Photoshop :: Transparent Foreground Color
Apr 29, 2008
how to make the foreground color transparent for the life of me. In illustrator it is as simple as clicking a premade swatch that is transparent (other than that I dont know how to set it there either.) I mainly want it because I am trying to use the pen tool but a color keeps filling in between the lines.
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Jun 25, 2006
I'm just wondering if there is a way to make something in the foreground so that you can see the background whatever it may be.
How I tried to do this was created a file with a transparent background and then added a new layer with 30% opacity and then typed the text I wanted you to be able to see through, but when I save it as a png it just makes the background white and as a gif it makes the entire image transparent so the text doesn't show up at all.
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Mar 11, 2012
I was working with gradients and all was fine, then once more I attempted to use foreground to transparent it would not work.
I deleted the preference file, restarted PSE, restarted my machine - still doesn't work although foreground to background works.
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May 19, 2012
You know how when you're painting, you can hold ALT and it will pick a colour from the canvas? Well, for some reason, mine still picks up the colour but it sets it to the background colour instead of the foreground colour.
And when I actually select the colour picker tool, it will only select the background colour but when I hold Alt, it selects the foreground colour. Basically it's flipped where it's supposed to select.
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May 12, 2009
I am creating over 300 color swatches using a Pantone PMS system. I need to know a keyboard shortcut for the color library or foreground color, or a way to force photoshop to open the color library or foreground color when I create a new file.
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Dec 17, 2012
I have heard you can protect your photographs on the web by applying a transparent overlay to them. When someone then right clicks and saves the image, all they get is the transparent foreground and not the photo underneath. I have tried to do this using GIMP. However, the web guidance I have seen says you also have to edit the HTML code to do this. Is there a way of doing this from GIMP itself without involving HTML code?
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May 3, 2012
Basically, I am working on this pause screen pic from Mass Effect 3. I am trying to turn it into a good background for my phone. I'm trying to do a number of things with it, some of which are proving easier than others. The most difficult thing I want to do is remove all the buttons from the right hand side, so there are five buttons on the left and just background on the right.
How would be best to go about this? I have tried selecting individual sections and painting over them with a gradient fill, and I've tried using an automatic resynthesizer plugin using a selected texture, but neither have yielded good results. The former becomes obvious due to its uniformity when done in large doses and the latter just comes out all wrong.
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May 22, 2013
How I choose a color for any new objects I want to create. I've opened the toolbox with ctrl-b, which appears on the left side of the window. If I want to , for example, draw a red rectangle, I use the rectangular selection tool, then the bucket fill, and I don't see how to change the foreground color to red.
I've read elsewhere in the forum that there should be two rectangles somewhere on the screen that show foreground and background color, but I don't see them anywhere.
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Dec 3, 2008
Photoshop CS2- whenever i want to change the color of a brush, pencil etc. photoshop will change the backgroundcolor. whenever i change color i have to swith backgrounf and foreground color again.... this is so annoying that i've stopped drawing with the pencil and draw with the erasor instead...
how can i make the colors react normally again?
and another color-realted problem: when i create a text the picture turns red and the text will be shown in a totally weird color. what's going wrong there? how can i make the text tool work normally again?
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Feb 13, 2009
My friend sent me this pic, and I tried to edit it. However, when I filled the pic using foreground color, it was always grey (I chose yellow). I noticed that the foreground was set to grey no matter how i changed it.
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Sep 4, 2012
Watch the following animation to see that a new shape created by first drawing a path then hitting the [Shape] button is not creating a shape of the current Foreground color, but rather apparently of the color of the shape layer below it. This seems odd to me:
I don't think it's document-specific, but just to leave nothing to chance, if you want to try to reproduce it, you can download a copy of the file: [URL] ......
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Oct 28, 2012
When I click on foreground, even if black is selected, I click around that box, and I inevitable get blues and greens. How can I get an easy variety of greys to choose from to click on to make the forgound color a light grey to taste?PS, I'm almost lost with eyedropper, I remember being able to click that on documents, even outside PS, but it's not working for me at all now in that respect.
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May 17, 2012
I want to know what is the purpose of the foreground/background color in Photoshop.
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Jun 21, 2008
I would like to know how to change the colour of a single layered, single coloured gradient (foreground to transparent) image. There is nothing more to it than that other than I don't want to use the hue/saturation adjustment as it's hard to get a specific colour.
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Oct 15, 2005
I searched the forums briefly and couldn't find an answer to a couple annoying problems I've been having with Photoshop. I'm running a PC with Photoshop CS2, which is part of the entire creative suite package that I recently purchased. Here are the two issues that I’m trying to tackle.
1) Combining multiple paths
I have a picture of a car and I’ve painstakingly traced a path around the outer perimeter, but then there are other areas that I’d like to include as part of the same path and I can’t seem to find out how to make this happen. Just to be clear, I select a path around the outside of the car so I can place it into a new background, put in some shadows, etc.
But, when I try to select other areas of the image to include as part of the path (say between the spokes of the wheels) so the new background shows through as well, it creates a separate path. I’ve yet to figure out how to combine each into a single path file so when I attempt to create an effect, I don’t have five different paths to tackle. A similar scenario cropped up (pardon the pun) when I try to do a radial blur on the wheels and a motion blur to create the appearance of motion. I simply can’t figure out how to get the paths into a single file.
2) When manually adjusting levels of an image, the three eye-droppers that allow you to set white, grey and black points can be used, for example to select which part of the image should be the brightest white (in the case of “set white point”). When I use this eye dropper, it keeps changing the foreground color in the toolbar.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to prevent that from happening? This is rather annoying because when I try to expand the canvas size and I’m expecting it to be white, it ends up being and off shade of white because it picked up the color of the background that I selected as what should be the brightest white in my image. I know the long work around, but am I missing a default setting that would prevent this from happening?
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Nov 21, 2012
This question is more theoretical, as I have found a work around. On a layer, I have a gray color, which I sample, and it becomes the desired Foreground color.
I would like to Fill a Selection in an Alpha Channel with this gray color.
However, when I view the Alpha channel, my forground color is lost to black/white, which I understand, as the Alpha channel is a gray scale image.
But, I am able to sample a gray Swatch to make a Foreground color, but how can I preserve my chosen Foreground gray selected from a Layer? The only way that I know would be to make a new Swatch, and then use that when I am in Channels.
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Mar 13, 2012
I can crop images, resize, and do a few other things but that is about the extent of my skills.
I am currently attempting to theme some images in an Android ROM but I'm not able to change the colors the way I want. Essentially I have a bunch of images with transparent backgrounds and white in the foreground. I simply want to swap out the white for another color (red, green, blue, whatever).
I have attached a sample image that I am working on. How on earth do I change the white to red (FF0000) for example? I tried using the select by color tool and clicking in the white area. Then I changed the foreground color to FF0000 and tried to paint into it. It doesn't seem to do anything but paint more white?
Some options were completely disabled for my image. For example, I went to Colors > Map and found that both Color Exchange and Rotate Colors are disabled. Why?
P.S. I have roughly 200 images that I need to perform this action on (and I may even do this with multiple colors -- create a blue set, a red set, etc.) so if there is some way to automate this process I would love to know. I'm a software developer and run Linux so I typically just write bash scripts for tedious tasks such as these. I know there is script-fu in gimp but I'm not familiar with it. Can I just call gimp within a bash loop and pass it some option to do this color change and save the new image for me?
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Oct 27, 2011
I want to create a simple thin glowing red bar. I want the red to fade into black, pretty much exactly like what the glowing hot tool does with yellow/white.
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Oct 9, 2011
I'm trying to get a script to use a fill foreground I've selected. I can get it ask me to select the foreground color but it always saves the foreground color used when I save the script. I can't figure out how to get it to use the current foreground color.
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Mar 15, 2012
Then GIMP starts its foreground and background colors aren't black and white anymore.
I would like to know how to reset them back to default values (then program starts).
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Mar 9, 2012
I have a scanned image which is black text on white paper. The paper comes out darker in some section because of scan. Is there a simple way I can make the off-white background white?
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Jan 9, 2013
Is there any way in Elements 9 to convert a color or color range to "transparent"? I want to change a white background of an imported image (a map) to transparent so only the non-white objects (lines and shapes) are present. The image is way too complex to select each area individually.
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Oct 9, 2008
I have a solid green rectangle.
I would like to create several similar green rectangles at various levels of transparency that will perfectly match the color of the solid green rectangle. Is there an easy way to do this?
I have tried matching it by eye, and can get very close:
the original solid green rectangle is R:135 G: 174 B: 155
after making a copy of the solid green rectangle, say, 90% transparent, I can play with Hue/Saturation to get around R:136 G:175 B: 154, according to the eyedropper. But I don't see any way of fine tuning the RGB/HSB/etc. absolute values in the transparent version.
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Mar 27, 2005
I want to eliminate ALL the white back ground leaving the Sportster Logo with a transparent background. Since this is a single color is there a easy way to eliminate all the white at one time.
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Dec 10, 2004
I must create one button and that button must be in BMP and must have transparent color and that transparent color must be fuchsia (#FF00FF), how I can set it for some picture who now have only transparent background, that is not this color (#FF00FF)...
How I can done it in photoshop or corel or fireworks?
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May 5, 2004
I'm VERY new to PhotoShop and I've used the search feature here and can't find the answer to my problem. If this has been asked many times I apologize. I have a logo which I've scanned. It's just two colors, white and black. I'd like to make the white transparent and while I'm sure this should be easy I am unable to get it to work. Can anyone give me an idea how to do it.
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Jan 5, 2008
how do you turn an entire color throughout the canvas transparent?
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Oct 16, 2007
I have a jpeg image with a white background. How can make the white background transparent?
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Sep 26, 2013
How can I convert all of the transparent (100% transparent) pixels in an image to a specific color?
Adding a color layer below is not the solution I'm looking for, because some pixels are partially transparent and I don't want to modify those ones.
I use the "select color range" feature alot to do things with specific color pixels, but that feature doesn't seem to work in this case.
I am creating bitmap images for a program, where the transparent parts of the image need to be represented by a specific color.
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Mar 16, 2009
I have an image that has corners with partially transparent pixels. I would like to make a mouse-over image of this with the same same dimensions, only a different color.
How can I color this image a different color and still have the partially transparent pixels around the edge. Obviously, I would like the semi-transparent pixels to be semi-transparent of the new color.
I'm still not allowed to use the link vb, but let's try this: ....
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Oct 15, 2005
I'm a bit confused about how to do transparent colors (with GIFs) with P 6.0. If I want a specific color to be transparent, how do I specify that?
Does IE support transparent PNGs?
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