Photoshop :: Trouble With My Animated .gif
Aug 26, 2004
I've made animated .gifs before without this problem: I have taken 12 seperate .gif images, converted them to RGB mode, dropped them all into the same Photoshop file, and then jumped to Imageready to create frames for each layer. Upon clicking "Save Optimized As", I get the following warning:
"Because JPG, PNG, and WBMP do not support animation, Imageready will save only the current frame."
I don't understand what I've missed. All 12 original images were .gif. I had to convert them to RGB mode in order to create a 12 layer file, but don't think that is what is causing this issue.
Any ideas?
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Oct 13, 2008
Using CS3. Computer is fine and everything was working up until a few minutes ago. Now everytime I try to save as the dialog box disappears and the program menu bar grays out.
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Jun 8, 2006
I have a box I made with the square selection tool. I added a 25 px feather to it to give it nice rounded corners.
I did a paint bucket fill inside the selection and it doesn't fill JUST the insides like I thought it'd do. It does MOST of it but it blends outwards towards the sides of the selection so it's not one solid color.
ALSO when I flood fill a few times, it EXTENDS passed my selection box into the rest of the window!
My question is, how do I make a selection box with rounded corners flood fill COMPLETELY?
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May 26, 2005
I've created a webpage in phtoshop, done my rollovers in image ready and transferred it into dreamweaver.
Now when it's on my hard drive it's fine and works - but when i upload it none on the images show up or they do show but when you put your cursor over a rollover all the images diassapear (they all turn to red crosses).
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Jan 30, 2005
Recently I got a new computer and I had to reinstall Photoshop 7. Before reinstalling it, my font came out smooth and such.
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Jan 15, 2008
I am a beginner with using photoshop. When trying to use Filter>Render>Clouds it is faded and I cant use it. I have tried looking with google, but I did everything but it was still faded.
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Jan 20, 2005
When adding a gradient to a canvas that has a selection why do I see an outline around my selection when the gradient is applied? What can I do to eliminate that outline.
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Feb 14, 2009
im designing a tshirt for a client and i am drawing something in black using the paintbrush tool. i messed up because i forgot it needs to be dark brown. to use paint bucket makes the images lines distorted and "fat". is there no way to just take the black i drew by itself in its layer and turn it all another color without messing it up?
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Apr 11, 2006
I'm trying to create an action with an F shortcut, so when I save a file that I've edited, it saves it with an '_ed' after it.
When I've done the action, it just changes the whole file name, instead of adding the '_ed'. I know there is a batch option for this, but I was wondering how I could go about doing this on a file by file basis.
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Jan 4, 2008
I just bought a new laptop computer....I had Adobe Photoshop CS2 installed on my desktop computer...have not used it much at all. So, just yesterday I did the "Transfer Activation "thing". I did as instructed...Installed it on my laptop...(this new laptop is an HP Pavilion with 2GB, Intel Centrino, Light Scribe, and Windows Vista).
When I was through installing it (it said I installed successfully)....then I was told to register it... ...I did so...using my new address (of the laptop)...It told me It registered successfully.
I then proceeded to download updates....when all was said and done, and rebooted...said the updates were installed successfully as were the registration, and updates.
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Aug 15, 2009
I'm creating a 3D text logo using CS4 Illustrator and Photoshop. I created the logo in Illustrator, and copied it into Photoshop to apply color using hue and fill settings. I used the wand tool to select the top of the letters, then changed the hue on the sides, then filled the tops with a different color. I created a new layer for the selected tops. I want a transparent background, and I want to save the file as a Gif. However, when I flatten the image, I get a white background. Somehow, a white background sneaked in. Also, when I go to save the file, there is no option for a .gif. I saved it as a jpeg. But then Dreamweaver would not display it. It only showed a samll icon representing the graphic, but wouldn't display it.
1. How can I avoid having my transparent background become white?
2. Why am I not getting the option to save as a .gif?
3. why Dreamweaver wouldn't open the jpeg? Could it be size? File too wide. In the past Dreamweave automatically resizes to accomodate wide files.
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Jan 16, 2009
I bought this photoshop magazine, and was trying to follow a tutorial for scanning in an image. (btw i have searched for this, and found nothing). So I scanned it and opened it in illustrator, and did live trace and everything to get the outline, then I exported it as psd (as the tut. said), but when I opened it in photoshop, the white background was gone. It was an outline of my drawing on the gray and white checkerboard background. Now in the tutorial it said to use the magic wand tool to select all the white, and delete it (in illustrator) so I thought maybe that was it, but it wasnt. It still opened like that without deleting the white areas.
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Jun 7, 2008
I have an image which is currently surrounded by a white background that I want to get rid of.
So far I have selected all of the background and hit delete, which appears to have deleted all of the white background as it shows up transparent.
However when I save the image as a TIFF an then open it up in Illustrator, the image still contains the white background.
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Jul 6, 2004
I scanned several magazine covers (believe it or not I'm one of the few who still dosen't own a digi cam) and now want to place each pic/scan side by side or one on top of the other to resemble what a picture would look like if I had taken it with a digi cam.
Any ideas?
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Jun 29, 2005
I use the line tool (U) quite a bit and for some reason now after I make my first line the next line i try to make is white/negative amd the line tool has the little minus mark (-) next to it. How do i reset it to the (+)? currently i am having to make a line, rasterize the layer and make the next line.
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Feb 7, 2006
I was currently working on a project in photoshop, and i had a text layer I saved it as a psd to make any later changes, and now when i want to change the "text" layer it does not change, What i mean by change is when i click my type tool to change the spelling of the text the text is not slected instead it makes a new layer.
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Jul 30, 2005
I'm in the process of prepping individual components of a design for Flash animation. I'm trying to apply a layer of #7C6844 with the color effect at 56% opacity and a layer of #999999 with the color burn effect at 12% opacity to the foreground image which has a transparent background. This task has proved to be rather impossible for me, but it seems like there should be a way to do it. I would use the wand tool > select inverse and apply the colors over top that way, but the foreground image has a lot of leaves and branches, so that method would be extremely tedious.
Is there a way I can select the entire image as a whole and leave out the background?
I'll attach the image and the desired result to further assist.
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Feb 13, 2009
Recently, cs3 has stopped working for me. One day I tried to open it and it wouldn't respond. I tried uninstalling it and then reinstalling it and it didn't work - it says failed to install Adobe Photoshop CS3. All the shared components reinstall, but CS3 doesn't.
I downloaded the trial version of CS4 to see if that would work, but again it told me that Adobe Photoshop CS4 has failed to install. And again, all the shared components managed to install.
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May 14, 2013
*tl;dr- Easy way to take the frames of a GIF and change them to a BMP (there are about 40 frames per Action) So- My friend was learning Java to build a game on Android while I would create the graphical resources. It will be a fighting game- so I went ahead and made animations for the moves and all the characters.
understanding the language so I thought I would go ahead and teach myself as well. I read faster than him- and I got to a point where I find out that graphical resources have to be in BMP (or so the author tells me) and that each frame in gif is a seperate BMP. So- is there an *Photoshop CS6 Willing to get on the cloud or something for the other CS programs.
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Feb 26, 2012
I want to have my website and phone number rotating on the x-axis as an animated GIF. Is there a simple way to do this in Photoshop that I'm just missing?
I'd like to be able to insert the GIF in a movie project I've started in Sony Vegas.
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Aug 10, 2004
I know there are probably countless topics regarding animated gifs and i search for them but couldn't find what i was looking for. I want to make a AIM Buddy Icon. I'm semi-experienced with Photoshop but I realize i need image ready to make animations.
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Oct 24, 2006
I am trying to make an animated gif where an object starts at one end of the logo text and moves across and back. During the across and back I want to use the motion blur filter to simulate motion on the image.
I want the at symblol below to move across the logo text and then back. On the far right image and the far left image I want it to look regular (no effect) then all the tween ones I want to have a motion blur.
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Feb 7, 2007
I have a video (.mov) and I opened image ready, made the animated gif. So i have a functioning animated gif of a hockey fight. I also have a pre-made .psd for my signature which includes a background, and another image. I have several problems.
I can transfer the gif over, and put it on the PSD.
1) The file size goes from 2.7mb to 112mb. ... WTF?
2) When i try and save it, it will only save the current layer/frame of what it sees. Therefor no more animated gif.
3) Also, how do I change the opacity of this? I would like to layer mask the finished product, then reveal using the brush with an opacity of about 75%, but the option is not available with linked-layers.
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Jan 26, 2006
I downloaded a gif and opened it in Image Ready and proceeded to modify the nine frames it had to show a different face than the one it had.
After every frame mod I ran it in ImageReady to make sure it was working ok.
Once I had completed the mod I ran it again and it worked perfectly I then "Save Optimized As" and gave it a title and downloaded it to my desktop.
From there I opened it up in Safari to see if it worked ok and it worked but the face which had been so clear in ImageReady was now all spreckled with dots.
I tried to open it in ImageReady again and got the same results it was now spreckled with dots.
The original image was a black and white and the face I added was in colour but not sure if that would cause a problem seeing as it worked ok in ImageReady. I have added 2 pics so you can see the difference.
I am using a G4 Mac with PS-CS2
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Mar 8, 2007
I am working on a art project where the main theme is human anatomy, and I am using Adobe Photoshop and Imageready to help me. I have made a animated gif, but am having trouble fading the layers into each other.
I was unable to upload it to imageshack or similiar due to its large size.
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Mar 5, 2007
I have been trying to create a animated .gif with photoshop cs & imageready cs. I get all of the frames and everything the way I want and when I go to save as a Optimized .gif I only have options to save as "html" & "images only .gif"
way to save this so I get the animated .gif?
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Sep 2, 2004
This animated .gif occupies the upper-left corner of a web page on my site. It is tabled to connect perfectly with a horizontal menu bar (you can see part of the menu bar in the image below). I created the ripples using Redfield Plugins.
I created these ripples because the corner of my web page needed something. I initially experimented with Greg's Plasma Effect inside various shapes, but decided to try for something a little more mellow. I settled on these magic ripples. Unfortunately, they need some help. I'm not sure what's missing. They need to be a little more glossy, perhaps. Or maybe some highlights, and possibly some reflections. I'm asking for your feedback and/or suggestions for improvement.
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Feb 8, 2009
I made an animated gif in photoshop and saved it and made sure it worked. My problem is that I have a psd file that I am trying to put the animated gif into. When I try to paste it into my psd, it say that it will lose information if i save over it. I do not know what to do?! How do i put an animate gif into a psd?
I tried to go into image ready and save the psd into an html and then open the html in dreamweaver and replace the pic but it doesn't let me either because it saved the psd as a jpg and created an html and I cant put an image of the jpeg that was made in dreamweaver.
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Feb 12, 2003
problem with a series of animated gif files. They're all japanese Kanji.
so there are 3 frames (as you can see), a white frame, a frame with the first stroke, and a third frame with the final stroke.
Now i want to edit the frames, but when i open it in photoshop i can only view the first frame (the blank screen). And i can't get to the other frames in imageready.
How can i get to the remaining 2 frames ?
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Aug 10, 2004
I just joined and have a few questions. Does anyone know of a site or can tell me how I can use photoshop to animate things such as the wheels on a car?
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Nov 23, 2007
Is is possible to create the look of the headlight beams as well as the "animated" look of the car in Photoshop? I don't think animated is the right word, but that's the best word I can come up with to describe it.
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