I have this piece of fabric in a digital format (200x200px) and I need to make it a 1000x1000px so I can cover the entire window curtain. This is a pretty complex pattern. How can I make it repeat seamlessly? Is there a plugin that automatically adjust brightness and contrast as well as overlapping?
Im printing a file that has multiple images within it. The file is a PDF created out of indesign. the images within indesign are PSD's and High Resolution. When printing this file at work on a konica Minolta biz hub, everything is fine. I take it to the professional printer and just 2 of the 12 images appear with what im going to call screen lines..? Im sure there's another name for it. Ive seen these lines before on the screen and if u zoom in they disappear.
The image is doing this over a fine fabric pattern. I feel like its a problem when their printer is ripping the file...? or is it in the image and my printer doesn't have as much quality and misses these?
Ive attached a file to show the effect thats printed on both my printer which is ok and theirs which isn't.
how can I create a repeat pattern in CS5 when the pattern is staggered like bricks? Also, I am wanting to print this design on fabric but the lab keeps saying that when they repeat the pattern, there is a white border that shows up around it. I've searched everywhere. Here is a sample of the design I want to repeat.
s there a way to make patterns (repeat symbol) along paths? Something like using Artistic Media > Brush, but I'd like it to repeat symbol. It's possible and simple in illustrator, but in work I have to use Corel Draw.I need to make something like that: [URL] ..... can't use line style, because the pattern is too complex. Those symbols have to be smooth, so Foster's solution isn't that good...
I'm trying to make a repeat pattern tile (using CS5 on Windows 7), but when I crop the pattern, the expanded paths underneath become visible as on the flowers.This is what I did after creating the artwork:
Used the rectangle tool to make a box with fill/stroke directly on top of the artboard.. Select all > Expand (selecting stroke only, not fill) Deselect the cropping box and grouped the remaining objects. Reselected the cropping box and grouped all objects Pathfinder > Crop I'm guessing it may have something to do with the fact I used a gradient on the flowers but how to resolve it.
I am designing perfume bottles and for that i need to to repeat a semi circle to repeat over a curved surface fo the bottle. To simplify the problem i have created curved surface and made a semi cirle as a feature, now i want the feature to repeat on the curved surface. I have tried to rectangle pattern, aswell as the circular pattern in all possible ways i can think.
P.s. I have hp I7 processor, 8 gb ram, windows 7 and am using autodesk inventor pro 2013
I want to change the curvature of a fabric "snake." I twisted the 12-ft fabric, laid it out in a curvy configuration on a black backdrop in the studio, and took the shot. Now I have extracted the "snake" and pasted it onto a transparent layer.
I know how to do Transform Layer and Transform Selection, but both of those just give me a box, in which the Warp Mode is not what I want. I want to grab the tail of my snake and stretch it out, or make the curve tighter, or make one part of the snake overlay another. Can I do this in PS6?
I am on a conquest to do a product visualization of a fabric style on a shirt (fabric could be a solid color, striped, or checked). I have access to the fabric and can take pictures/scans of the fabric to extract the exact pattern and would like to overlay it onto an existing picture of a man with a proper dress shirt on to see how the fabric would look on the actual shirt.
I would like this to be as real as possible so that you could not tell that the fabric was actually "draped" onto the shirt. The result would be something similar to the Perry Ellis website:
whether this can be done with Photoshop or if there is another alternative method I should pursue? I already have an original with my model in a very flat grey shirt that I would like to modify.
This comes from the game "Thief 2". How they did with that "creased" technique? I mean, the fabric over the booth has some realistic folds, especially at the bottom; how they manage to make that? Did they scan a fabric sample or there's a trick with Photoshop to make those folds credible like that?
I am on a conquest to do a product visualization of a fabric style on a shirt (fabric could be a solid color, striped, or checked). I have access to the fabric and can take pictures/scans of the fabric to extract the exact pattern and would like to overlay it onto an existing picture of a man with a proper dress shirt on to see how the fabric would look on the actual shirt.
I would like this to be as real as possible so that you could not tell that the fabric was actually "draped" onto the shirt. The result would be something similar to the Perry Ellis website (where each of the drapes of fabric would be from only 1 original model picture): [URL] .......
I already have an original with my model in a very flat grey shirt that I would like to modify.
I have a piece of fabric that I'm trying to colour with a variety of different light & dark colours (blues, yellows, reds, black, white, grey, etc). The fabric colour that I'm trying to fill is a light grey which shows the texture (shadows, pattern, etc) of the fabric. In the layers pallet I have the fabric layer set to multiply and placed above the colour layer so that the colour comes through.
My problem is that I'm having some difficulty in colouring in the fabric. With lighter colours it's not a problem, but darker colours appear to saturate the selection too much which results in a loss of texture definition - the cracks in the texture appear that they are filled with paint. At the moment I have been playing with a combination of fabric layers set at different blend modes & opacities: multiply, screen & overlay which works to a certain extent but I'm not happy with the realism of the results especially for the darker colours.
With that said I have 2 questions:
1. Does anyone have any good experience with colouring selections which maintain colour & texture accuracy (to see what I mean, design a shoe at NikeID.com). You can see how they colour a lace in a variety of light & dark colours accurately (accurate colours while maintaining good texture). More generally, what's the 'best' approach here to blend (or some other method) the full spectrum of light to dark colours?
2. Ideally, what colour should the underlying fabric be? (white, grey, black?) And why? I notice that it's easy to colour a predominately white fabric with light colours but increasingly difficult to colour the selection the darker the target fill is.
I am looking to take an image of a seat and change the current material to a different material. The new material will be both a different color and a different texture so just changing the color with an adjustment layer will not work, but may be part of the process. I need this to look very realistic; complete with shadows and highlights.
Is there a way to take a sample from the material I want to use and apply it quickly? I have been using photoshop for a while now and can't think of a way to do this. I am thinking this may be a job for a different program, but if I can do it in photoshop that would be wonderful.
I have a video rocker chair that I need to be able to change its color or its pattern depending on the fabric material I have for the chair. So I have a picture of the Chair and I have pictures of the different patterns (sports teams, hunting scenes, ect.) I would like to overlay the different patterns onto the picture of the chair while maintaining the shadows and wrinkles of the original picture of the chair. I have PhotoShop 10
I have several images of t-shirts, which has to be recolored {RGB & CMYK mixture}. I tried all the recipes across the net, but none actually worked. See the IMG below.
The "best" solution seems to be the Selective Color adj. layer, but still absolutely unacceptable:
I Tried to put several other adj. layers on the top of the Selective. C., but it went even worse.
I need to batch texturize a ton of image with a clothing fabric I have loaded to get the look I need. I now how to batch image but can't find a way to use the batch image with texturizer and a texture I have loaded. Can this be done? If so, how?
I am trying to map hundreds of fabric pattern to a window curtain for catalog purpose. So I am thinking to shoot the displace map with white fabric so that the displace map will clearly distinguish between the black, gray and white.
Then I took a step further, I am thinking to use a green fabric with red border on the bottom of the curtain so that I can tell photoshop to map pattern A with green and pattern B with red.
However, I am concern that since green and red panel with shadow and highlight isn't exactly the same as white fabric with shadow and highlight; therefore, the displacement of the fabric pattern will be different between white background and colored background.
How do I solve this? Is there any way to tell photoshop to convert colored fabric to a "white" fabric with all the shadow and highlight accurately represent?
I am just facing a challenge — I need to convert black T-shirt into whithe, but the fabric is textured. See the attached IMGs:
I tried several things, but the best result I got looks somehow close to this disaster:
Despite strong Curves Adjustment layer, there seems to be not a chance to get some contrast.
See how looks similar shirt from a slightly different material — just to get a brief idea:
Inversion will not work because of shadows, Shadows/Highlights does not work much. Converting from White to black is much more easier & almost perfect — because of this, there should be a reverse way…
I need to connect a rapport with others(print on fabric for textile industry). It looks like a mosaic, however the pieces doesn't connect side by side at the same height, but side by side sometimes higher, sometimes lower . The thing is: when I try put then together the limit of the layers create an edge that prevents connection.I'm sending some images to try to make this clear: 1- all layers together with the thin line between the 2- closer to junction 3- closer 3200% to see what really happens.
When the image is magnified 3200% we can see clearly that this "crack" is actually the edge of the layer that has become a bit clearer, then edge with edge, it creates an impression that there is a line in the overall picture. And I can not just cover it because each layer will be duplicated automatically by a machine rapport. So is there any way to make the edge of the layer does not check clearing?
I want to use photoshop elements to alter drawings so they look like quilts. I want to import fabric scans as fill colors and patterns. Is this possible?
CS6. I have this logo, red circle w/white letters and superscript 2. It's going to be printed on light gray fabric. I assume that I need to make transparent canvas and transparent letters (lu) so that it takes the gray color of the fabric and not the white background and letters of my file but when I rasterize type, save and open it again I cannot edit.
I just upgraded to CS3 on Windows XP and every few days I am prompted to register. I registered twice and then spoke with Customer Service who could not see the registration so they manually registered me. Since then the registration screen appeared again and I registered a third time.
I just spent 4 1/2 hours on the phone going back and forth between Adobe Customer Service and Photoshop support. Customer Support wants me to return CS3 and buy it again under a different customer number. Support wants me to uninstall all Adobe products, delete the registry branch under HKLMSOFTWAREAdobe, delete all Adobe content under "Program Files" and under "Documents and Settings", create a new user account, add that new user to the Administrators group, then reinstall all Adobe products using that new user account.
I asked support where Photoshop CS3 records the registration information and was told that since CS3 is a new product, they do not have that level of technical information.
Has anyone else had a registration problem with CS3 on XP?
where the registration information is stored? If it is stored in the registry, I should be able to manually enter the keys and data.
I am creating a square on a new layer. I then use the keyboard shortcut cmd-option-t I move the copy of teh square to a new location and press enter to accept.Now I am suppose to be able to press cmd-option-shift-t to repeat the previous move. Nothing happens.
I checked my keyboard shotcuts and the shortcut cmd-option-shift-t is not beign used as far as i can tell.
I do it all the time in illustrator but how do you repeat something in photoshop to create a pattern. Here is a mockup of an example. How would you create this in Photoshop?