Photoshop :: Unable To Install Photoshop CS4 Extended
Apr 22, 2009
Unable to install Photoshop CS4 extended. Trying to setup it under Vista 32-bit, starting from trial version. Whet setup is completed the last installation screen says that "You need to reinstall teh programm vecause some errors occurres during installation... bla-bla-bla.. please reinstall after PC reboot".
The error message description:Adobe Photoshop CS4 International English Language Pack: Error 2. LangPack (British) for DeviceCentral: Error 2.this messages appears at the last screen when setup process is completed.And after this CS4 is not running due to missing of some compenents.
Currently I am running PhotoShop extended CS5, 64bit. in which i have my fovorite plugins (Topaz, Nik and OneOne) running perfectly.
I have upgraded to Adobe Creative Cloud and installed PhotoShop extended CS6 using Adobe Application Manager as recommended. It didn't ask me if I wanted to upgrade or do a new install for PhotoShop. So now I CS6 running with no Plug-ins. I need my plugins! LOL.
I tried pointing to additional plugins in the CS6 preference to the CS5 plugin folder. Upon Launch it gave me a whole slew of error messages saying something cant load or launch C+ runtime error or what not. It does open up, but it only gives access to Nik and Topaz. OnOne doesn't show up under filters or extensions.
So, what are my options?
Just copy the plugins from CS5 to CS6?
I dont't want to reinstall all the plugins to CS6 if I don't have to as I've auto updated them over time to current versions online, so only have installation files for my original purchases.
I can't install photoshop cs3 extended on my computer I have a penten 3 windows xp home editionEven when I tried the trial version it didnt workI used cs, and cs2 and elements 6 No problemBut not cs3.
Due to a conflict with Album DS I had to uninstall and reinstall CS Extended. However, when trying to re-install CS3 Extended:
Background/Attempts to fix:
- I can not launch the installation process from the program CD.
- Nor can I explore the CD. It appears as if there are NO files on it but it uses 721MB.
- Installation has no problem initiating on an XP laptop.
- I just installed Turbo tax on the Vista PC in the same drive so its not the drive.
- Right clicking on the Rom Drive in Windows Explorer gets me as far as the installation start screen. BUT when I click on this install button I get Specified file not found
I really did search on this. All I found elsewhere was a very complicated custom batch file tweak-install. Does this mean that this program can only install everything that comes with it? I am considering an upgrade but do not want to install each and every sub-product that comes with extended.
Whenever I try to install the trial it says you don't have enough disk space. I am on an administrative account. I have 2 drives (am installing on D drive which has 65gb left) C drive has 250mb left. I'm using vista home basic 32-bit ...
I was prompted earlier to update my Photoshop CS6 which I allowed. Now when I launch Photoshop, it also launches Adobe Application Manager which informs me "Sign In Required" to register my trial software which in the title bar of Adobe Application Manager, reads: Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended.
Where did that come from? I had the standard version yesterday. I haver never downloaded a trial version of extended. Where did my standard version go?
Can i get my standard version back painlessly? I havent done the sign in as yet.
Mac OS X 10.8.2, Mid 2010 iMac with 3.6GHz core i5 intel
According to "Get Info" it is just Photoshop CS6 - No extended mentioned.
I uninstalled Photoshop CS5.1 ME (Middle Eastern) version from my 64bit operating system (Windows 7 Home Premium) and went on to install CS6 EXTENDED after a fresh restart (I also deleted remaining CS5 folders in "Program Files' Adobe directory"). The setup went fine. But, when it finished, it gave an error message saying that Adobe Photoshop CS6 didn't install or didn't install correctly. From there, I copied the error report/log it gave out:
Exit Code: 6 see specific errors and warnings below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF050, DW063 ... WARNING: DF029 ...
Photoshop started fine and worked fine (only used it a bit) after the "failed" installation but, the Update option in the Help window was grayed out (trial version, just to let you know). Is that a limitation to the trial version? Or is it straight up an error?
My question is, what did the error report mean and what could be wrong with my currently installed version of PS? BTW, I didn't use Mini Bridge yet, although all of its files are present in the Program Files directory for Adobe.
When I try to launch Photoshop CS6 the following box appears: "Photoshop detected graphics hardware that is not officially supported. If you experience problems, please uncheck the use graphics processor checkbox in the performance panel of the preferences dialog." After his message appears, Windows tries to solve the problem but has no solutions and shuts down Photoshop before it even opens."
I'm using Photoshop CS6 Extended version. I'm unable to use the colors. When I select any color, it defaults to the Grey for both foreground and the background. I have tried to use the brush as well as the font with not success.
I have CS6 (perpetual license) & recently signed up for Creative Cloud so now have Photoshop CC & Lightroom also.
Creative Cloud shows Photshop CC & Lightroom are up to date.
However, Adobe Application Manager keeps stating there is an update for CS6 - namely 'Photoshop 13.1.2 for Creative Cloud' I've tried to update but each time the update fails with error message:
'Photoshop 13.1.2 for creative Cloud Installation failed. Error code: U44m1P7'
And why the mention of Creative Cloud - is this update only for CC versions of Photoshop?
Oddly, My CS6 which was standard edition has at some time since I joined CC upgraded itself to CS6 Extended - or is that a perk of CC.
why the update is failing & what I can do? CS6 seems to be working OK, so can I just ignore the update - would that prevent any future updates working or would any future updates supercede this one?
I recently upgraded to a new Mac Book Pro with OS X 10.7.2 and I am unable to install Photoshop CS2 because "Power PC applications are no longer supported".
I have downloaded the trial for CS3. but when I open the setup.exe , the Adobe setup/install status bar pops up and then just dissapears again. I have re booted a few times, even removed CS2. and I have more than enough as far as system requirements go... Pease help! (HP pavilion dv2000, centrino duo, windows vista home premium, 2gig ram, 100 gig available disk space.)
I purchased a new Dell XPS 630 with XP Pro SP3. I installed Premiere Pro CS3 (all parts), which works fine. I then tried to install my old PS7 and I cant get it to load. I tried the disc in another machine with XP and it loaded right away.
Am attempting to install my Design Standard CS3 upgrade onto my 17" Powerbook but am unable to install the Photoshop part of it. It's because a few months ago I tried out the PS CS3 Beta and now it is saying there is a conflict.
I chucked away just the main PS CS3 Beta app but it still refused - now I have tried three different Uninstall apps from VersionTracker to kill all the components off, but I think they are not working properly as the main app is no longer present.
It's a bit of a difficult one - and I need that PS CS3 on my laptop...
I bought a brand new version of the older Photoshop 7.0 for my computer. i am running a dell Xps 630 intel core processor Q9550, i have XP loaded onto it, i put the photoshop 7.0 CD into the cd rom drive i get the auto play and selected the language and pressed accept from the menu then install button it runs for a few min and nothing.
I have partitioned my hard drives in order to make back ups easier and manage media easier.
However, my Vista Ultimate Partition is only 10GB and for this reason will not allow me to install CS4.
Even when I select D: for the installation.
I have 1GB free on C: and 60GB free on the D:
So why will Adobe not let me install on D: directly?
I think this is well just stupid that users are been forced to save this onto the same drive as your OS, I don't like to have any software installed on the same partition for security/virus/management purposes and so really need an alternative to install this, otherwise I will be forced to re-install my entire PC.
I will need to back up each of my partitions, then merge them then format, then re-install and then copy the back ups across.
Of course loosing most of my personal settings and modifications to Vista.
I paid for a license for the cs4 it is actually installed in a computer at work and up graded to cs5. I have a second computer at home. on which i tried unsuccessfully to install the same software cs4 . I understand that the license allowed to use it whenever not use it at the same time
why cs6 13.0.1 wont update to 13.0.2 i have even done the manul update and that will not work.
i have removed and put photoshop on my macbook retina now 2 times i have all up to date updates. i have done every step ive seen in other discussions and still no luck.
Since I installed Photoshop CS6 on my Mac OS 10.8, I haven't been able to successfully install an update. Every time I get the error U44M1P6, which tells me to try installing the update manually. Which I do, and I get the same result.
I have been asked if I've changed anything in Photoshop's folder or something similar, and I haven't done anything to it besides installing one extension using Extension Manager, and keeping Photoshop's icon on my dock.
I am running on a 32-bit Vista operating system and I recently downloaded the trial version of photoshop CS4, but I have not been able to successfully install it. It will start to install and then stop with and this error message will pop up:
I always make sure my virus/firewall software is switched off whenever installing and I have tried many troubleshooting solutions to solve the problem, but everytime I keep getting this error message come up.
I opened my Adobe Photoshop CS3 Web Premium and it told me I cannot use it anymore. Same with Adobe Fireworks. It was running fine previously until THAT day.
I was told by the error message to uninstall or reinstall the progam, which I did. But after uninstalling and installing CS3 again, only Adobe Acrobat was successful. All other components failed.
I have recieved an answer regarding my inability to install my software on my new computer, but it does not address the problem that there is no record of my previous purchase.
I'm sure this is because it was purchased in 2009 and whatever e mail was sent to me with the serial number is now lost to history.
At first, I wasn't able to open .nef files from my Nikon D800E. I then realized that I needed to update my camera raw installers. The available versions were 6.5, 6.6, and 6.7 from the adobe website. I also downloaded the Adobe App Manager as it was required to install the updates. The downloading process for all 3 versions worked fine. However, when I tried to install using the adobepatchinstaller, it didn't work. And I tried on all version individually. They all gave me the same message: not the right patch.
I am unable to import pictures from an iPhone into a fresh install of Elements Organizer 12 which was installed on a brand new installation of Maverics on our iMac. I receive a nasty looking error. Are there any known issues? I would think there would have to be known issues as both my Organizer installation and Mavericks version is freshly installed.
I am unable to print from the application or even save as a PDF using illustrator CS3.
For 3 days I have attempted to install the required updates, 13.0.1 and 13.0.2 but in every case they have failed. I followed the instructions an adobe knowlege base article that told me to delete : {C4519961-AC64-4565-B3AF-9050296B5D5A}.patch and remove and reinstall the application - which I did multiple times. I even exchanged the bspatch application that was described in the forum When I download and install 13.0.1 and attempt to run it I get the following error:
When I try to run the update function from the help menu I get the following error:
My firewall is truned off, antivius is turned off and photoshop allowed for its required updates.