Photoshop :: Text Tool - Text Stays Right-aligned?
May 5, 2013
CS6 Ext on Win 7 Ultimate
Everytime I use the text tool and want to type text, it is:
1. right aligned, and
2. cursor stays left and pushes text to the right.
All stops are added to the left of the text.
I have already reset the tool and even my preferences.
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Jun 22, 2011
in Autocad when you change the justification of text the insert snap of the text stays fixed and the text changes position around this point.
Using the JUSTIFYTEXT command you can change the justification of the text without changing its position. However this command is operated through the command bar of dynamic input. What I would like to do is to have the justification change in the quick properties this way.
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Mar 12, 2012
How I could get the photos aligned in this manner, and how could get that banner in the center with the text? I am using CS5.
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Apr 13, 2012
I need to be able to Wrap Text along the outside of a circle, i now i used to use Arc-Aligned text but cant find it in Autocad 2013 on a Mac.
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Oct 27, 2011
Is it possible to have an aligned dimension where you can type your own text in the field "under"?
It is only possible to do this with linear dimensions but I have a building that isn't straigth and there I have this problem with linear dimensions that are not parallel with the wall.
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Aug 17, 2013
Is it possible to create Arc Aligned Text in Revit? as in Autocad
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Nov 17, 2011
I have just installed an AutoCAD LT 2012 in my PC, and I am having problem of reading a file created by my colleague using AutoCad 2010. I tried the TrueView, and it is no use. The problem I am facing is the background is Black instead of white, and the text is not aligned properly.
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Nov 2, 2012
i switched gimp 2.6 to 2.8 and new text tool behaves strangely, as i remember in gimp 2.6 when i try to change text content with selecting old text and pasting new text i could use same text size and same font with my old text without doing anything but now in the gim 2.8 whenever i try to change content of a text layer i need to choose again font and text size from toolbox options, but why do i have to do this, i have a text placed on my image with a certain font and certain font size and i just want to alter my text conten not the size of text or font , it changes automatically to back text size and font whatever i used last time in another work.
summary: i want to change my text content without setting my font and font size properties, i want to use my text layers old properties
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Oct 18, 2012
I am using annotative dimensions and when I use normal dimensions the text comes out correct at 3/32" but when I use aligned dimensions the text height is 1/8". How do I fix this?
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May 15, 2013
Is there any way to pull text from a spreadsheet into arc-aligned text? Like if I were trying to make round inspection tags but didn't want to type in the inspection code each time, or if I needed to change something? Is it possible to put a field into the text to refer to a cell location in Excel?
I just started using AutoCAD 2011 (I was previously using AutoCAD 2005) and am having a hard time finding my old controls while learning all the new features for which I got the program.
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Jun 24, 2013
Trying to place this dimension text. Is there any circumstance that someone would want the leader to be the final result of this animation?
Of all the ways to generate a leader (when the correct one to the center of the dim can't be generated), the extremely acute angle version doesn't seem like the best option.
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Jun 25, 2013
What I want this block to do is to keep the "REF. NORTH" text aligned and properly spaced whithin a single motion while rotating it with the thick line.
AutoCAD LT 2012
Windows 7 - 64 bit
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Feb 3, 2013
I am trying to use the Arc-aligned text command from the Express tools menu. No matter what style, height, offset i enter i get a box that says "Invalid text!". I never use this command in my work but am trying to create a banner
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Oct 22, 2012
Using the horizontal text tool I can make a text box, but no text-blinker shows up in the box and when I type no text will appear. Although, in the Layers pannel on the right side it does name the layer whatever I have typed so why won't it show on the picture? Even if you make all other layers invisible the text layer still does not show up on a blank background.
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Jun 9, 2007
photoshop is not being able to deselect text when I am using the text-tool so I can edit more text. Here is what I mean - say you have two text layers that have been filled out. Now I want to change both of them to something else. I select the first text layer and change it's text. Now I want to move on to the next layer, I click some random tool and then click the text tool again. Is there a key command that I can hit that will make the text tool active so I can select the text on the other layer?
Also I'm using CS3.
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Jul 29, 2011
I removed text from a rectangle and that message keep displaying in that rectangle.
CorelDraw X5 v. Hot Fix 4 - Windows 7-64
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Mar 22, 2012
Way back when I originally bought PSP X3, I used it for a short while then went back to X2. Mostly because the X3 text tool would not remember text I had used. Now I've recovered from a hard-drive death and want to move forward and use my X3.
How can I make the X3 text tool remember text?
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Jun 10, 2011
I have to replace text in a banner image with different text. Maybe if I upload the banner, it would be more useful...
I have to replace "Customer Satisfaction" with some other text. The text is embedded in the image; so, it's not that easy, at least for me, to replace it without making it look amateurish. Of course, I duplicated the background and worked on that layer.
First method I tried was using the clone stamp, zooming in to 1600% to painstakingly erase it. But then when I zoom out, the background where the text was placed over does not match its surroundings and looks like someone shaded it. If you zoom in real close, before making any changes to it, you'll see that the "green" (what the RGB is) touching the text is different than the "green" in areas not touching text.
Next, I thought of using the magic wand to select the text for me and that looked liked it worked. But the problem is once I select it, how to delete it or blend it in with the background. That is, if I select the "C" in "Customer Satisfaction" with the magic wand, for instance, pressing delete does nothing. Then I found I can fill the area, after I select it with the magic wand; however, what the RGB combination is of the background. Is there a way I can find out what the RGB value is of the background, then apply that to my fill color and effectively delete the "Customer Satisfaction" text?
Once I'm able to get rid of the text, I can use the text editor plugin tool I downloaded to replace the text.
That's my logic, anyway. How I can replace text in an image, preferably as neatly as possible.
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Oct 26, 2013
First it stops pasting anything except the first thing copied when Gimp opens, and now this. When I try to search for a font or type in text in the text tool in Gimp 2.8, it just jumps to random other tools instead of typing.
Why can't this program ever seem to work FULLY?
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Sep 9, 2011
I have a .jpg file with an image, which I copied from the Clipboard. I now want to add text NEXT to the image. That is I now want to type text and position the text after is typed.
When I use the Text Tool, the text cannot be moved.
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May 31, 2013
Today I noticed a slightly peculiar behavior in the Clone Stamp tool when "Aligned" is deselected. Clicking twice on the image with alt or option held down causes the behavior of the tool to change and "Aligned" to become checked. So if you're not planning on using aligned, you alt/option click your mouse for the source point, decide on a different source point, alt/option click again, and suddenly you find yourself using an aligned clone stamp.
This does not happen with the Healing Brush Tool, which makes me think it's not an intentional short cut. It's also mighty irritating. I've tried it with both x64 and x32 CS6 on Windows. Happens on both. Does it also happen on Macintosh? Is there any way to switch this behavior off?
Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08/08:21:00:00) x64
Operating System: Windows 7 64-bit
Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1
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May 20, 2012
trying to copy txt from an outside text editor and pasting them into an open, editable text layer in my workspace. The problem is that I can COPY the text fine, but when I click over to PS to paste it into the open editable text layer it either pastes the previous text from my clipboard OR it won't paste anything at all. I can then go into any other text field on a browser, spreadsheet document, a different text editor, notepad, etc and successfully paste the proper batch of text I wanted to paste into PS. Sometimes I have some rather large files open 50+megs when I notice this happen. I have to save my work and close out entirely of PS and then open it again before I can begin editing my original document again and successfully paste the text into the open editable text layer. This may last for a few COPY/PASTE sessions of additional text in additional text layers, but then begins displaying the symptoms I described above.
I am on Win7 on an AlienWare M17XR3 laptop with 16G RAM and AMD Radeon HD 6900M Series display adapter.I assume it's either in my PS performance settings which I have PS using 10413MB RAM and has over 350G scratch disk space. If it's not that I guess my laptop system performance settings which I've never tinkered with since I purchased it.
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Sep 12, 2007
Using CS 2 on Win XP
Simple question:
am trying to edit a text layer but i am unable to open the text box to change text.
It creates a new text layer everytime i click on the layer.
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Apr 9, 2009
I started learning Photoshop CS4 about a month ago. One of the first things I learned was to add text. Simple, fun. I am now trying to learn about layer masks. One of the exercises in one of my books is to open an image and then add text to it. (The idea is to then add a mask and 'hide' portions of the text behind portions of the image.) A really strange thing is happening when I try to add text. I highlight the image in the layers column. (Prior to adding any mask layers.) I then click the text tool. But when I click on the image (in the area where I want the text), the text tool 'becomes' a move tool. A text layer pops up and the words I'm trying to type on the image come out in the title area for the layer (in the layers column). I've tried everything I can think of to 'get' the text on the image but can't solve it.
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Jun 4, 2011
Text is allowed only on the outside of a rectangle shape. The text cursor disappears when I try to enter it into the rectangle and when I place it on the edge of the rectangle, it rurns into a slanted "A" and allows texting on the border of the rectangle. Corel Paint Shop Photo Pro X3 (build date Sept 7, 2010). This software came with my new HP Pavilion dv7.
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Jul 9, 2013
When you centrally allign text horizontally and vertically in a text box, the text sits slightly high of the centre. Is there any way of setting an action or setting to deal with this rather than adjusting by eye every time?
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Feb 1, 2013
I have designed a C# application to To Print I Cards Of School. Here I am sending data from my application to a CDR FILE (Already Created ) Which Contains ADDRESS Text Field..Now I Need to Print Address(which contains 60 characters or more) on this Text field .
I Have Used The following c# Code.. To Replace Address text field that contains text 'Address '.....
s.Text.Replace('Address',"Text To be replaced .......") s is Active shape...
This Works Fine But How can i WRAP TEXT....of Address field.
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Apr 9, 2012
When I insert text with either the TEXT command or MTEXT command, the text is displayed mirrored. This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the MIRRTEXT variable because that is used when I'm actually mirroring the text. In my case, the text is mirrored as soon as I insert it. How can I get it back to normal? Is there a variable I'm missing?
I'm using AutoCAD LT 2012 .
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Aug 15, 2013
When i use text tool in Photoshop CC, the layer gets all dark, and i can't see what i am typing,
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Jun 22, 2012
Whenever I use the text tool it causes all of Adobe Photoshop to slooooooooow down and become next to inopreable. I assume that it is a font that is causing this to happen. Is there any general bug currently being investigated regarding the text tool?
I love to work with text in photoshop and now I have to import text from illustrator, not fun.
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Mar 29, 2012
Since I started working with Photoshop CS5, I have experienced that the text tool makes everything slow when I click on that tool and click anywhere in the file.
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