Photoshop :: Blend Color Of Mannequin Onto A Picture Layered?

Jul 15, 2012

I have to blend the color of a mannequin onto a picture of a face blended into the mannequin.  I am absolutely stumped as to how to do this.  And don't remember what feature would accomplish this. 
So, how do you blend the color of a mannequin onto a picture layered over the mannequin keeping the features of the pictures?

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Photoshop :: Possible To Superimpose Picture Of Female Model On Mannequin

Feb 27, 2013

I have a picture of a white female mannequin. I want to know if it is possible to superimpose the picture of a female model on the mannequin and make the mannequin realistic human looking? Following are the requirements.

1. Attach head of the female model to the mannequin body.
2. Change skin tone of the mannequin so it matches the skin tone of the model
3. The hands, legs, torso of the mannequin should look realistic. How can this be done? It's easy to just change the skin tone of the mannequin but making the mannequin look realistic is becoming a challenge.
4. check the attached document. The first image is the finished product where female model image is superimposed on a mannequin. Second image is a white mannequin that needs to look similar to the first image.I am not adding the female model image now. I will do that once i know if this is even possible.

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Photoshop :: Copying A Layered Picture

Oct 22, 2005

Is it possible to copy or crop a portion of a layered picture and still retain the layers ?

If I copy merged I lose the layers and if I try to copy normally I only seem to copy one of the layers.

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Illustrator :: Blend Tool Not Making Smooth Color Blend

Dec 4, 2013

I'm using Illustrator CC (on a Win7 Pro machine) at a beginner level, probably halfway to intermediate. I'm trying to learn how to blend colors together for highlights of various types (skin tones, clothing, light on objects, etc.) so that when I'm making a graphic for a project I'll have a decent idea of which tool/technique is best for the specific effect I need.
I'm trying to use the Smooth Color option in the blend tool. Late yesterday afternoon I recall creating two ellipses (one of which was a solid fill and one of which was a gradient going from black to transparent) and getting a smooth color transition between the two. It was a much harsher effect than I was looking for so I didn't keep it. This morning, while trying to replicate the same thing, I seem to be unable to use smooth color between two objects if one or more of them has a gradient applied. I only get what you see below, which is a step between the two objects.
I've done searches and found multiple references to blending gradients in this way and have followed those instructions (create the shapes, fill with the gradients, then either click on the Blend tool and click on the center of each shape, or click on Object -> Blend -> Make) but I can't seem to get a Smooth Color blend if either object has a gradient applied. Am I missing an important step somewhere? I'm 95% sure I accomplished it yesterday and nothing has been changed since then.

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Photoshop :: Create A Mannequin Out Of Someone

Dec 3, 2005

I'm trying to convert an image that I took of a model and make her body look like a mannequin ... any suggestions?

I tried a couple of different things and it just isnt' working. I have mannequins in the image that I can try and clone from but it just is not working properly.

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Paint.NET :: How To Blend Into Transparency At Border Of Picture

Aug 30, 2011

first of all i really like to use

Actually, i'm looking for a way to blend into transparency at the border of a picture. Watch the attachments - i created a sample (of course with ).

Attached Thumbnails

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GIMP :: Blend Two Layers To Make Picture Look More Natural?

Sep 21, 2013

I obviously got far enough to add the images together and get the correct size. I just cant find any tutorials to show me how to make the layers blend and look more natural. I added a new background to an image and I want it to look like it belongs there:


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Photoshop :: Create Invisible Mannequin Look Using CS6 Free Trial

Nov 1, 2012

I'm trying to create an invisible mannequin look using the Cs6 free trial. The tutorials that are available are saying to use tools such as polygonal lasso and the background eraser which aren't available on the free trial. Is there a way around this?

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Illustrator :: How To Create Color Separated Layered TIFF File

Oct 1, 2013

I need to create a color separated layered tiff file from my Illustrator document. I saved it as a color separated .ps file in hopes that I could then convert that to a tiff. My problem is that when I save the .ps file it saves the color separations, but in grayscale. Is there a way to convert an Illustrator file to a color separated tiff?

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GIMP :: Blend Solid Edge Of Picture To Background / Also TEXTURE?

Aug 5, 2011

I used to work in Photoshop and GIMP, but then became sidetracked. I've forgotten half of it. I used to make siggies for others all the time, although I really was guessing my way through some of it. I knew I could do better.

Anyway, I figured it'd be wise to start with a really basic question. I'll use the pic below as an example.

In a pic such as this one, how would you go about seamlessly blending the edge of the picture with the background? (All I did so far was have 2 separate layers; the picture of the hottie, and then behind it of course was just the template where I tried to match the pink from the hotty pic).

I'm also curious about just blending 2 or more photographs together to create a collage. I've done this before, but I know I made it harder and more tedious than it had to be. So.... would a collage have to be done a little differently.

I used to go about all this various ways way back when, but like I said... I've forgotten half my little tricks which I know really weren't the correct and easiest route to go about it.

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Photoshop :: Blend Color Within A Circle?

Jun 20, 2008

i am colourwashing a site plan for presentation purposes.

how can i blend within the green circles, as shown on the trees on the attached part site plan?

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Photoshop :: Color Saturation/blend

Oct 17, 2002

I have a full colour photo that i want to use on my website...but i dont want all the colurs in there... i only really want blueish colours....

How do i edit the existing colours OR apply a kinda blue wash to the image while still maintaining all the lighting/shading aspecst of the original image?

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Photoshop :: Color Blend & Pictures

Jul 2, 2003

II want to be able to blend colors like you see here or the ones you see on most movie posters.

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Photoshop :: Convert Picture To B&W And Then Erase Part Of Picture For Color?

Nov 15, 2012

I am using Photoshop Elements 10.  How do I convert a picture to B&W and then erase part of the picture for the color?

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Photoshop :: Luminosity/Color Blend Modes

Apr 14, 2008

I know what the documentation says that they do, but it doesn't appear to be the truth. For example, if I take my image and overlay it with a 50% gray layer set to Luminosity mode, I would expect to see the hue and saturation of my image, with the luminosity of every pixel set to 50%, but that isn't what actually happens.

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Photoshop :: Blend Transparent Images With White Color?

Nov 28, 2012

It looks like merged-image-data in PSD files contains RGB data which is blended with white color (based on transparency). Is that correct for all versions of Photoshop/PSD? Can I disable it or change that color?

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Photoshop :: Color Balance Adjustment Layer To Blend Faces?

Nov 7, 2013

I'm using 2 different images of 2 different people, and layer masking features from one person on to another. I tried using a Color Balance Adjustment Layer..
1. Should I be adjusting the midtones, shadows or highlights?
2. I added a little bit of red, is there ever a time when you might add add magenta or green to blend skin tone? What about yellow or blue?
3. Any other general tips for doing this?

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Illustrator :: Convert Non Layered File To Layered File Based On Used Colors?

Feb 16, 2013

can i convert a non layered file to a layered file bases on used colors?

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Photoshop :: Can Sample Layer True Color Despite Its Opacity And Blend Mode

Jan 23, 2013

I'm doing some painting with a lot of layers set to different blend modes.  I find that every time I want to paint on one of these layers, I have to go to that layer, set the opacity back to 100, change the blend mode back to "normal" sample the color, then change everything back and continue painting.  I realize I can save a swatch for the color, but it can get confusing when you're using subtle color differences on multiple layers.  It seems like there should be a modifier key to the tool that samples the layers "true" color discarding opacity and blend mode. 

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Photoshop :: Blend Two Areas So They Merge Gradually From One Color Into Other Without Any Obvious Edge

Jul 26, 2012

I have two areas of different plain colors, meeting at a hard edge. I want to blend the two areas so they merge gradually from one color into the other without any obvious edge
I'm an inexperienced CS5 user and have spent hours trying to do this using various tools, without a decent result. There must be a way that I haven't found!

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Illustrator :: Subtract From Color With Blend Mode

Feb 15, 2013

I'm setting up several squares in rows that left to right the value will change (i.e. +5 % Cyan), and up and down the channel will be defined for the the value changes (as in CMYK).
Underlying each of these squares will be a named global CMYK swatch to easily change the color.
Above each of these will be a static box that overlays with 0-0-0-15 (with blend mode multiply) which would add 15% black to any color below.
My question here is how to do the opposite accurately within Illustrator, to subtract 15% interactivley from the colored box below, the closest I've come is to use; lets say I want to pull 10% from Magenta; is to: 100-90-100-100 with a blend mode of the top object set to Screen. It always seems to result in a jump that is 2 to 3% off.
Multiply allays seems to work corectly, in PS, Illustrastor etc... But I have yet to find a subtractive method that is reliable.
I'm using this to create an simple pick a color and print similar swatches around it, as my workplace has a lot of materials and heat processes that change the final color, and color swatches are in a constant need.

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Illustrator :: Converting Blend Mode To Color

Jan 21, 2014

Is there any way to convert an object using a blend mode to the equivalent a color with no blend mode?
For example:
Currently, I just adjust the color myself, but It seems like there should be a way to automate this.

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Photoshop :: Transform A 4-color Picture Into A 2-color One At Reasonably Good Quality?

Sep 8, 2012

Is there anyway to transform a 4-color picture into a 2-color one at reasonably good quality?

The problem I met is at the galley.I could, or migh, only be able to get a 2-color printer at reasonably good price.

The original design is 4-color. But the actual detail is not very important.They are book covers, which only need to protect the book.

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Photoshop :: Group Blend = Layer Blend ?

Oct 2, 2008

I have "group1" and inside that group, only one layer: "layer1". The blending mode for "group1" is vivid light and for "layer1" it's "normal".

Now, if I change "group1" to "pass through" and "layer1" to "vivid light" ... the result is completely different, while it should be the same, shouldn't it?

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Photoshop :: Color Picture To Color + Black And White

Dec 22, 2005

I have a color picture which I took, of a red berry bush. I want to remove all the color except for the red from the berries. I know how to lasso the berries, but I can't remove the color from the bush/background and leave the red berries.

Note: I did this once a couple years ago, and can't remember how I did it..I have some memories, but probably remember just enough to make me dangerous. I have done some searches but obviously the results are numeorus and I haven't found what I am looking for yet.

I know the solution involves selecting the berries and then inversing it and then setting all 3 colors to 0 for the background.

What I can do is
1) lasso the berries

2) inverse
what I can't figure out
1) it seems like there was 1 step about layering which enabled me to get started, but I don't remember this, it does seem like I am missing something very basic when I try to do this

3) Where is the color scale, the only thing I can find is the grayscale option which switches the entire project to black and white.

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Photoshop :: Convert Color Picture To Grayscale And Another Color

Oct 1, 2005

I have a color picture, and I want to convert it to B&W, and then I want to add another color to it (for example – red). I don’t want to paint some areas in it, I want for example to keep all the red parts of the picture, or only part of the red parts.

It something like in the movie Schindler's List, in the B&W scene where you see a little girl with red coat.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Color Equalization - Blend Pictures Together

Apr 16, 2011


I want to learn how to blend these pictures together so that the colors flow more naturally.  They were all taken with the same camera within about a minute of each other, but the difference if appearance is mind blowing.  I goofed around a bit with the Equalization options, but didn't achieve satisfactory results.

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AutoCad 3D :: Error / Geometry Or Topology At End Of Blend Too Complex / Failed To Perform Blend

Mar 14, 2012

im having trouble getting the fillet edge command to work. Ive never had a problem with it before but now i get <Modeling Operation Error:

geometry or topology at end of blend too complex Failed to perform blend.Failure while filleting.>

why its not working.

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Illustrator :: Using Blend Tool To Blend Colour Between Two Objects To See Anchor Points

May 2, 2013

When using the blend tool to blend colour between two objects is there a way to see the anchor points so I know where to click the blend tool.   I realise the cursor changes when over one but its seems very cumbersome to have to move it around until it changes rather than click directly on one which I could do if I could see it.

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Illustrator :: Blend Into Single Rectangle With Smooth Blend Of Colors?

May 13, 2013

I have a series of colored rectangles I'd like to blend into a single rectangle with a smooth blend of the colors, like a rainbow or spectrum.

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Photoshop :: Convert Color Picture To B/w But Keep Some Color

Feb 2, 2009

I have to B/W a load of photos and keep color a few items example

i have 3 girls and the bikinis want doing. Is it just a case of carying on the way im doin or is there an easier way.

Layer - New Adjustment layer - channel mixer - and Monochrome checked

and using black and white to suit.

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