AutoDesk Smoke :: How To Remove Glare From Window Pane
Feb 6, 2013how to remove glare from window pane. I would like to know how to make a polarizer from scratch in action or CFX.
View 6 Replieshow to remove glare from window pane. I would like to know how to make a polarizer from scratch in action or CFX.
View 6 RepliesIs there a way to add and remove time warps that changes the length of the clip itself?
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can i remove processed files from my HDD. it is taking lots of space in there...??
i am using softfx in the timeline and each time i process it is taking the space i want to keep the last one with which i am happy and remove the others; with the processed files that was created by smoke. so i belive i can save some space in my hdd.
I have a Time Machine backup of my MacBook Pro before I installed 2013 and lost 2012. If a Time Machine backup actually saves the / directories? If so, how can I navigate to /usr/discreet in the TM backup using the finder window? The only way I know how to get to those directories is using a Terminal shell window. There are one or two projects I'd like to recover, if I could.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI want to do rectangular selection (window select) couple of clips. So i try to click and drag (start from any empty area in timeline), but most of the time , i will end up picking up or moving the empty track (gap). In any other editing app , i can simply click and drag but not in Smoke. Yes, i have to click in specific area in the timeline so i can properly create a window selection .
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have greenscreen footage, where a green screen was put on a window with tracking markers. A person is moving in front of it, so you can see the reflection. If I just key it and put a garbage mask around it, I can get rid of the green and the tracking markers, but how can i get the reflections back now? Cause if I just screen the original desaturated part back on, you can still see the tracking markers.... Is the only way to first paint over the markers and then screen it back on, or is there another way? I'm on Smoke for mac 2012.
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)
I am trying to model a window pane with old, crackled paint. First I tried to build something myself, using smoke maps and cellular maps, but couldn't get it to look realistic. So now I found a great texture on CG Textures.
But it is a 2D texture and I can't get it to look right on my 3D window pane. I tried using the map on UV, VW and WU projections, I even made three materials, one for each projection, but I keep getting lines in stead of paint cracks. Maybe it's the tiling, but there I also tried low numbers and high numbers.
Do I need to unwrap the UVs (I did see some that use the standard primitives, but my window is an editable poly).
Max file and textures are in [URL]......
I have seen some similar topics on the forum, but they all seem to relate to the removal of a flash reflection, or correcting contrast from photos taken in direct sun.
This is a particularly bad photo which I need to improve and I'm honestly not sure if it's just a lost cause.
I have a photo that was taken outside. It has some glare from the sun. Is there any way to remove the lines. It is the only photo that we took standing like that outside, and my roommate and his newlywed wife probably would like this picture. I have it posted online, if you need to look at it or download it (I havnt had a chance to resize it or anything, so it is pretty big at the moment)
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy beautiful baby has light glare in her eyes.
I have a ton of pictures of the window displays there, but alot of my photo's have glare on them so you can see part of the window display, but also cars and people from the street. Is there anyway to fix these pictures? I really hope so, because i really want to save these pictures, the window displays were gorgeous!
View 9 Replies View RelatedI have an interior shot of a living room. There is a framed paiting on the wall which has a reflection from the window on the opposing wall. I'm not sure how to remove the reflection while keeping the integrity of the photo. Another possible fix could be doing a mirror image of the photo itself to "cover" the glare spot on the other half of the painting. I have much to learn when it comes to photoshop.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I remove the sun glare from this photo?
View 25 Replies View RelatedI have an old photo that my uncle wanted that could not be taken out of the frame. As a result it has this glare on it that I cannot figure out how to remove. Can anyone tell me how to?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOne object on my jpg picture changes color because of the lights reflection on the object. Is there anyway to restore it back to the original color?
View 1 Replies View RelatedThese shots that i have here, i should ve used a polarizing filter so there wouldnt be so much glare. What can i do in Photoshop CS to get rid of the glare, soften the ocean, and overall improve the photos.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI often get photos back that are pretty good except for some glare usually from my flash but also from lights.
I created a Drop Box folder with two such examples. How to remove the glare? Here's the link just pasted in:
And here it is using the forum "insert URL" tag:
Dropbox photos with glare
I ended up having a picture take with a point and shoot camera. What would be the best way to remove or at least look presentable to remove the glare from the glasses from one side? It is bad but I want this picture to be as good as I can get it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedIs there a good way to either tone down or remove the reflective glare that frequently shows up in a photo subject's eyeglasses? I have a number of otherwise nice photos, but the viewer will always see these glare spots first.
View 7 Replies View RelatedHow do i remove the flash glare from this image?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI know that the AJA Kona 3 card has 2 outputs. Can Smoke send one eye to one channel and the other eye to the other of the Kona 3 card? Dual Stream output is what I am really getting at.
View 4 Replies View RelatedIs there any way that Smoke can see/output sub-blacks and super whites? Can't find any way of seeing them on my scope, Smoke just clamps everything. It won't even see anything below zero in order for me to make a correction on it, everything seems to be clamped on import. I'm using ProRes HQ footage.
View 9 Replies View RelatedWhat is the best plugin to do spline warps in smoke?(need something like the distort in flame) I notice revisionfx don't make a warper for smoke on mac.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI am experimenting with Smoke 2013 pre-trial and I am having issues with importing images and video with alpha channels.
1. If I have a layered Photoshop file or png with an alpha channel (a still frame lower third), I see that I can import it as a multi layered clip, but what is the best way to have it in the sequence to show up properly?
2. If I have a QuickTime in animation format or Pro Res4444 format with an embedded alpha, how can I import that file to show and cut it on a top layer to animate above my video?
Can Smoke support the OFX architecture?
View 1 Replies View RelatedDoes Smoke have selection functionality similar to that of Combustion? As an example, you might want to selectively blur part of an image. In Combustion, you would draw a selection and then apply an operator above the selection to achieve this. I don't see a similar selection tool function in Smoke, but I imagine you could achieve the same effect by duplicating a layer and using a Gmask via the Wipe timeline FX.does Smoke not have a selection tool similar to Combustion?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhats the dealing with importing TWs to Smoke? I have a show that's 70% keyframed with timewarps and need a way other then baking the effect to bring it into Smoke. It's comming from FCP7 and we have Automatic Duck but neither the XMLs or AAF bring anything other then the first speed of the clip. Any way to retain the keyframes?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow do I remove the ad nag window from Corel in PSP X2?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSee image below. Stayed at Hilton across from Busch Stadium and washing their windows is not a big issue to them. I am attaching one of the worst ones but I cannot find a way to really fix any of them.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow to remove window reflections when taken from inside a bus.
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to run Flame or Smoke over a VPN? I mean, is it possible to get a license over VPN?
Smoke 2013 Ext1
17" Mac Book Pro
OS X 10.8.5