not sure if i'm posting this in the right area as it's more of a feature request. I just wanted to see what other pro users thought of it.
many a time i am trying to make a mish-mash to get some ideas flowing quickly. ok, I have a 120 x 400 document (banner or something)....and i am trying to play with some fonts or some pasted image that has to fit the height only. so if i scale the image/font up, it stretches far out to the right of the doc (about 50% or more for example) and is cut off.
now, to make the doc the right size for the *idea*, i have to resize the canvas with a little guess work to obtain the best fit and then fix the background, etc. if I change my mind...I have to do it all again, etc, etc
I have a 8800 GTX and I've got my hands on PS CS4 but apparently, all that stuff of smooth and continuous zoom in and out, capability of tossing the image is not present on my machine. This may be a stupid question but, do I need to do something on the graphics card so that it will support the GPU improvement?
I have sketches and files on Adobe Idea on the iPad. How to I bring them into Illustrator and preserve the layers, etc? .png, .pdf and .jpg don't seem to do this. I am just starting out with these programs.
How do I stop the Adobe Product Improvement Program prompt from coming up every time I open Photoshop CS5 on my Mac, even after I have responded that I do not want to participate? This is becoming very annoying and I have looked on line for a method to turn this off without luck.
I'm working on a flyer on a 8x11 canvas, but I want all of the elements I'm working to be transferred to a NTSC video film format. I understand how to a open a NTSC (Video Film Canvas), but I do not understand how to convert a canvas that I'm working to that.
I just got CS5.1 at my job. This must be a preference, but when I adjust the Canvas size, it will constrain the image, rather than cropping the canvas. The Anchor in the Canvas Size menu appears outlined (highlighted?) which indicates that this is something in preferences that I can adjust.
our office has decided to use the smart labeling for our TC elevations on street plans in addition to the FG and pad elevations - all these labels are tied directly to the surface and street centerline. It scares me a little, because if the labels themselves move slightly, their elevation changes. And, if the surface changes unintentionally then all the elevations change.
i resently installed cs4 and when i open a new doc and creat a canvas... the canvas shows up in my layers but not on the screen.... the same is true when i open a past project... the layers of the project are in the layers palate but their is again .. no image on the screen...
i tryed uninstalling and reinstalling.
i have: vista ultimate x64 sp1 amd phenom 2.3 quad-core 4gb ram 512mb graphics 1t hd
I insert pictures on camvas on Photoshop cs4 ok?the size is even bigger or smaller from canvas. I need to insert a picture and with a single command (key shortcut) this picture to be resized to fit the camvas there a key shortcut that does this action?i dont want to create an action.
I have been running into an issue whenever I try to open up Photo Shop CS5 on my Mac. While trying to open up a document, whether it be a brand new one or opening up a previous file, the canvas is missing.
On the side in my workspace all the layers and options are visible but there is no image to be found. I have searched online and found that holding: "command+option+shift" will reset the preferences and that usually does the trick. Problem is that after I quite out of PS and reopen it, I run into the same problem.
I clicked something by accident in CS4 and now the canvas stretches all the way to the right, with a couple of panels floating over the upper right part of the expanded canvas, with right scroll bar obscured by those floating panels. I want it back to what I believe is default, with the panels in their own static section on the right, separate from the canvas.Where is "reset" or something else to restore?
I'm using CS6 and have everything running as usual. I make a new file, normal size of my art and everything, but the canvas (background) does not show up.
I also have navigator open since I use full screen. So as I draw strokes, I see them appearing in the navigator, but I cannot see the canvas. All I see is the color of grey. Although the canvas is certainly there, since I can make visible strokes, it seems as if it were transparent, except I hadn't done anything with the image to start.
I just cut an object out of a picture and copied it to a new canvas. The object was not rectangular so I had some canvas showing. I'm not even sure how I did it, but I was able to find the command to turn the canvas clear, which is what I wanted. After I saved and exited, I placed that file into an InDesign document but the canvas was showing up white, not clear.
I'll place a large image on a small canvas and start erasing the background, then if I move it, I see parts of the background outside of the canvas. Is there a quick and easy way to delete parts of the image that fall outside of the canvas?
Is there a command that will let me scale an image to the canvas? I am importing a lot of images into PS and need them to be 600x600 or less. having to use transform on every one is very time consuming. I believe I have seen a command in photoshop called fit to canvas...
not sure though any solution? I have also tried batch image resizers but we are pulling the images off the internet and it takes too long to save the files with the correct image name etc... if i could find a command in PS that would just resize the image to the size of the canvas it.
I'm using PSCS and I can't get the entire canvas to rotate 90 degrees or flip vertically or horizontally (see attached screen shot). In fact Edit>Transform is dimmed unless I Select All, but then I lose part of the image unless I stop, make a bigger canvas, select all, rotate and deselect. Another workaround is, I can make the background layer into an O layer and then I can flip and rotate, but again,only the image moves, not the canvas. I used to be able to do it but not since I re-installed PSCS.
I was trying to add 5mm around the canvas, when i noticed something strange.
I changed the measurement to cm, then added 1cm to each, Height and Width, then changed the Width measurement to mm (which changed both displays to mm) but only one of the setting changed to mm; the height still had the same value it had when displayed in cm.
This only happens when both Height and Width are changed.
im currently working on a project that requires a very large canvas. currently, photoshop will not create any canvas with pixel dimentions of over 30k x 30k. the only way i can currently fit my entire image is to drastically lower the image DPI, any way to change this limitation photoshop has, or if theres another program I can use to do this?
Is there any way to make it so that layers outside the canvas are visible? Like on Flash MX if you have a layer that is outside your stage, then you can still see them.
I have been using the action Hayes Island Variant on a couple of my photos, it makes them look like they are painted on canvas. The problem is that it uses the built-in Photoshop texturizer for sandstone and canvas, and in the more open areas like water and sky, you can see a repeating square pattern. I printed it out on glossy paper, and you can definitely see it. I want to get this blown up on a poster. Any suggestions on another canvas texture that doesn't look like this, or some other way to fix it?
I am trying to open a new document to make a design that will be printed.Since it will be printed, I set my resolution to 300 ppi.I need my canvas size to be 6.5" by 3.625", but the canvas size automatically sets itself to 6.5" by 3.627", and I can't change it.
I have designed a billboard and used various photos. Due to changes in the positions of the layers, I ended up with a canvas bigger than the photo. So I need to remove the extra canvas. How do I remove the extra canvas?
I can use the marque tool to copy/cut and paste the photo unto a new file, and hence get rid of the extra canvas. If this is the way forward, is there a precise way to get the marquee tool to the edges of the photo? Is there a function to snap the marquee to the edge of the photo?
I bought Adobe creative suit 6 design standard yesterday. when using photoshop, the background canvas flickers and becomes transparent when i do things (zoom, erase, brush)
I have followed the solution of changing the drawing mode to Basic, but it is still an issue and is making photoshop unusable.
I have attached a picture that gives a good reference to what I would like to do, simply put - i have taken the background out of a picture but I just need to extended the empty background to the left so i can add a logo there.