is mostly white or very colorful into line art using Photoshop?
I have a picture which is in psd. format and I want to change it into a format so i can have as my desktop background! how and what format to change the pic into?
When I have a layered RGB image and change the mode to Gray, PS asks whether I want to flatten the image (thus losing layer information). Why is this, I don't see why this is desirable or common?
I am trying to follow the tutorial "Converting from 2D to 3D" and it is 'not working for me.'Â When I open the image 'archer...' I do not get layers, but only the background image, and consequently no 3DAxis widget appears. This is my first try at this, and I am stuck trying to figure out what is wrong. I am running Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended, version 11.01 on Vista, with 4GB of RAM, 500GB HD Processor speed 2200MHzNVIDIA GeForce 7100Memory available to PS 3255MBMemory used by PS 70 percent.