Photoshop :: Recreate Below Border Effect - Not Center Content But Outer?
Feb 15, 2012
How can we recreate the below border effect (not the center content, but the outer border)? In particular, we'd like to recreate the effect whereby the border fades out half way up the content area, and there appears to be a slight gradient which also starts at the bottom and fades out half way up?
I would like to add more to the white background to make it bigger without having to stretch it and distort the image.
I want to place a circle shaped outline border around the original image with a set border thickness and color and be able to crop/remove the portion of the image beyond the outline, changing it from a square/rectangle image to a circular image.
If I am not able to change the drawing to have a round outer border from square, how can I make the outer parts past the newly created circular outline transparent?
1. find the attached “Rays on Oval.png” file. (Tried attaching .cdr file but the File Size is 400KB.)
2. I would like to Repeat / Duplicate that Black Color on Outer Path of Oval Shape. (Like shown in the Yellow versus Black. The Yellow is a Circle and the Black is from Star Tool)
3. I think the Best Bet would be to Link the Rays to the Outer Path of Oval Shape.
4. I need the Rays and Oval as 2 Different Objects so that I could Change the Color Scheme.
I'm looking to recreate this color toning effect in my own images but I can quite put my finger on it, I've tried almost every possible split toning combo in light room and countless numbers of curves and gradient adjustments in Photoshop and color layers with all of the blending modes, masks, everything.But I still can't get my image to look like these ones. More specifically I'm looking for those brownish-red shadows/ darks with those warmish skin tones. URL....
I want to recreate the Clarity effect but in Photoshop CS6.. I know I have it in Lightroom and Camera Raw, but for academic purposes I need to create the same effect but using ONLY Pohotoshop CS6...
How would you create a text effect like there is in this image. I need to recreate this in a different design but not sure how to do the multi warp effect.
I am trying to recreate the page excerpt effect illustrated below, with jagged triangles on the border of the form.
I was going to simply make some squares, rotate them, and paste them in a line and merge them down onto the paper layer. But I figure there is probably a more effecient way to create it.
I thought maybe just a bevel with lighting and a gradient but nothing I tried came close. The edges seem more precise than anything I did and the creases in the letters, like near the top-right of the 'a' or the middle of the 'h', seem to have depth that an ordinary bevel doesn't create.
Since upgrading the AI CC (17.0.0), when applying an outer glow effect to objects, the effect sometimes expands its appearance involuntarily after saving and closing the file. The outcome is similar to selecting "expand appearance" from the Object menu.
When the saved file is reopened, the outer glow effect has become is its own object, grouped with the original shape. You can no longer adjust the effect in the Appearance panel.
I used to use the BSI content fine in my old version of Inventor, but on this years version there appears to be no BSI content. I have tried reinstalling the content center and all of the options are selected but still no BSI?
I'm using a student version of inventor 2013, and i'm trying using the content center for add bolts at my project, but all the components are unable for my use, because everything are marked as read only.
How can i do for use these components? and other question, how can i create account at vault?
We have an extensive library of parts that we consistently utilize, but we do use Content Center for hardware and routed systems components.
All of our library parts have our company ERP's item number in the stock number iProperty, and the ERP's description in the Comments iProperty.
For CC items, we have added columns for these and mapped them to the appropriate iProperty.
Everything works great except for one thing.
Many of our ERP descriptions inlude inch marks, foot marks, and the & symbol. For our normal library parts thhis is not an issue. However, CC items utilize these characters differently. The result is our descriptions come out different that what is entered.
See the example below...
How to include these characters in the CC descriptions?
At my company we currently have a huge number of Autocad deployments for 2010,2011,2012. Right now our deployments weren't setup to include the content centers. I have installed 2012 Inventor on my personal computer as a trial version to grab the .idcl files. I was wondering if I would be able to just drag and drop these onto a server and have my co-workers point to the file location within inventor itself via options>content center>etc.
Two computers with Inventor Pro 2011 on them, same set up in Apllication Options/Content Center and Apllication Options/File. On one Inventor sees Content Center on the other does not. What could be the problem?
Installed 2014 recently, and now my Content Center has nothing in it. The "Place from Content Center" window loads, and there are no folders. My item count is 0. I've attached a screen shot for reference. Clicking the refresh button does nothing.
We have no custum hardware/materials/etc.
If I try to update the content center library (step 2), the Configure Libraries is full of "Not Available"s. Again, I've attached a screen shot. I'm nervous to continue migrating with out all that info.
There are two pc's with IV, and the content center is working fine on the other pc. The CC is a local thing, and only my computer seems to be upset.
I just created an empty Fastenal Library, and it is set to Read/Write. We order most of our fasteners from them, but not much else, so I used "Copy Category Structure To" Fastenal. I created a plain washer to add to the library, but when I try to publish it, I can't get it to work.
When I "Publish Part," I select Fastenal and English, then am asked to select a category to publish to. The Washers folder is greyed out, along with most other folders, but the Ball sub folder is not. I can't select Plain, which is what I need, but I can select Ball.
Also, is there a way to delete sub folders? I right click on Pins or Rivets, and the option to Delete Category is greyed out.
I have been working on creating custom content center families that will populate our company's part numbers and descriptions into the browser and drawing BOM. I have been quite successful in this except with the material. I've created custom materials for the fasteners that have the specified strengths and finishes per the fastener. By doing this I've created a different problem.
How can I create a custom property that will insert a specified value for material into the BOM? I've tried to change the link for Project.Material and then the part inserts as Inventor's default. I don't think creating individual material styles for each fastener is a viable one since I'll end up with duplicate style names.
IV 2012 Running on: Windows 7 64 bit 12 GB Ram Intel Xeon processer
I am using content center for fasteners I want for my assembly.However, when I close the assembly drawing and try to reopen it, the link has been lost between the assembly and the fasteners and I am unable to find them.
I have created a project file before I start the assignment thinking this will solve the linkage problem but no luck.
I'm trying to create a custom Content Center bolt that can be one of three different materials (6.8, 8.8, 10.9). The materials are stored in our Styles Library, and the project specifies "Use Styles Library = Yes"; so the three materials are visible from the Content Center Editor. The Material column in the Content Center Editor is defined to "Map To Inventor Property: Project.Material". Everything looks fine. But no matter what material I select, I get 6.8.
I've already got LOTS of parts published with custom materials and they all work fine, but the big difference is that these families are all the SAME material. I'm having problems with getting a family to use DIFFERENT materials. We're using Inventor 2009.
I'm looking for a 2" x 1" x 3/16" bar channel in the Content Center but I cannot find anything smaller than 3" x 1.41" x 0.17". I've been looking under Structural Shapes > Channels. Am I missing content from the Content Center? Or does this just not exist in the Content Center?
I'm very new to Autodesk Inventor 2013.I'm working on a small project on my laptop at school. Recently I tried to work on this project at home. So I put everything on a Memory Stick, plugged it in at home and opened the file as usual. The problem is that the file needs references to the content center parts like screws etc. and can't find them. I was looking through my whole computer for this content center files Inventor is asking me, but I can't find them.
If I open a new project and open the content center it works without problems. The problem is just that I can't tell Inventor where the parts are to which it needs to be referenced.
I am just starting to make assembly parts from the content center and have found that for the most it is useful. Unfortunately I have found that when these parts are placed in the assembly and a drawing is make of the assembly the bill of material lists total inches of a structural member rather than quantity of piece parts in the quantity column. Thus a 10" tube shows a QTY. of 100 in. rather than 10 piece parts. I have removed the check to export B_L in the function menu but that does not solve my problem. Is there a way to get this to read quantity of piece parts and not total length of material used?
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
We have upgraded from Inventor 2012 to 2013 in August and my company never uses the Content Center, but I need it now and when I opened it up, the center is empty. I need bolt and washers and its empty. I tried linking the libraries folder to the Content Center link but nothing.