Photoshop :: Weird Brush Effects. On My Mac
Sep 10, 2004
when I was doing a quick mask on something and using black to erase stuff, it was grainy and there was an obvious line so fading can never be perfect.
I freaked out and thought maybe it was a picture problem, I opened another canvas and started using the brush tool with the biggest fade and still got the same effect, an obvious edge mark and no fade at all.
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Jul 14, 2006
how you add little blotches of color like these pictures here...
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Aug 1, 2013
As you can see from this screenshot I am trying to use the brush tool to complete the shadow of my planet however if I select the planet the brush tool I'm using does not cover up the atmospheric glow. I am not sure how to select the glow effect independantly of the planet. If I do not have the planet selected then the shadow is applied to all the layers including the starfield layer even though it is completely locked which is very annoying in of itself. So I guess my question is how do I get the shadow to be applied to the planet and its atmosphere but not the background stars. I am using a 3600px brush with 0 hardness for the shadow. System: CS6 on Mac OS 10.8.4
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Feb 1, 2007
how to create a custom brush shape. Is there a way to create a custom effects using your own shape but creating an effect similar to the one you get with the butterfly or flower brush, like this?
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May 25, 2013
I'm trying to make a brush that has particle effects in the middle and a fading out gradient on the edges that looks like this:
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Apr 6, 2014
I recently took some Milky Way photos and was attempting to process them in Lightroom. Many of the effects I am using are hardly doing anything. I'll use clarity for an example.
I typically use the adjustment brush to add effects like clarity soley to the Milky Way. I find a setting of 40-60 is usually sufficient. Sliding the scale from -100 to 100 is DRAMATIC, making the Milky Way overly "pop" in a disgusting, artificial manner.
However, on my most recent batch when I applied a clarity of 50 I could hardly tell. Sliding the slider from -100 to 100 had a very small difference. Other effects are behaving similarly.
When I go back to my older photos the brushes seem to work. However, any of these new photos (which have various exposures settings) all behave similary in that I just can't get the effects to do much. The originals of my older photos and my new photos look comparable.
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Apr 12, 2014
I've worked out how to use the roto brush to remove a background from a subject. My question is, how do I apply these changes to all the frames?
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Aug 16, 2013
I was using Roto Brush for a while today and everything was working as expected. I Roto Brushed about 20 frames, just doing touchups where necessary. However, after a while, Roto Brush just stopped responding to new strokes. I could not add or remove from the mask. I've tried flushing the RAM and then restarting AE but the problem persists.
I'm using After Effects CC on Windows 7 64-bit with 16GB of RAM.
I made a screen cast to show the problem. You'll see me painting to add and remove from the mask on a couple of frames. Roto Brush looks like it's going to do something but then nothing changes in the mask.URL....
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Jul 9, 2010
I need the brush size for the write-on effect to go larger than 50.
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Dec 29, 2008
I was just using My CS3, and i think i clicked something and all of a sudden i get pixel/inch/cm measurements surrounding my document,
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Mar 27, 2006
I don't need help on the designing and stuff, but there's something weird going on with my photoshop: the Hue/Saturation thing.
It goes right to the top, and it gets worse everything I use it [ I use that a lot, and I need it. ] It goes too far to the top, that I can't even see the 'OK' button anymore, so I have to click 'Enter' instead on the keyboard. But now it's getting worse, the Cancel button is half-gone. And the Hue bar is almost disappearing also, which I need that the most. And it's really annoying that it goes up too far.
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Jun 14, 2013
these weird lls keep showing through.It is all over my psd file and when saved they show us as well.This is photoshop CS6
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Jun 1, 2004
i accidentally pressed some keys and my whole "art board" turned to an annoying bright blue color. It is originally the gray part outside of the painting area.
I cant seem to find anything in the general settings that will change it back to gray. if you know how to change it back,
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Jun 24, 2008
When I type text into a box and I want to scroll through my available fonts to see what font suits my needs, I get a weird problem. No matter what font I am on, if I try to scroll through the list, it goes back to the very top.
This happens everytime and I haven't been able to figure out what is wrong. What I need to do (i think) is trash the fonts folder and just have the basic fonts. Then I have a backup font folder (from another machine) that I can put on this pc, same fonts but that machine doesnt have the problem.
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Apr 1, 2008
I've recently switched to a new pc with Vista-64. After installing my CS3 I tried to give it a test to see how it performs. Medium sized files run very fast on difficult filters such as Lens blur. But when I open a large file like 300mb and try to run a Lens Blur filter on it, things get very slow for this PC. I think it takes 3-4min to complete the task.
What also bothers me is CS3 is writing/using on a external HD that's not chosen to be used as a scratch disk. I noticed this as I see the blue lights get active on the WD external HD. Then I checked what's happaning in the disk going to my computer. When I look into the HD I see bunch TMP files written during this filter task. Same type of files (different sizes)are also seen in the dedicated scratch disk. Is it normal that CS3 will access other HD's eventhough they are not chosen as Scratch disks or is it there anything wrong with my CS3 or OS? Also I believe that I should get a better performance with my setup, anything you might suggest?
My computer: Gigabyte EX38T-DQ6 motherboard, Intel Core2 Extreme x9650, Vista 64-bit, 4GB DDR3 RAM, OS, other programs and CS3 located on 4 WD Raptor HD's configured as RAID 0+1, separate 70GB Raptor HD for scratch disk, all photo files are stored on 2 750GB Lacie HD's as RAID 1 and I have one WD external 2 TB HD for back up connected with Firewire800. This is the one that's being accessed by CS3.
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Mar 22, 2008
I try and scan a B&W photo, I get like a crackled texture
I scanned in 1200, the source image is sharp
I tried to apply some kind of descreening filter but the printed image was sort of blurry afterward
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Oct 24, 2008
I've been using photoshop at work to create covers for CDs, but we have two types of CD case, the normal kind, and on that's kind of a smaller version of a DVD case.
When I created the cover for the normal CD cases I measured up the correct sizes and inputted them when I create the new file. The cover looked much bigger than actual size when it appeared on screen, making working on it much easier, but then when it printed, it printed at the correct size.
When I came to make the cover for the second kind of case I did everything exactly the same as far as I can tell, but the cover doesn't look bigger on screen this time, it appears on screen at actual size, making working on it much harder. Then when it prints off, it still prints at the correct size but looks terribly blurred.
I have no idea what has caused the two different projects to behave so differently. Any one have any ideas? Have I accidentally changed some setting somewhere?
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Aug 31, 2004
I have this weird problem with the text tool, it happens only with a certain file. The text size won't go higher than 18 pixels, no matter which font is selected. When I have multiple files opened, it works ok with other files, but not with that particular file.
To make matters even more stupid, if I type something on a different file and duplicate it from there, it works ok. I can even use transformation to change the size but I can't use the type tool to change the size.
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Mar 22, 2006
Could someone who speaks better English or PHotoshop speak than me please translate this cunundrum I get EACH AND EVERY time I change a workspace:
I don't know what's going on here , but I don't remember anything about a shortcut file . I just clicked a new workspace quite simply. And I don't remember thinking in terms of saving any changes or resetting any new stuff.
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May 31, 2008
I have a problem with my smudge tool. Every time I try to smudge around with a shape, it seems to draw a rectangulair box around the shape, and when you smudge out of those boxes white edges appear around the smudge.
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Mar 14, 2006
my photoshop is acting really weird. i thought i ahd fixed it but i obviously havent. the thing is, my text size wont go bigger then 18px. and i have no clue why.
when no windows are open i can set it to whatever size i want, but when i click new file or open, it goes right back to 18px.
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Jul 31, 2007
my rectangular crop tool is now rounded on the corners and i can't get it to make a rectangle with square corners.
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Jun 1, 2008
when i use the eracer tool mostly, does anyone know what can be causing this?
Here is an example when i had an image over another, and attemped to erace the top image.
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Mar 9, 2003
the problem is that i am trying to do the blur/guassian blur then adjsut layers to make all hte boxes round liek for an interface but the adjust/layers window is not what all hte forms are like.
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Aug 19, 2007
Lets say I have a B&W all text document in PDF form and I want to know what percentage of the document is taken up by text (lets say I was trying to figure out how many pages I could get out of an ink cartridge based on the page yield at 15% coverage). My first thought is to drop it in photoshop rasterized at 400dpi or so, and use the magic wand or cntrl-click the layer to select all the text and open up the expanded histogram palette and read off how many pixels are selected then divide by the total number of pixels in the document to get a percentage of coverage.
This does not work however... the pixel count shows a low number (7000 pixels or so) that obviously isn't right but when I take the magic wand and start selecting character by character the pixel count quickly climbs past the original low number so obviously something isn't right.
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Sep 22, 2008
I'm using Photoshop CS. I want to make a text, and then I press the enter button. But, instead of a second paragraph, the text overlays. How can I solve this problem?
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Aug 5, 2006
I pull sliders in levels, the image goes totally pixelated. then retruns to normal as release slider. anyone else heard of this?
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Sep 12, 2013
a while back i had this problem where pictures wher looking funny when blurred but never realy had an answer this is what i am talking about [URL}...
Now i took this with my phone because when i take a screenshot people say the picture looks fine ,I have tried alot of things but i can't fix it here is a picture of it as a ascreenshot [URL]...want a fix for this as most of my pictures become crap when i try to make something nice in photoshop !
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May 15, 2011
From time to time, when either moving text with a grip, or placing a dimension, or drawing a line or whatever, AutoCAD just randomly decides to snap to zero, zero. I might be miles away from zero, zero, but it still snap me there. The only way I can get around it is to turn my OSNAP off, do what I have to do and then turn it back on again. REALLY annoying. I'm using ACAD 2008, but I remember having this problem on earlier releases too.
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Nov 9, 2012
I'm looking to do a simple 3D ribbon with text mapped onto it.
Using the pen tool I made a line with slight curves to it, then 3D > Extrude/Bevel.
The end result added 'volume' to my ribbon. See here:[URL]....
The parts with Green X's on them are what i'd like to get rid of, so that it's basically a wide ribbon with minimal 'thickness'.
I'm using Illustrator CS5 on Windows 7.
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Aug 2, 2012
I am trying to create a grading in Civil3D 2012, for a stormwater pond design. The sides have a 3:1 slope, and on one side the pond follows natural pre-existing contours, and on the other side there is a construted dam. When I created the grading, the generated feature line has some crazy spikes that are >10000' high. The slopes all look fine, it's just the feature line thats wacky, but it won't let me edit it because its part of a grading, and if I delete it, the pond goes too. In the attached screen shot, the green suface is my existing ground, the blue is my pond, and the white is the problem feature line.
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