Photoshop :: Why Video Edits Not Being Saved On CS6
Sep 24, 2012
Why are my video edits not being saved on Photoshop CS6? I made a TON of edits in a video group, then duplicated that group into another file... and all my edits are gone.
I have the plugins for Nik HDR Pro in my Lightroom 4 on my Mac (OS X 10.6). When I save the file with the changes and return to Lightoom, the changes I made are not there. I have had the same problem with a filter on my Olympus E5 which emulates an HDR effect - the effects are not visible when downloaded to Lightroom.
I have raw files that have been imported and edited, but not saved as a catalog/collection. LR crashed & I had to un/reinstall LR (4.4). Can I recover those changes and reapply them to the raw files? If so, how?
I'm editing .mov 1080p video clips from my DSLR in Lightroom 4.4. I,m using the slider bar to set a new "inpoint" and "outpoint," shortening the video. When I export, I am using the original format and new file name. Lightroom tells me the video is shorter in length, but when I play it back in Windows, the new file is the original length. What am I failing to do/see here? I'm using Win 7
When the video file is saved and burn on DVD disc and play on a DVD player, only the images appear on the TV screen but there is no sound coming out from the speakers. I'm using Studio Pro X4
I'm trying to customise my drawing templates to keep them up to date and also include accountability.I seem to be having trouble in including the name of the person who has last saved the model, and the date the model was last saved.
Manually including this information isn't ideal as people will forget, and it makes it harder to trace revisions.I can't see anywhere on the iProperties where the 'Last saved by' feature is available, but I thought maybe the information could be pulled from the username from the application options?
The last saved date should be easy, as there is a modified date in the model's iproperties; however, I cannot pull this information.I have used other cad packages in the past and this was never an issue. With all the customisation of Inventor, I thought this would be relatively straight forward.
I have a capstone lab project due tomorrow for my graphic arts class and I made a HUGE mistake!!! I created an image using 20 something layers and did SAVE AS as a .xcf image (with all layers open). Part of the project was to save in different formats: .xcf (with open layers), a .png, and a .jpeg (optimized). So, I did the first save and then flattened the image to SAVE AS a .png with a different file name.
Long story short, I was tired and had way too many images open at once. When I was closing all of the images I accidentally saved the changes (flatten image) to my original .xcf (with open layers)!!!! Now, my .xcf that is supposed to have open layers only has one layer...the finished project!! I tried going to the file properties to restore a previous version, but it says that no previous versions were found! I also downloaded a norton "unerase" utility, but maybe I am not scanning properly to locate the file!?!
When a raw file badge shows that the file has been changed, I use Metadata Save to File & for the large majority of my images, the badge goes away and Metadata Status Changed does not show the file. For some of my files, however, the Save to File command doesn't work properly. If I am only displaying files with changes, the file briefly disappears, then returns. Even if I go to Windows Explorer and delete the xmp file, then again Save metadata to file, it pops up again with the badge saying it needs to be saved. I'm using Lightroom 4.3 64 bit on Windows 7.
I have a new Win7 x64 build with CS6 and ACR 7.3 installed, and have a problem with ACR not saving settings properly after the "Done" button is selected. In the past when I work in Bridge, open a NEF (raw) file, edit it in ACR, then hit "Done", when I return to Bridge the changes are reflected in the thumbnail. They are not showing now and the file looks the same as it did originally. Oddly, the round icon at the top right of thumbnails in Bridge are present as expected. When I try to view the same NEF file in a third-party thumbnail app (Faststone) or in Windows Explorer I also see no change. Thus, I have concluded that the problem lies with ACR.
Some notes:
1. While in ACR if I click on "Save Image" and save as a DNG the changes take effect in the resulting file for all apps.
2. When I edit a raw file in ACR and select "Done" the icon on the top right of Bridge thumbnails are present as they should be.
3. I have CS6 (x86 version) with the same version of ACR installed in another machine (XP Pro x86) and ACR works as expected there.
I tried to engage Adobe tech support and after multiple calls, call-backs, and about an hour of wasted time they continue to force me into a callback procedure. When they call I'm not here, so when I call them and must start again at square one. This problem makes it very difficult to edit a large amount of raw files in Bridge.
I'm not sure where to look for photoshop small edits request, I have a photo I have tried to do some photo shop work with but I am on the edge of being completely useless.
I've edited a picture of an old house.... made it look like it was taken in the 1920's. Love the way it looks, I used multiple tools... gradient overlays, noise, sepia tones....on and on..... Now I want to take every action I used from my layers pallet and apply them to the next 20 photos. I'm using CS3
Having problems with my preferences when saving edited files. In the save as menu the options to "save in version set with original" and the "Thumbnail option" is grayed out and won't allow selection.
I have been to edit-preferences but neither of those options are given.
way to use the history nonlinearly, like how you can modify something you did earlier in Maya and it will propagate the changes forward. Similarly it would be cool if I could do some stuff, stamp it onto a layer (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+e), then go back and make some changes without losing my stamp. I know I could just copy it to another document but it'd be nice if I didn't have to. I'm assuming I would know about this if it existed but I figured I would check anyway. It is really useful in Maya and I'm wondering why Photoshop doesn't have something like it after 15+ years of development.
I know how to "edit in" Photoshop... but, ever since my upgrade to LR4, the file transfers un-edited. In LR3 it would transfer with the LR adjustments.
I am working with PS CS6 and smartobjects. I do a lot of advanced batch editing.
I have an issue I have failed to find an answer to.
When working with a smartobject-image in PS, and going back again into ACR to to some adjustments on RAW file, and then back into PS, the updated adjustments I did on the RAW file shows in PS, but is NOT saved in ACR.
This is an issue for me, since I need to copy RAW settings and apply to many other RAW images. The way I work I may need to go back many times into ACR from PS to adjust the RAW file, I can not know the final edit the first time when opening the RAW file from ACR.
As it is now, the only time ACR remembers the edits I do on the RAW file is the inital first time edit which is applied before the file is opened as a smartobject into PS.
How can I get ACR to remember the edits I do when re-opening the RAW file from a smartobject in PS??
.cr2 files... i open them in either Bridge or Photoshop to the ACR panel, make changes, click DONE. when i reopen them to, say, make futher changes or process a whole bunch of files, all settings are back to default, all adjustments forgotten. this seems to happen often, but NOT always. weird.
using MAC 10.6.8 photoshop CS6 with latest updates installed.... this has happened for awhile, though...
I have installed actions / effects which i have paid for and have finally got them working in EXPERT mode but now when I go into GUIDED mode into PSE 11, I have no editing options to chose from (for example the cropping option, straightening, vignetting, EVERYTHING is gone)
What have i done and how do I get these options back?
I have a brand new MacBook Pro Retina Display 13" computer." I am unable to save my edits in Photoshop Elements 11. I get an error message stating that I do not have "write access." What does this mean? What can do or should do?
I cleared out my cache folders from Premire Pro and Encore recently. Now when ever I'm in Photoshop I am consistently getting the spinning pinwheel on very simple edits.
Example, I open a very small JPG, and add a box to it. Just dragging the box, I will get a spinning pinwheel. I don't get it on any other applications.
What I want is when I open a file in Photoshop (I have LR5 and Photoshop CS5) and make more than one edit, each additional edit shows up in LR without having to close and reopen to edit. I had it set up that way on my old computer and laptop, so that whenever I would "save as" it would add the new edit to my LR catalog. But I am just setting up a new computer I got and it will save the first edit for me in LR but any additional edits don't show up.
Can Adobe Elements 11 make edits to photos on the following photo specificiations?
Minimum size – largest dimension, with tight crop, to be min. 3in @ 200dpiPreferred size - largest dimension, with tight crop, to be min. 5in @ 300dpiCMYK color modeGray balanced, Clean and BrightCatchlights – 0%Highlight – 2% - 3% White - (C – 2%, M – 1%, Y - 1%, K – 0%)Shadow – 85% - 90%Black - (C – 70%, M - 50%, Y – 50%, K – 90%)Total Ink Limit – 260% Saved Clipping Path included with a Flatness of 1-5 JPEG file format with Quality compression setting no lower than 10
When I open a file from PSE 11 Organizer in ACR 7.4, make my edits and hit done, the edits made in the Detail tab are not reflected when the file is viewed in PSE 11 Organizer. I had this problem a while back and found a thread that provided a cache or directory change that fixed the problem.
Video will not play properly [audio plays well video hangs ] in Adobe Photoshop CS6 running on a Win7-64 machine equipment with a quad-core processor. Video plays properly in Lightroom 4 and Bridge CS6.
I have a finished JPG and I am trying to re-create the settings I used in another image. Unfortunately, I didn't save the settings in a preset. Is there a way I can have Lightroom compare the original RAW/JPG with the final JPG and extract settings from that?
With the Adobe CC upon us, I'm am questioning staying with Adobe proprietary DNG (proprietary in the fact it has edits embedded that only Adobe products understand) and PSD files long term.
I have never used Lightroom. But am a heavy Photoshop/ACR user. I have many ACR edited DNG files and multi-layered Photoshop files.I want access to my files in the future (including edits) without having to always have the monthly CC subscription (in the future).
Question: Can Lightroom (not a CC product currrently and hopefully not in the future) open & understand the edits (cropping, color balance, lens correction, ...) I've already done to my many DNG files in Adobe Camera Raw?
Even if I use the CC in the near future and eventually not subscribe, I want future access to my DNG and PSD format files, including all the edits).if Adobe guaranteed a free PSD & DNG viewer (understand the layers, edits, ...) and give the ability (for all time) to export to a flattened image with edits applied to TIFF!
After high lighting several photos, clik on rotate ( see there is no load on the CPU only a very small one in the middle) only the highlighted photo will rotate NONE of the others will not even over time do they respond. same in Libary mode as well
NOTE - why is "auto sync" showing as an option in libary mode?... is that not only availible in Develop mode? after i reset ( see below on the update) sync meta data is NOW shown as the option...
There are not the little 3 dots on the selected photos, showing that it is "working on the edits"
I cleared raw cache, reset all develop presets, restored all local adjustment presets, changed Catalog settings to preview quality to medum ( down from high) Previews size unchanged at 1440 pixels
lr4.2 clean new install, upgraded to lr4.3rc, upgraded to lightroom 4.3 all versions were 64bit.
I edit my images for the most part in LR4 then export as a raw file into a new folder. Then when I view the images in bridge my edits don't show up. Do I have to convert to JPEG for my edits to stick?