Photoshop :: Reinstallation Of CS4 From Download On My Adobe (Corrupt Installations DB)?
Sep 11, 2013
I have tried to use the online chat app and telephone to get a response, but have had no luck. I recently tried to reinstall Adobe CS4 on my computer after it crashed. I downloaded the version I had purchased from My Adobe and everything seemed fine. After running the Setup program it came back with a dialog box saying that the Installer Database was corrupt and that I should contact customer support.
I have since attempted to download it two more times, with Akamai and without. Both time with the same result.I was told when I finally reached a support person that this is the only vehicle for support of CS4.
i bought adobe cloud and i started downloading all the software and deleting old version. I didn't know there was a special way to delete adobe application so i just dragged it into a program called app cleaner and it deleted all the files. But it won't let me put cs6 photoshop on my computer because it still thinks i have cs6 photoshop beta. how can i get photoshop back onto my computer.
I have tried unsuccessfully to extract the trial download of PS CS4 extended. I have downloaded both files from, but upon lauching the adobe extractor, the progress bar reaches 100% and displays the error "An error ocurred please check you have enough memory and right privliges on the destination folder"
My machine is running XP SP2, INtel PIV with 2 gig of ram.
I am succesfully downloaded and installed Dreamwever CS4 with problems.
Trying google a couple of people have had problems they think with the downloaded files from adobe being currupt, abd I wondered whether I may be suffering the same fate with the files I have downloaded.
Hvaing checked those files that have extracted in the destination folder
C:Documents and SettingsAlan.ALAN-33C123774CDesktopAdobe CS4
Some files seem to extracted ok but many have file size of ZERO KB
I have version of Adobe Photoshop CS3 on Windows XP. I recently restored my computer so I need to re-install CS3. I have all the codes and passwords but I can't find the download.
I've tried the links on the Adobe site but they take me only to an error message on both Firefox and Safari. I've got some JPGs I need to convert to DNG.
Why doesn't Adobe Bridge download files from "get photos from camera", error message" Adobe Bridge CS6 cannot obtain files from this device. ensure that the device is connected properly,or that the battery is charged,and try again.
When I'm using a card reader that does not require batteries, is it because they are Leica DNG files??? I have managed to drag and drop instead but would prefer to use "get photos from camera".
when I install any product CS3 or CS4. When the program starts establishing, a window appears in the one that says " verifying the profile of the system " but the window being blocked always to 90 %.
I'm using Windows Vista. My laptop had something wrong with it so I brought it in the Best Buy, who fixed it for me. I got it back, tried to run CS3, I got an error message saying I couldn't run it, and that I had to reinstall it. So I got my disc out, reinstalled it. (i removed it from my computer completely first) The installation window came up, as well as Adobe Play, whatever that is. The Shared Components reinstalled, but not my CS3.
I recently installed Photoshop CS6 and had no problem what so ever the first week. to an incident I removed Photoshop and reinstalled it. Now I'm having problem with GPU acceleration.
My computer has 2 graphics cards, GeForce GTX 460(Primary screen & projector) and GeForce 210(Secondary screen). Photoshop detects my GTX460 and uses it. But when I move Photoshop to my secondary screen I can't see any documents. It's just a gray screen.
I had Photoshop CS5.5 installed before and had no problem using my secondary screen, installed PS CS 6 pararell with PS CS 5.5 and had no problem. Then I removed PS CS 5.5, still no problem.Reinstalled PS CS 6 and it doesn't work.
It obiusly worked a few days ago with this set up, and now it doesn't. also ad that unchecking Use graphics processor fixing the problem. But I wanna have all the nice GPU features.
Prior to replacemant of the mother board I did a backup of photos and data. But to start Lightroom again I had to reinstall Lightroom into the new hard drive.
Have got the photo files back and the list of keywords but they are not with the photos.
How can I restore the 2 or 3 keywords I had previously to each of the photos?
I've got CorelDRAW HOME & STUDENT SUITE X5. According to EULA I'm allowed to install it on 3 Computers athome. Actually X5 is installed only once on my Notebook under WinXP.
Now I'm going to upgrade the Notebook to Win7 or Win8 and re-install the CorelDRAW HOME & STUDENT SUITE X5 then. Will this re-installation be registered as a 2nd installation? If yes, how can I de-register the old XP-Installation? I plan to provide the other two installation options to my 2 children and don't want to loose one, therefore.
I was rolling out 2013 in one of our offices during the brief time SP1 was available. I went ahead and included SP1 in the office's network deployment (using the append option) and installed on all the machines in that office. Now that SP1 has proven to to be a problem, is there any way to uninstall the SP without having to do a complete uninstall and reinstall at each machine? Tried checking thru control panel (with and without "show updates" turned on), but the SP does not appear in the list to uninstall separately.
I had Photoshop CS6 installed and working on my Mac using Adobe Creative Cloud. However now a dialog appears that says "Help Improve Adobe's Product". Regardless if I approve this dialog or not Adobe Photoshop starts up with every menu option grayed and I can do nothing. I have to force quit the application. At this point it is 100% unusable.
I've googled it and seen others with a similar issue but no solutions found. I have OSX 10.8.3.
Others with similar issues. URL....No real solution other than don't use Mac Keeper (which I do not) URL....
Product: CS4 64 bit: Adobe Output Module-Adobe updater downloads 2 updates 75.9mb (Camera Raw 5.3). After download and permission to continue under user account control, I receive popup menu advising me that Installation Incomplete, close Adobe Bridge - 3 choices, which always fail. My Adobe CS4 and Bridge are not open. I tried this several times with the same result.I downloaded the zip file, saved, unzip, and still get the same notice - close Bridge.
It looks like the same 2.3mb file that the update program is trying to download. Once the update is started it just keeps trying to download that file until I cancel the update.
ive just recovered a whole bunch of pictures from a crashed harddrive. The problem is most of them (all of them) are corrupted (i guess their corrupted). Is there any way to fix the pictures? There should be because the windows thumbnails show the pictures without errors, but as soon as i open them in eg picture viewer or firefox, they are corrupt. I cant even open the pictures in photoshop. PS (CS2) just gives me: "Could not complete your request because of a problem parsing the jpeg data".
This is what the pics look like (small one is windows thumbnail, big one is picture opened in "Windows picture and fax viewer".)
As you can see the thumbnail has no errors.
How do i fix the picture so i dont get errors after opening it?
I'm using Photoshop 5.5 and OS Lion. The Finder crashed while doing a Search. When I rebooted and opened Photoshop, every Photoshop file I had worked on that afternoon, plus two from the day before, was corrupt - nothing else was affected. Desktop preview icons and file sizes looked fine, but when I opened the files they were just bands of color and noise. All layers were gone and the size was incorrect. The jpgs I had saved from the psd files were also corrupt. Adobe blames Apple and Apple blames Adobe.
I have Photoshop cc and I would like the try and have an image with the corruption lines for an effect. I have been looking on the web for a way to physically do this by opening the file in Text Mate and swap some code (not the header) and try to re-open in ps. Every time I do this ps refuses to open the file.
I know this is slight odd, but how to corrupt an image and still have ps open the file and show corruption lines like the old days.
Why do my cs6 psd files keep getting corrupt? I am able to save and close them, but they won't reopen. I've lost entire website files more than once already.
I have problems with Photoshop CS4..installed doftware fine, but when i open any image (raw, jpg etc) they are corrupt....i am running windows vista 32bit....could this be my graphics card thats giving the problem its a ATI Radeon HD2600XT?
I have a file that is about 125megs, it stopped opening for me. I don't understand why, it's always has opened ever since I created it. Now it freezes my machine, this just started today. I'm running a G4 Dual 1.42mhz os 10.3 and 2gigs of ram. It's the only copy i have, please tell me there's a way to repare it. My Mac keeps telling me to restart every time i try to open it.
Having troubles with a registered copy of Photoshop 6, I uninstalled it and when I tried to reinstall, the AutoPlay feature of the CD did not work. I then used Explore to find the Photoshop .exe file and could not find it on the CD. I tried using the Windows Add Programs feature, and it said that it could not find a .exe file on the CD. Called Adobe customer service who referred me to technical support and while they were able to confirm that my CD was registered, they were able to offer no help as the software is outdated. It has been installed 3 times, originally on Windows 2000 and has not been working correctly on Windows XP Home Edition.