I have taken about 50 images of people walking in a heavily trafficked area. I want to have all the people added together into one image. Each person is to have full opacity.
I started by making an image with no one in the scene using the Median blend mode with a layer stack to remove all the people. Worked fine. Now, I am hoping there is some way to create masks or knockouts of the people in each of the individual images by somehow comparing them to the scene with no people. Some way to mask out or knock out those areas which are different, i.e. the people. I will then stack all the images of the people on top of one another to create a very complicated image showing the volume of traffic.
I've brought two separate images together but the problem is I'm trying to get the first image of a person inside the bird cage which is the second image.
I need to create a combined image for a web image project. It was requested that I put monster truck tires on a ford model T. Sounded easy enough, but am having difficulties finding images that have been shot at similar angles in order to make both images look like one cohesive unit.
I was looking at a picture of someone where they took a picture of a pumpkin, and one of themselves, they managed to combine the images so that their face was in the pumpkin, as if they freally had a pumpkin for a head. can anyone direct me on how to do this, it was really cool.
I have two Duotone images generated using CS5. One is of some trees, with "holes" cut out where the leaves were (I used a a mask to generate transparent regions where the leaves should be), and another Duotone image of just the leaves. I would like to combine the two, with each Duotone image retaining its unique and different color scheme. If all went well, the leaves would be visible in the transparent "holes" of the tree image. However, when I try combining the two, by dragging one on top of the other, they both take on the Duotone color scheme of the trees image. So I do see the leaves in the "holes", but they have lost their unique coloring. Is it possible to combine these two Duotone images in some manner? The Duotones are saved in the default .psd format.
open two images photoshop. some objects in one image and put them in the other image. However, I realise that the size of the other image is bigger than the other.
I'm brand spanking new to paint.net and I have a question. I have 2 photos that I want to place side-by-side, combined into one image. One will need to be resized to be the same size as the other so the edges will match up. I don't need to do anything else to them, just stick them together and print it as one image.
I have 4 differernt photo shoots that I want to combine into one big single catalogue. I want to be able to rank and choose images from all 4 shoots at the same time so I can get the best ones identified.
Each shoot is already in its separate catalogue but I cant figure out how to get all 4 shoots to show up at once so I can rank the best shots and maybe even make a collection of my best images from the 4 shoots.
I am looking for someone who can create or combine two images. For example, I have pics of two different person. Now I want to create another image out of the pics that I have. its like, picking the best part of the face then creating another image. If you have any idea on this matter, inform me as soon as u finish reading this.
I produce large photographic art prints by combining my own edited 16-bit RAW photo images with 8-bit stock photo images and 8-bit photoshop artwork. I used to just reduce my 16-bit photos to 8-bit and then edit my composite image as 8-bit, but I ran into banding and other problems in the color gradients I created later in my composite image.
I want my composite image to be 16-bit to get more accurate colors and better gradients. What is the best way to bring 8-bit image files into my composition and maintain best quality? Is it good to convert 8-bit images to 16-bit in PS before importing? I also heard about bringing 8-bit images in as Smart Objects?
Yes i could open illustrator and bring art in photoshop. But that's very annoying there are things that i like about photoshop and there are that i like about illustrator so my opinion is to make a new version that have both this way it won't offend people who dont like what i like.
Photoshop: -line tool is bad. -Lacks much of the basic vector tools, which most are available in illustrator. (line width change, pen pressure dependent, smooth) -choosing color is much easier than illustrator. More sensible -You can more easily draw gradients on shapes.
Illustrator: -make lines that are trully art of work. -merge, combine seperate shapes just by overlaying them.
Basically, most tools in PS are great but it lacks a lot in vector area. I also like transform tool. I want all capabilities of illustrator on top of photoshop's but with some improvements at illustrator side. So i don't want adobe to bring bad things about illustrator in photoshop and break it.
How to combile two picture to become one picture, and there has no line between the two pictures?
the way i do it is, i open a new document in photoshop, add 2 transparent layers and add the two pictures i want to merge, but it looks very funny, coz there is a line in between. i try to use blur but i doesnt' come out the things i want, i still look like 2 separeate pictures.
i found this gif today and i know they are 2 separate gifs because i seen them both before. I would like to add my self in there but make it look real and smooth like this one. What programs would allow me to do this and how. I used adobe image ready before to paste my face on gifs but this is better than anything i have done.
i have an jpeg image, & also aminated gif image, how do i place the animated gif image over (in the center of the image) a jpeg image & save it as gif file ??
The Quick Select Tool is great at selecting irregularly shaped objects with well-defined boundaries, and the Refine Edge dialogue box is good at making small, important adjustments to complex "soft" borders like a person's hair. But what I most often need to do is isolate a figure that has good contrast against part, but not all of its background. Imagine a person in a tan shirt standing partly in front of a dark green bush and partly in front of a tan house. The QST will be great for the bush, but it always explodes the selection to the house or cuts the guy's arm off.
Is there a way of getting more or less the selection I want, and then using the plain old lasso tool to add or subtract finer manual selection?
I have several animated gifs that I would like to watch in a sequence (one after another). Is there a way to combine them, and if not, is there an existing program that could accomplish that?
Is it possible to combine several custom shapes stes in to one set? Because i have a lot custom shapes sets and instead of seeking a shape that i need in different sets, i want to combine some of them.