The image attached has a kind of gloopy effect around the edge of all the text. It's not uniform but is tailored to each curve/angle and it rotates around the edge rather than all pointing in the same direction.
I've tried creating brushes in PS & Illustrator that could follow the curves of the edge but they look neither random or pretty...
I've tried diplacing a halftone line pattern & masking out the bits not needed but it won't curve the same way...
I've tried drawing the paths individually & stroking them with different effects but that just looked plain ugly...
The following is a link to a tutorial creating a diamond effect on a word. Â [URl] Â At 4:35 into it, the author begins creating the shiny parts of the diamonds by drawing a path, copying it and then rotating the copy ninety degrees. Â I'm having trouble just creating that first path the way it's done in the tutorial. First, it says to choose a brush of 17, make sure it's white, then switch to the pen tool and draw a straight white line. However, mine doesn't look like that, how it splays outs. I just get a straight white line. Then, when I try to tranform the copy by rotating it 90 degrees I get an error message saying "Could not rotate because the initial bounding rectangle is empty."
I have a flattened image of 2 texts and a background.
This picture was made up of a speaker, marathon runners, 2 texts ,a wave, and some sort of overlay. im trying to replicate this image as much as possible so i can animate it in flash mx (speaker bouncing, shine going over text, outlining guys). I think i'm okay with everything but the font.
I think I found the closet font "Neuropolitical" but now i need to know how to apply the blending and lighting effects. The font i have is not rounded in the corners on the letters but i guess this was done by the effects on the text. Code:
i am looking to make some shiny rough text effect as shown in below image how can i make it like this? and also how i can create some glossy and shiny effect as shown in below image?
I can adjust the size but I wonder how to make the edge make looking like having some sort of shadow and making the image all in all a little bit darker and a little bit grainy!
I am trying to soften the edge of photos as is popular now. I am running CS3 10.0.1 on Vista. When I select the photo and click 'refine edge' button, I can create the effect I want but when I click 'OK' the effects vanish. Is this a bug (or a feature?)
I was hoping you all could help me with a problem I am having. I am doing a layout for my wife, and I want to use the torn or ragged edge effect, but don’t really know how to create it. If anyone knows how, or better, can point me to a tutorial online that show you how to do it, it would be deeply appreciated.
I just installed PSE11 and want to use the REFINE EDGE effect as show on the box.  I am trying to remove a Cat from a photo and make sure that the long hair and wiskers come along with it as shown in the photo. I have to take 3 cats from 3 different photos and place them into 1 photo.
CS6, OSX10.6.8, MacPro 8 core  CS6 fails to remember a keyboard shortcut after shutting down PS. Upon the next launch, the keyboard shortcut is not assigned anymore. When I assign a keyboard shortcut: Opt F3 to a script in File>Automate>Scripts>script_xxx the shortcut works fine until I shut down PS. The next time I launch CS6 the shortcut does not work. Going into the keyboard shortcut menu I find that under script_xxx there is no shortcut assigned. If I reassign the shortcut: Opt F3, it will work... until I shut down CS6. (rinse and repeat).
Ive tried downloading some brush sets and applying them in PS. The only problem is that the edges of the brushes look blurred when the sizes are increased and are no way as sharp as on the examples attached. The pixelated blocks of colour and edges of the photos are so sharp they could be bitmapped?
Could these kind of effects be created in an image/border effect program ie something like Extensis Photo Frame?
In the previous versions of Photoshop I've used (CS3, CS5), when I opened multiple panels (e.g. History, Info, etc) they would all stay open for reference. However with CS6 I've noticed that if I have, say, the History panel open, and also open, say, Info, then the History panel closes.  How can I change this behavior such that each panel I open will stay open and visible until I direct it otherwise? It's frustrating to have to keep using Window->History (or whatever) each time I need to see one or the other.
I edit color in LAB mode. In CS3 I would use the eyedropper tool to select a neutral point and then a levels layer to adjust the color while I was watching the LAB sliders in the color panel. Quick and easy.
Now the problem. In CS4 the color panel changes to greyscale when the levels layer is highlighted. How do I make the LAB sliders sticky? If I edit the color with simply a levels adjustment (not layer) it still works the old way I am used to. I toggled the dynamic slider preference to no avail and I can't find anything else I can change.
I run PS CS5 with Windows 7 on a Bootcamp Macbook. Â About 40% of the time when I want to nudge slices, layers or text fields nothing will happen until I hit space (hand tool) and shift the canvas. It's as if moving it wakes Photoshop up and it re-renders the screen with the newly positioned element. Â This gets quite tedious and like I say, strangely doesn't happen all the time. Sometimes I can shut the program down and it will go away when reopened and sometimes not. Other times, this bug won't happen for a day or two then rear its head again for no apparent reason.
I'm trying to get a certain effect like a photo I came across. You'll notice that around the edges of the photo it looks like it's crumbling away, or breaking away. That's the effect I am trying to get.
I have facing some problem in adding hover/active effect in css.  For examples - i have two text button - (home & about us)  i want to add functionality that, when i hover on button, it will show underline, when click it, it will active with different color  & when i click anther button active button should be deactive & clicked button should be active.
I would like to create an effect wherby this .gif image of the gate swings inward. Â [URL] Â Ive tried (admittedly) not that hard at doing it with the skew options within Edge Animate but I cannot get it to swing realisticly.
How to use Smoke make Dark Edge Border effect. I have tried wipe, make a mask and enable the advance gradient, but not happy with the result. Is there any other method to make a Dark Edge Border effect?
I have been trying to create a wet surface look on Tarmac/Asphalt for quite some time. I have been searching the web also on this yielding me with not the right results.
Image below in the lower right corner is what I am after. I shot this while the road surface was slightly wet so It turned out nice. I need to be able to do this in PS given I am not always around water access or controlling the weather before a shoot.
After using the red eye removal tool, I sometimes end up with a shiny white glare in the iris of my subjects. Is there a technique for getting rid of "white eye" in one's photos?