Photoshop :: Not To Paint In Transparent...

Apr 14, 2009

I can't remember how that feature was called, but I remember, in earlier versions, that there was a check box in the Brush toolbar to avoid paint on transparent areas when painting over Alpha images. I was able, in example, to paint over a stroke with the brush and don't worry about painting outside, you know... Now there is a feature in the "Mode" selector of the Brush toolbar to paint "behind" or to take effect only over the transparent areas, but... I want just the opposite! Well, I suppose this is just a mind slipping and it must be right under my nose,

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Paint.NET :: Transparent Grid Or Transparent Hexes

Nov 1, 2012

I tried searching the forums for "Transparent Grid" and "Transparent Hex", but I could not find anything.I would like to create an image which is a Transparent Grid or Hex which I could lay over other images, like maps for roleplaying games.

I tried to use the eraser tool to remove all the white space from the image "TransparentHexes.png" (see attached). It was long and labor intensive, but when I tried to copy the image and lay it over another image, it removed the transparent parts and made them white space again, completely covering the underlaying image.

Perhaps there is a way to use the "Paint Bucket" to replace white with transparent? And how do I lay a mostly transparent grid over another image?

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Paint.NET :: Paint Over Transparent Parts Of Layer Nothing Is Shown

Apr 18, 2011

OK I am stuck. I have created a new image. Created a new trasnparent layer and deleted the background. I pasted an exising PNG (with transparency) into the layer. All my tools do not work. I can paint onto the exsiting image but when I try to paint over transparent parts of the layer nothing is shown. There must be some simple setting I dont know about right?

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Photoshop :: Paint Bucket Transparent?

Oct 25, 2005

I have an image which is a series of icons, on a colored background, and i want to get rid of the background, and have it as just transparent. The only way i can think of doing it, is by cutting each icon out individually,

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Paint.NET :: Get Transparent PNG Templates?

Jan 19, 2013

I've been trying to find transparent PNG Templates but i failed to find a good source if i googlesearch i get sitetemplates and that is not what i'm looking for
I'm searching for a good source of PNG templates such as hair, masks and fun/random stuff.

Just anything as long as it has a transparency and it isn't a website template

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Paint.NET :: Remove Sky And Have It Transparent?

Mar 18, 2013

How do I remove the sky and have it transparent so I can put a different one in?

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Paint.NET :: Background Is Transparent

Jan 25, 2013

Choose the magic wand click the area that you want transparent.Choose cut and it is turned transparent.This is limited by whether the central image has the same color in it. It will be changed also.You may have to click on each background area till all the background is transparent. Do one area at a time.

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Paint Shop Pro :: X3 - Background Transparent

Nov 26, 2013

Paint shop pro x3 Whoa am I out of date. But maybe there is still hope before I get X6. I am trying to make a background transparent so that when I insert it onto a presentations slide, the item, a Christmas tree, has no background other than what is the background of the slide. I used the background removal process, asked for 0 opacity on the background and still when I save, or paste, it is in a rectangular white box.

I'm missing something simple, I know it. But thats been my day.

How do I essentially make it a stand alone little thing with no background?

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Paint Shop Pro :: V12 / How To Do A Transparent Image

Dec 30, 2011

I have 2 gif images. On image2 I have erased the background so as all you see is the checkerboerd.I want to place image2 (the visible part) on to image1.

I'm sure I have done all the correct procedures but the #2 image will show either a black or white background when pasted on to image 1.

These are the rules I followed. To make one image color transparent

1. Choose Image Palette Set Palette Transparency. If you are prompted to reduce the color depth and number of layers, click Yes to continue and then choose the options for decreasing color depth.

2. On the Set Palette Transparency dialog box, choose one of the following options:

• Set the transparency value to the current background color — makes the background color transparent

• Set the transparency value to a palette entry — specifies a color to be transparent. Click the color in the image, or click the color box to select from the current color picker. If you want to view the transparency, click Proof.

3. Click OK. The color is now transparent; however, it may still be displayed until you hide it.

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Paint.NET :: Transparent Button For Reusability

Oct 29, 2012

Is it possible to create a semi-transparent button such that when it is placed over a colored background, the button takes on the color? The button would have a bit of a 3-D raised effect so that it looks slightly rounded on its edges.

I'd like to get this functionality so that instead of creating several buttons all having different colors (could end up creating lots of them) I'd simply place the semi-transparent button over the colored area and change the area when needed. I'm thinking of using this with some HTML as follows:

<div style="background-color: red; width:30px; height: 15px;">
<img src="semitransparent_button.png" />

Now all that I'd need to do is change "red" to "green" and I've got a green button all by using a single image.

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Paint.NET :: Make A Transparent Background?

May 24, 2011

This is probably common knowledge, but I don't know how to make a transparent background.

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Paint.NET :: Make Transparent Text Box

Feb 21, 2011

How do I make the transparent text box used for legends on this map, together white the white line and white square that points to the exact spot in Paint.NET?


And that text just like in the bottom left corner (Microsoft)? I need some text effect?

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Paint.NET :: Transparent / Embossed Letters

Jul 28, 2011

I'm trying to make a sig, and for it I have a steel background, and I want my letters etched or embossed into the steel, but I can't figure out the best way to do it.

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Paint.NET :: Creating ICO With Transparent Background

Feb 22, 2011

How to create a Windows XP .ico (icon) with a transparent background with

The attached picture shows the red apple on the right without transparency and on the left with.

Currently, ICONXP (30-day trialware) and SimplyIcon (freeware) are used.

Attached Thumbnails

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Paint.NET :: Linear Transparent Gradient

Sep 27, 2012

I am following the following tutorial:[URL]....... I create a new page in Paint .Net and select the gradient tool. Once i have the page with the gradient colors i've chosen, i select the Line tool and create a wavy line.

The issue im having is fading out this line. The tutorial states "and fade out the far end with a linear transparent gradient" I cant find this tool or not sure what action to take.

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Paint.NET :: Remove Transparent Pixels?

Feb 18, 2013

I need to know how to make these pixels in the picture go away. I tried making the background black but It makes it look ugly. Is thier an eaiser way to do this?

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Paint.NET :: Saving Transparent Image In BMP / TGA

Sep 4, 2011

I just went through the tutorial on making an image transparent. It says that it should be saved as png most of the time. It also states that smaller images may not work. I am trying to make a symbol for my clan in a online game. The symbol is 32x32 and must be either in bmp or tga file..I have tried and seem to be coming up short here.

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Paint.NET :: Defining Color As Transparent?

May 12, 2012

I've looked all over, and can't find what I'm looking for. It might be a feature that doesn't exist. Is there any way to "define" a color as transparent? It would be easier on me than erasing the pieces that I don't need.

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Paint.NET :: Add Noise To Transparent Layer?

Feb 7, 2013

I want to use the "Add Noise" effect but have it apply to a transparent layer. In other paint programs, this would just add generated noise pixels to the currently selected layer, but in Paint.NET it appears like it's using the source pixels as input for the noise effect. While visually this effect is pretty on existing image, it doesn't work on transparent layers. Is there a way to just add regular noise to my transparent layer? What I'm just trying to achieve is generate a television static effect, but have those pixels that were left untouched by the noise effect remain transparent. I need the transparency for use outside of Paint.NET. Is there a way to do this?

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Paint.NET :: Drawing With Transparent Background

Jan 20, 2012

I just want to make a simple drawing (a few concentric circles) on a transparent background... How do I do this, how do I make the background transparent?

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Paint.NET :: Put Transparent Image Over Background

Dec 19, 2012

Is it very difficult to put a "ghostly" transparent figure over a fiery background picture?
Or could even I do it?

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Paint.NET :: Save Pic With Transparent Background?

Dec 29, 2011

how to save an IMPORTED picture that HAD a white background, with a CLEAR background?

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Paint.NET :: Get Text With Transparent Background

Jan 14, 2013

I am trying to get some text with a transparent background to put on glass as an image in sketch up but am having problems.
I have attached an image showing what I ended up with when I made a transparent background .

However when I export it (as a PNG or Jpeg) it has a white background.

Attached Thumbnails

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Paint.NET :: How To Turn Image / Pic Transparent

Aug 1, 2012

I have A background Image I want to make transparent how would I do this I know how to make the background behind the image transparent but not the image its self.

I want to be able to make the whole thing transparent/translucent.

I do have this in png but it is 2.5 meg and only aloud to post up to 256k

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Paint.NET :: Painting With Transparent Brushes

Oct 14, 2011

I've started to try out digital painting, and have been looking for a paint program with the basic features I want without a bunch of extra stuff to get in my way and slow the program down. I've tried a few dozen programs at least, and so far I like the most. There is one problem that is preventing me from using it exclusively over something like the GIMP or SAI, and that is the way it handles transparent brushes.

When I go to paint with an opaque brush the end result is just hideous. I've attached an image to demonstrate what I mean, next to the type of stroke I want that I did in the GIMP.

Attached Thumbnails.

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Paint.NET :: How To Make Pixels Transparent

Feb 19, 2013

How do I make pixels transparent? I've looked all over Youtube and the internet, but I couldn't find any tutorials for this version,

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Paint.NET :: Making Transparent Images?

May 22, 2011

What I want to do is cut part of a photo out and place it onto another background.

I have been trying to do this by: using the magic wand tool to cut out the background of the image I want to move. Then I save that as a .png file. I then open the image I want to use as a background and (after copying the .png image,) I paste the .png image on top of the background.

At this point, one of two things happens: I either get the first image on there with lots of backgrounds showing through faces, etc; or I get the image pasted onto the background but I get the box with the little grey squares and I cannot see the background through that. I have tried playing with the transparency of the background, but then it still blends through the original images.

I've got all these great digital backgrounds that came with my studio set up and danged if I've been able to use a single one. (I don't have photo shop because its above my head and I really don't have the extra cash for it right now.)

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Paint.NET :: Changing 1 Whole Color Transparent

Jul 12, 2012

Is there Anyway to make a whole single color (without attaching to other colors that are not that color) turn transparent?

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Paint.NET :: 4 Small Sections That Appear Transparent

Jan 1, 2013

I have succeeded in making a graphic background transparent.... However, There are 4 small sections that appear transparent but when i hit the wand they are a different transparent color (still white and grey little boxes but don't turn pale blue on top when i hit the wand... And, It is these 4 small areas that still print white.

I don't know if i messed it up with layers before ... but i am guessing??? These areas won't erase again because they show as erased.

I tried copying and pasting in a variety of formats... Gif, Jpeg, Pnd and then tried erasing again and although Jpeg did erase.... i was back to square one and these 4 small areas keep printing white. How i can transparent these 4 small areas?

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Paint.NET :: How To Copy Without Transparent Part

Jul 9, 2012

It's probably the best to explain my problem with a picture

The background of the text was transparent (Y'u know, white/gray dotted thingy) but when i copy it, it keeps copies the transparent part with it and... Yeah... How do i copy without the transparent part?

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Paint.NET :: Transparent Background Not Clean

Jul 21, 2012

I have been working on making this have a transparent background, (everything outside the blue ring, except where the feather goes outside the blue box). When I use the magic wand and delete the background, it has very jagged edges and a lot of pixels that don't clean up. I tried using the eraser to clean them up, but it looks awful.

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