Photoshop :: Master Collection CS6 Does Not Include Extended?
Jun 6, 2012
I just downloaded Adobe CS6 Master Collection but it seems it does not contain Photoshop CS6 Extended. There are all other CS products and normal Photoshop but why there is no Photoshop CS6 Extended?
I just installed CS6 Master Collection on Win7 .In Help>Updates is greyed out. My version is 13.0. but on support I see version is there.
How does one automatically check for all product updates and have it install? In past I think CS5 there use to be some sort of update manager application.
I've installed Adobe Master collection CS4 Trial off the DVD that Adobe kindly sent to me for free, and after using it for 4 days, the trial somehow expired on me for no reasons.Is there a way that I can reset the trial or have it extended? I feel that 4 days is not enough for me to try everything out, and I don't want to be spending big $ if i'm not going to make full used of the software.
We have “master collection CS5.5 MLP international licensed version” it’s working fine but in Photoshop Arabic language is not working properly , I tried with a Photoshop CS5 extended middle east version it’s working fine in Arabic language . Can I get any Arabic language pack for Photoshop?
Is there an automatic method of extracting all the presets, settings, etc. from every program in the Adobe Master Collection 5.5?I am about to regenerate my Operating System Partitions from scratch & do not want to go through setting up each & every program in the master collection by hand.
This is on a completely fresh installation of windows 7 x64.Before installing Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection x64 autoplay for my camera works, after installation it does not work. If I uninstall it, it works again.Where is this program disabling autorun for devices. Autorun for flash drives works fine, its just the non-volume devices that are affected.
I tried using gpedit and reg keys to re-enable autoplay for the camera but it does not work.When I plug my camera in, I can still go to my computer I can get my pics without any issues, its just that this is bugging me.Don't think there is an answer out there, guess I just need to not be so OCD with this stuff.
I bought a copy of CS6 Design Standard a while ago and have now bought a copy of CS6 Master Suite, as I wanted the extended version of Photoshop as well as After Effects etc... I uninstalled my previous CS6 (standard) and reinstalled CS6 (master). The problem is, I'm not getting any 3D options in Photoshop, which should be included if it's the extended version. I've typed out some text that I wanted to be 3D & the 3D button at the top is missing. why I would be missing the 3D options in Photoshop (extended).
I currently have Premiere Pro CS5.5 installed as an upgrade from CS4. I have purchased a new, unopened copy of CS5.5 Master Collection Full Retail Version.
Should I deactivate and uninstall the existing installation of Premiere Pro before installing the Master Collection? I have made a clone of my OS drive just in case something goes wrong with the installation.
I would like to create a master background layer that multiple pages will be built over, while retaining the ability to edit the master background layer after-the-fact which will automatically change all the subsequent pages.
Similar to how an include file would work on a webpage, ie: create the menu as an include file, then all pages that reference that include file would have their menus changed when that single include file gets modified.
Or another way of looking at it: like how headers/footers work in word, ie: change the header or footer and all pages in that document are automatically modified.
I mistakenly created a collection when only one file was highlighted. I made another collection with all the other files I wanted in it, but I can't drag that one file from the filmstrip..
If I specify a smart collection rule that says the source must be a collection matching some pattern, does this only apply to actual collections and exclude collection sets?
I was hoping fo a way to build a rule based on the collection set ... is this possible?
I also tried matching Any Searchable Text set to the collection set name, but that doesn't seem to work...wouldn't all photos in the collection set be associated with that string? Looks like no.
There used to be a way I thought that you could submit a new thread after doing a question search. That seems to be gone.
Is there a way to convert a collection to a smart collection?
I am using NextGEN to export images to WordPress. NextGEN created Publishing collections in Lightroom to match those in my WordPress blog. My problem is that they are not Smart Collections.
I am trying to create a new collection but I find that I do not have a "Set collection as target" (or whatever the correct phrase is, since I don't have it.) I have right clicked and examined all menu options.
Currently I am running PhotoShop extended CS5, 64bit. in which i have my fovorite plugins (Topaz, Nik and OneOne) running perfectly.
I have upgraded to Adobe Creative Cloud and installed PhotoShop extended CS6 using Adobe Application Manager as recommended. It didn't ask me if I wanted to upgrade or do a new install for PhotoShop. So now I CS6 running with no Plug-ins. I need my plugins! LOL.
I tried pointing to additional plugins in the CS6 preference to the CS5 plugin folder. Upon Launch it gave me a whole slew of error messages saying something cant load or launch C+ runtime error or what not. It does open up, but it only gives access to Nik and Topaz. OnOne doesn't show up under filters or extensions.
So, what are my options?
Just copy the plugins from CS5 to CS6?
I dont't want to reinstall all the plugins to CS6 if I don't have to as I've auto updated them over time to current versions online, so only have installation files for my original purchases.
What are the rules for how elements (specifically, collections and other collection sets) are ordered within a collection set?
I was trying to get a collection to appear at the top of the list of items in a collection set, but it seems to get stuffed below all the other collection sets regardless of the name given to the collection.
I'm happy with the NX version, but if I want to upgrade to XT, how do I do it? I looked on the upgrade options for XT and upgrading from NX, is not there.
I am installing the programs on my new 64 bits computer , which runs windows 8 in a language which is not english.At the very beginning of the setup I noticed that it detected the language of sist. op. and that it would install cs6 in such language.
If I install cs6 I will have all menus , tools and resources in other language and it will be very cumbersome to work with it.Perhaps with the best of the intention to make people feel comfortable with their own language you have made it this way.But there are several other guys like me that want it IN ENGLISH. As a long time user of photoshop I never worked in other language than english and I will never do it.
It looks like it is a new trend to detect the op sistem language , I have had the same problem with Nero Platinum 12 , and others.Is there a way to install Cs6 in English ?
When looking at the list of files in My Pictures, is there a way to get the MPG files to show a graphic or snapshot from the movie, similar to the way a thumbnail works with jpg files? They currently display an image of film with "MPEG" at the bottom.
I am trying to place a pic of Elisabeth shue on a different background but the method I am using doesnt seem to work or I may lack the technique.
The method I was sure would work is select a color channel to get some if any contrast between the background and subject. choose high pass filter, Choose Image>Adjust>Levels (I put the levels at about 100 for left and 180 for right)
Then using the lasso I alt clicked and selected the inside of subject. With the lasso selection I ctrl deleted to fill with white. Finally I did the best clean up job to rid of any uneeded info that I could.
Went to color composite, control clicked to make selection. The selection was horrible and leaked to the outside. I also tried another picture and the same results.
How can this be done so I have a professional looking image to use for creating another picture with different scenery?
I've watched the Adobe sales video, and I've read the payment plans. It doesn't mention Bridge. If I opt for Photoshop as a single app, does that include Bridge? Or do I have to opt for the complete package for CS user upgrade? I can't see that Bridge is an app in it's own right - it's basically just an image viewer, so the extra cost just to get Bridge seems a bit excessive.
i would like to filter for camera make or model but they do not come up in the filter list despite my including them in bridge -> preferences check list.
I'm setting up my new workspace and I can't seem to find the "Master Diameter" option for my brush/eraser. Is there a setting that I need to change to show advanced options?I used to see Master Diameter where it now says "Search"
I have a text layer I wish to use as a clipping mask, for an image above. But the text layer also has a stroke around the outside of the text, to thicken it a bit. I want the stroked part to be included as part of the mask, i.e. for the image above to be projected onto both the text body AND the stroke around it. However, it seems that the stroke is ignored, and only the basic text shape used as the mask.
How do I achieve an effect whereby the image above is projected also onto the stroke?
I have a similar problem with a shape layer I have. It is a rounded rectangle shape, but I am only using the shape to act as a path around which I stroke to create a 20px frame. I want the frame (only the frame) to be used as a clipping mask, so that an image is projected only onto that frame, and NOT inside or outside the frame -- only on the frame. I can set the "fill" to 0% to create a transparent interior, so that all I have is a frame, and transparency inside and out (which I would then hope is a great clipping mask to use for my purpose), but I guess photoshop views this as being entirely transparent (i.e. effectively no mask at all) because it ignores the stroke part completely.