Photoshop :: Updating A Common Layer In Compositions?
Oct 8, 2013
Suppose all of them share a common layer. This common layer has layer styles applied to it. So, suppose that after creating a certain number of compositions, you find that that common layer needs an adjustment to its style and this adjustment needs to be applied to all previous compositions. I found out that I need to go back to each of the previous compositions, load it, redo the style and then update it.
My question is: is there a way to apply a change in the style of a layer, shared by many compositions, to all compositions that use that layer in a simpler and more quick way than remaking/updating them one by one?
I'm having issues with Civ3d 2013. I pushed off upgrading from 2012 because of the format change and the service pack release. I was hoping little glitches would be fixed.
Here are the a couple of glitches to date that I have seen no resolution to in the long list of threads.
1. Layer filters do not filter, unless I have checked "Apply filter to toolbar". The problem is, I dont want to apply them to the toolbar.
2. Publishing to PDF - when set to lines merge (set in the page layout and the publish setting), the wipeouts dont work, and the background masks on leaders makes a faint border around the text in the PDF. When set to overwrite, to get the wipeouts to not print to the PDF as a big black blob, they have to be on a layer set to color 255. I can work around most of the wipeouts, except for dimensions because the background mask doesn't seem to take.
Using CS5 and Win7. I just noticed something with my text in CS5 which is different from CS3 and as far as I'm concerned, a step back.
I made a text layer with some words. The words appeared as the layer name in the layers palate (say I typed "TEXT" on the screen and the text layer was named text). Then I double clicked on the text icon and this selected the word on the screen. I then changed the word "TEXT" to some other word say "WORD". However, this new word I typed in was not carried over to the layer name so the old layer name remained.
In CS3, the layer name is updated when the words on the screen are changed. I'd really like to have the new text update on the layer name. Is there some way to fix this or is this just something in my system.
A Levels Adj. Layer sits above a regular Layer. When I make a change with Levels, the image updates normally, but the icon of the image in the Layers Panel does not change--it always reflects its original appearance.
I believe that the icon updated in CS5. Am I dreaming? Is there a new setting?
resolution and printing. I know some of these questions are not specifically adobe Photoshop related,I understand the theory of dpi vs ppi and resolution vs print. However, I am not sure how to print compositions with mulitple images such as a photo maniupulation.
So here are my questions:
1) If I make a document set for 300 ppi and all my other layers and photos be 300 ppi? What if my photo is at 600 ppi (which it wouldn't be but for instance.)
2) I want to maintain print quality, but need to resize a photo to fit on the composition. For instance I want to keep my photo at 300 ppi but need to shrink it to fit on the smaller background composition I can resample or not. - Not resampling does not allow me to digitally view the size, but maintains original photo quality. It also adds ppi which makes a huge file size to work on. - Resampling allows me to keep the same dpi but hinders the quality.
If I am combining two images together that need to be high resolution for print and then need to be resized what is the best option? How can I view them digitally? Here is an example:
I have a document set at 300 ppi and the calculated pixels needed for whatever print size document I will use. The 'background' will say be white.I then want to add a photo at 300 ppi but it needs to shrink to fit on the 'background.'How can I shrink that photo and still maintain a quality print AND see it on screen?
We have changed the color, line weight and description of specific layers. We used to use Layer state to update the layers, now we use the design center.
Changes made in Example 1. Example 2 has the wrong layers - so Design center is open, layers from Example 1 are dragged and dropped into Example 2.
At work we have been using layer states to set line weights and colors in multiple xref's for plotting demo and install drawings.
So what is happening is that we continue to receive updated files from other groups and I'm unclear on how to update the layer state to include the new layers that have been included in the updated xrefs.
I'm trying to make the same artwork run on both iOS and Android devices. Each project needs to be 165% bigger for Android how would I go about doing this. I'm using InDesign to DPS for iOS and a bespoke app for Android.
i am using this code for rotate multiple compositions, :
my questions is is there any way to start my first comp, when it finish , in the same div play vimeo with autoplay and when it finish , start a third composition ?
I have two compositions on a page and I identify them within the AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback. As soon as the user scrolls to the first animation I want to start it with an external call ( If this is the only composition on the page it does work correctly. But as soon as the second one is added to the page it doesn't play at all. If I trigger the first animation via the console (e.g. the animation jumps to the 1000 ms mark but then it stops immediately and doesn't play on.
In CS5, if I had Text Layers and changed the text on the layer (by double-clicking the "T" icon of the specific Layer in the Layers palette), the name of the Layer would change to reflect the new text I entered.
For some reason this behavior is gone in CS6. So, for example:
• I have a Text Layer with the word "Email" on my canvas. The Text Layer name also reads "Email". • I double-click the "T" icon of the Email Layer to edit the text on canvas. • I enter new text, "Contact". The text on canvas updates to "Contact", but the Layer Name remains "Email".
So, for accurate Layer names, I find myself having to change the text twice: once on the canvas, and then manually updating the Layer name as well. Is there an option or preference somewhere that I'm missing that would re-enable the behavior from CS5?
Say there are 4 compositions in an html file. Is it possible to create a few navigation buttons in the html file, so that when a 3rd button is clicked, the animation jumps to the 3rd animation. Something like JQuery slideshow, but the difference is, each composition is animated instead of a static image.
I am using Mech 2007. I have created a template to use with new drawings, and want to know if there is a way to update all the drawings at the same time when updating the template.
I just installed PS3 and with it I also got this application called Adobe Color Common Settings Installer. Does anybody know what it does? I dont want any software (others than ones came with calibrators) to affect my monitor and printer profiles by lurking in the background without my knowledge.
I have nearly 100 photos that I need to adjust for a directory. All the photos were taken with the same camera with the same lighting. Is there an easy way I can select a color in the background to make adjustments so they all look the same? Doesn't have to be perfect just close.
I am having a problem with opening some files in Photoshop. I am using Photoshop CS5.1 Extended (Version 12.1) and have Windows 7 64 bit SP1 OS.
I am trying to open a few templates I made in PhotoShop for a client and they worked fine when I used them 3 weeks ago. All were saved as .psd documents. Now when I go to open them they no longer have the PS icon (to show they would be opened by PhotoShop). When I try to open them I get "Could not complete your request because it is not the right type of document." I have had this problem once before but it is confusing to me because 2 of the other similar .psd files I saved at the same timeframe(separate elements for the temlate) are perfectly fine, only the ones I need do not want to open.
I checked file properties and it claims these files are now Windows Shell Common Dll files.
I have a 3images with a common background, but there's different text and each picture has a different part of the background intact. I'm looking for a way to restore the back ground by over layer the images together. I originally tried with one image and selecting the text with the magic wand and filling it with content aware fill. But the results were so so.
So I have a few questions;
1) the images have slightly different orientation. I can't get them to perfectly align, its weird, I really can't do it. I can get it close, but not perfect, is there a simple way ? 2) How do I keep the common element between the images (the background) and remove what's different (the text) ?
I tried overlaying them after having deleted the text, but I still get the damn contour effect.
3) Furthermore, the colors are slightly different between the images, is there a simple way to get them to match ?
Several buildings are linked and share coordinates. How can the host file be used as the datum base Finish Floor 0 and all the other buildings relate, even though at different elevations of floor levels? Right now the sections show FF 0 for all of them and they are at different heights.
I have 2 different lines defined with x and y coordinates.
I want a third line that uses the common x coordinate and a y coordinate that is the sum of the two coordinates.
If this is possible, can i define which mathematical function i use so that i can add/subtract or even use a formula to define?
Further Notes:
The example above is very simple. I have 2 complex curves that go into positive and negative values of y (speaking from a mathematical perspective). I need an easy way to intersect the complex curves at a specified interval and add them at each of those intervals.
For example i may a sine function going in between pi and -pi over a distance equal to 2. I then need to split the curves in intervals of 0.1 and add them together.
I know how to do a walk cycle, but how do I make my character turn right or left when he is standing still? I can animate him turning but then my character control is facing in the wrong direction. If I animate him turning and then rotate him opposite the control as I rotate the control in the correct direction it looks wobbly.
What is a common technique for having a character make a turn?
Is there a way to change a common parameter of multible objects — For example scale x parameter, or Length Segs parameter of say 20 box objects, and change that parameter for all of them as as easily as changing one? I used Max long long ago, but am coming from a Maya and Softimage background.
I love the concept of sheet sets, particularly when printing project drawings in one stroke. But my current understanding is that a drawing can only be associated with one sheet set. Most of my projects include drawings common to all.
I was wondering how to combine common subassemblies so you don't have to seperately count them.
I realize the long way around this is avoiding subassemblies in general and linking a circuit drawing with a predefined additional MAN, CAT in the drawing of the subassemblie(s). This also allows me to annotate the subassembly Footprints. I havent seen an easy way of auto inserting subassemblies and linking common subitems to make a unique item number. The above is all I get when linking subassemblies through the databases (which also doesn't allow you to annotate/ insert the subassembly footprints). I must be missing a way to auto insert the subassembly Footprints . . . creating unique drawings with the subassembly Footprints is time consuming.
If I type in refedit, wipeout, match properties, properties and quite a few others my command line reads Not Recognized! I can't live withour these comands! Not sure what I did, it happend yesterday and I was getting hit by all sides.
Added note: it doesn't seem to mater how I try to get to these commands i'm equally hosed if I use short cut, spelled out, on the ribbon, right click. . . . .access denied.
I still have use of line join edit etc.I don't know if this is related but 2012 dosn't seem to remember settings like if you check the double click to edit in options save work space after the next day it is back like it was.
Currently I've got code that is failing when I try to run StartTransaction() using the TransactionManager. I keep getting a InvalidProgramException.
Is this due to me not actually having AutoCAD installed on my development box? I do have references to AcDbMgd and AcMgd loaded in my project if that makes a difference.
I have several parts that at a point in time come together and need to rotate together around a common point. However, when I animate them it will only let me rotate them around each individual part's axis. How can I temporarily link these parts to a parent dummy object so that I can rotate them together? I want this to happen midstream in the animation and after the rotation I will be decoupling the parts and having them do different things..
I run the AutoCAD 2013 student version on Windows 7. I have rather little in-depth knowledge of AutoCAD and its countless parameters whose values seem to control the general settings. This is probably the issue of yet another one of those parameters.
Just yesterday as I was drafting on my laptop all of a sudden these annoying constraints started to appear all around. I somehow switched them off but ever since then, whenever two objects share even a point (or a line, for that matter, as this is simply a multitude of points), they seem to be "glued" together at that point - if I select one of the objects and try to move it, scale it, drag the shared point around to model the object ect., the other object (the one it's glued to) is skewed about that particular shared point (or line) so that it keeps being a common element of both. I figured that I have somehow told AutoCAD to regard this as some sort of constraint but how I did it or how to undo it. I tried CONSTRAINTINFER, which was set to 1, and changed it to 0, bu to no effect.