I have finished designing a postcard that I wish to print and need to get the card to fit into an Avery template I downloaded from their site.
I cannot copy the picture and get it to change to the correct size for post office standards. I can get one on its own. I cannot get anything remotely close to the correct size into the template. Every time I copy and paste it does so but really really small and unable to change the size of the image at all once it is in the template.
I'm trying to paste in things like "N.G.", "Top of Bank", "Edge of Water" all at certain points to annotate the topography. I've tried the following:
text N.G 800,90 text Top of Bank 820,90
But I keep getting the prompt for annotation angle and it gets stuck there so I tried:
text N.G 800,90 90 text Top of Bank 820,90 90
But the same thing occurs. I need the text to be vertical. I've done some searching here, but haven't come up with much. I don't want to resort to creating blocks and importing the attributes as I'm sure it's much easier than that.
When I finish adjusting (in the Develop Module) and I click "copy" and select the items I want to copy, then what I want to do is apply (paste) these settings into a number of images.
What I'm doing is then I highlight ("Crtl+Click") several images in the Filmstrip. Once these images are highlight (filmstrip images highlighted), I then click "Paste" - but the only image that is changed (settings applied) is the first filmstrip image.
How do I select in the filmstrip the images I want to adjust (apply the copied settings) and have the settings applied to all the selected images?
I'm sure this is obvious and there has got to be a way to apply this "recipe" to all the selected images without having to create a collection or do it one-at-a-time.
This is proably the same issue, but when I want to rotate several images (in the Library module), if I select them in the flimstrip, only the first image rotates when I click the clock-wise or counter-clock-wise arrow. Same issue? Can this be done in the filmstrip?
I have 6 layers in a comp, and I'm taking them across, via copy/paste, to another comp. Each second layer is an Alpha channel for the one below it. However when they're pasted into the next comp they ALWAYS are reversed, or randomly resorted, ruining everything about their blends and alpha relationships with one another.
Why does After Effects do this? Is there a way to prevent it from happening?
This doesn't just happen in this instance, I've noticed it nearly always happening when pasting multiple layers.
I'm trying to paste objects from one file into another file. Specifically, I'm copying the outline of a house plan and trying to paste it on top of a lot drawing. I'm doing both in model space but the house is significantly larger when I paste it on to the second drawing (the lot drawing). I'm doing it all in model space which should be 1:1, right?
The lot file is drawn with decimal dims and the house is drawn with architectural dims (but I don't think it matters). how to paste from one drawing to another without it altering the scale?
Incidently, I'm trying to make a library of these house shells so that I can just place the shell in the (various) lot files to see if they fit.
I'm running AutoCad LT 2006 on a Windows 7 64bit pc and keep getting the error message ''ARX ERROR: eDuplicateKey'' when copying and pasting objects from one cad file to another.
I'm using AutoCAD 2009 . is there a way of copying paste the dimension style of one file to another. I have to manually set the dimension style in every new file i create. I want to have uniformity in all my floor plans. I know of the alternative of having all the floor plans in one single file. But I don't want it that way.
I can not paste photos from my photos file. If I start a blank file I can paste anything photos want from the web in as many layers as I want. If I try to paste a photo from my own photos file it becomes the back ground by itself. I don't know how to stop this. Using photoshop elements 11.
I recently learned of what sounded like a wonderful Elements feature: Scan as many photos as you can fit on your scanner bed and Elements will divide the scan into individual photos. The key was to use the "Divide Scanned Photos" command on the Image menu. Sounds great, but that command is always grayed out. How come? And is there some way for me to make the command work?
I am trying to resize multiple photos by using the batch option. I have created an action and then go into batch and select that action. It's not working. Anybody have any ideas on how I can resize my photos all at once??
In CS3 I can go to a file and chose 10 or more photos at one time. If I open 3 in CS4... I can adjust the first one but as soon as I close it and open the next photo.. the background for the next photo comes in black.same for the rest I have chosen.
When I try to open multiple raw photos from cs6 mini bridge, after selecting them, none open up. If I do one it works fine. I also tried the review mode and only one opens.
i want to print some customsized photos to a sheet of photo paper. Will PS CS4 do this? If so how? It appears that PS elements 10 will do trhis but i don't want to buy iy if PS4 will do the job.
I open several photos onto the desktop at one time for adjusting. when I magnify one during my adjustments then reduce it by right clicking "fit to screen" - all the other images stay enlarged. It is very time consuming to reduce the size back down for every image as I adjust them. If I use minus magnify then I have a chorus of images getting smaller...
Is there anyway to have each image on the desktop act independently from each other? Some sort of unlinking?
I take an image and change the brightness, color balance and then i resize it, etc..etc..
I now want to do the same actions on multiple photos. Is there a way to do that? Is that the history brush?
Also if there is a way, then can the same be done using batch processing? (as in , i need not open each file manually/ select multiple files to execute the common action on)
When trying to resize multiple photos in Elements 11 and I click the browse button, It tells me the folder I selected is empty!! It has 17 photos in it in jpeg format If I go on to the destination folder and select one, It tells me I need to select a folder!! Both folders are on the desktop. I am using a Mac 10.6
What is the best way to use one layer in multiple photos. I separated a group of people in one photo and would like to place them in several other photos. I have been able to have the original photo in the bottom of Elements and copy the separated group. I can copy and paste that as a layer into the working area of another photo and then add it. However sometimes it blurs. Is this because the two photos are different resolutions? Is it possible to have the group as a seperate work but can not use that as a layer. I'm rather new to Elements and just trying to learn.
I'm designing a part that in Autodesk Inventor 2013 that is constructed from several layers laminated together. I have 4 layers:
F (front)
M1 (middle, variation one)
M2 (middle, variation two)
B (back)
The final solid will lhave 17 layers laid out like this:
F | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 ... | B
I currently have a part file containing
F | M1 | M2
What's the best way to create this solid if I want to a) keep all instances of M1 and M2 in sync, and b) make it easy to work on all 4 layers. Do I have to export F, M1, M2, and B as individual parts and import them into an assembly or can I keep them in one part file? I really like the ability to be able to work on all the solids at the same time because they're visually dependant on each other.
I have a bunch of product photos that I need to resize to a square (1200x1200). I thought I might be able to import them all into Photoshop, resize them to fit the canvas.... center them all, one by one (not all photos are centered, this is my other issue) and then save them all at once. I have done all the above but cant figure out how to save each layer, as their respective layer name (ie. default photo name) with out flattening the layer and manually saving each one, one by one.
how to save as it wasnt a recorded action since all photos had some individual tweaking to center them on the canvas after I did a group (transform) resize.
changing the background colors of multiple photos. I have tryed all the erase options, but colored boex are always left after I finish erasing. While erasing there is also a black square around the circle shape erase tool.
I did select the foreground and background colors to be white. White is the only colors selected.
I have 256 images that are all set out as a testure and need to combine them all into a single image. Each image is 256x256 so the final image will be 65536x65536 is there any possible way I can combine all images without placing each one manually?
I have been taking pictures (like 20+) of our new house that has been being built over time. I was taking them while standing in the exact same spot across the street, and trying to line them up the same, but of course they are not perfect. Is there a program/script that will take pictures and line them up together like by user selecting 4 common points and then it will resize/skew each picture to line up those 4 points, and hence the picture?
I have been taking pictures (like 20+) of our new house that has been being built over time. I was taking them while standing in the exact same spot across the street, and trying to line them up the same, but of course they are not perfect. Is there a program/script that will take pictures and line them up together like by user selecting 4 common points and then it will resize/skew each picture to line up those 4 points, and hence the picture?