Photoshop :: Open / Save Dialogs Messed Up By Obsolete Plugins?

Mar 30, 2013

My open dialog box is messed up, as the Enable: is always set to nothing!  I do have an althernate plug-in dir set in preferences (I do not want to reinstall all my 3rd party plugs from CS 5.1!) So what to do? If I remove the old plug dir from preferences,  I loose my plugs but get Enable to work right!

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3ds Max :: How To Switch To Dialog Windows For Open / Save Dialogs

Feb 1, 2013

How do I switch to Windows' dialog windows for open/save/etc dialogs ?

On Photoshop CS3 we had this option (PS's had more options, but Window's gives a better view).

For the same reason I would like that on AutoCad : AutoCad's dialog is misorganized and carries a bad side menu. I really prefer explorer's .

I know there is an option on AutoCad to use Thumbnails instead of list, for example, but it won't apply to evey folder.

And the side links (see the picture) poins to useless places, and I cannot add my shortcuts, oppose to windows', where I can.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Saves In Wrong File Format On MacOS / When Trying To Load Obsolete Plugins

Sep 26, 2012

I've got about 4 hours of work into solving the dreaded  "Photoshop: CS6 saves in wrong file format on MacOS when trying to load obsolete plugins" (Aside: I don't suppose I can send Adobe an invoice for billable hours?? Naw, never happen.)
I could still not get CS6 PS to open and "save as" correctly. All of my plug-ins were current and the only linked ones were reinstalled after PS was updated. URL.... I saw multiple mentions of the "Standard Multiple Plugin" as a possible source of the problem. Found this file in /Library/ Application Support/Adobe/Plug-ins. (Mac OS X 10.7.5) Removed the file and PS does what it should: defaults to all file formats on open and allows any format to be selected on "save as."
Get Info identifies this file as an Adobe plugin ver. 12.0.2 created and modified 7/18/11 obviously well before I got CS6. It also shows an Adobe copyright (2003-2010) message so this is NOT a third party plugin, nor is it a bad symlink, nor is it an outdated 3rd party plugin. Since this was placed there by the Adobe install and not modified by the CS6 upgrade, I can only conclude that Adobe wanted it there.What - if anything- will happen without this file in place and if it is necessary where does one obtain a new one?
I did not copy any old plug-ins to the new program nor did I have any bad aliases nor did I have multiple copies of anything.

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Photoshop :: Obsolete Copy In Save As JPG

Dec 7, 2012

I supported Pshop for Adobe when 4 came out (1997) and STILL I have to delete the automatic insertion of 'copy' into the filename when I save a layered .psd as a .jpg. There is NO reason for this piece of code anymore. As I understand it, there was some weird concern that, since layers were new, people wouldn't realize that saving as a .jpg wouldn't preserve them and they would also have to save the .psd as well - which you are warned about anyway on close.
Why this piece of code is still there? Why I have had to delete 'copy' on save as .jpg for FIFTEEN years now?

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Photoshop :: Save Menus Are Messed Up

Jun 4, 2012

My new installed copy of Photoshop CS6 has a few problems:
1. When you go to save as the file formats selections are not what you get. For instance jpeg gives you EPS. Multi Picture Format gives you jpeg. What gives?

2. One of the plugins that worked fine under filters is missing. When I copied the things from the old CS5 plugins folder to CS6 folder it still is not showing up..

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GIMP :: Cannot Open New Dialogs In Win 7

Feb 26, 2012

OK, first let me say that I use Gimp all the time.......... IN LINUX. I'm trying to install Gimp 2.6.12 on a Win 7 machine for a friend. The installation went fine, but for some odd reason there is only the default dialogs panel on the left, but none on the right. When I try to open the layers dialog or any other dialog, absolutely nothing happens. Was there something else that needed to be installed prior to installing Gimp? I'm going to assume no since one dialog is already open.

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3ds Max :: Dialogs Keep Resetting To Center Screen After Save

Mar 15, 2013

The dialogs (material editor,renderdialog, etc,) keeps resetting to the center position of the screen.

Something i can do to fix this?

windows 7 x64
3ds max 2013,
Ati V7900

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Illustrator :: CS6 Not Showing Save / Print Dialogs

Oct 31, 2012

We are using the Creative Cloud version of Illustrator CS6 and seemingly at random, Illustrator exhibits the following behaviors:
• The Illustrator Options dialog box is not displayed during a save-as operation.
• The Save or Don't Save dialog box is not displayed when closing a file.
• The Print dialog box does not appear when printing a file. (similar to the MS Office quick-print - it still sends the print but uses last settings)
As you have probably already guessed, the second behavior could be quite disastrous.  This has been confirmed on four different machines, all Macs, OSX 10.8.2 with 12 - 16GB of RAM, plenty HD space, no unusual cpu activity.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: File - Open Dialog / Why Can't We Get Consistent Dialogs

Aug 16, 2012

I would like to see consistent behaviour between dialogs. For me, probably the dialog that I use the most is the File >Open dialog. When I do File>Open and browse to a file, then close the file.  The next time I do a File>Open, I am taken to the previous path, but the previous file is not highlighted/selected. So, I have to grab the scroll bar and pull it down to get to the file.

Now when I do a File>Open from Vault, it goes to and selects the previously opened file. This is also how Autocad works. Would be nice if Inventor worked the same way.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Programmatically Suppress Dialogs Or Warnings And Errors When Open It?

Nov 18, 2011

Is it possible to programatically suppress dialogs or warnings and errors when I open Inventor?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Don't Auto Open Or Close Dialogs

May 30, 2013

Is there a way Autocad could just do what I asked for, and nothing more?A few examples

- After publishing, the publish dialog auto closes.  I don't wat that.  After publishing dwf I also want pdf.(I know you can save the list, that's not the point.  If you didn't close the dialog I wouldn't need it)

- When selecting a hatch, the ribbon automatically jumps to Hatch Editor.  I don't want that.  Maybe I just want to change the layer.  I can find the Hatch editor my self..Dito for XREFS

- I do not want any dialog giving me warnings, about anything.  

If an XREF doesn't get attached, I can see that.  I don't need a dialog telling me.If a shape file is missing, I can see that..A triangle sign above the command line is totaly adequate.Don't auto open or close dialogs, for what ever reason.

So ... don't auto do anything I can perfectly do manualy.  No doubt there are a few more examples I can't think of right now.The nice thing would be to get a variable that gives me that "no auto" mode.  

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Photoshop :: CS6 Will Not Open And Is Scanning For Plugins?

May 23, 2013

When I try to open PS CS6, it hangs and says it's "scanning for plug-ins" and will not open. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, no luck.

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Illustrator :: Why Take So Long For Open / Save Or Save As Dialog Boxes To Open

Dec 11, 2012

I'm having a problem throught CS6 with the Open, Save, or Save As dialog boxes not opening for a period of time after clicking on the desired functions.  It can take over a minute just to get the Open dialog box up to browse for a file.  Eventually, the dialog boxes open, but during the time that it's trying to open, the program is unresponsive.  It is happening with all of my CS6 programs.  I have unistalled and reinstalled with no fix.  The programs are updated. 

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Illustrator :: V6 Missing Plugins - Won't Open New Files

Dec 21, 2012

I was initially getting an error message when attempting to open Illustrator 6 on my Mac (running 10.6.8). An unknown error has occurred (4294967253). Adobe Illustrator will now quit. I read a post where the user was to select shift+option+command right after booting up. When I did that, a dialog box popped up asking if I'd like to participate in submitting feedback to Adobe and asked for my profession, location, industry, etc. It then attempted to open a new file but gave the following error: The document '' contains elements that are managed by plug-ins that are not currently available. You can delete or expand these elements but you cannot manipulate them in other ways. The missing plug-ins are listed below. Stroke Offset Live Effect (StrokeOffset.aip). I can open an existing file, but no tools are available to edit with and I get additional errors regarding missing plug-ins. My Mac has also been running a bit slow lately as well...not sure if the two issues are connected, but I'm willing to try anything to meet an impending deadline. I have plenty of space remaining on my computer, so that can't be it.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: List Of Obsolete Commands / Variables

Feb 27, 2013

Is there a list of obsolete commands / variables AutoCAD 2012?

AutoCAD Commands, variables,  LISP commands, LISP variables?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Removing Obsolete Bitmap Reference From A Part

Jun 24, 2012

I'm trying to vault of one my parts and it refuses to upload. It's refusing to upload because the part keeps refering to a certain bitmap image. I have removed the reference (from the styles library) to the bitmap image but it's still calling for it to be uploaded!

How can I find out why this part still calls for this bitmap image? Why is it still making reference to it even after I have deleted the style which uses it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Prevent / Block Obsolete Part From Being Used Without Deleting It

Mar 7, 2012

We are using basic Vault and have some parts that are obsolete or duplicates.  We don't currently have the resources to completely replace/purge them in all the assemblies (many of which are old desgns that may never be built again) in which they are used.  

Our problem is that engineers keep using these parts in new assemblies and it doesn't get caught until the assemblies are ready to be ordered.  Then the assemblies have to be updated, vendors contacted, etc. to correct the situation.

Is there a way to block a part from being used in the first place without deleting it?  Or some way to alert the engineer that they are using the wrong part?

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Photoshop :: Gradients Messed Up?

Mar 29, 2007

there's a sharp transition after the smooth one (transition end and fill color doesn't match)... What is configured wrong? in the gradient settings, there's only one color, and gradient midpoints are also in the middle...

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Photoshop :: My Font Messed Up

Aug 18, 2002

My font settings is messed up in my Photoshop 7. If I put it on size 6pt it looks like it is size 12. And when I put it on size 12 it looks like it is size 24 pt. And it gets a jaggy! I tried reinstalling it but it's still there.

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Photoshop :: Colors Messed Up?

Apr 29, 2004

bought a digital camera

my question, why are the colors like this? i do not know of any settings i changed, i just pasted a picture into photoshop and the colors became all weird. how to make it "regular" again?

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Photoshop :: Colors Messed Up

Sep 12, 2005

I'm having a little problem with Photoshop cs.

When I start a new image and paste from my clipboard the image shows up looking very red. I'm not sure what the problem is. I've messed around with the color presets and color modes but nothing seems to help.

I'm using the RGB color mode 16bit.

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Photoshop :: My Fonts Are Messed Up

Sep 7, 2005

Something happened to my photoshop that messes up the fonts. They all look like caps when I type (no I don't have capslock on :P). Not the seize (they are normal seize) but the form of the letters. ie. all my a's look like A, not a and all my e's look like E, not e. Very different form and because of this my curly fonts etc. look very ugly and unclear now.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cleaning Up Models By Deleting Obsolete User Parameter

Jul 4, 2012

I have created a large complex assembly that is parametrically driven by a skeletal sketch ipt by means of an embedded excel spreadsheet.

I am cleaning up the models  by deleting obsolete user parameters. But there is one that will just not give me the option to delete it.

I have interrogated the model inside and out but can not find anywhere that this parameter is still being used.

I go into the Parameter Dialogue Box (ƒx) and hover the cursor over the parameter and there is nothing that apears that indicates theis parameter is used anywhere in the model.

Is there an iLogic routine or some other method that will allow me to run a check or a search through the model that will point me to where the parameter might still be lingering.

I have attached a JPG if it will make things clearer.

RHRT_1 is the Parameter I am trying to get rid of.

BTW. The Models and Assemblies I create are guarded by Proprietry Laws so I am unable to send a copy to anyone.

Inventor 2012 Professional

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Photoshop :: Colors In CS6 Completely Messed Up

Jun 20, 2013

My colors are completely off in photoshop from the real image.  I've already checked to make sure it's not the monitor, the color is fine there.  I've already read the forums that say to simply turn on "Proof Colors."  That does changes the colors how they should be.  HOWEVER, if I try and export the file out as a png or anything, they are exported with the messed up color rather than the "proof colors."  BUT if I open the image up in microsoft paint, it appears to be right, but only with paint.  If I open the image with anything else (reader, indesign, picaso, etc.), the color is always messed up.  I even tried exporting the png to someone else thinking it was just my computer, no luck.  For some reason, I can't export anything without it using crazy colors (just like if "proof colors" was unchecked).  I've tried deleting preferance and playing around with the color settings.  What can I do?
here's my spects:
Windows 8
2013 Asus Laptop
Photoshop CS6

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Photoshop :: How To Fix Messed Up Color Profiles

May 28, 2012

I've somehow managed to completely mess up my color profiles in Photoshop CS5. What a total Gormlops I am.
1 - ACR displays colours from RAW files as lifeless and dull compared to JPEG. I've searched countless forums and I'm lead to understand that RAW files don't include the 'in-camera' processing that we see on the JPEGS. What I don't understand is that ACR used to display the colors on my RAW files exactly like it did with JPEG files so although I understand the difference in the way ACR handles RAW vs JPEG why has this only become noticeable in the last few months? I've had this installation of CS5 for almost 2 years and the problem crept in only recently.
2 - Proof Colors Confusion
I mostly work on the web and rarely need to print. Round about the same time the above problem reared it's ugly head I also started having issues with how many graphics colours looked in CS5. I realized that half of the time I was working with 'Proof Colours' switched off which made my colours really intense (something to do with gamma).
I checked my 'Proof Setup' and switched it to Internet sRGB seeing as I mostly work with web graphics and photos. I then hit Ctrl+Y to switch on Proof Colours and now I see the colours as they really are.
My question for this is twofold - Am I correct to be working in sRGB and is there ar way to have 'Proof Colours' always switched on so that I only EVER see the 'actual' colours that others will see when I publish my files to the web?

These two issues arose at the same time and are linked. I tried installing a demo of CS6 in the hopes it would set me back to where I used to be but alas nothing changed.

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Photoshop :: Cs4 Image Display Messed Up

Dec 16, 2008

I recently purchased cs4 to update from CS3 and I have installed it without problem. But when I open my images they appear in different shapes and most of them are barely visible due to a crosshatch pattern on them. I can't figure out what is wrong with them its not my computer because i never had a problem with CS3.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2012 Crashing Whenever File Open / Save Or Save As Selected

Jun 27, 2013

I have the student version of AutoCAD 2012 on an HP laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium OS.  I originally installed AutoCAD in June of 2012.  It worked fine for 9 or 10 months but now whenever I select File/Open, File/Save, or File/Save As, AutoCAD stops responding and the spinning blue donut appears.  AutoCAD never comes back and I have to close it from Task Manager.  I uninstalled AutoCAD and reinstalled it, and the process went smoothly.  However I still have exactly the same problem with the File operations.  I apply Windows updates, but other than that have not made any changes to the software on the laptop.  AutoCAD works fine for everything except the File operations.  I am able to save with CTL/S and am able to open AutoCAD files from File Manager. 

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Photoshop :: Dialogs: Switch Between Buttons Using Tab?

Feb 13, 2006

First of all I want to introduce myself. My name is Joshua, I'm from beautiful little Switzerland (yeah, lot of chocolate and cheese here!), and I'm a webmaster (HTML, CSS, PHP, Ruby on Rails) and programmer (C, Java, PHP, Ruby).

At the moment I have to rely on other guys to create nice website layouts, but now I want to learn it myself using Photoshop. :-)

My first question is quite simple: I'm working on Mac OS X Tiger and I'd like to switch between buttons in Photoshop dialogs using the tab key... So if I e.g. want to close an image and I'm asked if I want to save the file, then I can't switch to "No" using tab (as a programmer I don't want to use my mouse too often ;-) ).

Is there an option to activate this? In Mac OS X I have activated this option, but in Photoshop it doesn't seem to work...

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Photoshop :: Color Messed Up With Bits / Channel

Nov 18, 2013

I accidentally had my files marked at 16 bits/channel, went ahead and saved them as jpegs.  Got a software prompt prior to saving that said "File must be saved as a copy with this selection."  I did not know what it meant.  I went ahead with the save.  Now I am realizing my mistake because I have tried printing my images at a lab and the colors are WAY off.  Very gray and horrible.  I have my master files saved as psd files as well and have opened those, changed the bits/channel to 8, tried to print and the colors are still awful. I have many files that were saved this way.  There has to be some kind of a fix without me having to re-edit dozens and dozens of photos.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: PC Freezes After Save / Save As And Open?

Oct 6, 2010

First of all  a little bit about the hardware/software:

- Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit

- ACAD2011 with 1.1

- Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS (not a supported graphic card from what I know)

- Intel i5-750

Since we got that out of the way let's get to it.

A week ago I was told that a lot of times the PC's freeze when you try to "Save", "Save as" or "Open" a file (we open/save on a network drive). If that happens we have to restart the PC and hope it doesn't happen again, but since this happens quite a lot (over the course of four days about 27 times on 7 PC's) I tried to fix this.

I installed the patch, updated the drivers for the graphic card and reinstalled NET Framework 4. The problem didn't occur as often but it still happened sometimes.

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Photoshop :: Cannot Open / Save Or Save As In CS6

Nov 22, 2013

Within CS6 on my MacMini (OS X 10.9 Mavericks), sometimes it will not 'Open', Save, 'or 'Save As'. The window opens, then closes before I am able to do anything! To Open a file I have to drag it into CS6 icon, but 'Save As' is a problem.

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