I don't use Alpha Channels that much; well, actually, never, so I don't know how to do this: When applying an effect to an alpha channel, how do I "apply" it to the finished image? I'm using the Lens Blur Tool and when I finish running the tool, I am not seeing the result it should have applied. I know, "DUH!" but I can't figure it out.
What are they used for? I have been using PS for around 3 years primarly for web design and I have never used channels outside of loading a selection. I searched for more info; I mostly got tutorials that use alpha channels, but no real explanation as to what they primarly do.
blending 3D pictures(w/ black blackground) into another 2D picture with alpha channels in that 3D picture. Everytime I try to copy and paste under LOAD Selection, i get the 3D picture stuck with the black background or totally white with no picture when paste onto the 2D picture. I want to paste the 3D picture(minus the black background) to blend into 2D picture.
When importing some flat TIFF files from Photoshop CS5 into After Effects CS6, AE asks what kind of alpha channel these images have — straight or premultiplied.
What type of alpha channel does Photoshop use for non-layered TIFFs?
Using PS CS4, I noticed that obviously every layer in the image has its own Red, Green and Blue channel. But when I add an additional channel (Alpha channel), the contents there are not stored per layer, but "globally" i.e. one alpha channel for the entire image. Is that correct, or am I doing something wrong? Note that when I add a mask instead of an alpha channel, it does work as expected (each layer can have its own mask, just like they each have their own R, G, B channels).
I'm wanting to take and existing graphic and use the outer edge to shape another graphic. In other words, I'd like to make the first graphic a 'cookie cutter' so to speak that I can use on other graphics.
transparency and alpha channels. I'll explain what I want to do, and hopefully someone can tell me how. I'm creating an image in a 3d modeling program. I want to export an image file (Targa, 32 bit, with Alpha Channels) into photoshop, then extract the alpha channel(that being the black background in this case) so that i'm left with the actual image of the 3d model over transparency, with which I can use to layer on top of things created in photoshop. Ok, that said, i'll explain it one more way, in hopes to make it clearer. I'm doing weather graphics for a news program, and have rendered out a cloud in a 3d modelling program(3d studio max). I want to import this image of the cloud into photoshop, and layer it over graphics I created in photoshop, minus the background created in the exporting from the 3d program.
I cannot find much on the web about it, how to use an alpha channel. However, none of them address this issue.
I use photoshop cs3 extended.
I am using png and tga image formats
When using an alpha channel, you can set the alpha to absolutely transparent. However, when you do and save the image it removes the other channel information on the rgb channels. This is problematic because I have to use a 1 transparency value to retain my rgb channels. This causes issues as I need the full alpha but also the texture information.
This is for texture work on a game and the engine uses the alpha channel for a team color overlay on top of the rgb image. So I need all 4 channels rgb for texture, and the alpha is a team color overlay.
I am still a hold out on using Quark Xpress (v6.5 for Mac OSX 10.3.9). I would like to use product photography in my layouts that include drop shadows that would have a transparency effect once placed in Quark. I suspect that this needs to be done with Alpha Channels in Photoshop, but for the life of me cannot figure this out.
I'm creating a text layer, and then applying a simple drop shadow to it. but when i create an alpha channel it ignores the dropshadow and only creates the alpha for the basic text.
i know its possible using the "magic wand" but i have to apply this to over 100 different *.psd files so want to be able to easily automate it..
at present to create an alpha channel i use CTRL + the relevant text Layer, then go to CHANNELS + SAVE SELECTION AS CHANEL
I'm in a process of making assets for Unity3D engine and I'm making transparent png's with alpha channels premultiplied with black. My questions:
To this day I've been using superPNG plugin to add alpha channel because it was really hard to find option to do it in Save As... menu. Today I've found Export -> Render Video where I can choose PNG and premultiplication. Am I doing something wrong or is it the proper Photoshop way to export png via video function? It seems really hidden!I can do the same for TIFF, PICT(i suppose no pict for me because its pure mac extension?), and tga format with one black layer and ticking Alpha Channels box, but its somehow greyed out for PNG? Why is that?
I have PSE9 and need to create an image without the background (mk background Alpha Channel) and save as Targa. I can edit the pic, save at 32 at 200k but PSE9 does not allow to save/create Alpha Channel. How do I make the (background an) alpha channel and save as Targa?
I need to save some images with transparency that are in .BMP format, but said images seem to have what's called an alpha channel, which covers all of the image's background and not the transparency that I need. I've tried to use the "Convert color to alpha" option, but it appears that that only works in the image that I want and not in the alpha channel itself (yeah, I didn´t know what alpha channel was until then).
I leave an example of one of the various .BMP files that I want converted to .PNG with transparency.
Is there anything that can be done using an alpha channel, that can'tbe done using masks and layers, or vice versa? Context of question: I've worked extensively with masks and layers.I've never worked with alpha channels.For example:
Using an alpha channel:
1. Open two single layer images, A and B, neither one of which has analpha channel. 2. Drag the image B over to A and close B.3. Now image A has two layers, A and B. Put layer A on top, selectlayer A, set the blend mode to Normal, and add an alpha channel.4. Erase part of layer A, where-ever you want layer B to show through.At this point, layer A has an alpha channel with white where you wantlayer A to show, and black where you want layer B to show, but it doesnot have a mask.
Using a layer mask:
1. Open two single layer images, A and B, neither one of which has analpha channel. 2. Drag image B over to A and close B.3. Now image A has two layers, A and B. Put layer A on top, selectlayer A, and set the blend mode to Normal (don't add an alphachannel). 4. Create a solid white mask for layer A. Paint black on the maskwhere you want layer B to show through.At this point, layer A has a mask with white where you want layer A toshow, and black where you want layer B to show., but it does not havean alpha channel.
In both cases, using a mask or using an alpha channel, the net resultis the same.So again, is there anything that can be done using an alpha channel,that can't be done using masks and layers, or vice versa?
Basically, I am trying to use an alpha layer/channel to export a picture that is transparent except for a grass clump that is colored green over the alpha layer. So the picture looks like a solid green rectangle, but is actually a green blade of grass.
Problem is, I cannot get the alpha layer to work. I can't follow the tutorial as it is in photoshop, and random videos on-line haven't worked.
(Here is the tutorial: [URL]...... from 08:40 - 09:30)
I haven't tested every single combination yet in the publish menus. To save me trying them all, is there any option that works to publish all the shots in a sequence together with alpha channel?
I have a sequence of CFXa clips with matte output connected in CFX, I duplicate the sequence and commit cfx... every clip has a matte container. So far, so good. Now I want to output the whole sequence as individual shots with alpha.
Tried the EDL option, changing file type to OpenEXR... no alpha. Tried EDL, changing output type to movie and then selecting ProRes 4444. Alpha was solid black.
Is it possible to get publish to create individual movie files for each shot at all? Everytime I try this it writes one continuous quicktime file even though I select a shot number token. Writing individual shots seems only to work with image sequences, is that the case?
when I try to save a tagra file with a alpha channel in photoshop 7 the box for the alpha channel is greyed out, with an warning sign next to it, and the line below stating "file must be saved as a copy with this selection" When I examine the saved file the alpha channel is not there!
Has anybody got any idea why?
My old version of photoshop 6, allows you to save alpha channels!
I'm not an expert at using alpha channels, but I was trying to clip someone from a background. I followed the directions according to a tutorial I found (choose which color channel looks best, then Alt-click on New Channel). My alpha channel always looks black. Anyone else have this problem?
I am experimenting with Smoke 2013 pre-trial and I am having issues with importing images and video with alpha channels.
1. If I have a layered Photoshop file or png with an alpha channel (a still frame lower third), I see that I can import it as a multi layered clip, but what is the best way to have it in the sequence to show up properly?
2. If I have a QuickTime in animation format or Pro Res4444 format with an embedded alpha, how can I import that file to show and cut it on a top layer to animate above my video?
can someone tell me the easiers way to make an alpha tga file? Photoshop 7 can done alpha when i save to tga 32 bits, but in CS we have to do it manually...
any difference between alpha layer and alpha channel? I mean has to be right? I just don't know what exactly that would be if there is. I'm trying to figure out some more stable uses for computer graphics when building textures with alpha layer or alpha channels. So far I get a flicker from opengl bug when using alphas. So I'm wondering if I use Alpha layer and something with a solid color underneath the geometry if I could achieve a more stable result where alpha sorting. Possibly clearing it up where my alpha layered geometry stays on top vs bleeding through at times it seems.
I am trying to edit this picture, and i find my desired results by manipulating the channels (removing the blue and leaving the green and red so it looks as if the whole thing has been tinted yellow), but when I save it as a JPEG, the yellow is gone, leaving all RGB. How can I keep it with my yellow?
I guess sometimes teaching newbies like me is annoying. I could take the easy way ripping like most of the people does, but i do really want to learn, and i have a question, so if someone thinks tht spending his time teaching a fool newbie is something worth, thr it goes...
I know when we have an image even it is using "RGB" or "CMYK" collor mode, it is divided in channels, red, green, blue and so... this i can understand quite clear, but wht exactly is an alpha channel??? wht collor it represents??? Wht is it for??? Is there an article tht i could read about it??? I can manage it well, but i'd like to know it's concepts..
I have been using the Total Training series, and am ALMOST complete (Just gotta go over the Typeface tool area and go over the Bonus disc material)
One area that Deke (the host of the series) didn't get into much was Channels. Hopefully I would like to state how I see them, and if I am incorrect in any way (or if you have useful information about channels), you could pipe in and let me know! Thanks.
Ok, so channels are dependant on the Color Mode you are in, right? If you are in RGB, then you'll have 4 channels. Red, Green, Blue, and the channel which controls them all, called RGB. In CMYK color mode, you'll have 5. Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, and the control channel 'CMYK'.
Each channel, aside from the control channels, are a Grayscale mapping of that color's (WHAT?) in an image? It's Lightness? Saturation? I know it couldn't be Hue, because that's determined by the collective color from each channel put together.
Also, what is the point in ADDING channels? I thought that it would be nice if you could add a channel which affected the layer via some kind of adjustment, but that is merely the adjustment layer feature (with mask used in order to define intensity of the effect on that layer) So what is the point in adding channels?