Photoshop :: The Document Architecture.jpg Has An Embedded Color Profile ..
Jul 14, 2004
I try and open any of my old images (or new ones for that matter) I get this dialog box:
The document "Architecture.jpg" has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space. The embedded profile will be used instead of the working space.
Everytime I open a .jpg file, a popup comes up that says that. Is there anyway to just have it automatically not have one or to embed one? Or just ignore it completely?
I have done some photography for a preexisting series.
The existing files are embedded with a unique colour profile, I ideally need to use that profile so that the new photography exactly matches colour wise, as I will be using some elements from the original files.
Is there any way to save the embedded profile, so that I can apply it to any new files that I work on?
I installed LR5 from LR4 yesterday and each time I open an image in CS5 from my LR5, I get the following message:
The document "IMG_9082.CR2"has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space.
Embedded: Adobe RGB (1998)
Working sRGB IEC61966-2.1
What would you like to do?
-Use the embedded profiel (instead of the working space) -Convert documents's colors to the working space -Discard the embedded profile (don't color manage)
My camera's settings have it set with sRGB, LR4 and LR5 have sRGB and I have CS5 workspace as sRGB. This did not happen before.
Is it possible that when LR5 updated the LR4 catalogue, it changed the profile of all my photos? I don't know, maybe I've done something, but I can't see what as I don't remember changing anything.
I've looked and looked, and even Googled. how to change the default color profile when you start a New image file? In CS5 mine defaults to sRGB (Under the Advanced drop down) but my CS6 is ProPhoto RGB which means I have to change it manually nearly every time I paste an image copied via right click in a web browser.
Each time I open a file in AI - CS3 I get the same message: "Missing Profile - The doc does not have an embedded CMYK profile". I looked in library>colorsync>profiles and sure enough they were gone? I downloaded new profiles from Adobe, installed them in library>colorsync>profiles - and still the same thing with each file I open. I dragged AI to the trash, re-installed AI from my disc repeated the process with the same results .
I'd like to create a script that checks the current document's color profile and checks it against a string, for example "sRGB IEC61966-2.1". My studio has a script that performs various functions to make sure that all the layers are visible/unlocked, checks for stray points, etc., and we'd like to add a check to the color profile because we handle a large number of files and this setting is overlooked a lot.
It's alright if this value isn't writable through script (we can just pop up an alert letting the user know that they need to change it), but I can't find where to actually read this setting! We're currently working on Macs and with JavaScript, but any nudge in the right direction.
I'm using CS6, I do not see any picture (png, jpg or psd) in the workspace. It says Embedded Profile Mismatch or Missing Profile when I try to open. Pictures seem on Layers although I can only see a transparent screen in the workspace. When I convert it into CMYK, I can see the picture. I can not find the problem and I need Photoshop.
I don't understand why Photoshop CS6 says that my embedded profile is adobeRGB, because I have changed it to sRGB. I have changed it also on my camera from adobeRGB to sRGB. And my color setting in Photoshop I have changed from adobe RGB to sRGB.
So why does the program say that the color profile does not match? Or maybe I shpuld change something in bridge?
I'm using ps3 and after loading my pics from my camera into photoshop i get this message on every photo that i open. I use the spyder2 to calibrate my montor and have that set as my default profile. In photoshop it shows the embedded sRGB and some number. Is there a setting that i can change that will change the photos to the spyderexpress 2 profile in photoshop.
lately everytime i open a file in photoshop I am getting a pop up saying that the document has an embbeded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space. How can I not have that pop up everytime i open a document?
I used photoshop to open a JPG file and I got this warning dialog box message: ================================================ The document "xxx" has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space.
Why does Lightroom 5 show "embedded" as an option for camera profile for .dng files created by my pentax k-30? I thought that "embedded" profiles did not apply to .dng files?
One of my Illustrator CS6 documents was intially created some time ago without paying much attention to colour management issues. I am now trying to put that right and have assigned the document a profile of Adobe RGB (i998). However, each time I open it I am warned that 'The document has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space'. It also says that the embedded profile is sRGB, while my working space is Adobe RGB. I get this message three times and am assuming that it refers to embedded objects.
Do I have to reimport all items that may have a colour profile, having first ensured that they are tagged as AdobeRGB?
I retouch all my images in photoshop from lightroom so they appear next to the raw file in lightroom when I come back. Depending on where the images will be printed they can have a different embedded profiles. without having to include the profile used in the naming of the file my question is:
Is there a way of viewing the file's embedded profile from within lightroom without having to re-open in photoshop to see?
I want to create a profile/wall style or what ever you want to call it for a raised deck flooring for external decking. I am looking at the decking material only. Not concerned about the timber framing sub floor material.
they're in .eps format, but when I open them in Illustrator I get a black and white photo all dissolved. So I opened them in photoshop, and I get an "Embedded Color Mismatch" or something like that.
So I use the "convert color" option and it opens up. There are other photos in there that I can view in the preview box in my "open file" window, but when I try it says, "This is the wrong format" or something similar.
Do you all have a clue that you might be able to pass on as to the best way of working with these files because I don't know what's up. They're all really nice, from those I can see, and they're all in a resolution of 300, which I convert to 72 and they look really sharp. But I need to get all of these photos working.
I want to transfer or copy the tool palettes (walls, doors, FFE) from one profile to another. I have all my tool bars, set in one profile correctly, but all the tool palettes are in another profile.
Is there a way to copy these tools into another profile? Even if I over-right another palette?
I've been trying to reproduce this color blind conditionfor a long time now and I still didn't figure out how I can do this. I've searched for cluts but didn't find any, only this, which has some previews of them, but no any files I can load into Photoshop's Color Lookup adjustment. I've looked into Pixel Bender plugin, but I'm using CC so that doesn't work either... I've also tried it with the Index Color mode, but that really messes up my image as it has a really low color range (256). I've even tried reproducing the same effect with adjustments, channels, etc, but didn't figure it out.
Since there's a way to perfectly color proof images with this condition, I'm guessing this has to be some kind of ICC profile or something similar. Is there a way I can use it as a color profile?
The color workspace of Lr is linear ProPhoto. If we have a TIFF file with the embedded color profile, like ProPhoto 1.8, does Lr use embedded color space (Prophoto 1.8 in this case) as workspace instead of its standard workspace?
I am one of the people who found that PSP X6 has problems converting embedded color spaces.
After some difficulties I eventually got a case number which meant that I could get some support. I supplied a problem description and sample files to first level support. This is the reply that I received:
The file was saved as 16 bit TIFF with ProPhoto as the color space, this one is a big factor because PaintShop Pro (X5 or X6) has its own color space and is only supporting RGB color space. It is normal for PaintShop Pro to convert your image to sRGB because that is the embedded color space. Also, I suggest you to contact ProPhoto to know what do they support or if they support PaintShop Pro.
Color shifting is normal due to the color space that is being used by a specific program (i.e. PaintShop Pro). Colors that are not within the range of RGB color space will be determined as imaginary colors.
is it really necessary to convert other embedded color profiles to RGB built it? Gimp asks me from time to time if I want to convert Adobe RGB 1998 or Camera RGB Profile or CYMK to built in RGB. is this necessary to do or can I keep the profile? I usually convert...
I've got a problem where 'embed color profiles' keeps turning back on. But not just for me, everyone at my company. If you don't notice, then it ads 500+ K that's half a meg and on 1000's of drawings.
Idea for sorting through all of my CDR files and striping out the color profiles without opening each one by hand?
Current System: i3 3.07ghz, 3gb ram, Windows 7 32 bit with all updates and X6
With LR4 and a Nikon D7000.When i import that raw in lightroom, the first view of the picture is fine then LR do its "loading" and bang, the picture changes.As RAW is not supposed to be affected by the colorspace My understanding is the embeded preview in the raw is sRGB and LR work in a different colorspace. If i change the camera for AdobeRGB, i dont have the problem and what i see from the camera to the preview then the final result is consistent.But this cause me another problem because i shoot RAW+jpeg, the backup JPEG saved in the other memory card is now AdobeRGB as well and less compatible as everybody knows, for web, print labatory, etc...
I dont have in LR any automatic developement settings.My screen is calibrated with a Spyder 3.
I'm feeling stuck in the corner as i want by backup JPEG in sRGB and n o colorshift in LR.
I have created a New Document Profile that I want to use as a base when starting Ilustrator work. I cleared pallettes colors, brushes, symbols etc and created 3 new common layers etc. When I select my file from the New Document Profiles pull down menu the Layers pallette opens with only a blank Layer1 .The work on my custom Layers that I would like as masters is gone.
I have the illustrator instalation from creative cloud subscription and everytime i create a new document and on the profile combo choose "web", the illustrator freezes forever.
Im using mac version in a macbook pro 13" corei7 with 8gigs ram.