Photoshop :: View Pixel Size During Crop?
Aug 31, 2006
Am currently evaluating Photoshop and have a relatively simple question: I need to be able to view the size of the crop area when I draw the marquee... For example: I have a pix that is 2240 pixels by 1488 pixels and I want to crop it to 2000 by 200 to fit into a Flash movie.
When I draw the marquee I expect to be able to view the size I have drawn and also be able to adjust the marquee based upon pixel size.
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Mar 18, 2014
I need to crop image width from e.g. 1234px to 1230px. I select Crop from the menu, then enter 1230px for the width. PE then shows a marquee that is bigger than the image! I'm probably doing something wrong, but I can't tell what.
I'm running it on WIndows 8.0 x64, which has some other problems, so maybe I should just upgrade to 12?
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Dec 3, 2012
I have hundreds of scans all from one book and I am trying to straighten and crop them all out to the same pixel amounts. For example, I have a bunch of scans that are 1000x1000 pixels with overscan on all sides, they are also all at an angle. In the end I want a folder with all the pages at 800x800 nice and straight.
So, when I open the first one, I crop and straighten it to 800x800 and then I make a custom specification at 800x800. The problem is, when I go to the next one and hit crop and pic my specification, I find out that that specification is actually for an aspect ration, not a particular dimension. I want it to automatically put the crop window to 800x800, not just restrict the crop to that aspect ratio. If this could be done it would significantly quicken my work flow.
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Apr 30, 2013
I know how to crop images but want to be able to view the resulting pixel measurements (ie, 1600 c 1200 pixels).
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Apr 11, 2013
When I crop a picture Pixel Demensions become 6 bytes Width and Height 1 pixel each. I can no longer see the picture. How can I fix this?
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Dec 6, 2012
I'm using Photoshop CS5 and as you can see on the picture below, when I set my grid line to every 1 px, grid doesn't match canvas pixel size.
Now I'm not able to draw sharp shapes using pen tool because even if I hold shift key everything gets blurry.Â
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Oct 10, 2013
How can I get the pixel size in current view?
i.e., how many meters a pixel's width in the current view stands for
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Mar 18, 2011
I use Xara sometimes to resize images/photos. Quite often I use the clip view function to crop the image to the precise size I need.
I just recently found that when I export my clipped views, always as pngs, they have a very small 1 to 2 pixel edge around them. I can keep clipping but it continues to stay there. I exported with alpha and without to see if it made a difference but it doesn't.
I am now having to use my raster program to resize but had liked using Xara for it. The raster program works fine and I suppose every program has its uses so I just won't use Xara for photo clipping and exporting anymore. I just think that there shouldn't be an issue since Xara seems to want to handle photos more.
The attached images show extreme closeup of a blue image on a black background (the black background is used for checking this very problem).
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Jul 1, 2013
I am a labtech at a community college and look after 48 mac pros in which the students use the entire creative suite. (I only mention this becuase any answers need to consider variations in system settings or photoshop settings. college students get into everything!)
But the issue is when you select the crop tool and enter a custom constraint and crop
The image size is sometimes a full 2 inches off of what you set as a crop?! I havn't run into this before
[I do know you can use the drop down box and use {size and resolution} but I want to know why it doesnt work under custom and unconstrained]
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Aug 13, 2009
I need to be able to see the pixel dimensions while I'm cropping. I clicked on the "Info" pallet and it shows this in inches, however, I didn't see how to change it to pixels. For some website work I need to set images to specific pixel sizes and yet be able to move around the image to crop where I need at these dimensions.
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Aug 28, 2007
i currently have a logo that is 460X440 pixels and 12.17cmsX11.69cms and the resolution is 96 pixels per inch.
i am wanting to change it into a 2cm X 2cm avatar that is less than 6K in size,
how do i do this? everything i try makes the output file about 24k in size.
the reason i am doing this is the forum i regularly post on has a max avatar size of 6k.
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Aug 11, 2013
I have a set of drum scans of medium format film images. The pixel dimensions of the scans vary slightly. But they all consist of images of the same frame size, with borders around the image (scanned film outside the image.) All of the scans were done at 4000 pixels per inch, at 100 percent.
For example, the pixels dimensions of one scan is 10492 x 6907, another is 10390 x 6968, and another is 10483 x 6976.
I want to crop all of them to 10200 x 6738 pixels. I want to delete the cropped pixels, and I do not want any scaling to take place. I want to preserve the original metadata (the scanner model, pixels per inch, etc.); in other words, I want to modify the files (or copies of the files), not create new files. The print size does not matter.I've tried several approaches, and none of them let me do what I want:
1.) Manually cropping each scan individually does not give me the control that I need for cropping to precise pixel dimensions.
2.) Creating a Crop Preset with the desired pixel dimensions doesn't work because using it results in scaling (I think.)
3.) Using Canvas Size doesn't work because the borders in the scans are not equal on all four sides. I need to be able to move and position the image inside the crop area.
4.) Using New, and Place… allows me to create a Canvas Size with the desired pixel dimensions and resolution, and move the placed images; they will fit without scaling. However, this results in a new file being created, and therefore the metadata is lost.
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Mar 24, 2011
I have a Crop View of a IAM and want/need a Projected View of the Crop View. When I select the Crop View as my base and then select try to create a Projected View, I get the whole IAM.
I guess one could use the Section View and eliminate all the items I don't need for my Base View.
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SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11
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Oct 17, 2013
I want to create a template whereby I can make a series of images that I can save as jpgs, upload to my blog, and people can print them. When they print, I want them to be one quarter of a sheet of paper (fit four to a page).
I tried creating a new image using the "inches" specification and those inches seem to have no bearing on inches in real life once printed.
So then I figured that a sheet of paper is 8.5 by 11 and I want a resolution of 300 dpi.
So 8.5 times 300: 2,550 pixels. Times that by 0.25 to get a quarter of it: 637.5 (which gets rounded to 638 pixels).
11 times 300: 3,300 pixels. Times that by 0.25= 825 pixels.
So I put in for 638 pixels by 825 pixels and 300 dpi. I created my image. I saved it as a jpg at full resolution. I uploaded it to my site and tested out the printing.
It took up most of a sheet of paper. Not even close to being a quarter of a sheet.
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Apr 13, 2012
I know Photoshop can do this but is there anyway to make the pixel size not change if im messing with the print size of a photo?
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Jul 20, 2008
I often have to make borders for certain pictures, and I usually make them at 3px. Sometimes they are nice and thick like 3px should be, but sometimes they come out thin. It doesn't matter whether I am editing on a jpeg or png. Also I edit them in grayscale mode if that helps. I also noticed them problem with the brush, and text tool, as in pixels changing size (going from normal to smaller). I have tried resetting all settings. Should I remove the configuration folder in AppData (I use vista 64 bit)?
I use the pencil tool to make borders.
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May 9, 2011
How do I control being able to see the pixel size of the pencil tool so its not just a small x but I can actually see the size of the area I am going to draw with?
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Mar 29, 2012
im working on a big poster 300 cm x 300 cm , so when i change the dpi, pixel size changes too...??
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Feb 7, 2005
I had an 11x14 document set at 175 pix/in. When printed the document was huge (probably 75% too big, maybe more). I was thinking maybe there can only be so many pixels per inch, and because I had it set too high, the dimensions of the doc. were distorted. Anyone know if there is such a magick number?
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Jul 18, 2013
I am working on a banner for my Youtube channel, and I want the text to fill the safe text area needed for the banner. Thing is, I don't know how to change the pixel dimensions of a text box.Â
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Apr 20, 2013
I usually do photoshop work in an 800 x 600 pixel range. I tried to post a new picture on a website this morning and it came as a 171 x something , tiny little picture that could not be enlarged. How can I increase the size of my pictures? This is my first attempt using the Revel site.
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Apr 4, 2007
Working with CS2, is there a special way to match exactly two different images pixel dimesions
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Jan 12, 2005
Suppose I have a 300px x 300px image and I need to choose a part of that image to crop to 150px x 150px without resampling. (I need that hypothetical 150px x 150px so it fits a pre-defined area in a web page layout.)
I know I can take the crop tool to the image and view the "Info" tab to get my 150px x 150px. But that requires a fine touch and some trial and error to get the exact crop I want.
Is there a way to specify a particular size to crop or select and then move that selection around in the image to find the best crop? (Photoshop 7.0)
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Jul 4, 2008
I have several 35mm images scanned at 8000ppi and are typically around 450Mb (a few are 500+).
The Problem - to get these onto 1 or more of the various sites on the net I need to reduce the filesize (i.e. the Mb count) (e.g. 1 site has limits around the 30Mb mark) B U T ALSO RETAIN the PIXEL count in order to produce the best possible print.
While I can save as a JPEG at something less than 100%, which does this, I am not all that keen in potentially losing some quality.
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Oct 2, 2012
I am preparing images for the web and I really have 2 questions: one about gifs, and one about jpgs.My standard procedure is to reduce the image to the desired pixel dimensions at 600 dpiThat gives me a crisp small image. then I either use it as is if the file size is low enough (I try for under 600 kb) or convert it to a gif with the save for web and devices tool.
So here are my 2 questions (I will count this solved with either answer)
1) When I convert to a gif I have the 4 boxes: one with original size, the other 3 with options but often the options are too low res for me How do I change my 3 options to start at a higher gif res?
2) If I try to reduce the file size of the jpg in the image size box I set the resolution lower ( 400, 300), which lowers the pixel dimensions and the filesize, but I don't want to cahnge the pixel dimensions. And If I reset the pixel dimensions back to the size I want them, even though it is a lower resolution the file size doesn't change.
How to reduce jpg file size using only the resolution, not pixel dimensions? PS I have tried messing with checking and unchecking the 3 little boxes( scale styles, constrain proportions, and resample) but nothing has worked.
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Apr 16, 2013
[URL]... My problem is that my images in photoshop look good on their own. But then when I put them into one image they all become blurry. I save them in high quality, I've tried changing the ppi on the "new" document but it only worked a little bit. My Ai text that I place also comes in blurry.
Sometimes I can get them to look fine (aside from the Ai Text, which I do save high quality, or for web, neither of which matter) but when I reduce the image size or flatten the layers, it gets blurry and when I zoom in it's ridiculous how blurry they are. I just tried making it from a large canvas and just reducing the images when I place them, which looks good, but then, like I said, flattening and/or reducing the image both provide the same effect: blurry!
I've never had a problem with this until yesterday. I haven't changed any settings, but for some reason it's just not turning out right. It is decent for when it's at 100%Â but the end graphic is only 600px so it's small. I'm worried that if my client zooms in to see it better she will see how blurry it is and that will make me look bad.
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Oct 7, 2013
how do i match on screen document size to view print size? when i create a new document and put in its dimensions when i press view print size it appears alot smaller on screen
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Aug 9, 2012
i get a 1 pixel size image when I double click the zoom for 100%.Fit screen or full screen is wacky too, not fitting or filling and sometimes going way beyond.Â
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Apr 5, 2013
I just upgraded to CS6 and my font size and leading shortcut on a Mac (Shift + CMND + >) will only increment by one pixel. How can I change it back to two?
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Feb 5, 2014
I am using Elements 9 and have used Elements since V5. Today I tried to re-size a jpeg and the program would not let me change the pixel size.
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Aug 8, 2013
I have a Windows 7 computer and use Photoshop Elements 9 and Premiere Elements 9. I recently completed a slideshow that contains about 360 photos, many or all of which exceed the maximum size of 1000 x 750 pixels. Is there any way that I can easily reduce the pixel size of each of the photos? If upgrading to the most recent versions of Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements would accomplish this I would be willing to do this.Â
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