I'm using CS6, I do not see any picture (png, jpg or psd) in the workspace. It says Embedded Profile Mismatch or Missing Profile when I try to open. Pictures seem on Layers although I can only see a transparent screen in the workspace. When I convert it into CMYK, I can see the picture. I can not find the problem and I need Photoshop. Â [URL].........
I'm using ps3 and after loading my pics from my camera into photoshop i get this message on every photo that i open. I use the spyder2 to calibrate my montor and have that set as my default profile. In photoshop it shows the embedded sRGB and some number. Is there a setting that i can change that will change the photos to the spyderexpress 2 profile in photoshop.
lately everytime i open a file in photoshop I am getting a pop up saying that the document has an embbeded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space. How can I not have that pop up everytime i open a document?
I used photoshop to open a JPG file and I got this warning dialog box message: ================================================ The document "xxx" has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space.
they're in .eps format, but when I open them in Illustrator I get a black and white photo all dissolved. So I opened them in photoshop, and I get an "Embedded Color Mismatch" or something like that.
So I use the "convert color" option and it opens up. There are other photos in there that I can view in the preview box in my "open file" window, but when I try it says, "This is the wrong format" or something similar.
Do you all have a clue that you might be able to pass on as to the best way of working with these files because I don't know what's up. They're all really nice, from those I can see, and they're all in a resolution of 300, which I convert to 72 and they look really sharp. But I need to get all of these photos working.
Each time I open a file in AI - CS3 I get the same message: "Missing Profile - The doc does not have an embedded CMYK profile". I looked in library>colorsync>profiles and sure enough they were gone? I downloaded new profiles from Adobe, installed them in library>colorsync>profiles - and still the same thing with each file I open. I dragged AI to the trash, re-installed AI from my disc repeated the process with the same results .
I don't understand why Photoshop CS6 says that my embedded profile is adobeRGB, because I have changed it to sRGB. I have changed it also on my camera from adobeRGB to sRGB. And my color setting in Photoshop I have changed from adobe RGB to sRGB.
So why does the program say that the color profile does not match? Or maybe I shpuld change something in bridge?
Everytime I open a .jpg file, a popup comes up that says that. Is there anyway to just have it automatically not have one or to embed one? Or just ignore it completely?
I have done some photography for a preexisting series.
The existing files are embedded with a unique colour profile, I ideally need to use that profile so that the new photography exactly matches colour wise, as I will be using some elements from the original files.
Is there any way to save the embedded profile, so that I can apply it to any new files that I work on?
I try and open any of my old images (or new ones for that matter) I get this dialog box:
The document "Architecture.jpg" has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space. The embedded profile will be used instead of the working space.
Why does Lightroom 5 show "embedded" as an option for camera profile for .dng files created by my pentax k-30? I thought that "embedded" profiles did not apply to .dng files?
One of my Illustrator CS6 documents was intially created some time ago without paying much attention to colour management issues. I am now trying to put that right and have assigned the document a profile of Adobe RGB (i998). However, each time I open it I am warned that 'The document has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space'. It also says that the embedded profile is sRGB, while my working space is Adobe RGB. I get this message three times and am assuming that it refers to embedded objects. Â Do I have to reimport all items that may have a colour profile, having first ensured that they are tagged as AdobeRGB?
I retouch all my images in photoshop from lightroom so they appear next to the raw file in lightroom when I come back. Depending on where the images will be printed they can have a different embedded profiles. without having to include the profile used in the naming of the file my question is:  Is there a way of viewing the file's embedded profile from within lightroom without having to re-open in photoshop to see?
I installed LR5 from LR4 yesterday and each time I open an image in CS5 from my LR5, I get the following message:  The document "IMG_9082.CR2"has an embedded color profile that does not match the current RGB working space.  Embedded: Adobe RGB (1998)   Working sRGB IEC61966-2.1  What would you like to do?
-Use the embedded profiel (instead of the working space) -Convert documents's colors to the working space -Discard the embedded profile (don't color manage)  My camera's settings have it set with sRGB, LR4 and LR5 have sRGB and I have CS5 workspace as sRGB. This did not happen before.  Is it possible that when LR5 updated the LR4 catalogue, it changed the profile of all my photos? I don't know, maybe I've done something, but I can't see what as I don't remember changing anything.
I'm working on an image to print and I had to take the image from LR4 to CS4 for more extensive editing I couldn't get done in LR (major clone brush usage - pain in the neck to do in LR).
LR4 files opened in CS4 via LR looses a lot of the orange shades, loses contrast and just generally look washed out and anemic. File was open using LR copy with adjustments applied.LR4 exports (JPEG, TIFF, PSD) looks ok in Mac Preview/Finder just as they are in LR4.LR4 exports still look anemic when openened manually/separately in CS4.I imported the export files back to LR4 and they look just fine (not washed out like in CS4).I did the cloning brush anyway in CS4, saved the file under different name, they look washed out in CS4 but look okay when opened in Mac Preview AND when imported back to LR4.Â
I tried changing the export settings in LR and color working space in PS to both match each other (sRGB, AdobeRGB and ProPhoto RGB) and the color discrepancy is still noticeable. I'm using an early 13" 2011 Macbook Pro with the native monitor only, calibrated using Spyder3 Elite. Spyder 3 assesment says the color space of the monitor is closest to AdobeRGB with more yellow/orange covered than AdobeRGB. Â OpenGL box checked or unchecked also made no difference.
I have weird issue with ACR and CS6. I process under ProPhoto RGB, 16 bit. When I'm happy with my processing, I then open up in CS6. This is when it get weird, the image that opens up is quite a bit flatter and less contrasty to the version I had in ACR. I've got CS6 as a view a ProPhoto RGB profile. The monitor is an ASUS wide gamut monitor and calibrated with an I1D2 puck using HP's custom software from it's Z-series printer.  I don't experience this problem when I'm using CS6/ACR on my office computer, the only difference is my office machine doesn't have a wide gamut screen.I've reset my Photoshop preferences and recalibrated my screen. I'm running W7 Home 64 on a Dell Studio 15, i7 laptop.
I’m designing a DVD case cover. I’m printing it with my home printer, when I’m measuring it on the paper it larger than it specified in Photoshop. I have tried to check and uncheck the “Scale to Fit Image� but its still not accurate. My image is : 297x210 Res : 300ppi Why the measurement on the paper and the document size in Photoshop are not the same? something to do with the printer driver? Any help?
printer checks out OK. Printing from Apple Preview is also fine. Photoshop CS6 with latest updates appears to be the problem with matching the colors on the screen. All Adobe color settings have been tried without improvement.
I can edit an image in Editor to where it looks great, to include the contrast, brightness, shadows, etc. When I send it back to the Organizer, it look much too contrasty and dark. When I use the same images in a slideshow originating in Organizer, they still look too contrasty. Is there a way to correct this? I'm using PSE 10 on a Windows 7 -64 bit machine.
I have two video files VTS_01. and VTS_ 02, they are VOB files roughly 30 min in duration. The files have been copied from a DVD RW disc. the content is a TV recording. I have been trying to copy them into Corel Pro 3 for editing purposes. all I get is file mismatch (unable to open file , file mismatch). How i can copy them to Pro3.
I have just installed VideoStudio Pro X5 on my computer and have not been able to open any videos in it due to 'file mismatch error.mp4'.So I went online to search for fixes and came across the patches. I downloaded BOTH but only pack TWO would work for me.When trying to install pack 1 (of COURSE the most important) I get this error message:
"The installed version of the application could not be determined. The setup will now terminate" EVERY single time I retried it, this is all I got. Pack 2 went off without a hitch and installed perfectly.
And I know there are other posts about this and they say 'product is already updated if you get this message' but I am still having the issue.Details about where my videos I'm trying to edit came from: recorded from an AverMedia C281 Game Capture HD in full 1080 HD
Videos were recorded on to a WD Elements 2TB 2.0 external hard drive- which in turn saved them as .mp4 files.
'How' am I trying to add video?I am on the 'edit' yellow box.I am clicking on 'file', 'insert media file into library' then I select the 3 hour video (are there limits? I've also tried 20 minute videos and they don't work either) that I'm trying to edit and it then reads:
"Unable to open file M:(video number). File Format mismatch. Then [16803:1:2] in brackets?So I'm sitting here with a product that is useless to me as I can't even get it to open anything up. And I don't want to spend time converting these videos as many of you say 'it works fine for me- don't know what you're doing wrong. all you can do is convert them'.
I used to own Ulead Video X2 and after consulting many times with Ken Berry I was successful in some important projects. I now have purchased VideoStudio X6 with the hopes of it performing well right out of the box. No such luck. I have installed in on my HP work laptop thinking it's much more powerful than my home PC, but in trying to create my first project, I am not able to simply import a jpg to do a slide show with music. It gives the error "Unable to open file [xxx....xxxx...jpg]. ! File format mismatch [16803:1:3]"
I have of course scoured the web and have seen some other users struggling with the same error. So far all I've seen is that it may be the video card or Update to the Graphics board driver. I'm not too techy though I work at HP...and am really nervous about altering any updates on my work laptop. I haven't yet tried any updates or patches thinking that if I just got this, shouldn't it be the latest? I was successful in importing video from an iPhone and I've been successful with mp3 audio files as well, but the jpg's just aren't working. I even tried converting the jpg files to pdf format - but that's not supported I see as an importable file.
I have also noted that if I try to view the sample pictures from the library, it tells me "Original file [C:program filescorelcorel videostudio pro X4samplesimagexxxxxJPG] doesn't exist. I am able to view the sample video clips. But when looking at where Corel was saved on my system, it didn't default to "Program Files" which I thought is what it stated upon installation, but it put it in "Program Files (x86)" So I don't even know if I can relink to fix that. Even if I do, that doesn't solve my jpg fundamental problem. I hate to sound like a whiner, but I'm really discouraged and hope the fix is easy after spending so much for a reliable Video SW program. My wife's best friend passed away and I've promised a tribute slide show for her wake to be completed in the next 2 weeks.
I have just download and installed Corel VideoStudio Pro X4. Mainly with the expectation I could import and work with MTS file formats.
However I've gone to import them and it comes back with a file format mismatch error. This doesn't make any sense to me, as I read up on it and thought the program could work with these files.
The files that I want to import are very big, eg/ 206mb and 418mb. Do I need to downsize these to work with them? If so, how do I do this?
I have Corel VideoStudio x2. I am trying to open an mp4 video file and I get this error message; Unable to open file [C:xxxxx.mp4]. File format mismatch. [16803:1:2] I can play the file with Windows Media Player, so I know it runs ok.File came from a cell phone device.
I am trying to add a few sounds to the library so I can use them in my project. I downloaded a few wav files and when I try to import them in my media library, I get the message that File format mismatch.
I did import wav files in the past without any issue. Is there something else to wav files than just the name and extension which could be causing this error?
I have been trying to import AVI (H.264) files but keep getting the file format mismatch. The files all open, play and edit (WMM) on my laptop but not on VS. Other file formats seem to be fine but I wanted this program for its HD capabilities. The files,on sdhc card are from a Veho Kuzo camcorder. how do I set up the preferences so that the program can see these files?
I print out of Lightroom, monitor and printer calibrated with Colormunki. Soft proof with the paper profile looks fine (whether the manufacturer's or mine).
Print into jpeg file - looks fine..Print to printer with identical profile - colors don't match. It makes a significant difference whether perceptive or relative is chosen in color management, but in both cases colors just don't match. Perceptive - colors look completely different, relative - most colors are good, but deep black shadows for example are dark grey instead of black. Â Printing the colorsamples for the colormunki - all colors look perfect.I've spent a fortune meanwhile on paper and ink..