Photoshop :: Restoring Image Damaged By Flooding
Oct 22, 2013
I am working on restoring an image damaged by flooding. All the surface damage appears to be in the blue channel. I know there is a way to replace the blue channel but can find no decent explanations on how to do it. I am working in PS CC.
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Mar 9, 2012
how to restore damaged photos and one of the most essential tools I need is the healing brush tool BUT it wont work!
I create a new layer by dragging the background image down to the icon in the bottom left hand corner.Then select the healing brush tool, set it to replace, proximity match, opacity to 30%, hardness to 100%, flow to 100% and have aligned ticked.
Because of the disability I used a track ball mouse with a sticky mouse button. So I start to paint with the healing brush, have it clicked down but nothing really happens? The spot healing tool works o.k.ish as does the clone stamp.
I"m running CS4 Extended on a Mac......
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Dec 16, 2012
LR version - 4.2
OS - OS X 10.8.2
I've just moved to a new computer and also I've just started using LR4. Since moving I've had a few of my imported images display the 'The image appears to be damaged' message when in develop mode.
The image appears undamaged and I can edit and export without issue, if I copy the image on disk the copy will also cause the message to appear however when I copy the image to another computer (running Windows 7 and LR 3.3) and that doesn't report the image as damaged.
I'm not too sure what causes LR to report the image as damaged also I don't know why the image would appear damaged on one computer and not on another.
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Nov 30, 2012
I have trying to run lift station simulations and my calculation nodes are always flooding. They don't flood in real life so what could be a problem?
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Oct 17, 2013
I have several raw images that were imported directly from the memory card into LR5 as DNG files. They look fine in the Library mode - both in Grid and Loupe view, but when they are opened into the Develop module they have gray and pink boxes as if information is missing and I get an error message saying "image appears to be damaged".
Is it really damaged or is there a way to resolve this? When I look at the file itself through Finder it shows the damage, so I'm thinking it's damaged but somehow the previews aren't?
Just want to understand before I import again or start editing only to lose more pictures. Is it a bug?
We recently installed extra RAM only to find out it wasn't compatible with the Mac. We have the correct RAM in there now, but I don't know if I should uninstall and reinstall LR5 or if it should now be fine with the new RAM or if it's totally unrelated to the RAM.
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May 25, 2012
i play around with a gimp-image. i want to "ERASE" the text in the balls.
Well i guess that this is a bit tricky - since the background of the circles/balls is somewhat different and has sometimes multiple "(!!!) background-colors. So if we try to get the original - color of the circles then this is somewhat tricky.
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Dec 19, 2012
There is either deterioration, or some mold on the slide I scanned.
I am having trouble restoring the image, to get rids of all the dark splotches that are readily apparent in the air.
I am just not getting a handle on the clone tools.
Right now - I am thinking the best course of action is to cut out the sky, and reinsert a gradient. I am using Fluid Mask 3.0 right now to see what I can cut-out. But - I'd rather just be able to restore the image
EDIT - I did some major work on the file with Photoshop Elements Spot Healing Brush. Does Photo Paint have anything like it?
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Nov 11, 2008
My PS CS3 CD has become damaged. Where can I download another copy?
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May 18, 2012
I have CS5 for Mac and my disc was damaged. Adobe no longer has it for download or a replacement disc. This happened to me with CS3 and I paid to upgrade to CS5, now they want me to do it again
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May 4, 2006
Are there techniques available for repairing water damaged photos?
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Sep 28, 2008
I have a Very old B/W photo that is torn/creased/stained/yellowed/etc. Just as a challenge, I thought I would try to do some repair on this photo.
Some parts of the image are incomplete/Gone. One example would be a person's face. The picture was torn in half across this person's face. The tear goes horizontally across the nose. At the tear, some of the image is gone and it is just white paper. I have had a great deal of success rebuilding this face but I have several others that are of the same condition. Code:
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Oct 11, 2008
I've been searching for a damaged wall effect that I can create in photoshop. I'd like it to be an indoor wall, as if it's got plaster falling off and has been damaged by water... that sort of thing!
I'm trying to make a picture that looks like it is a wall inside a house that has been damaged in some way or other.
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Jul 11, 2008
I'm looking to make something kinda like this, but I really have no idea how it was done. The whole image has a damaged look to it, and looks a little scratched up. Also I would like to know how to create the creases that appear to be in the paper.
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Sep 30, 2013
I am not the most technically savvy lady so I might have made this issue worse.
After I first installed the Creative Cloud and downloaded Photoshop, I attempted to open the program and it said "file is incomplete or damaged".
I tried deleting it out of the applications in the side folder to re-install thinking it would get rid of it but the tab is still there.How do I delete Photoshop to re-install? Is that possible?
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Feb 25, 2012
i want to know if there is a way possible to write text in damaged building effect.
i dont have any pictures but i can explain for example if we write E, the top bar is damaged from the end and the middle one has broken windows or something like that
is this effect at all possible,
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Dec 4, 2008
The hard drive on my laptop is performing erratically and CHKDSK can't fix it, so it's time for a new drive. In preparation for the new drive, I tried to transfer activation of Photoshop CS2. I get the following error dialogue box message:
"The application or DLL C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS2Activationen_USalmuirsc.dll is not a valid Windows image. Please check this against your installation diskette."
The only choice for this box is to click the OK button. When I do, I get the following message:
"Sorry, a serious error has been detected. To continue using Adobe Photoshop, please reinstall the appliation."
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Mar 2, 2009
I'm getting this error when opening two specific PSD files in Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP Pro:
"This document has been damaged by a disk error..."
I've been testing hard drives and memory, as well as looking at other files, and as of now I think it's not a systematic problem; rather, I suspect that these two files were damaged when migrating from my old computer.
I have two questions for anyone out there who has troubleshot this issue before:
1. One of the files has a violent green stripe 50-100 pixels wide in Photoshop, but when opened in Gimp it looks fine except for two individual pixels that are pure green. The other has a blue stripe across it in Photoshop, but looks fine in Gimp. (I am comparing specifically the background, without any layers.) Why would the Photoshop and Gimp views of the same image differ so widely?
2. Does anyone know of a script that can check all files for this error? Sitting there opening all of my thousands of PSDs one at a time seems like a royal pain, and something that could be automated by someone who knows how...
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Oct 28, 2007
I'm looking to create this damaged metal effect in CS2.
how to do so?
I found a tut, but it was for Gimp. Also, I'd like to try to make it without any lighting or shadowing effects. I'm importing the texture into a community built game, and I know how to create my own specular & bump maps for the in-game shadow effects.
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Apr 28, 2013
I have Photoshop Elements 6.0. I was working on an image with 3 layers and I'd been saving very regularly, then my computer crashed. It didn't crash while I was saving but it must have still been saving when it happened because my file got damaged. Now when I open it, it comes up with a message saying 'This document contains Adobe Photoshop data which appears to be damaged. Continue and ignore the Photoshop data?' when I click ok it then says 'The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because the ICC profile descrition is invalid. Ignoring the profile'. When the image opens its completely flat and black. I've tries a few recovery programmes but that didn't seem to work. I found a temp file but I don't think it'ss a real temp file because it doesn't have an extension.
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Nov 23, 2013
Photoshop Elements 12 for Mac
Late 2012 Mac mini, 2.6GHz i7, 16 HB RAM, Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks)
I purchased and downloaded Photoshop Elements 12 as an upgrade to Photoshop Elements 10. Download and installation appeared to be completely normal but when I launch the Photo Editor the following message appears:
Your application install seems to be damaged, Please reinstall the application.I have:
Reinstalled PE12 from the original downloadDeleted PE`10 and reinstalled PE12 from the original downloadRedownloaded PE12 and resinstalled it from the new downloadUninstalled PE12 and reinstalled it from the second downloadManually scrubbed every trace of PE12 and reinstalled it from a third download.I am still getting the warning message. From what I can tell from cursory testing the Photo Editor appears to be functioning correctly other than the damaged installation warning message.
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Jun 19, 2006
I have an old pic of my mom and dad from the newspaper from their wedding pic and I was trying to make it look better.. I can't seem to get it any better than this.. I dont have the original or even the newspaper,
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Nov 24, 2012
Some of you may have seen my thread in the Show-Board section about a damaged photo I have restored. On the photo there is a lady sitting to the left with a cream/white t-shirt on, I have been asked to try and restore that bit too rather than do what I have done in the resto.
This is all I have to go on:
Here is the original image:
and my Restoration so far:
They want the t-shirt as well but there is nothing to go on apart from some apparent squiggles, as you can see.
how I can extract it, I can't even make out what it says or else I would try and find the t-shirt and put it in.
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Apr 4, 2013
I have a student with images that wont open. A warning appears that Adobe Photoshop data appears to be damaged. Unexpected end of profile.
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Jul 3, 2012
while jpg file open in photoshop, its show error message "This document contains Adobe photoshop data which appears to be damaged. Continue and ignore the photoshop data?" i click ok, then only its open, why its show error message
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Jun 11, 2013
caused by a flood in my location (Bavaria/Germany), I have many damaged photos, which where stored in cellar, which was flooded. The photos are dirty and wet, but they can be cleaned and dehumidified. Many photos have now areas with ruined colors and "fire blizzards" on it. can I prepare damaged photos with Photoshop elements (8, 9 or 11) in that way, that I get back a good picture?
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May 15, 2013
I have CS6 installed on a Windows 8 system. The other day I needed to install an older version, CS2 to test a few things. This immediately changed all the Photoshop icons for things like Actions, Plugins, Filters, etc., to the CS2 icons.
After testing I uninstalled CS2 assuming all the CS6 icons would return. They didn't and now I'm left with blank white icons for things like Actions, Filters, Plugins, etc.
How can I get my CS6 icons back? Will uninstalling - reinstalling CS6 restore them? Is there an easier way? I need them back as I'm writing some documents that require screen shots and I need those icons back.
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Sep 12, 2011
I've recently started using Photoshop and have been given some old pictures of family members. Is it possible to restore images to a perfect picture and maybe even add color?
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Aug 2, 2013
The top image looks like a negative but it's actually a print from an old, old roll of 35mm film. Most of the photos printed as faded B&Ws, but some printed like this. I'd like to restore the photo as best I can, but I'm not getting good results (second image). I first inverted the image and then desaturated. Then I did adjustments with curves. The resulting image is confusing - the light source seems backwards.
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Dec 28, 2007
If there's an object with a semi-transparent part (without editable layer mask of course), is there any way to make it opaque again without ruining its original pixels?
(For those who know Corel PhotoPaint: I'm looking for the equivalent of "paint on transparency" mode)
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Dec 3, 2004
I have a picture that I need to be restored. The entire picture has "gone yellow" from age and I was hoping I could use Photoshop to restore it. I tried using auto-level, auto-color, and auto-contrast but they don't help too much.
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May 10, 2012
This problem began for me after installing the PSCS6 beta. I started getting a popup saying "Adobe Application Manager is missing or damaged" and advising me to download and reinstall AAM. I did that, with no result. The responses from Adobe ("you must have a bad installer"). I was able to leave the beta as it was and use PSCS5.
Fast forward: PSCS6 is released and I purchase and try to install the upgrade, which won't install with the beta present. The Beta uninstaller won't run because of the AAM error. I laboriously search and delete all files related to the beta.PSCS6 release version installs, but when it starts I get a popup witht the same message about AAM. I have spent over 12 hours in chat with Adobe support with only negative results. Not only have they not fixed the problem -- they have managed to propagate it to my PSCS5 installation -- which they subsequently deleted.
As part of attempting to diagnose I have tried the PSCS6 unistaller, which fails with the same error; used the CS cleaner tool and reinstalled -- same problem; verified permissions and file ssytem on my system drive; tried removing CS6 and reinstalling from a new, clean admin account -- same AAM error.
I am at my wits' end with this. I have NO working verion of photoshop (big problem for a photographer/designer), NO confidence in Adobe support (most of the 12 hours was watching them try the same things we had done several times before), and how to fix this short of stripping my Mac back to the metal and reinstalling everything.
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