Photoshop :: Posting All Layers Into Another Document

Jul 27, 2005

In Photoshop (5.5), how to paste all contents of one .psd into another .psd. All that happens is it pastes the contents of the layer I have selected. I already tried checking the link boxes of the non-selected layers, but that didn't seem to work. So...

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Photoshop :: Moving Layers From Document To Another...

Dec 8, 2008

why isn't it allowed to move a layer from one open document to another one when in the tabbed view? I can't drag&drop the layer on the doc's name in the tab row and have the layer appear in the document?

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Photoshop :: Drag And Drop Layers Onto Different Document In CS6

Dec 15, 2012

I loved an ability in Photoshop 5 to just drug and drop layer onto different doc tab to paste it. But seems like i cant do this anymore in Photoshop 6. Are the copy/paste and arrange docs  the only ways to move layers in to a new location in cs6?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Images Showing Up In Layers But Not Document?

Apr 25, 2013

Im currently running photoshop CS6 on windows 8 and when I try and open a file the images come up in the layers but not the actual document.

I know this has already been posted about Photoshop CS5 but I think CS6 is slightly different.

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Photoshop :: Get An ID CS4 Layered Document Into PS CS4 With The Layers Intact

May 16, 2009

How do I get an ID CS4 layered document into PS CS4 with the layers intact for further editing there?

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Photoshop Elements :: Reduce Resolution Of Photo Down To 100K For Posting On Web?

Feb 24, 2013

How do I reduce the resolution of a photo down to 100K for posting on the web?

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Photoshop :: Crashes On Duplicating Layers / Groups To New Document

Aug 11, 2013

Randomly on both of my computers. It happens on different versions of Photoshop, on WIN XP and WIN 7, so it's quite random. It happens everytime I want to duplicate layers, only when I duplicate them (or group) to new document. What to do about it?

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Photoshop :: Some Of Type Layers In Document Were Rasterized Because Of Error

Oct 29, 2013

When I launch Photoshop CC the following error appears:  Some of the type layers in this document were rasterized because an error prevented them from being read. Also when I click the text tool, a similar message appears, I am unable to create text. I am using a PC running Windows 8,

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Photoshop :: Resize All Layers In Document To Specific Size?

Mar 22, 2012

I'm looking for a way to resize all the layers in my document to a specific size.  I'd like to resize every layer to be exactly 6 inches in height (while keeping proportions constrained).  I can manually transform every layer to do this but I haven't found a way to do this automatically to all layers,  I've tried to do it as an action but it's recording it as a percentage and not a fixed height,  so it doesn't work on the other layers that aren't the exact same size. 

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Photoshop :: Selecting Layers Inside The Document Area

Apr 28, 2007

How do I select a layer inside the document area?

I would have thought that if I click on an object (in the document area) it should select the layer. But this does not happen. In order to select an layer, I have to select it from the Layers palette.

So is there any way I can select an layer inside the document area?

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Photoshop :: Convert Smart Objects / Layers From RGB To CMYK Document?

Sep 27, 2013

While working and when the job was nearly done (Photoshop document with several layers to correct wrinkles, teeth, neck...) , I found out that the document is setup RGB.I have to convert it into CMYK but I don't want to merge it or lose layers since I need them in another Photoshop document too.
While converting the image from RGB to CMYK, I found out that some of the layers (hue/saturation adjustment layers) don't exist anymore when converted to CMYK...How do I get these layers (or at least the effect they give to the design) in CMYK?

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Photoshop :: How To Save A Document That Has Adjustment Layers Without Changing The Appearance

Nov 16, 2013

Basically I am making a new pattern of stars, so I created a 1000 by 1000 document, filled with black, added noise, then added an adjustment layer to thin out the noise and make it look like stars in space. It looks great!

How to save it without the effect changing. I tried flattening the image, and it messed up how I wanted it to look. I tried merging visible, that didn't work. I tried just saving it as a PNG, like I do with all my projects, but that didn't work. And defining a pattern did the exact same thing. I just want to have what I physically see on the screen save as is so I can use it with other things.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended - Error (Some Of Type Layers In Document Rasterized)

May 27, 2013

Just recently started getting the follwing error when opening any file up in Photoshop CS6 Extended. Running Windos 8, 64bit with 16GB of RAM and plenty of free disk space. 
"Some of the type layers in this document were rasterized becasue an error prevented them from being read"

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GIMP :: Posting Image Map On Website?

Sep 3, 2012

I used gimp to create an image map but for some reason cant make that visible on my website. I know there is something I have to do with...source code I guess but I'm not sure how.....?

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AutoCad :: Posting Text In Isometric

Dec 13, 2011

I seem to be having trouble posting a text in NE isometric. I tried to convert to layout but no images appeared.

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Photoshop :: Using Transform Or Selection Tools Makes Non-background Layers Or Whole Document Invisible

Dec 15, 2012

I recently started having this problem in Photoshop CS6 where using the transform or selection tools makes all the layers other than my background layer disappear so I can't see what I'm selection or transforming. This happens randomly out of nowhere. I can be using those tools all day with no problem, and then out of nowhere it starts making things invisible.

There doesn't seem to be any other programs running that would cause it (not that that should be an issue, my computer could easily run all my Adobe programs at once if I wanted it to), and the only thing that seems to fix it so far is restarting Photoshop. But that gets old really fast when I have to do it over and over again. I tried calling Adobe, but somehow they're always closed, even during their supposed hours of operation.

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VideoStudio :: Can't Get Clear Enough Images When Posting To YouTube

Aug 20, 2013

I just purchased x6. Here's what I'm trying to do...

I am a composer and I want to create "score perusal" videos of my music which I will upload to YouTube and embed on my website. I compose using a software notation program called Finale. There are two "views" in Finale:

1. Page view: the score looks just like an actual score with pages numbers, the notes, words, etc. showing one page at a time

2. Scroll view where the score is laid out horizontally.

In either view, I can "play" the score while a green line follows the music, turning pages (in page view) or scrolling horizontally (in scroll view). I can also "print" the pages as PDFs (but not as images).

Here's what I've tried in VSx6:

1. Using Screen Capture, I recorded the score as it scrolled across the screen. I put that Screen Capture in the video track and then imported the audio into the music track and synced it up. In VSx6 when I played it back using "project," the score looks bad (fuzzy). If I play back only the scrolling score (iow, no audio) it looks good (not razor sharp but legible), however, it can't afford to lose any sharpness or it will become too fuzzy. I have read on this forum that I should ignore such the quality before the movie is created (rendered?) and that all be well when saved as a movie.

2. From Finale I exported each page as a PDF (that my only choice). Concerted the PDFs to .png files. I tried normal and high quality. The higher quality (larger) the png file, the worse it looked in VS. Using a movie template, I put the .png files in as "pictures" (pages) and then, again, I synced the music.

I've tried saving the above in about every format available but seem clear enough, especially once they get uploaded to youtube.

I know there are many parameters. The two most important things are size, that is, I want the score to go from top to bottom of the frame since the notes are small, and of course, clarity... crisp as possible.

-Do I want 60p/50 editing checked under "Settings"? I can't see what it does.

-I assume I want 4:3 ratio since these are portrait pages?? (If I have 16:9 unchecked, does that mean 4:3 becomes the default?)

-In screen capture, does a higher quality monitor make a clearer picture, or does it not matter?

-In YouTube I note that one has to click the gear and then select 1080p. If Auto is set then it seems to play at 720p? I've only come close to what I need by setting it to 1080p but I fear many will not even know that setting is there.

Bottom, line, is it possible to get a clear enough image on YouTube or is this just not doable? I haven't tried printing (in ink) the score then scanning the pages and loading them into a movie. Is that a better option perhaps?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Edit A Response Posting?

Mar 16, 2012

I have noticed that if I start a thread I can edit the posting, but if I respond I cannot edit that posting.  How do you edit a response posting?

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Illustrator :: Copying Layers From One Document To Another

Oct 9, 2013

using Cs6, locked down all the layers I didnt want to copy across, select all, copy .. new document select paste remembers layers, paste in front, all layers beautifully copied but I cant see any of them on the artboard, only in the layers panel.  There is nothing on top of the layers.

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Lightroom :: Program Is Constantly Freezing Up And Posting Not Responding?

Mar 17, 2013

I am trying out the free trial of LR4.  My OS is Windows 7.  The program is constantly freezing up and posting "Not Responding" at the top of my screen.  I really dolike the program and would like to purchase it at the end of the trial, but only if the "Not Responding" stops.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Edit On Layers On Number Of Document?

Jul 24, 2012

how can i edit on layers on a number of document 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Turn Off / On All Layers In Active Document

Jan 5, 2014

I would like to turn off all the existing layers in active document. I have found in developer's guide how to turn off one layer with specified layer name but can not apply it on all layers with any layername.

I tried to get all the Object ID's in layer table and then for each object turn layer off but seems that it does not work.
<CommandMethod("FilterLayers")> _Public Sub FilterLayers()'' Get the current document and databaseDim acDoc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocumentDim acCurDb As Database = acDoc.Database'' Start a transactionUsing acTrans As Transaction = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()'' Open the Layer table for readDim LayerTable As LayerTable = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)Dim LayerTableRecord As LayerTableRecord = acTrans.GetObject(LayerTable.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite)For Each ObjectId In LayerTableLayerTableRecord.IsOff = TrueNext'' Save the changes and dispose of the transactionacTrans.Commit()End UsingEnd Sub

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Inspection Dimension With VBA And Posting Them In Excel

Aug 3, 2006

I would like to write a VBA macro which is able to find all of my inspection dimensions (rounded box in Inventor 11) and write some values into an excel sheet. Now, my problem is to identify the inspection dimension. I already looked into the API Object Model from Autodesk and into "all" properties of a drawing I created but I couldn't find them. I found the dimensions in the properties but no hint of an inspection flag.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Read Layers In Active Document From External App?

Jul 22, 2012

I have an external drawing processor and one of the functions is to read the layers in an AutoCAd drawing and if the name matches freeze/thaw it. With modifications over the years I have had it working with 2002 through 2008. Now I'm getting errors. When I tru to use the Interop, I get "Call Rejected by Callee" errors, when I use the

ApplicationServices method to get the application and active document, I getI" Method 'GetEnumerator' in type 'Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.LayerTable' from assembly 'Acdbmgd, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation." errors.

Basically for the interop method I use this

Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop Public Function GetAcadApp() As AcadApplication Dim progID As String = My.Settings.strAcadProgID Dim acApp As AcadApplication =


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Illustrator :: Why Do Layers Disappear From Template / When Open It As New Document In AI CS5

Dec 16, 2013

I created a template and placed it in the Graphic Styles folder. When I use the New command and select the new template from Graphic Styles, the Guide layer disappears. When I double click the template to open it the guides are there. Why is the guide layer getting stripped out when I use the New command? I want to avoid opening from template everytime.
The weird thing is that I had a template that was opening with guides until I made some changes to it. Now it doesn't work either.

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Illustrator SDK :: Document Becomes Unsaved After Exporting Layers As JPEG

Mar 11, 2011

I've wrritten a plug-in to export the layer as jpeg.everything is fine except that the  current document becomes unsaved after exporting the layer.
I want to know that it use to be so  or  I'm wrong anywhere?
the process which I followed ---
1-) Created an empty Artset and filled it with layer contents.
2-) Then Rasterize the Artset.
3-) Then created a data filter containing the path where to export.
4) Then used AsJPEG( ) to create jpeg.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Convert Layers In Document To Artboards?

Sep 24, 2013

Script which would convert the layers in a document to artboards? At present I have a lot of documents with a couple of hundred layers on each of them, but I've decided to change the way that I organise my workflow and started using artboards instead. I don't really have the time to spend moving them individually from a layer over on to an artboard as there are a lot.

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Lightroom :: Facebook Posting Making New Multiple Bars On Left Panel

Jan 10, 2013

Everytime I post an album to facebook a new facebook icon bar on left panel is created. Is this correct? The bar has the facebook icon as well as arrow to expand with only one album listed under it.  I cannot imagine having endless bars for facebook as I upload albums.  How do I correct this path.Also it doesn't show a wall post place as I saw on a tutorial. there is only an option to amke albums.  What if I want to post a single photo to my wall?

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Illustrator :: Change Default Highlight Colors For Layers In New Document?

May 30, 2013

Can you change permanently the default highlight color(s) for layers in new documents? CS6

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AutoCad :: Create New Document With New Layers But Paste In Existing Floor Plan

Apr 24, 2013

I am trying to create a new document with new layers, but paste in an existing floor plan since it's the shell I need to be using. When I copy clip and insert into new file, all the layers import with it. I transferred everything onto 0 layers and went into my layer manager to try and delete the extra layers and it says i cannot delete o, xref dependent, etc. I want to create my own layers, and then assign the lines in the plan myself onto the new layers.

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Illustrator Scripting :: Create New Document With Profile And Multiple / Named Layers?

Mar 27, 2013

I can't figure out the proper commands to fill out and complete the script below. What I am trying to do is:
- Create a new document using one of the Profile presets (or have the New Document dialogue open so I could select the profile, size and bleed)
- Make 3 layers, each with a diferent name
- Create a rectangle the size of the artboard on the bottom layer, with a swatch stroke and no fill
- Create a rectangle the size of the bleed on the middle layer, with no stroke or fill
Like I said, I haven't gotten far at all. I've read through the basic scripting guides and I'm just not understanding all of the language needed to string things together.
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
make new document
set topLayer to make new layer ¬
at beginning of document 1 with properties {name:"Vector"}
set bottomLayer to make new layer ¬
at end of document 1 with properties {name:"Through Cut"}
end tell

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