I bought a copy of CS6 Design Standard a while ago and have now bought a copy of CS6 Master Suite, as I wanted the extended version of Photoshop as well as After Effects etc... I uninstalled my previous CS6 (standard) and reinstalled CS6 (master). The problem is, I'm not getting any 3D options in Photoshop, which should be included if it's the extended version. I've typed out some text that I wanted to be 3D & the 3D button at the top is missing. why I would be missing the 3D options in Photoshop (extended).
I just downloaded Adobe CS6 Master Collection but it seems it does not contain Photoshop CS6 Extended. There are all other CS products and normal Photoshop but why there is no Photoshop CS6 Extended?
For the record I have a student version of CS5 Master Suite. The crop tool in photoshop defaults all my crops to 1 pixel by 1 pixel. I have tried to commit to the crop and also tried just pressing enter on my keyboard. I have been working around it by using the marquee tool, but it's really slowing me down now that I'm working on finals.
This is on a completely fresh installation of windows 7 x64.Before installing Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection x64 autoplay for my camera works, after installation it does not work. If I uninstall it, it works again.Where is this program disabling autorun for devices. Autorun for flash drives works fine, its just the non-volume devices that are affected.
I tried using gpedit and reg keys to re-enable autoplay for the camera but it does not work.When I plug my camera in, I can still go to my computer I can get my pics without any issues, its just that this is bugging me.Don't think there is an answer out there, guess I just need to not be so OCD with this stuff.
Im working on 4 pages and i want to keep the page sizes different on all 4 of them but whenever i change the pages size on 1 page then all the other pages also follow the 1st page.
i went to object manager but i don't know what i should do to stop it.
I just recently purchased a new computer and installed all my software. When I'm in corel draw and click on the icon to send to my plotter/cutter, the cutting Master 2 plug-in opens behind corel draw. It always opened in front of my corel screen on my older pc. how to get it to open in front of corel?
I'm working on a book that has watermark on all pages and jpegs too of a4 size. Working in earlier version [x5], I used to overlap all the watermarks which was located in master layer. When I used to import a fresh jpeg on new pages, the watermark went below the jpegs. What i used to do was create a new master layer and then cut pasted the watermark in that layer, and the watermark came above the jpegs in the pages that were added later. In CorelDRAW x6 this i'm not able to do.
The watermark remains bottom of the jpeg, no matter what i do. if i edit the same file in version X5, it works fine and then i get it into x6 and do rest of stuff it works fine. The watermark problem still exists.
How to get a background, the same on every page of a booklet, with bleed for printing? Using Page Layout/Background will only size to the page, no bleed. There must be a way to have a Master Layer as a static background (with bleed) but when I try it always sits on top of every page & I cannot bring the page text to the front.
I wonder if there's any way to make a page without the layout of the master page layer? I have made a frame, page number and small stuff that will go on every pages. But I want to make first and last page of the document a little different so I want that the master layer will be ignored for these pages.
X4 user here that upgraded to X6 a few weeks ago. One thing that's blowing my gord is having my dimensions "lock" to guidelines and/or objects -- My dimensions aren't locked in the classic sense, i understand how to lock a dimension in corel. What i mean every time i create a dimension with master guides, and then try to move my guides, my dimension moves with it.
The worst of it is that i'm mostly getting them linked to master guidelines, so when i create a new page, say page 2, and want to move a master guide, i go back to page 1, and it has messed up all my dimensions.
And no, i do not want to break my dimension apart, I need it to stay as a working dimension!
Is there any way I can choose some Master layers to be present on selective pages only? For example in a 50 page document I have a master layer having a square and a rectangle. Now this should be available on pages say 1-10, 11-23. The rest of the pages should not have them.
I am trying to edit the Master Page in Corel Draw X4. However I can't find how to list it in the obect manager. The first image shows the Object Manager as I see it.
The second image shows an example of the Object Manager as people have posted in other discussion topics.
How do I list all pages within the Object Manager as shown in this second example, and have the + and - buttons to expand the selection ?
I am new to CorelDraw and I have got an issue which might be potentially linked with master page / dynamic text or macros. I have got a multipage template with some text repetition on each page. Unfortunately those text have to be in different position and using different fonts.So setting up master page is not really solution, unless it can be done as above.
This evening I purchased the upgrade to CS4 for my CS3 Master Suite. All applications installed without error however Photoshop loads with the beta Stonehenge loading screen. How is this possible? The version number is listed as: 11.0x20080826. At no time did I install beta software--the only existing install was CS3.
I have Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium on a Power Mac G5 (4 x 2.5 GHz), 4.5GB memory. Running Version 10.4.11 OS X. It had been working for a long time, I'm not sure when it stopped opening as I do not use the program every day, but now I'm in need of it on a regular basis and the program doesn't open.
I get the following error message "The application Photoshop quit unexpectedly." I've reported it to Apple but have not received a response as of yet
I have downloaded an eps file, which I need to cut. I use a graphtec ce5000-60 cutter, and a plugin called cutting master 2 in order to use coreldraw.
when i select application launcher and choose cut / plot, it opens cutting master. when i do this, it only shows the 2 outer lines of the logo i need to cut. I have attached a screenshot so you can see exactly what I mean. I have tried lots of things to recitfy this, but as a complete beginner with this software, I really dont have a clue.
I have a time consuming problem that I was hoping a work-around or solution could be found for.
Some background: I use CorelDraw sort of as a CAD file creation software. The tool I use traces out straight, horizontal and vertical lines. At times, there are areas that need to be excluded being processed over, so my design has holes and gaps in it. The tricky part is, the tool I use needs time to accelerate up to full speed before I want it to start it's process. This requires that I add the same length to every single line in the layer (different layers need different added lengths). The problem that I run into, is that if I select multiple groups of lines that are not the same length and try to extend them, CorelDraw sees them as one group and extends the largest lines the right distance, but shorter lines get a different percentage of the distance, and gaps get shifted. I put in pictures of what I am talking about (a before, a good, and a bad).
can I select all the lines in a layer and tell CorelDraw to add X length to all of them, while keeping their center positions the same? It would save me a good deal of time.
Currently I am running PhotoShop extended CS5, 64bit. in which i have my fovorite plugins (Topaz, Nik and OneOne) running perfectly.
I have upgraded to Adobe Creative Cloud and installed PhotoShop extended CS6 using Adobe Application Manager as recommended. It didn't ask me if I wanted to upgrade or do a new install for PhotoShop. So now I CS6 running with no Plug-ins. I need my plugins! LOL.
I tried pointing to additional plugins in the CS6 preference to the CS5 plugin folder. Upon Launch it gave me a whole slew of error messages saying something cant load or launch C+ runtime error or what not. It does open up, but it only gives access to Nik and Topaz. OnOne doesn't show up under filters or extensions.
So, what are my options?
Just copy the plugins from CS5 to CS6?
I dont't want to reinstall all the plugins to CS6 if I don't have to as I've auto updated them over time to current versions online, so only have installation files for my original purchases.
I'm happy with the NX version, but if I want to upgrade to XT, how do I do it? I looked on the upgrade options for XT and upgrading from NX, is not there.
I'm setting up my new workspace and I can't seem to find the "Master Diameter" option for my brush/eraser. Is there a setting that I need to change to show advanced options?I used to see Master Diameter where it now says "Search"
I just installed CS6 Master Collection on Win7 .In Help>Updates is greyed out. My version is 13.0. but on support I see version is there.
How does one automatically check for all product updates and have it install? In past I think CS5 there use to be some sort of update manager application.
I like to work in Photoshop in the old style with floating windows and palettes above my desktop and files appearing in their own window and not as tabs.
I have turned off the new interface in Photoshop CC, but I still get a large "Master Window" appearing behind the first file I open. When I click to close this window it closes my file too! How can I get rid of that big Master window?
im photoshop is there any kind of system like this?
for example:
i want to place an adjustment like Hue/Saturation to just one layer. I want to use that little half shaded circle at the bottom of the layers palette (create a new adjusment layer or fill). and i want it to just effect one layer of my project. So is there a way that i could set it up so that the the adjustment layer would be like a parent to the layer i want effected and it wouldnt effect the layers below the child layer?
Now i know i could just put the layer i want to be adjusted at the bottom of the layer list but for this certain layer, it needs to be above a different layer below it.