Photoshop :: Top Layer With Feathered Edge Opening
Feb 2, 2013
I am using CS4. I would like to make a 2-layered file, where the bottom layer is blank and the top layer is white and has an opening (say, heart-shaped) with feathered edges. I have tried so many ways, and can't make this happen.
Any way to produce a feathered edge to a movie clip? Similar to what people often do with photographs where the outer say 30pixels fade to transparent. Can't find any way to do it in VS X2 or in virtualdub.
I can crop and feather a selection of an image, but what i wanted to do was apply a feathered edge to an entire image so that i could drop it into a word doc and it would look a bit smarter.
I've been trying to do it by -
'Select > All ' then ' Select > feather ' applying the amount of feather (i did an inch just to make sure).
But it made no difference - i tried exporting this as a JPEG to see if it came up then but it still didn't make a difference...
I am trying to move a feathered photo (using cookie cutter) from the Elements screen to a colored page word document. I can move it OK. It is feathered. But it still has a square white background surrounding the feather. When I look at the Layer panel , the transparent added layer is showing nothing. The selection did not appear on the layer. But the background is feathered.
I'm having trouble getting the edges of my eyes to look like they are part of the chair, which got me wondering. Is there a way to feather my edges with increased intensity closer to the edge? To be specific, I'd like to start the feather 100px inside the border with 60% opacity, all the way to the edge (border) with 0% opacity. I tried doing this manually a couple of ways and it just didn't look uniform.
I have also tried with the eyes seperated (without the middle area), but I still have the same issues.
I am using CS3. when I am in a document (new or opened) I will make a selection and fill it. Even though I have 0 px for the Selection tool and 0.2 under Select/Modify/Feather, when I fill it it is feathered, quite a bit I might add. However, if I select the brush tool, make a few strokes with a hard brush somewhere, then make another selection and fill it, it's no longer feathered.
Not sure what I've done to my Pen Tool, but since it's only feathered not sharp. Looked through Anti Alias / Refine Edge / Brush type but with no success.
I am trying to create a montage of small images with some text at the top. Say four 'oval' images and one line of 'arc-ed' text at the top. I intend to insert this finished monatge into a forum which has a plain coloured background. I wish my montage background to be transparent so that the natural colour of the forum background shows through (this could change out of my control).
The four oval images I want to be 'feathered' so that they gradually fade into the Forum background. I hope this is clear so far! Anyway I seem to manage this in Photoshop and can see the feather and the transparent background OK. Then I merge all layers and then save it as a GIF file. It still looks OK.
I have this button that, when clicked, opens a new URL -"", "_self"); - after playing a 1000 ms animation. The problem is that it changes to the new URL too soon, before completing the 1000 ms. I tried a setTimeout, and it worked great, but it's not so elegant as it depends on the user's computer/net speed...
I'm trying to find a way to create a rectangle layer with rounded corners. Now, I know that's easy to do, right? Just take the Rectangular Marquee tool and put a feather on it, then do a fill with the paintbucket. Wrong! The feather somehow retardedly doesn't allow the "PAINT" to stay inside the selected area, and fills a slight gradient outside the selection, like so:
The quickest way I know how to do it is....well, really NOT that quick. Here's my steps:
1) Make a circle with the Elliptical Marquee tool and save the selection.
2) Add 4 of these to a selection, making sure they're lined up properly.
3) Now fill in the inside with the Rectangular Marquee tool.
I have just completed a webpage in PS and want to slice it but I am not sure about how to slice my images that are feathered. Normally I would just create a slice around the borders of the image and then remove this slice in DW and insert the original Jpeg resized to suit. However the images in this page are a feathered.
I was thinking of perhaps slicing around the image leaving small border of say 5mm and save this as a jpeg. However howq would this match against the gif slices next to this. My background is an image so I am unable to just use a background colour option in DW.
how to do this, but ive hit some kind of digital design "block" i guess, and i cant think how to even draw right now, but yesterday i put a border using feather and then something else...and it made a nice curved edged faded white border around my pic, now i cant remember the stupid thing that i did after the 5px feather...
I want to fill a square selection that has been feathered, but when I fill/paintbucket the selection the fill is not solid and spills outside of the selection. I know it is doing this because the selection is feather, but is there anyway I can just get a solid fill?
I'm trying to work on a project I created a few months ago in Edge. However, when I try to open it in Edge Animate CC, it just displays a blank screen (See image).
The timeline, the canvas, the properties, nothing seems to be populated. If I drag the time line back to 0:00, an alert pops up saying "An error occured. Please save your work and restart Edge Animate." The exported HTML file still seems to work fine though. I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Edge, but that hasn't seemed to work.
EDIT: This seems to be an intermittant problem. Sometimes, the file displays correctly, sometimes it doesn't. If I close the program and open it again, the issue re-occurs.
Gray / black halo around feathered transparency objects. The halo occurs where the solid area of pic feathers to the transparent.
NOTE: Image looks fine in Photoshop(CS6) but when placed in Indesign (CS5) a black halo appears on page
This only happens when image is an RGB Tiff and layer mask is used to create transparency. If image is saved as .psd then it is fine. Also when RGB tiff is converted to CMYK then this is also ok.
Ideally I could just start using psd format, but I have to handle a lot of images that are already in RGB tiff and it is time consuming to have to open and re-save all of these.
I made this two different small project yesterday. Now, opening them and I see nothing in the content area and no time line at all, no assets or symbol shows. It is as a new satring file. I tried opening the html file as well but got the same result. I still can run the html file and see my project but can not open them in Animate and do any modification.
I am on a Mac and installed all the software a few days ago.
Is there a way to repeat edge pixels of a layer? It seemed like a basic filter, but i can't find an easy way to do it.In liquify there is the push pixels tool with which i can somehow do it manually. But i hope there's a better (read: automatic) way.?
I'm having the darndest time trying to figure out why i keep getting an error message that the selection is empty when i try to create a new layer-via copy after using the rectangle marque selection tool then refining the edge/feathering my photo.
When I open a transparent .gif file, the layer which contains the item I want is totally locked out and it won't let me move/duplicate/do anything to it. Is there anyway I can unlock it so I can move the layer into other work I'm doing?
I'm trying to Repousse a layer mask of this semi complex shape But when I try to Repousse, it fills in the interior, and only extrudes the outline portion (See how it fills the inside with the gray material)
For some reason, every time I use the "Refine Edge" option after making a selection, then hit "OK", Photoshop creates a new layer with a mask on it, instead of simple leaving the selection outline there and letting me decide what to do with it (which was the previous behavior).
How do I make "Refine Edge" NOT create a new layer or anything like that?
i open an image to photoshop cs5 and it opens as a background layer, right?now i drag n drop from windows exporer the same image over the cs5 on top opening as a new layer.It shows up an X over the image where you can reposition the second image (layer) over the first.
i don't want to reposition, its the same image, i want the pixels of the second layer to match EXACTLY the first layer.i press the TICK button or ENTER where the new layer gets the images name BUT when i zoom in 1600% or 3200% and move to the edge i see the edges of the new layer not positioned exactly over the 1st layer.
it positions the new layer 1 or 2 pixels to the right and some times 1 or 2 pixels to the bottom. it doesn't snap the edge.know i can fix it afterwards by align the layers from the layer -> align menu but its annoying, even creating an action..
is there a setting in the prefrences which i'm missing? is it a bug? if so, can this be fixed in CS6?
I created a Photoshop document, and selected the Ellipse Shape Tool. On the Tool Options Bar I selected "Shape Layer" I drew an ellipse, and a new Shape Layer was created. I then used the Zoom tool to zoom in on the edge of the shape. The path that defines the edge was a thin, sharp line. But the color at the edge of the shape has a pixelated, chunky look.
Why isn't the color at the edge just as sharp as the path? Since the shape's edge is defined by a vector, I would have thought the color's edge would be sharp, not pixelated.
when you open, let's say a PNG file, it creates a default locked Background layer, fine, now edit it, turn it into Layer 0 for example, and save, again as PNG, ...the next time you open that file, you'll get your Layer 0 and not a Background layer, I definitely need to get rid off that behavior, I need that Background Layer to be there! PNG isn't a PSD or TIFF, why is Photoshop saving Layer infos? and where? in the PNG? in a Cache ? I tried a bit of things to retrieve that "Background layer" when opening but PS CS5 still stores that info somewhere...
What I want is to prevent Photoshop doing that. That is, the next time I'm re-opening a file that is not supposed to have layers (like a PSD or TIFF), it opens it with "Background Layer" ! and not Layer 0 if I already opened it / edited / saved in Photoshop.
I just began having problems with Photoshop today. I wanted to apply Blending Options to a layer. The Layer Style window opened but it was nowhere to be found! Because I could not access this window to either perform a task or close it, I had to Control/Alt/Delete because nothing else in the program would work. Obviously, it was waiting for a response to the window but as I couldn't see it, I couldn't access it. I've never had this problem before and I've just spent four hours trying to find the problem, including messing with screen resolutions and monitor designations (I use a laptop with a flat screen as #2 monitor). Can someone please help me!!Thanks, in advance, for your advice.
In PS 6 an eraser set at 0% hardness (using a round brush) made a smooth transition from center to edge. Now in PS CC it transitions abruptly at a point near the edge and then goes to a pale grey fade. Why is that? And it's only doing so in dark areeas. Medium and light tones erase smoothly.
Attached are samples of my trying to make it work. This is a transparent layer with the background not visible (all white instead of the standard checkerboard). I should explain the "L" shaped erased part is two brush edges: hard, left; soft, right.
When I try creating a color balance adjustment layer is it opening a levels adjustment layer. I'm using the New Adjustment Layer button at the bottom of the Layers panel. Is this a bug with CS6? How can I fix the problem?
After using Refine Edge in CS5.5 and removing the background from an image, I set it to output as a new layer mask. Next I place the image on top of a background and see that it needs some additional adjustments. How do I now get back to the Refine Edge window where I can see the changes I made previously and modify some of the settings? When I reopen the Refine Edge window the settings from before are no longer there.