I am trying to learn how to use colour range in PS 5.5.
I select the eyedropper & click on a spot inside the area I want to select.
The fuzziness bar in the dialog box is supposed to have a triangle to slide & a value box. Instead the fuzziness bar and the value box are grayed out. There is no triangle to slide. I am unable to set the fuzziness tolerance.
Is there any way in Elements 9 to convert a color or color range to "transparent"? I want to change a white background of an imported image (a map) to transparent so only the non-white objects (lines and shapes) are present. The image is way too complex to select each area individually.
I have a picture of some speakers with red wire. I'd like to select the red and put the wires on a new layer.
I go to select color range and set it to red and i see in the preview that the wires are selected. But the save option is greyed out in the dialog box.
well thats it I'm stuck. when i hit OK it says less than 50% pixels error??
Using Mac OS 10.6.8 and recently updated Photoshop to version 13.0.4. Select color range is not working properly. Won't select black or white in a black on white logo. Created layer with half green and half red. Select color range will work (in a strange fashion linked to the invert button on the pop up screen) for green half but not red half. Majic wand works fine for either but I must use select color range quite a bit in my work flow.
Is this a compatibility issue or a bug? Have found a couple of recent references to same thing specifically to Photoshop versions 13.0.4 on web but no information on cause or correction. Currently downloading 13.0.4 update again and will reinstall to see if that fixes problem but would like to know if I have to go back to previous version to recapture functionality.
I am trying to select all the objects in a particular color range and then export the color histogram stats of those objects as one object.. In my photo, the object is broken up but I can't seem to figure out how to group the different pieces together.. Currently, when I go to 'export data' after recording it, it gives me a histogram for every single thing selected.
After invoking the color range command, I movedmy eye dropper over the image, (in this case, the large cloud) and clicked. Nothing is selected...nothing appears in the preview window. Alone, the eyedropper tool works well.
I tried color range with different images with the same result. Using the same images with the exact settings, I then tested them using color range in CS5.2 . It worked properly.
I have Adobe CS6 Design Standard student and teacher edition. The package includes Photoshop CS6, version 13.0.1 x64. In Photoshop CS6, when I bring up the Select Color Range dialog, I see the correct dialog box, but the main image of the photo on my screen changes to a black and white display that looks like the preview of a color range mask in the dialog box, instead of the normal full color image I should see. This occurs whether or not I have yet made a selection. Here is a screen photo of this incorrect display:
This problem does not occur when I use Photoshop CS2 on the same computer. Here is a photo of the correct display in Photoshop CS2:
On November 20, I spoke with an Adobe support person on the telephone. I was unable to describe the problem in a way that the support person could grasp, and the case No. 0184920291 description is now listed as "effect doesn't come with color sliders". It is impossible to use the selection eyedropper to select a color from an image displayed as a monochrome mask.
When I have an color image I sometimes need to select a certain color from all the image. Is there a way with Photoshop CS2 to make this selection so the program figures out which areas have the same color specified and select it also? (did I explained myself?)
In other words if I want to select, say dark red in all the spots with the same color range, can I make the first selection of the color anywhere in the image and then use any selection option so it selects all similar colors?
I want to change hair color on a picture (from black to blonde). Those pictures are textures for a game so it is pretty clean and easy to edit usually
I have another pictures with the blonde hairs tones and colors in it. So i figured i had to save color range or something on the blonde hair picture to apply it on the black hair picture, right ?
Is there a way to select pixels in Photoshop based on given Lab values? I am using Select --> Color Range with a specified "fuzziness" threshold, but I'd rather make the selection based on specific Lab values instead of random pixels that I choose with my eye dropper. Is there a way to do this in Photoshop, or does anyone know of a plug-in that might do this?
[URL] would like to know if i can create an saturation mask action based on a range of colors that i can select with hue/saturation or color range / can i do it? and how?
I am trying to find a way to target specific pixels of a certain color and value range. The Color Range dialog does not produce the desired effect. For instance the white pixels bleeding throughthe fabirc. What is the proper way to select these pixels
I was trying to make a color range selection to use as an adjustment mask. Each time I make the selection the dialog box freezes, I can not exit the dialog, or cancel the save options are available but even after saving can not exit dialog box. Also the menu "Select" "Save Selection" option does not work.
I end up having to close the program using Windows Task Manager. I am running Windows 7, CS6 13.01 I have tried this in both the 64 and 32 bit versions of CS6. Oddly if while in the Color Range selection Dialog intermittently if you only make one sample with the dropper tool you can exit the dialog with the selection in tact, but not always.
I have a problem with CS3. Since a few weeks I can't use properly "Colour Range" feature. Especially for bright colour the Colour Range doesn't select what I want to select. For example I want to select a bright cloud and can't select it with Colour Range. Of course I checked if there is any information or I have a burn area. I use several different setting but I still have the problem.
I used 8/16 bit, Adobe RGB/sRGB At Colour Range I use: - Sampled colours - Selection - Fuzziness: how much I need it - Selection preview: None
After creating a color range channel, broadly, I used the quick mask tool and was working on tightening up on the details. Reloading the selection showed the marching ants around the updated area, however the red mask still showed the original area, not the newly updated area.
Is it possible to update the masked area w/ the red painted area as well as the marching ants?
I would like to replace a range of colors with a single color in an image.
I know there is the replace color adjustment, but this replaces a single color e.g. 190,190,190 with another color e.g. 200, 200, 200. I would like to replace a range of colors e.g. from 185 to 195 with 200, 200, 200.
I just updated to 13.0.4 at the end of last week. Today I went to use the Color Range command and it will not select any colors. The Eyedropper tool works fine. Adjusting the fuzziness and other options doesn't make a difference. Nor does selecting multiple instances of a color to add to the selection. Since I use this command regularly, I feel confident that it is a bug with the update and I would love to hear of any possible fixes. Or, is it possible to downgrade back to 13.0.3? I didn't realize how much I used this and it's a major inconvenience.
Is there a trick to getting the new Color Range selection function to work on a retina Mac Book Pro? I am quite familiar with the color range selection in the previous version of Photoshop, and used it regularly. I've decided to try as simply as possible by using a flat image (no layers), and trying to select colors. I've increased the contrast in the image to make dark and lights much easier to pull out.
I've explored setting the sample size to point-sample up to 3x3, and 5x5. I've also set the resolution of my display to 2880 x 1800 (to reduce the possibility of anti-aliasing problems). It will not make any selection though, using the eye-dropper sample. Using other options will work, such as Highlights, Shadows, Skin Tones, etc., but it won't do anything with Sampled Colors.
I have a image that i need to convert to a set 16-color range... the range is: 209 209 209148 157 15723 19 1963 63 63155 42 38213 118 14452 72 2355 179 4481 48 26182 169 2436 48 14589 128 208122 47 188188 62 19937 109 140233 122 46
In Photoshop, there is a SELECT/COLOR RANGE tool that allows the selection of Highlights, Shadows, etc. Is there anything comparable in PSP X6? This would be very useful when trying to adjust for example blown highlights.
I've got a number of scenario diagrams to produce where I want to show the volume of material to be dredged from a harbour. There will be no "fill" just cut. In some parts of the area of interest the existing ground is below the target depth, so these holes wouldn't need to dredged further.
Two question:
1. Given that the area in question contains cut areas, but also other areas that I don't want to fill. What is the best way to get a good surface map and volume estimation? Currently, I create a feature line surrounding the entire area to be less than the target depth, set the elevation of the line at that depth, then grade to surface and add an infill. This gives me cut and fill volumes (for the deep holes), of which I ignore the fill number. Is there a better way??
2. I've created my TIN volume surface (comparison of EG with the graded depth surface). Now I want to present the maps with "range interval with datum", so the cut volumes are shaded increasing from (say) yellow to red, whereas for the "fill" areas I don't want to show anything (transparent would be ideal or maybe greys). Is there a way to create customised color ranges for the elevation analysis? As I'm doing numerous maps I don't want to be manually editing and re-editing the analysis range details. I'm using AutoCAD C3D 2012.
I am trying to create a children's textile/wallpaper design portfolio digitally and I'd like to know how to change a scan of a hand-painted motif into a tonal range of 1 colour in photoshop.
I discovered the duotone trick, but this changes the whole file (whilst flattening all layers), whereas I want the flexibility of being able to change the motifs on each layer to different colours
I've tried options in the adjustment bar, however these just add colour to the existing colour. Say I have a pink image and want to make it yellow, using the adjustment bar options always seems to keeps an amount of pink in it so it never becomes a true bright yellow, it will always have a browny tinge to it. Also the tiny colour wheel bar in the Hue/Saturation option isn't ideal at picking an exact colour.
My main aim is to try and incorporate my sketches & paintings into my designs, to allow me to work quicker rather than purely working by hand, so I want the flexibility of being able to easily changing colours as I create each design.
When I want to use the "Eyedrop" tool to pick up the RGB value of a colour, and zoom in to pick up an individual pixel, the pixels change in colour to go with the shades of the picture. Is there anyway to expand the range of the tool to a greater pixel range to get the basic idea of what the value of the colour is?
I'm now trying Elements 12 (free trial) to see if the interface for subsetting the set of images by date is any easier than PSE 10, and I find it even harder to use - in fact, it does not seem to work at all. I select Find -> By Details (Metadata) and select by Catalog Date after 12/29/13 AND before 12/31/13 (see screenshot)
which results in no matches, even though I have a few dozen pictures with catalog date of 12/30/2013, such as this one, with the date highlighted:
I also turned on the Timeline, but it does not have the resolution to select specific dates
If I have elements on separate levels and I use the colour range option to select the area, it works on all the levels, not just the level I have selected. That's not what I want! I only want it to select the colour range on that one level. The work around is to manually turn off other levels, but on a file with lots of levels, that can be tedious. Can this be avoided? Incidentally, magic wand works only on the selected level, but not colour range (or color range, if you are American).
I'm trying to export an animated gif with 52 frames - I'm using the timeline in CS6, it's exported correctly in the past but when I try and save for web only a seemingly arbitrary number of rames appear in the animation. With no clear route to rectify this, I've tried to affect the outcome by simply moving things around on the timeline.
I've had a variety of frame ranges (and frames) numbering between 2 and 6 frames, far off my 52 target. It's a simple image and equally simple transition to keep filesize down