I have an old photo that my uncle wanted that could not be taken out of the frame. As a result it has this glare on it that I cannot figure out how to remove. Can anyone tell me how to?
I have a photo that was taken outside. It has some glare from the sun. Is there any way to remove the lines. It is the only photo that we took standing like that outside, and my roommate and his newlywed wife probably would like this picture. I have it posted online, if you need to look at it or download it (I havnt had a chance to resize it or anything, so it is pretty big at the moment)
I have an interior shot of a living room. There is a framed paiting on the wall which has a reflection from the window on the opposing wall. I'm not sure how to remove the reflection while keeping the integrity of the photo. Another possible fix could be doing a mirror image of the photo itself to "cover" the glare spot on the other half of the painting. I have much to learn when it comes to photoshop.
These shots that i have here, i should ve used a polarizing filter so there wouldnt be so much glare. What can i do in Photoshop CS to get rid of the glare, soften the ocean, and overall improve the photos.
I ended up having a picture take with a point and shoot camera. What would be the best way to remove or at least look presentable to remove the glare from the glasses from one side? It is bad but I want this picture to be as good as I can get it.
Is there a good way to either tone down or remove the reflective glare that frequently shows up in a photo subject's eyeglasses? I have a number of otherwise nice photos, but the viewer will always see these glare spots first.
i need to print a picture to a comercial decal for my car...
the original size is 1200x705 with 72 dpi resolution.
when i change the resolution to 300dpi with bicubic smoother it goes 5000x2937 with .
Is there a way to apply some filters like sharpen or play with the levels to get a better result?
i know that the result will not be perfect but i need some tips to make it look better....tips like sharpen or mess with the levels or anything else that will make the new maximized pic to look more decent!!!
i also bought a wacom tablet and i need to find some video tutorials showing how to paint...(all i could find was recorded videos from within the target window without speech, and i couldnt understand what tools or brushes they were using) is there any tutorial that shows how to draw with steps?like select this kind of brush,then use this tool ,select this color,change to this opacity blah blah blah?
Is there anything that I can do? I know it is a bad-quality photo but I have to get it looking somewhat decent; better than it is now for the most part....
The kind of photo retouching Im talking about is say taking a picture of a person and retouching it to look like they are a model and their picture is ready to be placed in a magazine.. make things look alot better. I know im not being very specific.. thats because I know hardly nothing about how to do it and I was wondering if anyone had any links they could post up for me or maybe even some really good tips...
I've had some trouble with retouching or changing out a picture on png files I've created and closed out of. If I want to redo just one element on a graphic, I thought there was a way to do this without starting from scratch.
I am learning how to retouch skin to achieve a more fashion, glamour look. Most online tutorials recommend using Gaussian blur and then masking the eyes. This technique is not very satisfying since details are lost completely. I have read pros dont use it ....
I am currently a graphic designer and use Adobe programs, but I am extremely interested in professional photo retouching. How/what/where do I need to do/learn/go to make this happen? I've seem some software that claims to do this, but it all looks a little shady to me. All help will be deeply appreciated...and if there is another forum that I can post to also, I'm all ears!
I just today received my original birth certificate. The problem is it is so faded you have to really look close to read it. I am wondering what can I do to fix this. Is there a way to undo this fading.
I just completed a project that involved four layers. this was my first attempt at layering and i must say it turned out real nice. After I finished I thought I would go back and do some retouching with the healing brush but I now get a message that "cannot use the healing brush because the target layer is hidden".
From now on I will do my correction and retouching before I add layers.
Anyway to use the healing brush or clone stamp now on the finished (layered) file???
I've photoshop restorationretouch by Katy. I clicked on liquidty to try fixing a the double chin on woman's chins but her chins is fake now. Can anybody help me?
In a lot of my pictures, peoples skin shows a lot of blemishes, bumps, and surface scars. Whilst the patch and spot removal tool do help to some extent, it doesn't provide that clean, fresh, 'glow' that you see in, you guessed it, Celebrity photoshoots.
Whilst I understand this isn't a simple thing to achieve, I am hoping someone can give me step-by-step instructions on how to achieve the results in these 2 threads: ....
I'm just starting out a professional fashion photographer and want to learn how the pro's retouch their work. I know the basics but where do I go from here?
I am a new photoshop user and wondered if you folk to tell me how this photo was edited.. it is a kind of effect I see used on 1000's of products and images all over the internet... it looks like it has been finely touched up but I am guessing/hoping it is a photoshop effect..
I am trying to retouch two video files in Photoshop CS6 Extended for Mac OS X, and I cannot find the dynamic link media server. I never had this problem before. It says a component is missing.
I downloaded the update to the server and I even re-installed Photoshop Extended CS6. I have the Master Collection. I also have anti-virus software that I have turned off. It still does not work. Can family filters for my family be the cause of the server not being found?
Does anyone know how make the same style of Retouch on faces that they used on "the Departed DVD" cover. It makes the faces looks almost like a detailed painting. I been looking forever to find a tutorial on this style. Check out the link below to see what I am talking about.
I was hoping someone else might remember the URL of a site I'm looking for. It's a user group site for photoshop retouching and restoration. It posts photos that need work and anyone interested in trying their hand works to restore it and then reposts their version. The users then critique each poster's attempt.
Is there a way to create a square brush in photoshop for retouching so that you can change the size of the brush and the opacity when working on photographic images.