Photoshop :: Opening Photos With Camera Raw 7.1 With CS6
Jul 6, 2012
I am using Windows 7 32 bit system with 4GB ram and graphics accelerator.I have Photoshop CS5.1 installed in the same system at it works perfectly.
What happens is when I use the B+W function, I get an error message saying that I have not enough ram.After that, when I open the next photo with Camera Raw, the raw image will not open.
I have already maximised the Ram that Photoshop can use to 1.7GB and there is more than enough space in my scratch disk.
I need to open my photos for the project I am working on in camera raw format to access the editing options I need. I repeat the same steps but they only open up in that format about half the time.
I have been following tutorials on creating HDR images in photoshop using the 32 bit function. Â Once I have created the 32 bit image, and saved it as a Tiff file. I then go into bridge and made sure the preferences for camera raw are set to enable suppoprted TIFFs. However I cannot open this image through camera raw, it just opens up in photoshop... Â In the turorials I have seen this does not seem to be a problem for others.
Bridge will not longer allow me to open photo files directly into Camera Raw, saying a "qualifying" program must be open; I have Bridge and Photoshop CS 6.5 Extended open.Â
Only got the software yesterday, got off to a good start, I can open Jpeg files in Camera Raw but I am not getting the same options for raw files. Camera is a nikon D90, shots download okay but appear small in the preview and I can't make them larger or do anything with them. When I highlight a raw file, the camera raw option is not available.
I have CS3 Windows and have been reading Kelby's book 7-Point System where he opens jpegs into camera raw. However, the explanation is poorly written for someone who has never done that.
I'm trying to open RAW images in CS2. When I try to do it, an error box pops up saying that it's an unknown file type(.nef). I've even tried using the software that my camera came with, but that won't let me either.
Also, the image RAW dialog box doesn't even come up when I try to open a raw image...
Just purchased a Mac Mini and installed from disc my CS4. It is not opening any raw files taken with the Canon 50D, but will open raw files taken with Canon 20D.
This Photoshop CS4 was working fine for ALL of these files when it was installed in my old Mac Pro tower (vintage 2006). Why is it working for one group of files and not the other?
I've converted a JPEG to a Smart Object in CS6. When I double-click on the Smart Object icon in the Layer, it opens as a separate JPEG file. What do I need to do to get it to open in Camera RAW as Russel Brown does in this video?
I bought a Canon 6D last summer and recently decided to shoot in RAW (.CS2). My previous camera was a Canon Rebel t1i, and RAW files from that camera worked without a hitch. When I try to open raw files from the 6D, I get a notice that I need an update.Â
So I downloaded and installed the update for Camera Raw, and also downloaded and installed the associated DNG converter.Â
After working for a few weeks, Camera Raw has stopped opening Canon 5D Mark II files. Says it is not a readable file format but I know the files are not corrupt because they will open in the Canon utility.
I have PSE7 from before and recently purchased CS6. I want to keep using PSE as an organizer and edit in CS6. When opening a raw file (CR2) from the organizer to CS using Ctrl-h the image opens directly in CS without opening in Camera Raw first. If I open an image directly in CS it goes through CR first. How do I send the image directly to Camera Raw and then to CS from the organizer? I am running on Windows 7 64 bit. The Camera Raw for PSE7 if 5.6 and 7.3 for CS6.
Why does the image quality seem to get worse in Elements 11 once the image is opened up after editing from Camera RAW? The image looks great in the RAW screen, then once opened in Photo editor it seems pixelated, smooth lines look jagged. Is it something I am doing wrong?
When I open a photo from the file menu the photo appears in the document window and I can work on it. Howver, it does not have a header with photo information as a separate window.
I want to open two photos to work on a blend but I can only have one open at a time. When I open another, it simply replaces the previous one I had open. I can't access both at the same time. There must be a setting I am missing. I am working on PhotoshopCS3.
When I try to open multiple raw photos from cs6 mini bridge, after selecting them, none open up. If I do one it works fine. I also tried the review mode and only one opens.
I imported my photos from my camera to adobe bridge and they looked great. I had no problems saving them in the file folder that I had chosen and when I open them in Photoshop CS4, they look awful. They are all pixelated and broken up and I really don't think my Nikon D90 had anything to do with this and I am very frustrated. Is there a setting that I am missing that could be the problem? What steps can I take to make sure I haven't missed anything because I find it difficult to enhance photos that look so bad when opened in PS.
I have PSE 9 with RAW update 6.5 installed and have the following cameras Canon G11, Powershot S100, and Sony NEX-7 all on the camera supported list. Checked in "PSE 9 help" under "system" and it shows thar Raw 6.5 has benn installed but I still can not open Raw photos from any of the cameras.
Or do I have to open each photo individually? I've taken four or five of each subject, so I would like to be able to whizz through them to see which one is best before I start working on it.
ERROR: Could not save photo.jpg because the file is locked. Use Properties command in the Windows Explorer to unlock the file.
Actions took: I fully installed all the updates, when unsuccessful, I repaired the installation, when that was unsuccessful, I completely uninstalled and then reinstalled Photoshop. This was also unsuccessful.
Our photos are on a network share and the user has full access to the folder and files (they are not locked or read only). When I access the photos on a different computer, I can open them, make changes, and then save without any problems. When the affected user does, they get the above error when trying to saveand they have the exact same access as the one that works.
PhotoShop CS4. It seems if I open one .jpg image, it looks fine. If I open a second image, it seems to be dimmed just a bit and not as bright. If I go back to the first image, it is no longer as bright anymore either.
In CS3 I can go to a file and chose 10 or more photos at one time. If I open 3 in CS4... I can adjust the first one but as soon as I close it and open the next photo.. the background for the next photo comes in black.same for the rest I have chosen.Â
When I try to import photos from a camera or files I get this message The ODBC data source reported the following error: (internal error;data not found) Â Why am I getting the error message and is there another way to import?