Choose the magic wand click the area that you want transparent.Choose cut and it is turned transparent.This is limited by whether the central image has the same color in it. It will be changed also.You may have to click on each background area till all the background is transparent. Do one area at a time.
Paint shop pro x3 Whoa am I out of date. But maybe there is still hope before I get X6. I am trying to make a background transparent so that when I insert it onto a presentations slide, the item, a Christmas tree, has no background other than what is the background of the slide. I used the background removal process, asked for 0 opacity on the background and still when I save, or paste, it is in a rectangular white box.
I'm missing something simple, I know it. But thats been my day.
How do I essentially make it a stand alone little thing with no background?
I just want to make a simple drawing (a few concentric circles) on a transparent background... How do I do this, how do I make the background transparent?
I have been working on making this have a transparent background, (everything outside the blue ring, except where the feather goes outside the blue box). When I use the magic wand and delete the background, it has very jagged edges and a lot of pixels that don't clean up. I tried using the eraser to clean them up, but it looks awful.
I just downloaded, it looks like it will be a big upgrade from PC Paint, which I currently use. There's one important feature in PC Paint that I can't seem to locate, though: declaring the background of a selected area to be transparent. In sequence, it looks like this:
I use this function quite a bit, and I figure if it's in PC Paint, that it would certainly be in - I just can't find the spot.
Today I downloaded Paint.NET so I could make some things for my company, I made this image for my page, and I can't make it transparent for it to match my black background. Here's the image if needed.
How to have a totally transparent background, using corel PSPX4?
I have a picture of a logo with a white background. I would like to get rid of the white background so I see nothing but the logo. Background eraser works but after I save, the bmp still has the white background.
I have a question about the transparent background. I want to make the background of the following image(its a part of my image) transparent but when i use the magic stick the teal color is gone also.
When I draw an image or put text in and I make the background transparent and save. PS I save to my pictures.When I drag my image or text onto my clip in my programe sometimes it works and someimes the background goes black, why it goes black about 90% OF THE TIME
I'm trying to make the background in an image transparent. After I save the image to my desktop, I check it out and it doesn't appear transparent. I open it in Paint.NET and sure enough, it's not. I know I know how to make things transparent because i've done it before but it just won't work this time.
I am trying create an illustration in that will later become a button in another program that an end user will click on. This button needs to be the shape of a circle. Unfortunately, when the circle button has a square transparent background, the user can also click on the background to trigger the action. I dont want that to be an option, so I am trying to delete the transparent background so that all I have is the circle image. Is this possible to do?
Trying (in vain) to get the background of this picture transparent...Its white right now and i tried alphamask the whole picture looked like it had seen a ghost but it still wasn't transparent the magic wand refuses to do so either perhaps i'm doing something wrong?
I have a picture with white background . I want to crop only the picture from there with transparent background .
i read your forum and i use the Magic Wand Tool , and i save the image in png , but the image saved was also with white background . How i can do this .
I need removing the "transparent" checkered background. I pasted an image and started erasing everything around it. Once everything was checkered but the picture, I copied and pasted it to another image. Now my selection of this image came with the checkered background. I'm trying to find a way to remove this so only my pasted image shows.
Every picture from google (or mostly) has a white background, when it is a picture of a single object. Is it possible to save the picture after cutting out the background? I'm working on a video whit a video editing program and I need to insert the picture without the useless white background, just the object.
In the middle the picture of an object whit the white background. I want just the object without the white background.
I have a jpg 350 x 250 with a white background and a photo of a girls face within a round circle in the center.
I Tried to create a transparent background it did not work for me, so I used the background eraser tool (psp12) So now I have a circular image with a transparent background.
I have another Image of the same size and I want to place this round image 350 x 250 with transparent background on top of the second image 350 x 250. How can I do this ?
How do I save an image with a transparent background. I check of transparent background when loading up an new image. I set my image dimensions make color transparent and go. When I save the file in jpg it previews with a white background. I need to use my logo on different color media each time the logo sits in a white box.
I'm sure there must be a way of doing this but I've been fiddling with it for hours. How can I remove, or make a background transparent so that I don't get the white box when I use this on a coloured background.
Anyway, I have a simple graphic that has a white background. I want to put it on a webpage that is not white. So I want the white area on the graphic to be transparent.
I need to create white letters on a transparent background, but don't know how. You can't see white letters on a white background, and if I set the layer to invisible I can't see the letters either.
I have an image that has a white background. I want to change this background to be transparent.
I can of course select everything around the image and delete it, but the pixels near the edge are a combination of a colour and the background colour. I want to be able to change these to the colour semi transparent (ie remove the background colour portion of the pixel). Is there some easy way to do this?
Currently working on a project that involves... well, white. And you know how it goes.
On a transparent background, the checkerboard pattern is kind of hard to work with. The project, to be exact, are sprites for a game I'm developing, and the 32x32 really limits what I can work with.
EDIT: I just need it to be a different color. Black or grey would work fine.
I've typed in the text in the color that I want. I've clicked on the magic wand, clicked on the white space and I get the checkered background. But it also covers my text and then when I try to use the saved image, it's all completely transparent.
How do I do this so that the text shows up, but the background remains transparent?