Photoshop :: No Apparent GPU Improvement In PS CS4

Nov 13, 2008

I have a 8800 GTX and I've got my hands on PS CS4 but apparently, all that stuff of smooth and continuous zoom in and out, capability of tossing the image is not present on my machine. This may be a stupid question but, do I need to do something on the graphics card so that it will support the GPU improvement?

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Photoshop :: CS5 - How To Stop Adobe Product Improvement Program Prompt

Oct 7, 2012

How do I stop the Adobe Product Improvement Program prompt from coming up every time I open Photoshop CS5 on my Mac, even after I have responded that I do not want to participate?  This is becoming very annoying and I have looked on line for a method to turn this off without luck.

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Photoshop :: Product Improvement Program Dialog Not Drawing Correctly

Aug 24, 2013

I have no Virus software running on a MacBook Pro with Photoshop CC

Mac OSX 10.8.3
Other CC apps working
Has worked without fault previously
And i get this

Product Improvement Program dialog box and the program will not launch
I do not want to be involved in Program assistance programs and I do want to work.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Risk Associated With Using Smart Labels For Grading And Improvement Plans

May 2, 2012

our office has decided to use the smart labeling for our TC elevations on street plans in addition to the FG and pad elevations - all these labels are tied directly to the surface and street centerline.  It scares me a little, because if the labels themselves move slightly, their elevation changes.  And, if the surface changes unintentionally then all the elevations change.

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Photoshop :: Photoshop Canvas Improvement Idea

Mar 3, 2009

not sure if i'm posting this in the right area as it's more of a feature request. I just wanted to see what other pro users thought of it.

many a time i am trying to make a mish-mash to get some ideas flowing quickly. ok, I have a 120 x 400 document (banner or something)....and i am trying to play with some fonts or some pasted image that has to fit the height only. so if i scale the image/font up, it stretches far out to the right of the doc (about 50% or more for example) and is cut off.

now, to make the doc the right size for the *idea*, i have to resize the canvas with a little guess work to obtain the best fit and then fix the background, etc. if I change my mind...I have to do it all again, etc, etc

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Photoshop :: How To Resolve Apparent PSD File Conflict

Oct 20, 2012

I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 when it was released.  A couple of weeks ago I uninstalled both CS5 and an old version of Photoshop Elements v7 that had been on my machine. 
Even though I use CS6 I just noticed that when I look for or open a PSD file from CS6 that my PSD files are defined in the "Type" column as follows "PhotoshopElements.PSDFile.7"
I no longer have Elements 7 on my machine and I'm concerned that there might be an artifact from that old app that is being used by CS6 instead of current versions of PSD.
How to confirm I am using only current CS6 PSD converions?
Environment:  Windows 7, CS6, Lightroom 4.

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Photoshop :: CS4 And CC / CS6 Crashing For No Apparent Reason (Windows 7)

Jul 27, 2013

I’m currently having a serious problem with my Photoshop CS4 where it continuously crashes, for no apparent reason, since July 16, 2013.   I have done everything recommended via Adobe forum to try and fix this problem though it still persists. It crashes randomly and I am usually unable to use Photoshop for more than 20 minutes. Below is the error message that appeared when Photoshop crashed,
Error Message for CS4
Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:                        APPCRASH
  Application Name:                             Photoshop.exe
  Application Version:                 
  Application Timestamp:                     4bf2d91c
  Fault Module Name:                          Photoshop.exe
  Fault Module Version:              
  Fault Module Timestamp:                  4bf2d91c


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Photoshop :: Apparent Frame Delay In Animation

Jan 13, 2009

I already set the frame delay to 0secs but when I "save as web design..." but when I save it as a .gif after this step, viewing in FIREFOX browser, the animated gif is not the original speed. It has some delay.

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Photoshop :: Extensions Suddenly Crashing CS6 For No Apparent Reason?

May 20, 2013

They were working correctly yesterday, and now the presence of any extension, including 'Adobe Exchange,' will cause the entire application to hang once they are selected from their panel. This seems to be the case for any/all extensions (at least the ones I use). Once I remove them all, the stock tools on the right-hand panel work correctly. However, adding back any of them means that using the panel will crash the application - whether it is selecting an extension or using a built-in feature like "Adjustments" or "3D".
Curiously, when an extension is added to the panel (assuming I don't click on it and crash PS) and I close the application like normal, Photoshop also hangs on exit, forcing me to 'force quit' it. I am not sure how that is related, but there seems to be some kind of correlation.
I'm on an early-2011 macbook pro, 8gb of ram, Radeon 6750M with 1gb of video ram, loads of disk space.

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Photoshop :: 3D Object - Black Square Seems To Pop Up For No Apparent Reason

Apr 4, 2013

I dont know if this is just me but whenever i try to create and work with a 3D object in Photoshop, this black square seems to pop up for no apparent reason and its really bugging me [mainly because it sometimes blocks my view of the perspective].

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Photoshop :: How To Resolve Apparent Conflict With Versions Of PSD Files

Oct 20, 2012

I upgraded from CS5 to CS6 when it was released. A couple of weeks ago I uninstalled both CS5 and an old version of Photoshop Elements v7 that had been on my machine.
Even though I use CS6 I just noticed that when I look for or open a PSD file from CS6 that my PSD files are defined in the "Type" column as follows "PhotoshopElements.PSDFile.7"

I no longer have Elements 7 on my machine and I'm concerned that there might be an artifact from that old app that is being used by CS6 instead of current versions of PSD.
How to confirm I am using only current CS6 PSD conversions?
Environment: Windows 7, CS6, Lightroom 4.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Apparent Intersection Not Working?

Jan 22, 2013

Having problems dimensioning to an apparent intersection in an IDW?

Once I hover over both lines to show the intersect and both line do intersect but it should turn green, it's not, it just keeps yellow.

It is placing the dim in the right place but it's also not drawing in the intersect lines.

It was working last month as I have a drawing to prove it.This is on a few machines.

Also moving dimension is a problem. Sometimes they will not reattach after moving one end.

AIP2011 sp2

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Mirroring From Apparent Midpoint?

Mar 22, 2013

Is there a command out there that allows you to mirror objects from an apparent midpoint from like an otrack without physically drawing a line then having to erase it later? I thought there was a way to do it, but my memory is failing me.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Apparent Error In Area Command

Dec 4, 2012

I have a 3D polyline (blue in attached) for which I am trying to calculate the surface area. I use the area-->object command and get 1912342m2 in AutoCAD 2012. My colleague uses the same command in AutoCAD LT 2009 and gets 1807093m2. Due to the discrepancy, I roughly traced a polyline (yellow in attached) around the area in AutoCAD 2012 and I get approx. 1810000m2 so assumedly the AutoCAD LT 2009 version is giving the correct answer while my AutoCAD 2012 is not! 

Why am I getting a different area for the the difference is due to it being a 3D polyline?  Is there a way I can ensure I obtain the correct area using the 3D polyline?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Trim Lines Of Apparent Intersection?

Jul 3, 2012

I'm using ACA 2008 and used to be able to pick two lines that didn't physically cross each other and use the trim command to trim them based on where they would cross if they extended to each other.  But it doesn't seem to do it anymore.

Best way I can describe it is it used to trim at the apparent interest ion of where they would come together.  I'm sure there's some easy fix to this, just don't know where it's at.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Multileader Landing Distance Changes To Apparent Random Value (-8 / ±)

Nov 9, 2011

I'm having a frequent but random problem with Multileaders where the landing distance will change on its own from its initial standard 1/8 inch to some relatively large negative distance which also causes the landing to disappear altogether. If I use the move trick for resetting all elevations to zero (Move 0,0,10e99 then 0,0,10e-99) the landing will reappear connecting the landing grip at the strange negative offset.

The problem seems only to happen when the leader is connected to the bottom right of the note.

When I remove the leader and add a new leader it appears correct but as soon as I save the drawing the affected Multileaders will again present this problem.
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit - Service Pack 1
Intel﴾R﴿ Core﴾TM﴿ i7-3820 CPU 3.60GHz; 16 GB DDR3 Dual Channel RAM
nVidia Quadro 4000; AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013, sp1

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Use Osnap APParent Intersect

Feb 2, 2000

How can use the Osnap "APParent Intersect" into a Lisp.Others osnap options use only one point as CENter option below:

(setq pt2 (osnap pt1 "cen"))

But to use APParent Intersect ou Perpendicular is necessary two points.I've tried use:

(setq pt2 (osnap pt1 "app"))
(setq pt2 (osnap pt1 pt2 "app"))
(setq pt2 (osnap pt1 "app" pt2))
(setq pt2 (osnap "app" pt1 pt2))

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Program Hangs Up For No Apparent Reason?

Oct 21, 2013

I have an AutoLISP program that hangs up for no apparent reason. I can run the program with an Alert in the loop. The program is a sheet generator, creating a border (insert with attributes), dimensions and MultiLeaders in Model Space, then a new Layout Tab is generated and the new elements are CHSPACEd into the new layout. An Alert temporarily halts the program once the task of a new Layout is created. In this form, the program works as designed. However, if I comment out the Alert, the program hangs up as if in an infinite loop. Also, hitting Escape does not cancel the AutoLISP, I must use Task Manager to end AutoCAD instead. My computer was recently upgraded to Win7 64-bit. I'm running 64-bit versions of software. (AutoCAD MAP 2011).

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Distinction Between Intersection And Apparent Intersection In Snaps

Sep 15, 2012

What distinction is between “intersection” and “apparent intersection” in snaps,. I’m not sure what difference is between the “intersection” and “apparent intersection” in snaps.

Software: AutoCAD 2014, AutoCAD C3D, AutoCAD M3D, Revit
Windows 7 (Ultimate 64 bits),
Firefox 20.0,
Kaspersky 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ordinate Dimension To Apparent Intersection? (but Not Using Ordinate Set)

Jun 11, 2013

There was a message on here about using Ordinate Set to create an ordinate dimension to an apparent intersection and I've managed to do that, but is there a way to use just Ordinate to dimension to an apparent intersection? I've tried dragging and right click menu but no luck.

I'm using Inventor Professional 2012.

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Photoshop :: Error: Cannot Initiate Photoshop Because Photoshop Cannot Create Any More Windows

Nov 2, 2008

Version: Photoshop CS (1)

Computer: Pentium 2.4 gHz dual core

4 Gigs Ram

Nvidia 7950 video card Win XP Home

I started to get this strange error with my Photoshop when making a new document in Photoshop and got the following error: "cannot initiate Photoshop because Photoshop cannot create any more windows".

I thought the easiest thing to do would be to reinstall (Photoshop needs reinstalling extremely often unfortunately), but now when I try and open the program it just give an alert beep and closes back up. Even though I rarely use ImageReady, I opened that up to check and it does the same behavior.

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Photoshop :: 'save To Web' From Photoshop To Image Ready Changes Original's Color Before Optimizin

May 28, 2004

Can anyone tell me what color settings I need to set in photoshop in order to avoid this from happening? It only happens once in a while and I don't know what I've done to fix it or screw it up. What happens is that when I'm in photoshop and I do a "save for web" my document jumps to image ready and when viewing '2 up' for optimization purposes and comparison, I realize that the original view is actually duller in color and does not look like the original in photoshop. The blacks are definitely not as black.

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Photoshop :: Can Photoshop CS Give Smooth Lines To Older MacPaint Clip Art?

Jun 7, 2004

when I got my first Macintosh IICX and all of my MacPaint clip art. I don't want to get rid of the clip art because since I'm still using a black ink printer and not upgrading to a color one, the clip art looks nice in newsletters and the like.

Up until this time I had been using SuperPaint which had the New Superbits editing plug-in to refine the pictures so they had the smoother and cleaner lines instead of looking jagged. With my new computer and printer, I'm also getting Photoshop CS packaged with Adobe Creative Suite Premium, which I have never used before. Since I have not received my order yet, I was wondering if anyone could tell me whether Photoshop has the capability of improving the older MacPaint clip art like SuperPaint did with the New SuperBits editing plug-in. Over the past two days, I have been trying like crazy to back-up my pictures with SuperPaint and then re-saving them with Graphic Converter. It's been so incredibly slow that I thought I would go ahead and ask you, the experts, if Photoshop can also improve the quality of my older MacPaint clip art or if I should continue to back-up my clip art like I have been doing.

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Photoshop :: Error :: 'Could Not Complete Your Request Because Photoshop Does Not Recognise This Type Of File'

Jun 17, 2008

I have just got back from the Elbow gig and pulled the images off the card. They load up in Bridge but don't have actual picture thumbnails. They are named correctly, ie: IMG_3483.CR2 but they won't open!? Error message says 'Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognise this type of file'

I could see them on the back of the camera.

mac users... i did a software update the other day and I noticed that there was an update for ACR. Could it have been something to do with that? And why can't I find ACR in my Applications?

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Photoshop Elements :: Uploading Photoshop Pictures To Website Using Browse From Site

Apr 29, 2013

I use Photoshop Elements 11.  I am trying to upload photos to a website and the browse only goes to Windows/Pictures. How do I navigate to photoshop to upload pictures there?

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Photoshop :: Adobe Photoshop Hacking For Working Special Characters?

Oct 30, 2012

of Adobe Photoshop v6.0.1 (quite old, I know, but it do all I want and on my old HW I did not plan/want to use any more recent version, because they are HUGE and with just a little preferences trick, I did not need to reinstall my PS - ever ), yet as Czech user, I need my software to type some special characters as well. These are looking like this:

Now the only problem is, that some of them PS just refuse to type. Seven small and seven caps are just wrong. See the line "for PS:"...
I battled the problem even by editing the fonts itsels, because that seems to work with Adobe Illustrator, yet this also cause the edited fonts to be useless in another programs. So I looked deeply and in the Adobe settings in directory Fonts / Reqrd are directory CMaps and perhaps editing the character map used will be better and usable solution? how to do it or even determine with file from the 96 files in the CMaps directory are right now used by Adobe Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Error / Could Not Initialize Photoshop Because Preferences File Invalid

Aug 21, 2012

Everytime I open my CS6, it always show " Could not initialize Photoshop because the preferences file was invalid (it has been deleted)" I reinstalled it but it is still popping out.

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Photoshop :: Saving Tagra Files With Alpha Channels In Photoshop 7

Mar 8, 2004

when I try to save a tagra file with a alpha channel in photoshop 7 the box for the alpha channel is greyed out, with an warning sign next to it, and the line below stating "file must be saved as a copy with this selection" When I examine the saved file the alpha channel is not there!

Has anybody got any idea why?

My old version of photoshop 6, allows you to save alpha channels!

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Photoshop :: Photoshop Soft Edge Tool Feature Missing

Mar 21, 2007

the soft edge feature of the eraser and the brush no longer work. I can go into the pallet and choose a soft edge eraser or brush, but it comes up hard edge. When I try to use the marquee box with a feather to get a soft edge, I again get a hard edge. I've used this technique a lot, so I think I'm doing the method properly. I have removed the preference files a number of times and have trashed the old Photoshop and reinstalled Photoshop 3 or 4 times,

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Photoshop :: Reset Settings On Softwares Such As Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Etc?

Dec 29, 2008

I am working on someone elses computer and the Software settings are different. The old owner does not use this computer anymore. The swatches are set and I would like it to function how it usually does, etc. I mean, even the transparent swatch on the tool bar is not there anymore, so when I use the pen path tool, I get these white and black fills which makes it difficult for me to see the path I am meant to be following.

How do I reset Photoshop so that I can customise it the way I want it? Reinstalling the softwares is not an option.

I would like to reset Illustrator, Indesign, Dreamweaver, etc.

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Photoshop :: Zoom Tool Zooms EVERY Photoshop Window At Same Time!

Aug 24, 2006

I'm having trouble with my zoom tool. If I have multiple Photoshop windows open, when I go to either zoom in or out of the top window... ALL the other windows mirror what's happening to the top window.

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