Photoshop :: Recreate TV Show Logo
Nov 19, 2006how to do this text?
I gave it a shot using the Impact font, but mine is too flat and sharp.
how to do this text?
I gave it a shot using the Impact font, but mine is too flat and sharp.
Recreate my logo icon. I lost my original pst and only have the icon that I crop out of png logo. Basically I need to enlarge it to 1024x1024 and when its over the dark background, it has a lite uneven border.
Also here is my current logo.
to recreate a logo. or maybe they used some font that i don't know.
the lack of quality for the picture.
I'm working on recreating my uncles Marketing Campaign, Vinyl Decals, business cards the lot! So I'm looking for the recreation of the logo itself.
It's attached so how I can recreate the shadow all around "patco". It's really sharp on the edges of the shadow and I'm just not able to recreate it. I tried drop shadows and that didn't work. How to do a wrap without the top bending either.
I am new to Corel Draw. I am attempting to recreate a logo with 2 letters, but I need them to overlap and then outline. It is apparently not possible to weld them, but is there another way to accomplish this?
View 10 Replies View RelatedI have a customer that send me his logo to cut some small stickers to give out at his shop. However, the logo design guy that designed the logo used shading to give the logo depth. So when i bring up the file in corel draw, there is several small lines and boxes in the logo where the different shades where located in the logo and my plotter cuts those line in the vinyl. Is there anyway to remove those lines with out having to recreate the logo?
View 4 Replies View Relatedthe problem that i have is that all my RAW file thunbnails only show the elements 12 logo can i get the pictures back
View 3 Replies View RelatedI usually do mock in FrontPage as I can do it quicky and easily. I know you guys are yelling loud, why not in PS.. I am in the process of learning and once I have he mastery I promise PS will be my primary tool for even typing a document
I have attached an image, primarily with transparent layers and gradient. Please give me a step my step of how to achieve the same effects.
I frequently find myself recreating gradients created in illustrator using Photoshop. however, even when using the exact settings for color, opacity, and location, they never come out the same. is there some rule of thumb or some logic as to how those two applications create gradients and how to better approximate them?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to recreate this color toning effect in my own images but I can quite put my finger on it, I've tried almost every possible split toning combo in light room and countless numbers of curves and gradient adjustments in Photoshop and color layers with all of the blending modes, masks, everything.But I still can't get my image to look like these ones. More specifically I'm looking for those brownish-red shadows/ darks with those warmish skin tones. URL....
View 2 Replies View Relatedhow to recreate a stamp effect?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI want to recreate the Clarity effect but in Photoshop CS6.. I know I have it in Lightroom and Camera Raw, but for academic purposes I need to create the same effect but using ONLY Pohotoshop CS6...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI would like to re-create the effects used in this image. Would it be possible to create this in Photoshop or do I need 3D modeling software?
I have been trying but I can't seem to get my shapes to look that three-dimensional. Also, how do I get these types of effects with color and texture? The color effect that is used in the triangle I would especially like to replicate.
I am trying to replicate this background design and effect below. I also need to create a shadow effect below a character on a design, so what is the best way to do that.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow would you create a text effect like there is in this image. I need to recreate this in a different design but not sure how to do the multi warp effect.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to recreate metal styles but never found something similiar to the one on the attachment here...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did this in photoshop, and it was a raster image, but i want to do it in illustrator because i need to enlarge it many times without having to make it lose quality and I just want it as a vector, and would rather have it done in illustrator because I am already doing the rest of the picture in illustrator. If you guys would please let me know how to do this picture in illustrator? I tried making every circle and fixing the opacity, but it took forever and didnt even look right! In photoshop, I picked a solid circle brush, and in the brush drop down bar thing i went to "Other Dynamics" and put "Opacity Liter" and "Flow Liter" to 100%. I just would like to know if theres a way to do it in Illustrator.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm looking to recreate the filter on the background image (stadium) from the image below. It is creating a light blue hue, but still maintaining certain colors in the picture, like the green turf.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am planning to do a report on a subject of 2 countries Thailand and China. I have found a nice image with nice font on the internet and I wish to do it in the same manner but do not know how(especially concerned about curved text and flag pattern). Here is a picture I want to recreate but with another background and different text.
The font has already been identified as Falkner Pro (RMU) on myfont.
Interested in how to recreate this ceramic glaze effect in the most realistic way possible.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have Elements 11 and am trying to recreate the media database. I get to en_US and when I click on it I do not see the file media database.db3. I use Windows 7. through the process for recreating mediadatabase?
View 3 Replies View Relatedwhen I browse image files I find that the Photoshop/Adobe logo has been replaced by the Netscape logo. When I attach a file in email the N-scape logo is there by file name/number not Photoshop logo. Anyone know why or have this issue?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI am trying to recreate the page excerpt effect illustrated below, with jagged triangles on the border of the form.
I was going to simply make some squares, rotate them, and paste them in a line and merge them down onto the paper layer. But I figure there is probably a more effecient way to create it.
How can we recreate the below border effect (not the center content, but the outer border)? In particular, we'd like to recreate the effect whereby the border fades out half way up the content area, and there appears to be a slight gradient which also starts at the bottom and fades out half way up?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am currently working on a texture for a turtle that will be used on a model in 3ds Max. I am a moderate to expert level user of Photoshop, in my own opinion, but still have much to learn.
My question today is this. Is there a way to create an image and then use the brush to recreate it randomly over and over again on a canvas? This question is in regards to the scales I am making for the turtle texture. The brush has a whole slew of tools for changing the size, orientation, and scattering of the brush so I was wondering if it is possible to use my scale image with it somehow?
I have attempted to use the pattern stamp tool but it spaces them so far apart and there is no control like you get with the brush tool.
I have a .pdf that I want to use in a presentation next week. The problem is, since we last used this .pdf, we have changed our logo. How does one switch out one image out for another?
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe edges of this fabric are semi transparent. The grey colour to the area where the arrow points is caused by the photo's original background. Now I'm wondering is it possible to recreate the transparency so that the colours from a new background will show through. I've tried colour to alpha but that makes most of the image transparent.
The rest of the image is mostly black and greys with a splash of red. I would post the entire image but it's copyrighted - DA stock model - so I don't want to break the rules.
I need to get all block which is placed in Shematic Component tab - Icon Menu - Terminal/Connector
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been a long time fan of anime and manga and have recently been beginning to color manga pages, such as this partially complete page.I don't have a scanner to use atm, I was wondering how I can retrace and recreate the drawing in without using a drawing tablet. is it possible?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow many people recreate their templates from scratch when you upgrade to then next version of Inventor? When we switched to Inventor we were told that we should recreate our templates from scratch when going to the next release. This wasn't to bad in the beginning but is very time consuming now due to the number and complexity of our templates. I'm curious what other people are doing. I would also like to hear from Autodesk, what do you recommend?
View 4 Replies View Relatedrefer to this page here for the image.
It is the highest to the top photo that appears to be Carlton from the fresh prince of Bel-air.
The website uses a blackish color for the background and when you roll over a comment it turns a bit brighter.
When I view the image source it shows the image being completely white with the facial lines shown.
I got very close to recreating the effect but to no success.